def demand_curves(ranking_provider, vax_policy, phis=[25, 50, 100, 200], phi_benchmark=25, N_state=N_TN): wtp_rankings = {phi: ranking_provider(phi, vax_policy) for phi in phis} figure = plt.figure() lines = [] # benchmark benchmark = wtp_rankings[phi_benchmark] x_pop = list( chain(*zip(benchmark.loc[0]["num_vax"].shift(1).fillna(0), benchmark.loc[0]["num_vax"]))) y_wtp = list( chain(*zip(benchmark.loc[0]["wtp_pc_usd"], benchmark.loc[0] ["wtp_pc_usd"]))) lines.append( plt.plot(x_pop, y_wtp, figure=figure, color="black", linewidth=2)[0]) lines.append(plt.plot(0, 0, color="white")[0]) # plot dynamic curve for (phi, all_wtp) in wtp_rankings.items(): daily_doses = phi * percent * annually * N_state distributed_doses = 0 x_pop = [] y_wtp = [] t_vax = [] ranking = 0 for t in range(simulation_range): wtp = all_wtp.loc[t].reset_index() ranking = wtp[(wtp.index >= ranking) & (wtp.num_vax > distributed_doses)].index.min() if np.isnan(ranking): break x_pop += [distributed_doses, distributed_doses + daily_doses] t_vax += [t, t + 1] y_wtp += [wtp.iloc[ranking].wtp_pc_usd] * 2 distributed_doses += daily_doses lines.append( plt.plot(x_pop, y_wtp, label=f"dynamic, {vax_policy}, $\phi = ${phi}%", figure=figure)[0]) plt.legend(lines, [f"static, t = 0, $\phi = ${phi_benchmark}%", ""] + [f"dynamic, {vax_policy}, $\phi = ${phi}%" for phi in phis], title="allocation", title_fontsize="24", fontsize="20") plt.xticks(fontsize="20") plt.yticks(fontsize="20") plt.PlotDevice().ylabel("WTP (USD)\n").xlabel("\nnumber vaccinated") plt.ylim(0, 350) plt.xlim(left=0, right=N_TN)
def plot_district_age_distribution(percentiles, ylabel, fmt, phi=50, vax_policy="random", N_jk=None, n=5, district_spacing=1.5, age_spacing=0.1, rotation=0): fig = plt.figure() district_ordering = list(districts_to_run.index)[:n] for (i, district) in enumerate(district_ordering): ylls = percentiles[district, phi, vax_policy] for j in range(7): plt.errorbar(x=[district_spacing * i + age_spacing * (j - 3)], y=ylls[1, 6 - j] * USD / (N_jk[f"N_{6-j}"][district] if N_jk else 1), yerr=[[(ylls[1, 6 - j] - ylls[0, 6 - j]) * USD / (N_jk[f"N_{6-j}"][district] if N_jk else 1)], [(ylls[2, 6 - j] - ylls[1, 6 - j]) * USD / (N_jk[f"N_{6-j}"][district] if N_jk else 1)]], fmt=fmt, color=age_group_colors[6 - j], figure=fig, label=None if i > 0 else age_bin_labels[6 - j], ms=12, elinewidth=5) plt.xticks([1.5 * _ for _ in range(n)], district_ordering, rotation=rotation, fontsize="20") plt.yticks(fontsize="20") plt.legend(title="age bin", title_fontsize="20", fontsize="20", ncol=7, loc="lower center", bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1)) ymin, ymax = plt.ylim() plt.vlines(x=[0.75 + 1.5 * _ for _ in range(n - 1)], ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, color="gray", alpha=0.5, linewidths=2) plt.ylim(ymin, ymax) plt.gca().grid(False, axis="x") plt.PlotDevice().title(f"\n{vax_policy} demand curves").ylabel( f"{ylabel}\n")
def plot_state_age_distribution(percentiles, ylabel, fmt, district_spacing=1.5, n=5, age_spacing=0.1, rotation=0, ymin=0, ymax=1000): fig = plt.figure() state_ordering = list( sorted(percentiles.keys(), key=lambda k: percentiles[k][0].max(), reverse=True)) for (i, state) in enumerate(state_ordering[:n]): ylls = percentiles[state] for j in range(7): plt.errorbar(x=[district_spacing * i + age_spacing * (j - 3)], y=ylls[0, 6 - j], yerr=[[(ylls[0, 6 - j] - ylls[1, 6 - j])], [(ylls[2, 6 - j] - ylls[0, 6 - j])]], fmt=fmt, color=agebin_colors[6 - j], figure=fig, label=None if i > 0 else agebin_labels[6 - j], ms=12, elinewidth=5) plt.xticks([1.5 * _ for _ in range(n)], state_ordering, rotation=rotation, fontsize="20") plt.yticks(fontsize="20") # plt.legend(title = "age bin", title_fontsize = "20", fontsize = "20", ncol = 7, plt.legend(fontsize="20", ncol=7, loc="lower center", bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1)) plt.vlines(x=[0.75 + 1.5 * _ for _ in range(n - 1)], ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, color="gray", alpha=0.5, linewidths=4) plt.ylim(ymin, ymax) plt.gca().grid(False, axis="x") plt.PlotDevice().ylabel(f"{ylabel}\n")
def plot_component_breakdowns(color, white, colorlabel, whitelabel, semilogy=False, ylabel="WTP (USD)"): fig, ax = plt.subplots(), white * USD, bottom=color * USD, color="white", edgecolor=age_group_colors, linewidth=2, figure=fig), color * USD, color=age_group_colors, edgecolor=age_group_colors, linewidth=2, figure=fig), [0], label=whitelabel, color="white", edgecolor="black", linewidth=2), [0], label=colorlabel, color="black", edgecolor="black", linewidth=2) plt.xticks(range(7), age_bin_labels, fontsize="20") plt.yticks(fontsize="20") plt.legend(ncol=4, fontsize="20", loc="lower center", bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1)) plt.PlotDevice().ylabel(f"{ylabel}\n") if semilogy: plt.semilogy()
def outcomes_per_policy(percentiles, metric_label, fmt, phis=[25, 50, 100, 200], reference=(25, "no_vax"), reference_color=no_vax_color, vax_policies=["contact", "random", "mortality"], policy_colors=[ contactrate_vax_color, random_vax_color, mortality_vax_color ], policy_labels=[ "contact rate priority", "random assignment", "mortality priority" ], spacing=0.2): fig = plt.figure() md, lo, hi = percentiles[reference] *_, bars = plt.errorbar(x=[0], y=[md], yerr=[[md - lo], [hi - md]], figure=fig, fmt=fmt, color=reference_color, label="no vaccination", ms=12, elinewidth=5) [_.set_alpha(0.5) for _ in bars] plt.hlines(md, xmin=-1, xmax=5, linestyles="dotted", colors=reference_color) for (i, phi) in enumerate(phis, start=1): for (j, (vax_policy, color, label)) in enumerate( zip(vax_policies, policy_colors, policy_labels)): md, lo, hi = death_percentiles[phi, vax_policy] *_, bars = plt.errorbar(x=[i + spacing * (j - 1)], y=[md], yerr=[[md - lo], [hi - md]], figure=fig, fmt=fmt, color=color, label=label if i == 0 else None, ms=12, elinewidth=5) [_.set_alpha(0.5) for _ in bars] plt.legend(ncol=4, fontsize="20", loc="lower center", bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1)) plt.xticks(range(len(phis) + 1), [f"$\phi = {phi}$%" for phi in ([0] + phis)], fontsize="20") plt.yticks(fontsize="20") plt.PlotDevice().ylabel(f"{metric_label}\n") plt.gca().grid(False, axis="x") ymin, ymax = plt.ylim() plt.vlines(x=[0.5 + _ for _ in range(len(phis))], ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, color="gray", alpha=0.5, linewidths=2) plt.ylim(ymin, ymax) plt.xlim(-0.5, len(phis) + 1.5)
dT_conf_scaled_TT[idx] / N_TT, color=IN_color, label="India (raw)", figure=fig, alpha=0.5, marker="o", s=10, zorder=10) plot_TT, = plt.plot(idx, dT_conf_scaled_smooth_TT[idx] / N_TT, color=IN_color, label="India (smoothed)", figure=fig, zorder=10, linewidth=2) plt.xticks(fontsize="20", rotation=0) plt.yticks(fontsize="20") plt.legend([scatter_TN, plot_TN, scatter_TT, plot_TT], [ "Tamil Nadu (raw)", "Tamil Nadu (smoothed)", "India (raw)", "India (smoothed)" ], fontsize="20", ncol=4, framealpha=1, handlelength=0.75, loc="lower center", bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1)) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.bY_FMT) plt.gca().xaxis.set_minor_formatter(plt.bY_FMT) plt.xlim(left=pd.Timestamp("March 1, 2020"), right=pd.Timestamp("April 15, 2021"))
*_, bars = plt.errorbar( x=[i], y=[md], yerr=[[md - lo], [hi - md]], figure=fig, fmt="o", color=clr, label=None if i > 0 else [ "contact rate prioritized", "random assignment", "mortality prioritized" ][dx], ms=12, elinewidth=5) [_.set_alpha(0.5) for _ in bars] plt.xticks( range(len(metrics)), [f"{phi}%" for phi in (100 * (10**np.linspace(-1, 1, 11))).round(0)], fontsize="20") plt.yticks(fontsize="20") plt.PlotDevice().ylabel("deaths\n").xlabel( "\npercentage of population vaccinated annually") # plt.ylim(200, 450) plt.legend(fontsize="20") # evaluated_YLL_percentiles = {k: np.percentile(v, [5, 50, 95]) for (k, v) in evaluated_YLLs.items() if "ve70" in k or "novaccination" in k} # contact_percentiles = {k: v for (k, v) in evaluated_YLL_percentiles.items() if "contact" in k} # random_percentiles = {k: v for (k, v) in evaluated_YLL_percentiles.items() if "random" in k} # mortality_percentiles = {k: v for (k, v) in evaluated_YLL_percentiles.items() if "mortality" in k} # novax_percentiles = {k: v for (k, v) in evaluated_YLL_percentiles.items() if "novacc" in k} # fig = plt.figure()
N_natl = districts_to_run.N_tot.sum() figure = plt.figure() x_pop = list( chain(*zip( all_tev_50.loc[0]["num_vax"].shift(1).fillna(0) * 100 / N_natl, all_tev_50.loc[0]["num_vax"] * 100 / N_natl))) y_tev = list( chain(*zip(all_tev_50.loc[0]["pc_tev_usd"], all_tev_50.loc[0] ["pc_tev_usd"]))) static, = plt.plot(x_pop, y_tev, figure=figure, color="grey", linewidth=2) lines = [static] plt.xticks(fontsize="20") plt.yticks(fontsize="20") plt.PlotDevice().ylabel("TEV (USD)\n").xlabel( "\npercentage of country vaccinated") # plt.ylim(0, 1600) # plt.xlim(left = 0, right = 100) lines.append(plt.plot(0, 0, color="white")[0]) # plot dynamic curve phis = [25, 50, 100, 200] for (phi, all_tev) in zip( phis, [all_tev_25, all_tev_50, all_tev_100, all_tev_200]): daily_doses = phi * percent * annually * N_natl distributed_doses = 0 x_pop = []
x=[i + 0.2 * (dx - 1)], y=[md], yerr=[[md - lo], [hi - md]], figure=fig, fmt="o", color=clr, label=None if i > 0 else [ "contact rate prioritized", "random assignment", "mortality prioritized" ][dx], ms=12, elinewidth=5) [_.set_alpha(0.5) for _ in bars] plt.xticks(list(range(-1, len(metrics))), [f"$\phi = {phi}$%" for phi in [0, 25, 50, 75, 100, 200, 400]], fontsize="20") plt.yticks(fontsize="20") plt.PlotDevice().ylabel("\ndeaths") plt.legend(fontsize="20", ncol=4, loc="lower center", bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1)) evaluated_YLL_percentiles = { k: np.percentile(v, [5, 50, 95]) for (k, v) in evaluated_YLLs.items() if "ve70" in k or "novaccination" in k } contact_percentiles = { k: v for (k, v) in evaluated_YLL_percentiles.items() if "contact" in k } random_percentiles = {
PrD.plot() plt.legend(title="Age category", title_fontsize=18, fontsize=16, framealpha=1, handlelength=1) plt.xlim(right=pd.Timestamp("Jan 01, 2022")) plt.PlotDevice()\ .xlabel("\nDate")\ .ylabel("Probability\n") plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.12, bottom=0.12, right=0.94, top=0.96) plt.gca().xaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.NullLocator()) plt.gca().xaxis.set_minor_formatter(mpl.ticker.NullFormatter()) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator(mdates.AutoDateLocator()) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%b %d')) plt.xticks(fontsize="16") plt.yticks(fontsize="16") plt.gca().xaxis.grid(True, which="major") plt.semilogy() plt.ylim(bottom=1e-7) PrD = pd.DataFrame(prob_death).set_index( pd.date_range(start=simulation_start, freq="D", periods=len(prob_death))) plt.plot(PrD, color=TN_color, linewidth=2, label="probability of death") plt.xlim(left=pd.Timestamp("Jan 01, 2021"), right=pd.Timestamp("Jan 01, 2022")) plt.PlotDevice().ylabel("log-probability\n") # plt.subplots_adjust(left = 0.12, bottom = 0.12, right = 0.94, top = 0.96) plt.gca().xaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.NullLocator()) plt.gca().xaxis.set_minor_formatter(mpl.ticker.NullFormatter()) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator(mdates.AutoDateLocator())