def match_powerplants_to_regions( pp_df: pd.DataFrame, shapes_ds: gpd.GeoSeries, shapes_countries: Optional[List[str]] = None, dist_threshold: Optional[float] = 5.) -> pd.Series: """ Match each power plant to a region defined by its geographical shape. Parameters ---------- pp_df: pd.DataFrame Power plant frame with columns ISO2, lon and lat. shapes_ds: gpd.GeoSeries GeoDataFrame containing shapes union to which plants are to be mapped. shapes_countries: List[str] (default: None) If relevant, indicates to which country each shape belongs too. Allows to make sure that points are not assigned to shapes which are not part of the same country. dist_threshold: Optional[float] (default: 5.) Maximal distance (km) from one shape for points outside of all shapes to be accepted. Returns ------- pd.Series Indicates for each element in the input dataframe to which shape it belongs. """ for col in ["ISO2", "lat", "lon"]: assert col in pp_df.columns, f"Error: Dataframe missing column {col}." assert all( len(c) == 2 for c in pp_df["ISO2"]), "Error: ISO2 codes must be of length 2." assert shapes_countries is None or all(len(c) == 2 for c in shapes_countries), \ "Error: Shapes countries must be given as ISO2 codes of length 2." def add_region(lon, lat): try: region_code = matched_locs[lon, lat] # Need the if because some points are exactly at the same position return region_code if ( isinstance(region_code, str) or isinstance(region_code, float) or isinstance(region_code, int)) else region_code.iloc[0] except (AttributeError, KeyError): return None # Find to which region each plant belongs if shapes_countries is None: plants_locs = pp_df[["lon", "lat"]].apply(lambda xy: (xy[0], xy[1]), axis=1).values matched_locs = match_points_to_regions( plants_locs, shapes_ds, distance_threshold=dist_threshold).dropna() plants_region_ds = pp_df[["lon", "lat" ]].apply(lambda x: add_region(x[0], x[1]), axis=1) else: unique_countries = sorted(list(set(pp_df["ISO2"]))) plants_region_ds = pd.Series(index=pp_df.index) for country in unique_countries: pp_df_in_country = pp_df[pp_df["ISO2"] == country] plants_locs = pp_df_in_country[["lon", "lat"]].apply(lambda xy: (xy[0], xy[1]), axis=1).values shapes_in_country = shapes_ds[[ c == country for c in shapes_countries ]] matched_locs = match_points_to_regions( plants_locs, shapes_in_country, distance_threshold=dist_threshold) plants_region_ds.loc[pp_df_in_country.index] = \ pp_df_in_country[["lon", "lat"]].apply(lambda x: add_region(x[0], x[1]), axis=1) return plants_region_ds
def get_legacy_capacity_in_regions_from_non_open(tech: str, regions_shapes: pd.Series, countries: List[str], spatial_res: float, include_operating: bool, match_distance: float = 50., raise_error: bool = True) -> pd.Series: """ Return the total existing capacity (in GW) for the given tech for a set of geographical regions. This function is using proprietary data. Parameters ---------- tech: str Technology name. regions_shapes: pd.Series [Union[Polygon, MultiPolygon]] Geographical regions countries: List[str] List of ISO codes of countries in which the regions are situated spatial_res: float Spatial resolution of data include_operating: bool Include or not the legacy capacity of already operating units. match_distance: float (default: 50) Distance threshold (in km) used when associating points to shape. raise_error: bool (default: True) Whether to raise an error if no legacy data is available for this technology. Returns ------- capacities: pd.Series Legacy capacities (in GW) of technology 'tech' for each region """ path_legacy_data = f"{data_path}generation/vres/legacy/source/" path_gdp_data = f"{data_path}indicators/gdp/source" path_pop_data = f"{data_path}indicators/population/source" capacities = pd.Series(0., index=regions_shapes.index) plant, plant_type = get_config_values(tech, ["plant", "type"]) if (plant, plant_type) in [("Wind", "Onshore"), ("Wind", "Offshore"), ("PV", "Utility")]: if plant == "Wind": data = pd.read_excel(f"{path_legacy_data}Windfarms_Europe_20200127.xls", sheet_name='Windfarms', header=0, usecols=[2, 5, 9, 10, 18, 22, 23], skiprows=[1], na_values='#ND') data = data.dropna(subset=['Latitude', 'Longitude', 'Total power']) if include_operating: plant_status = ['Planned', 'Approved', 'Construction', 'Production'] else: plant_status = ['Planned', 'Approved', 'Construction'] data = data.loc[data['Status'].isin(plant_status)] if countries is not None: data = data[data['ISO code'].isin(countries)] if len(data) == 0: return capacities # Converting from kW to GW data['Total power'] *= 1e-6 data["Location"] = data[["Longitude", "Latitude"]].apply(lambda x: (x.Longitude, x.Latitude), axis=1) # Keep only onshore or offshore point depending on technology if plant_type == 'Onshore': data = data[data['Area'] != 'Offshore'] else: # Offshore data = data[data['Area'] == 'Offshore'] if len(data) == 0: return capacities else: # plant == "PV": data = pd.read_excel(f"{path_legacy_data}Solarfarms_Europe_20200208.xlsx", sheet_name='ProjReg_rpt', header=0, usecols=[0, 4, 5, 6, 8]) data = data[pd.notnull(data['Coords'])] if include_operating: plant_status = ['Building', 'Planned', 'Active'] else: plant_status = ['Building', 'Planned'] data = data.loc[data['Status'].isin(plant_status)] data["Location"] = data["Coords"].apply(lambda x: (float(x.split(',')[1]), float(x.split(',')[0]))) if countries is not None: data['Country'] = convert_country_codes(data['Country'].values, 'name', 'alpha_2') data = data[data['Country'].isin(countries)] if len(data) == 0: return capacities # Converting from MW to GW data['Total power'] = data['MWac']*1e-3 data = data[["Location", "Total power"]] points_region = match_points_to_regions(data["Location"].values, regions_shapes, distance_threshold=match_distance).dropna() for region in regions_shapes.index: points_in_region = points_region[points_region == region].index.values capacities[region] = data[data["Location"].isin(points_in_region)]["Total power"].sum() elif (plant, plant_type) == ("PV", "Residential"): legacy_capacity_fn = join(path_legacy_data, 'SolarEurope_Residential_deployment.xlsx') data = pd.read_excel(legacy_capacity_fn, header=0, index_col=0, usecols=[0, 4], squeeze=True).sort_index() data = data[data.index.isin(countries)] if len(data) == 0: return capacities # TODO: where is this file ? gdp_data_fn = join(path_gdp_data, "") gdp_data = xr.open_dataset(gdp_data_fn) gdp_2015 = gdp_data.sel(time='2015.0') pop_data_fn = join(path_pop_data, "") pop_data = xr.open_dataset(pop_data_fn) pop_2020 = pop_data.sel(raster=5) # Temporary, to reduce the size of this ds, which is anyway read in each iteration. min_lon, max_lon, min_lat, max_lat = -11., 32., 35., 80. mask_lon = (gdp_2015.longitude >= min_lon) & (gdp_2015.longitude <= max_lon) mask_lat = (gdp_2015.latitude >= min_lat) & (gdp_2015.latitude <= max_lat) new_lon = np.arange(min_lon, max_lon+spatial_res, spatial_res) new_lat = np.arange(min_lat, max_lat+spatial_res, spatial_res) gdp_ds = gdp_2015.where(mask_lon & mask_lat, drop=True)['GDP_per_capita_PPP'] pop_ds = pop_2020.where(mask_lon & mask_lat, drop=True)['UN WPP-Adjusted Population Count, v4.11 (2000,' ' 2005, 2010, 2015, 2020): 15 arc-minutes'] gdp_ds = gdp_ds.reindex(longitude=new_lon, latitude=new_lat, method='nearest')\ .stack(locations=('longitude', 'latitude')) pop_ds = pop_ds.reindex(longitude=new_lon, latitude=new_lat, method='nearest')\ .stack(locations=('longitude', 'latitude')) all_sites = [(idx[0], idx[1]) for idx in regions_shapes.index] total_gdp_per_capita = gdp_ds.sel(locations=all_sites).sum().values total_population = pop_ds.sel(locations=all_sites).sum().values df_metrics = pd.DataFrame(index=regions_shapes.index, columns=['gdp', 'pop']) for region_id, region_shape in regions_shapes.items(): lon, lat = region_id[0], region_id[1] df_metrics.loc[region_id, 'gdp'] = gdp_ds.sel(longitude=lon, latitude=lat).values/total_gdp_per_capita df_metrics.loc[region_id, 'pop'] = pop_ds.sel(longitude=lon, latitude=lat).values/total_population df_metrics['gdppop'] = df_metrics['gdp'] * df_metrics['pop'] df_metrics['gdppop_norm'] = df_metrics['gdppop']/df_metrics['gdppop'].sum() capacities = df_metrics['gdppop_norm'] * data[countries[0]] capacities = capacities.reset_index()['gdppop_norm'] else: if raise_error: raise ValueError(f"Error: No legacy data exists for tech {tech} with plant {plant} and type {plant_type}.") else: warnings.warn(f"Warning: No legacy data exists for tech {tech}.") return capacities.astype(float)
def add_generators_in_grid_cells(net: pypsa.Network, technologies: List[str], region: str, spatial_resolution: float, use_ex_cap: bool = True, limit_max_cap: bool = True, min_cap_pot: List[float] = None) -> pypsa.Network: """ Create VRES generators in every grid cells obtained from dividing a certain number of regions. Parameters ---------- net: pypsa.Network A PyPSA Network instance with buses associated to regions technologies: List[str] Which technologies to add. region: str Region code defined in 'data_path'/geographics/region_definition.csv over which the network is defined. spatial_resolution: float Spatial resolution at which to define grid cells. use_ex_cap: bool (default: True) Whether to take into account existing capacity. limit_max_cap: bool (default: True) Whether to limit capacity expansion at each grid cell to a certain capacity potential. min_cap_pot: List[float] (default: None) List of thresholds per technology. Points with capacity potential under this threshold will be removed. Returns ------- net: pypsa.Network Updated network Notes ----- net.buses must have a 'region_onshore' if adding onshore technologies and a 'region_offshore' attribute if adding offshore technologies. """ from resite.resite import Resite # Generate deployment sites using resite resite = Resite([region], technologies, [net.snapshots[0], net.snapshots[-1]], spatial_resolution) resite.build_data(use_ex_cap, min_cap_pot) for tech in technologies: points = resite.tech_points_dict[tech] onshore_tech = get_config_values(tech, ['onshore']) # Associate sites to buses (using the associated shapes) buses = net.buses.copy() region_type = 'onshore_region' if onshore_tech else 'offshore_region' buses = buses.dropna(subset=[region_type]) associated_buses = match_points_to_regions(points, buses[region_type]).dropna() points = list(associated_buses.index) p_nom_max = 'inf' if limit_max_cap: p_nom_max = resite.data_dict["cap_potential_ds"][tech][points].values p_nom = resite.data_dict["existing_cap_ds"][tech][points].values p_max_pu = resite.data_dict["cap_factor_df"][tech][points].values capital_cost, marginal_cost = get_costs(tech, len(net.snapshots)) net.madd("Generator", pd.Index([f"Gen {tech} {x}-{y}" for x, y in points]), bus=associated_buses.values, p_nom_extendable=True, p_nom_max=p_nom_max, p_nom=p_nom, p_nom_min=p_nom, p_min_pu=0., p_max_pu=p_max_pu, type=tech, x=[x for x, _ in points], y=[y for _, y in points], marginal_cost=marginal_cost, capital_cost=capital_cost) return net
def add_generators_using_siting(net: pypsa.Network, technologies: List[str], region: str, siting_params: Dict[str, Any], use_ex_cap: bool = True, limit_max_cap: bool = True, output_dir: str = None) -> pypsa.Network: """ Add generators for different technologies at a series of location selected via an optimization mechanism. Parameters ---------- net: pypsa.Network A network with defined buses. technologies: List[str] Which technologies to add using this methodology siting_params: Dict[str, Any] Set of parameters necessary for siting. region: str Region over which the network is defined use_ex_cap: bool (default: True) Whether to take into account existing capacity. limit_max_cap: bool (default: True) Whether to limit capacity expansion at each grid cell to a certain capacity potential. output_dir: str Absolute path to directory where resite output should be stored Returns ------- net: pypsa.Network Updated network Notes ----- net.buses must have a 'region_onshore' if adding onshore technologies and a 'region_offshore' attribute if adding offshore technologies. """ for param in ["timeslice", "spatial_resolution", "modelling", "formulation", "formulation_params", "write_lp"]: assert param in siting_params, f"Error: Missing parameter {param} for siting." from resite.resite import Resite'Setting up resite.') resite = Resite([region], technologies, siting_params["timeslice"], siting_params["spatial_resolution"], siting_params["min_cap_if_selected"]) resite.build_data(use_ex_cap)'resite model being built.') resite.build_model(siting_params["modelling"], siting_params['formulation'], siting_params['formulation_params'], siting_params['write_lp'], output_dir)'Sending resite to solver.') resite.solve_model(solver_options=siting_params['solver_options'], solver=siting_params['solver'])'Retrieving resite results.') resite.retrieve_selected_sites_data() tech_location_dict = resite.sel_tech_points_dict existing_cap_ds = resite.sel_data_dict["existing_cap_ds"] cap_potential_ds = resite.sel_data_dict["cap_potential_ds"] cap_factor_df = resite.sel_data_dict["cap_factor_df"]"Saving resite results") if not resite.timestamps.equals(net.snapshots): # If network snapshots is a subset of resite snapshots just crop the data missing_timestamps = set(net.snapshots) - set(resite.timestamps) if not missing_timestamps: cap_factor_df = cap_factor_df.loc[net.snapshots] else: # In other case, need to recompute capacity factors raise NotImplementedError("Error: Network snapshots must currently be a subset of resite snapshots.") for tech, points in tech_location_dict.items(): onshore_tech = get_config_values(tech, ['onshore']) # Associate sites to buses (using the associated shapes) buses = net.buses.copy() region_type = 'onshore_region' if onshore_tech else 'offshore_region' buses = buses.dropna(subset=[region_type]) associated_buses = match_points_to_regions(points, buses[region_type]).dropna() points = list(associated_buses.index) p_nom_max = 'inf' if limit_max_cap: p_nom_max = cap_potential_ds[tech][points].values p_nom = existing_cap_ds[tech][points].values p_max_pu = cap_factor_df[tech][points].values capital_cost, marginal_cost = get_costs(tech, len(net.snapshots)) net.madd("Generator", pd.Index([f"Gen {tech} {x}-{y}" for x, y in points]), bus=associated_buses.values, p_nom_extendable=True, p_nom_max=p_nom_max, p_nom=p_nom, p_nom_min=p_nom, p_min_pu=0., p_max_pu=p_max_pu, type=tech, x=[x for x, _ in points], y=[y for _, y in points], marginal_cost=marginal_cost, capital_cost=capital_cost) return net
def get_capacity_potential_at_points( tech_points_dict: Dict[str, List[Tuple[float, float]]], spatial_resolution: float, countries: List[str], existing_capacity_ds: pd.Series = None) -> pd.Series: """ Compute the potential capacity at a series of points for different technologies. Parameters ---------- tech_points_dict : Dict[str, Dict[str, List[Tuple[float, float]]] Dictionary associating to each tech a list of points. spatial_resolution : float Spatial resolution of the points. countries: List[str] List of ISO codes of countries in which the points are situated existing_capacity_ds: pd.Series (default: None) Data series given for each tuple of (tech, point) the existing capacity. Returns ------- capacity_potential_ds : pd.Series Gives for each pair of technology - point the associated capacity potential in GW """ accepted_techs = [ 'wind_onshore', 'wind_offshore', 'wind_floating', 'pv_utility', 'pv_residential' ] for tech, points in tech_points_dict.items(): assert tech in accepted_techs, f"Error: tech {tech} is not in {accepted_techs}" assert len( points) != 0, f"Error: List of points for tech {tech} is empty." assert all(map(lambda point: int(point[0]/spatial_resolution) == point[0]/spatial_resolution and int(point[1]/spatial_resolution) == point[1]/spatial_resolution, points)), \ f"Error: Some points do not have the correct resolution {spatial_resolution}" pop_density_array = load_population_density_data(spatial_resolution) # Create a modified copy of regions to deal with UK and EL iso_to_nuts0 = {"GB": "UK", "GR": "EL"} nuts0_regions = [ iso_to_nuts0[c] if c in iso_to_nuts0 else c for c in countries ] # Get NUTS2 and EEZ shapes nuts2_regions_list = get_available_regions("nuts2") codes = [code for code in nuts2_regions_list if code[:2] in nuts0_regions] region_shapes_dict = { "nuts2": get_shapes(codes, which='onshore')["geometry"], "eez": get_shapes(countries, which='offshore', save=True)["geometry"] } region_shapes_dict["eez"].index = [ f"EZ{code}" for code in region_shapes_dict["eez"].index ] tech_points_tuples = sorted([(tech, point[0], point[1]) for tech, points in tech_points_dict.items() for point in points]) capacity_potential_ds = pd.Series( 0., index=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tech_points_tuples)) # Check that if existing capacity is defined for every point if existing_capacity_ds is not None: missing_existing_points = set(existing_capacity_ds.index) - set( capacity_potential_ds.index) assert not missing_existing_points, \ f"Error: Missing following points in existing capacity series: {missing_existing_points}" for tech, points in tech_points_dict.items(): # Compute potential for each NUTS2 or EEZ potential_per_region_ds = read_capacity_potential(tech, nuts_type='nuts2') # Find the geographical region code associated to each point if tech in ['wind_offshore', 'wind_floating']: region_shapes = region_shapes_dict["eez"] else: region_shapes = region_shapes_dict["nuts2"] point_regions_ds = match_points_to_regions(points, region_shapes).dropna() points = list(point_regions_ds.index) points_info_df = pd.DataFrame(point_regions_ds.values, point_regions_ds.index, columns=["region"]) if tech in ['wind_offshore', 'wind_floating']: # For offshore sites, divide the total potential of the region by the number of points # associated to that region # Get how many points we have in each region and the potential capacity of those regions region_freq_ds = points_info_df.groupby(['region' ])['region'].count() regions = region_freq_ds.index region_cap_pot_ds = potential_per_region_ds[regions] region_info_df = pd.concat([region_freq_ds, region_cap_pot_ds], axis=1) region_info_df.columns = ["freq", "cap_pot"] # Assign these values to each points depending on which region they fall in points_info_df = \ points_info_df.merge(region_info_df, left_on='region', right_on='region', right_index=True) # Compute potential of each point by dividing the region potential by the number of points it contains cap_pot_per_point = points_info_df["cap_pot"] / points_info_df[ "freq"] else: # tech in ['wind_onshore', 'pv_utility', 'pv_residential']: # For onshore sites, divide the total anti-proportionally (or proportionally for residential PV) # to population # Here were actually using population density, which is proportional to population because we consider # that each point is associated to an equivalent area. points_info_df['pop_dens'] = np.clip( pop_density_array.sel(locations=points).values, a_min=1., a_max=None) if tech in ['wind_onshore', 'pv_utility']: points_info_df['pop_dens'] = 1. / points_info_df['pop_dens'] # Aggregate per region and get capacity potential for regions in which the points fall regions_info_df = points_info_df.groupby(['region']).sum() regions_info_df["cap_pot"] = potential_per_region_ds[ regions_info_df.index] regions_info_df.columns = ['sum_pop_dens', 'cap_pot'] # Assign these values to each points depending on which region they fall in points_info_df = points_info_df.merge(regions_info_df, left_on='region', right_on='region', right_index=True) # Compute potential cap_pot_per_point = points_info_df['pop_dens'] * points_info_df[ 'cap_pot'] / points_info_df['sum_pop_dens'] capacity_potential_ds.loc[ tech, cap_pot_per_point.index] = cap_pot_per_point.values # Update capacity potential with existing potential if present if existing_capacity_ds is not None: underestimated_capacity = existing_capacity_ds[ capacity_potential_ds.index] > capacity_potential_ds capacity_potential_ds[underestimated_capacity] = existing_capacity_ds[ underestimated_capacity] return capacity_potential_ds
def add_res_at_sites( net: pypsa.Network, config, output_dir, eu_countries, ): eu_technologies = config['res']['techs']"Adding RES {eu_technologies} generation.") spatial_res = config["res"]["spatial_resolution"] use_ex_cap = config["res"]["use_ex_cap"] min_cap_pot = config["res"]["min_cap_pot"] min_cap_if_sel = config["res"]["min_cap_if_selected"] # Build sites for EU r_europe = Resite(eu_countries, eu_technologies, [net.snapshots[0], net.snapshots[-1]], spatial_res, min_cap_if_sel) regions_shapes = net.buses.loc[eu_countries, ["onshore_region", 'offshore_region']] regions_shapes.columns = ['onshore', 'offshore'] r_europe.build_data(use_ex_cap, min_cap_pot, regions_shapes=regions_shapes) net.cc_ds = r_europe.data_dict["capacity_credit_ds"] # Build sites for other regions non_eu_res = config["non_eu"] all_remote_countries = [] if non_eu_res is not None: for region in non_eu_res.keys(): if region in ["na", "me"]: remote_countries = get_subregions(region) else: remote_countries = [region] all_remote_countries += remote_countries remote_techs = non_eu_res[region] r_remote = Resite(remote_countries, remote_techs, [net.snapshots[0], net.snapshots[-1]], spatial_res) regions_shapes = net.buses.loc[ remote_countries, ["onshore_region", 'offshore_region']] regions_shapes.columns = ['onshore', 'offshore'] r_remote.build_data(False, compute_load=False, regions_shapes=regions_shapes) # Add sites to European ones r_europe.regions += r_remote.regions r_europe.technologies = list( set(r_europe.technologies).union(r_remote.technologies)) r_europe.min_cap_pot_dict = { **r_europe.min_cap_pot_dict, **r_remote.min_cap_pot_dict } r_europe.tech_points_tuples = np.concatenate( (r_europe.tech_points_tuples, r_remote.tech_points_tuples)) r_europe.initial_sites_ds = r_europe.initial_sites_ds.append( r_remote.initial_sites_ds) r_europe.tech_points_regions_ds = \ r_europe.tech_points_regions_ds.append(r_remote.tech_points_regions_ds) r_europe.data_dict["load"] = pd.concat( [r_europe.data_dict["load"], r_remote.data_dict["load"]], axis=1) r_europe.data_dict["cap_potential_ds"] = \ r_europe.data_dict["cap_potential_ds"].append(r_remote.data_dict["cap_potential_ds"]) r_europe.data_dict["existing_cap_ds"] = \ r_europe.data_dict["existing_cap_ds"].append(r_remote.data_dict["existing_cap_ds"]) r_europe.data_dict["cap_factor_df"] = \ pd.concat([r_europe.data_dict["cap_factor_df"], r_remote.data_dict["cap_factor_df"]], axis=1) # Update dictionary tech_points_dict = {} techs = set(r_europe.initial_sites_ds.index.get_level_values(0)) for tech in techs: tech_points_dict[tech] = list(r_europe.initial_sites_ds[tech].index) r_europe.tech_points_dict = tech_points_dict # Do siting if required if config["res"]["strategy"] == "siting":'resite model being built.') siting_params = config['res'] # if siting_params['formulation'] == "min_cost_global": # siting_params['formulation_params']['perc_per_region'] = \ # siting_params['formulation_params']['perc_per_region'] + [0.] * len(all_remote_countries) r_europe.build_model(siting_params["modelling"], siting_params['formulation'], siting_params['formulation_params'], siting_params['write_lp'], f"{output_dir}resite/")'Sending resite to solver.') r_europe.init_output_folder(f"{output_dir}resite/") r_europe.solve_model(f"{output_dir}resite/", solver=config['solver'], solver_options=config['solver_options'])"Saving resite results") r_europe.retrieve_selected_sites_data()"{output_dir}resite/") # Add solution to network'Retrieving resite results.') tech_location_dict = r_europe.sel_tech_points_dict existing_cap_ds = r_europe.sel_data_dict["existing_cap_ds"] cap_potential_ds = r_europe.sel_data_dict["cap_potential_ds"] cap_factor_df = r_europe.sel_data_dict["cap_factor_df"] if not r_europe.timestamps.equals(net.snapshots): # If network snapshots is a subset of resite snapshots just crop the data missing_timestamps = set(net.snapshots) - set(r_europe.timestamps) if not missing_timestamps: cap_factor_df = cap_factor_df.loc[net.snapshots] else: # In other case, need to recompute capacity factors raise NotImplementedError( "Error: Network snapshots must currently be a subset of resite snapshots." ) else: # no siting tech_location_dict = r_europe.tech_points_dict existing_cap_ds = r_europe.data_dict["existing_cap_ds"] cap_potential_ds = r_europe.data_dict["cap_potential_ds"] cap_factor_df = r_europe.data_dict["cap_factor_df"] for tech, points in tech_location_dict.items(): onshore_tech = get_config_values(tech, ['onshore']) # Associate sites to buses (using the associated shapes) buses = net.buses.copy() region_type = 'onshore_region' if onshore_tech else 'offshore_region' buses = buses.dropna(subset=[region_type]) associated_buses = match_points_to_regions( points, buses[region_type]).dropna() points = list(associated_buses.index) p_nom_max = 'inf' if config['res']['limit_max_cap']: p_nom_max = cap_potential_ds[tech][points].values p_nom = existing_cap_ds[tech][points].values p_max_pu = cap_factor_df[tech][points].values capital_cost, marginal_cost = get_costs( tech, sum(net.snapshot_weightings['objective'])) net.madd("Generator", pd.Index([f"Gen {tech} {x}-{y}" for x, y in points]), bus=associated_buses.values, p_nom_extendable=True, p_nom_max=p_nom_max, p_nom=p_nom, p_nom_min=p_nom, p_min_pu=0., p_max_pu=p_max_pu, type=tech, x=[x for x, _ in points], y=[y for _, y in points], marginal_cost=marginal_cost, capital_cost=capital_cost) return net
def get_legacy_capacity_in_regions(tech: str, regions_shapes: pd.Series, countries: List[str], match_distance: float = 50., raise_error: bool = True) -> pd.Series: """ Return the total existing capacity (in GW) for the given tech for a set of geographical regions. Parameters ---------- tech: str Technology name. regions_shapes: pd.Series [Union[Polygon, MultiPolygon]] Geographical regions countries: List[str] List of ISO codes of countries in which the regions are situated. match_distance: float (default: 50) Distance threshold (in km) used when associating points to shape. raise_error: bool (default: True) Whether to raise an error if no legacy data is available for this technology. Returns ------- capacities: pd.Series Legacy capacities (in GW) of technology 'tech' for each region """ # Read per grid cell capacity file legacy_dir = f"{data_path}generation/vres/legacy/generated/" capacities_df = pd.read_csv(f"{legacy_dir}aggregated_capacity.csv", index_col=[0, 1]) plant, plant_type = get_config_values(tech, ["plant", "type"]) available_plant_types = set(capacities_df.index) if (plant, plant_type) not in available_plant_types: if raise_error: raise ValueError( f"Error: no legacy data exists for tech {tech} with plant {plant} and type {plant_type}." ) else: warnings.warn(f"Warning: No legacy data exists for tech {tech}.") return pd.Series(0., name="Legacy capacity (GW)", index=regions_shapes.index, dtype=float) # Get only capacity for the desired technology and desired countries capacities_df = capacities_df.loc[(plant, plant_type)] capacities_df = capacities_df[capacities_df.ISO2.isin(countries)] if len(capacities_df) == 0: return pd.Series(0., name="Legacy capacity (GW)", index=regions_shapes.index, dtype=float) # Aggregate capacity per region by adding capacity of points falling in those regions capacities_df["Location"] = capacities_df[["Longitude", "Latitude"]].apply(lambda x: (x[0], x[1]), axis=1) points_region = match_points_to_regions( capacities_df["Location"].values, regions_shapes, distance_threshold=match_distance).dropna() capacities_ds = pd.Series(0., name="Legacy capacity (GW)", index=regions_shapes.index, dtype=float) for region in regions_shapes.index: points_in_region = points_region[points_region == region].index.values capacities_ds[region] = capacities_df[capacities_df["Location"].isin( points_in_region)]["Capacity (GW)"].sum() return capacities_ds
def generate_eu_hydro_files(resolution: float, topology_unit: str, timestamps: pd.DatetimeIndex): """ Generating hydro files, i.e., capacities and inflows. Parameters ---------- resolution: float Runoff data spatial resolution. topology_unit: str Topology in use ('countries', 'NUTS2', 'NUTS3'). timestamps: pd.DatetimeIndex Time horizon for which inflows are computed. """ assert topology_unit in ["countries", "NUTS2", "NUTS3"], "Error: requested topology_unit not available." # Load shapes based on topology if topology_unit == 'countries': shapes = get_natural_earth_shapes() else: # topology in ['NUTS2', 'NUTS3'] shapes = get_nuts_shapes(topology_unit[-1:]) shapes_countries = replace_iso2_codes([code[:2] for code in shapes.index]) countries = sorted(list(set(shapes_countries))) tech_dir = f"{data_path}technologies/" tech_config = yaml.load(open(join(tech_dir, 'tech_config.yml')), Loader=yaml.FullLoader) # Runoff data runoff_dataset = read_runoff_data(resolution, timestamps) # Find to which nuts region each of the runoff points belong runoff_points_region_ds = \ match_points_to_regions(runoff_dataset.locations.values, shapes, keep_outside=False).dropna()'Runoff measurement points mapped to regions shapes.') def add_region_code(pp_df: pd.DataFrame): if topology_unit == "countries": pp_df['region_code'] = pp_df["ISO2"] else: pp_df['region_code'] = match_powerplants_to_regions(pp_df, shapes, shapes_countries) pp_df = pp_df[~pp_df['region_code'].isnull()] return pp_df # Build ROR data # Get all ROR powerplants in the countries of interest and add region name'Building ROR data') ror_plants_df = get_powerplants('ror', countries) ror_plants_df = add_region_code(ror_plants_df) # Get capacity and inflow per region (for which inflow data exists) ror_capacity_ds, ror_inflows_df = build_ror_data(ror_plants_df.set_index(["region_code"])["Capacity"], timestamps, runoff_dataset, runoff_points_region_ds) # Build STO data'Building STO data') sto_plants_df = get_powerplants('sto', countries) sto_plants_df = add_region_code(sto_plants_df) sto_capacity_df, sto_inflows_df, sto_multipliers_ds = \ build_sto_data(sto_plants_df.set_index(["region_code"])["Capacity"], timestamps, runoff_dataset, runoff_points_region_ds, ror_capacity_ds, ror_inflows_df) # Build PHS data'Building PHS data') default_phs_duration = tech_config['phs']['default_duration'] phs_plants_df = get_powerplants('phs', countries) phs_plants_df = add_region_code(phs_plants_df) phs_capacity_df = build_phs_data(phs_plants_df, default_phs_duration) # Merge capacities DataFrame. capacities_df = pd.concat([ror_capacity_ds, sto_capacity_df, phs_capacity_df], axis=1, sort=True).round(3) capacities_df.columns = ['ROR_CAP [GW]', 'STO_CAP [GW]', 'STO_EN_CAP [GWh]', 'PSP_CAP [GW]', 'PSP_EN_CAP [GWh]'] capacities_df.replace(0., np.nan, inplace=True) capacities_df.dropna(how='all', inplace=True) ror_inflows_df = ror_inflows_df[capacities_df['ROR_CAP [GW]'].dropna().index] sto_inflows_df = sto_inflows_df[capacities_df['STO_CAP [GW]'].dropna().index] # Saving files save_dir = f"{data_path}generation/hydro/generated/" capacities_df.to_csv(f"{save_dir}hydro_capacities_per_{topology_unit}.csv") ror_inflows_df.to_csv(f"{save_dir}hydro_ror_time_series_per_{topology_unit}_pu.csv") sto_inflows_df.to_csv(f"{save_dir}hydro_sto_inflow_time_series_per_{topology_unit}_GWh.csv") sto_multipliers_ds.to_csv(f"{save_dir}hydro_sto_multipliers_per_{topology_unit}.csv", header=['multiplier'])'Files saved to disk.')
def cluster_network(net: pypsa.Network, nuts_codes: List[str]): # Get shapes of regions (onshore and offshore) shapes = get_shapes(nuts_codes, which='onshore') # --- Buses --- # # TODO: this is shit --> should return a list keeping the index of the original points def add_region(lon, lat): try: region_code = matched_locs[lon, lat] # Need the if because some points are exactly at the same position return region_code if (isinstance(region_code, str) or isinstance(region_code, float) or isinstance(region_code, int)) else region_code.iloc[0] except (AttributeError, KeyError): return None # plants_region_ds.loc[pp_df_in_country.index] = \ # pp_df_in_country[["lon", "lat"]].apply(lambda x: add_region(x[0], x[1]), axis=1) buses_positions = net.buses[['x', 'y']].apply(lambda p: (p.x, p.y), axis=1).tolist() matched_locs = match_points_to_regions(buses_positions, shapes["geometry"], keep_outside=False).dropna() old_to_new_buses_map = net.buses[["x", "y"]].apply(lambda p: add_region(p.x, p.y), axis=1).dropna() nuts_codes_with_buses = list(set(old_to_new_buses_map)) # Merge buses to centroid of countries (even offshore ones) buses_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["bus_id", "x", "y"]) buses_df["bus_id"] = nuts_codes_with_buses buses_df = buses_df.set_index('bus_id') regions = shapes.loc[nuts_codes_with_buses, 'geometry'] buses_df['onshore_region'] = regions buses_df["x"] = regions.centroid.apply(lambda p: p.x) buses_df["y"] = regions.centroid.apply(lambda p: p.y) print(buses_df) def compute_distance(bus0, bus1): bus0_x, bus0_y = buses_df.loc[bus0, ['x', 'y']] bus1_x, bus1_y = buses_df.loc[bus1, ['x', 'y']] return geopy.distance.geodesic((bus0_y, bus0_x), (bus1_y, bus1_x)).km # --- Lines --- # # Remove lines associated to buses that have been removed net.lines = net.lines.loc[net.lines.bus0.isin(old_to_new_buses_map.index) & net.lines.bus1.isin(old_to_new_buses_map.index)] # Assign new bus to lines net.lines.bus0 = net.lines.bus1 = # Remove lines that have the same starting and end bus net.lines = net.lines[net.lines.bus0 != net.lines.bus1] # Merge lines with same starting and end bus # Get all lines connected to the same bus in the same direction net.lines[['bus0', 'bus1']] = [sorted((bus0, bus1)) for (bus0, bus1) in net.lines[['bus0', 'bus1']].values] # Get pairs of connected bus connected_buses = set([(bus0, bus1) for (bus0, bus1) in net.lines[['bus0', 'bus1']].values.tolist()]) all_lines_df = pd.DataFrame() # Compute reactance of lines net.lines["x"] = net.lines["length"]*net.lines['type'].map(net.line_types.x_per_length) for bus0, bus1 in connected_buses: # line_index = f"{bus0}-{bus1}" # lines_df.loc[line_index, ['bus0', 'bus1']] = (bus0, bus1) # Get all lines in original network that were connected to bus0 and bus1 old_lines_df = net.lines[(net.lines.bus0 == bus0) & (net.lines.bus1 == bus1)] # Merge those lines by voltage level # TODO: Parameters to consider # - name: ok # - bus0: ok # - bus1: ok # - underground: ? --> affect cost # - under_construction: already dealt with before # - tags: nope # - geometry: nope (replaced by straight line) # - length: how? -> just take fly-distance (times 1.25 like in pypsa-eur?) # - x: how? # - v_nom: how? # - num_parallel: how? # Use sth similar to this: net.lines.loc[non380_lines_b, 'num_parallel'] *= (net.lines.loc[non380_lines_b, 'v_nom'] / 380.)**2 ? # - s_nom: how? lines_df = old_lines_df.groupby("type")['v_nom'].unique().apply(lambda x: x[0]).to_frame() lines_df['s_nom'] = old_lines_df.groupby("type")['s_nom'].sum() lines_df['num_parallel'] = old_lines_df.groupby("type")['num_parallel'].sum() lines_df['x'] = old_lines_df.groupby("type")['x'].apply(lambda x: 1/sum(1/x)) lines_df["line_id"] = lines_df['v_nom'].apply(lambda x: f"{bus0}-{bus1}-{x}") lines_df["bus0"] = bus0 lines_df["bus1"] = bus1 lines_df["length"] = lines_df[['bus0', 'bus1']].apply(lambda x: compute_distance(x.bus0, x.bus1), axis=1) lines_df = lines_df.reset_index().set_index('line_id') all_lines_df = pd.concat((all_lines_df, lines_df)) print(all_lines_df) # --- Links --- # # Remove lines associated to buses that have been removed net.links = net.links.loc[net.links.bus0.isin(old_to_new_buses_map.index) & net.links.bus1.isin(old_to_new_buses_map.index)] net.links.bus0 = net.links.bus1 = # Remove links that have the same starting and end bus net.links = net.links[net.links.bus0 != net.links.bus1] # Merge links with same starting and end bus # Get all links connected to the same bus in the same direction net.links[['bus0', 'bus1']] = [sorted((str(bus0), str(bus1))) for (bus0, bus1) in net.links[['bus0', 'bus1']].values] # Get pairs of connected bus connected_buses = set([(bus0, bus1) for (bus0, bus1) in net.links[['bus0', 'bus1']].values.tolist()]) links_df = pd.DataFrame(index=[f"{bus0}-{bus1}" for (bus0, bus1) in connected_buses], columns=['bus0', 'bus1', 'p_nom', 'length']) for bus0, bus1 in connected_buses: link_index = f"{bus0}-{bus1}" links_df.loc[link_index, ['bus0', 'bus1']] = (bus0, bus1) # Get all links in original network that were connected to bus0 and bus1 old_links_df = net.links[(net.links.bus0 == bus0) & (net.links.bus1 == bus1)] # Add capacities links_df.loc[link_index, 'p_nom'] = old_links_df['p_nom'].sum() links_df["length"] = links_df[['bus0', 'bus1']].apply(lambda x: compute_distance(x.bus0, x.bus1), axis=1) # TODO: Parameters to consider # - name: ok # - bus0: ok # - bus1: ok # - carrier: nope --> all dc # - underground: how? --> affect cost # - underwater_fraction: how? --> affect cost # - under_construction: already dealt with before # - tags: nope # - geometry: nope (replaced by straight line) # - length: how? -> just take fly-distance (times 1.25 like in pypsa-eur?) # - p_nom: how? # - num_parallel: how? # TODO: What about transformers? # print(net.links) print(links_df) clustered_net = pypsa.Network() clustered_net.import_components_from_dataframe(buses_df, 'Bus') clustered_net.import_components_from_dataframe(all_lines_df, 'Line') clustered_net.import_components_from_dataframe(links_df, 'Link') print(clustered_net.buses.onshore_region) return clustered_net