コード例 #1
	def updateCheck (self, onlyNewer = False, force = True):
				if self.pluginUrl == "": 
					if force: indigo.server.log ("This plugin currently does not check for newer versions", isError = True)
				# Normal if pluginUrl hasn't been defined
				if force: indigo.server.log ("This plugin currently does not check for newer versions", isError = True)
			d = indigo.server.getTime()
			if eps.valueValid (self.pluginPrefs, "latestVersion") == False: self.pluginPrefs["latestVersion"] = False
			if force == False and eps.valueValid (self.pluginPrefs, "lastUpdateCheck", True):
				last = datetime.datetime.strptime (self.pluginPrefs["lastUpdateCheck"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
				lastCheck = dtutil.DateDiff ("hours", d, last)
				if self.pluginPrefs["latestVersion"]:
					if lastCheck < 72: 
						return # if last check has us at the latest then only check once every 3 days
					if lastCheck < 2: 
						return # only check every four hours in case they don't see it in the log
			self.debugLog("Checking for updates")
			page = urllib2.urlopen(self.pluginUrl)
			soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
			versions = soup.find(string=re.compile("\#Version\|"))
			versionData = unicode(versions)
			versionInfo = versionData.split("#Version|")
			newVersion = float(versionInfo[1][:-1])
			if newVersion > float(self.pluginVersion):
				self.pluginPrefs["latestVersion"] = False
				indigo.server.log ("Version %s of %s is available, you are currently using %s." % (str(round(newVersion,2)), self.pluginDisplayName, str(round(float(self.pluginVersion), 2))), isError=True)
				self.pluginPrefs["latestVersion"] = True
				if onlyNewer == False: indigo.server.log("%s version %s is the most current version of the plugin" % (self.pluginDisplayName, str(round(float(self.pluginVersion), 2))))
			self.pluginPrefs["lastUpdateCheck"] = d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
		except Exception as e:
コード例 #2
	def sendCharacter_Sprinkler (self, dev, devAction):
			cache = dev.states["keyCache"] + devAction.props["key"]
			# Catch special phrases so we don't error out
			for i in range (1, 9):
				deviceNum = 0
				zoneNum = 0
				if cache.lower() == "#dev" + str(i): deviceNum = i
				if cache.lower() == "#zone" + str(i): deviceNum = i
				if deviceNum <> 0:
					self.setSprinklerDevice (dev, deviceNum)
				if zoneNum <> 0:
					for y in range (1, 9):
						if y != i: dev.updateStateOnServer ("onZone" + str(i), False)
					dev.updateStateOnServer ("onZone" + str(i), True)
					self.setStatusMessage (dev, "zone" + str(i) + "SelectedUI")
			# If we got here then we got an entry, determine if it's for a device, a zone or a duration
			isDevice = True
			for i in range (1, 4):
				if dev.states["onDevice" + str(i)]: 
					isDevice = False
			# If no device then our entry is a device selection
			if isDevice:
				self.debugLog("No device is currently active, setting device")
				if int(cache) > 3: cache = "3" # can't select more than device 3
				self.setSprinklerDevice (dev, int(cache))
			if eps.valueValid (dev.pluginProps, "device2", True) == False and eps.valueValid (dev.pluginProps, "device3", True) == False:
				# If only a single device then we need to set the timeout for two minutes like when we select a device
				self.setDeviceTimeout(dev, 120)
			# Since when we select a device it automatically selects zone 1 it's a duration	
			ui = cache
			dev.updateStateOnServer ("keyCache", cache, uiValue=ui)
		except Exception as e:
コード例 #3
ファイル: plugin.py プロジェクト: Colorado4Wheeler/Powermiser
	def validateDeviceConfigUi(self, valuesDict, typeId, devId):
			dev = indigo.devices[devId]
			self.logger.debug(u"%s is validating device configuration UI" % dev.name)
			if len(valuesDict["devicelist"]) == 0:
				errorDict = indigo.Dict()
				errorDict["devicelist"] = "You must select at least one device"
				errorDict["showAlertText"] = "You must select at least one device for this plugin to work!"
				return (False, valuesDict, errorDict)
			# Make sure they aren't choosing a device that is already on another auto off device
			for deviceId in valuesDict["devicelist"]:
				for dev in indigo.devices.iter(self.pluginId):
					if str(dev.id) != str(devId):
						if eps.valueValid (dev.pluginProps, "devicelist", True):
							for d in dev.pluginProps["devicelist"]:
								if d == deviceId and valuesDict["allowSave"] == False:
									errorDict = indigo.Dict()
									errorDict["devicelist"] = "One or more devices are already managed by other Powermiser auto-off devices"
									errorDict["showAlertText"] = "You are already managing %s in another Powermiser auto-off device, the conditions could overlap and cause problems.\n\nBe sure that your conditions are different enough not to collide with the other Powermiser device.\n\nThis is only a warning, hit save again to ignore this warning." % indigo.devices[int(deviceId)].name
									valuesDict["allowSave"] = True
									return (False, valuesDict, errorDict)
			# All is good, set the allowSave back to false for the next round
			valuesDict["allowSave"] = False
			# If we get here all is good so far, return from conditions in case there are problems there
			return self.cond.validateDeviceConfigUi(valuesDict, typeId, devId)

		except Exception as e:
			return True
コード例 #4
ファイル: plugin.py プロジェクト: Colorado4Wheeler/Powermiser
	def zwaveCommandSent(self, cmd):
		byteList = cmd['bytes']
		byteListStr = ' '.join(["%02X" % byte for byte in byteList])
		nodeId = 0
		dev = False
		if eps.valueValid (cmd, "nodeId", True):
			nodeId = cmd['nodeId']
			dev = self.cache.deviceForAddress (nodeId)
			if dev:
				self.logger.debug ("Found monitored Z-Wave from command: %s" % unicode(dev))
		self.logger.debug("Detected sent Z-Wave command %s for node %s" % (byteListStr, unicode(nodeId)))
		self.logger.debug("Assuming that this device is a switch and that command group 4 is our command")
		cmdFunc = "Unknown"
		cmdF = int(cmd['bytes'][8])
		if cmdF == 0: cmdFunc = "off"
		if cmdF == 255: cmdFunc = "on"
		if dev:
			if cmdFunc != "Unknown":
				for devId in dev: 
					self.processRawCommand (indigo.devices[devId], cmdFunc, "Indigo")
				self.logger.info("Can't seem to figure out what command %s sent so auto-off won't work" % unicode(nodeId))
コード例 #5
ファイル: plugin.py プロジェクト: Colorado4Wheeler/Powermiser
	def deviceStartComm(self, dev):
		self.logger.debug(u"%s starting communication" % dev.name)
			dev.stateListOrDisplayStateIdChanged() # Make sure any device.xml changes are incorporated
			if self.cache is None: return
			if "lastreset" in dev.states:
				d = indigo.server.getTime()
				if dev.states["lastreset"] == "": dev.updateStateOnServer("lastreset", d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
			if eps.valueValid (dev.states, "autoOffTimes", True) == False:
				dev.updateStateOnServer("autoOffTimes", "{}")
			if self.cache.deviceInCache (dev.id) == False:
				self.logger.debug(u"%s not in cache, appears to be a new device or plugin was just started" % dev.name)
				self.cache.cacheDevices() # Failsafe
			self.addWatchedStates("*", dev.deviceTypeId, dev.id) # Failsafe
			#self.cache.dictDump (self.cache.devices[dev.id])

		except Exception as e:
コード例 #6
ファイル: plugin.py プロジェクト: Colorado4Wheeler/Powermiser
	def onRunConcurrentThread (self):
			self.updateCheck(True, False)
			for dev in indigo.devices.iter(self.pluginId):
				if eps.valueValid (dev.states, "autoOffTimes", True):
					if dev.states["autoOffTimes"] != "{}":
						autoOffTimes = ast.literal_eval (dev.states["autoOffTimes"])
						for devId, offDict in autoOffTimes.iteritems():
							d = datetime.datetime.strptime (offDict["offTime"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
							diff = dtutil.DateDiff ("seconds", d, indigo.server.getTime())
							if diff < 0:
								self.logger.info("Turning off device %s" % indigo.devices[int(devId)].name)
					if dev.states["autoOffTimes"] == "{}" and dev.states["statedisplay"] != "off":
						dev.updateStateOnServer("statedisplay", "off")
					if dev.states["autoOffTimes"] != "{}" and dev.states["statedisplay"] == "off":
						dev.updateStateOnServer("statedisplay", "on")
		except Exception as e:
コード例 #7
	def nextField (self, devAction):
			dev = indigo.devices[devAction.deviceId]
			# In case they use this command on a non-compatible device, redirect
			if dev.deviceTypeId == "securityKeypad": self.sendCharacter (devAction)
			if dev.deviceTypeId == "dimmerKeypad": self.sendCharacter (devAction)
			if dev.deviceTypeId == "sprinklerKeypad": 
				# Next indicates they are switching zones
				zoneNum = 0
				for i in range (1, 9):
					if dev.states["onZone" + str(i)]:
						zoneNum = i
				if zoneNum == 1 and eps.valueValid (dev.pluginProps, "device2", True) == False and eps.valueValid (dev.pluginProps, "device3", True) == False:
					# Failsafe in case they didn't enter a duration for zone 1 and cause the timer to start for 2 minutes
					self.setDeviceTimeout(dev, 120)
				self.saveSchedule (dev)
				if zoneNum > 0:
					zoneNum = zoneNum + 1
					if zoneNum > 8: zoneNum = 1
					self.debugLog("Change to zone %i" % zoneNum)
					self.setSprinklerZone (dev, zoneNum)
		except Exception as e:
コード例 #8
	def sendCharacter_Dimmer (self, dev, devAction):
			if eps.valueValid (devAction.props, "devicelist", True):
				self.debugLog ("Setting action based devices on %s" % dev.name)
				devlist = []
				for s in devAction.props["devicelist"]:
				dev.updateStateOnServer ("deviceList", unicode(devlist))
			cache = dev.states["keyCache"] + devAction.props["key"]
			if int(cache) > 100: cache = "100"
			ui = cache
			n = int(eps.getDictValue(dev.pluginProps, "resetTime", 10))
			self.setDeviceTimeout (dev, n)
			dev.updateStateOnServer ("keyCache", cache, uiValue=ui)
			if len(cache) == 3: self.processCache (dev) # 3 characters is the most
		except Exception as e:
コード例 #9
ファイル: plugin.py プロジェクト: Colorado4Wheeler/Powermiser
	def turnDeviceOn (self, devParent, devChild, autoOffTimes):
			d = indigo.server.getTime()
			if self.cond.conditionsPass (devParent.pluginProps) == False:
				self.logger.debug ("\tDevice doesn't pass conditions, ignoring command")
			if devChild.id in autoOffTimes:
				if devParent.pluginProps["tapDuration"]:
					if eps.valueValid (devParent.pluginProps, "extendTime", True):
						self.logger.info ("Extending %s time on by %s minutes" % (devChild.name, devParent.pluginProps["extendTime"]))
						offDict = autoOffTimes[devChild.id]
						offDict["repeats"] = offDict["repeats"] + 1
						if eps.valueValid (devParent.pluginProps, "turnOn", True):
							if int(devParent.pluginProps["turnOn"]) > 0:
								if offDict["repeats"] >= int(devParent.pluginProps["turnOn"]):
									self.logger.info ("\t%s maximum repeats reached, cancelling auto off" % devChild.name)
									del autoOffTimes[devChild.id]
									devParent.updateStateOnServer("autoOffTimes", unicode(autoOffTimes))
						autoOff = datetime.datetime.strptime (offDict["offTime"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
						autoOff = dtutil.DateAdd ("minutes", int(devParent.pluginProps["extendTime"]), autoOff)
						offDict["offTime"] = autoOff.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
						autoOffTimes[devChild.id] = offDict
						devParent.updateStateOnServer("autoOffTimes", unicode(autoOffTimes))
						self.logger.info ("%s will turn off automatically at %s" % (devChild.name, autoOff.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
				self.logger.debug ("\tSetting the initial auto off time")
				if eps.valueValid (devParent.pluginProps, "timeOut", True):
					offDict = {}
					offDict["repeats"] = 1
					autoOff = dtutil.DateAdd ("minutes", int(devParent.pluginProps["timeOut"]), d)
					offDict ["offTime"] = autoOff.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
					autoOffTimes[devChild.id] = offDict
					devParent.updateStateOnServer("autoOffTimes", unicode(autoOffTimes))
					self.logger.info ("%s will turn off automatically at %s" % (devChild.name, autoOff.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
		except Exception as e:
コード例 #10
	def updateDateTime (self):
		d = indigo.server.getTime()
		for dev in indigo.devices.iter(self.pluginId + ".epslcddt"):
			if dev.pluginProps["systemdate"] == False: continue # they are watching states / variables
			if eps.valueValid(dev.states, "storeddate", True):
				if dev.states["storeddate"] == d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:00"):
					continue # we don't calculate seconds, only update if Y-M-D or H:M updated
				dev.updateStateOnServer("storeddate", d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:00"))
			if eps.valueValid (dev.pluginProps, "dateformat", True):
				value = d.strftime(dev.pluginProps["dateformat"])
				value = self.lcd.stringToLCD (value, 20, dev.pluginProps["textspaces"])
				self.lcd.stringToGraphics (dev, "currentDate", value)
			dev.updateStateOnServer("storeddate", d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:00"))
コード例 #11
	def variableUpdated (self, origVariable, newVariable):
		# Since we don't use variable caching find any date/time devices using variables
		for dev in indigo.devices.iter(self.pluginId + ".epslcddt"):
			if dev.pluginProps["usevariable"] and eps.valueValid(dev.pluginProps, "variable", True):
				if str(origVariable.id) == dev.pluginProps["variable"]:
					# Our watched variable changed, update
					self.debugLog(u"The monitored variable %s changed" % newVariable.name)
					self.dateTimeDeviceUpdate (dev, newVariable.value)
コード例 #12
	def deviceReset (self, dev):
			self.debugLog ("Resetting %s" % dev.name)
			if dev.deviceTypeId == "securityKeypad":
				dev.updateStateOnServer ("keyCache", "", uiValue=" ") # Clear the code
				dev.updateStateOnServer ("currentAttempts", 0) # Clear attempts
				if dev.states["lockOutActive"] == False: dev.updateStateOnServer ("statedisplay", "Ready")
			if dev.deviceTypeId == "dimmerKeypad":
				ui = eps.getDictValue (dev.pluginProps, "brightnessUI", " ")
				dev.updateStateOnServer ("keyCache", "", uiValue=ui) # Clear the code
				#dev.updateStateOnServer ("deviceList", "[]") # Clear the additional devices
				dev.updateStateOnServer ("statedisplay", "Ready")
			if dev.deviceTypeId == "sprinklerKeypad":
				# Reset devices 2-3 since 1 has already been handled
				for i in range (2, 4): 
					dev.updateStateOnServer ("onDevice" + str(i), False)
					dev.updateStateOnServer ("device" + str(i) + "Schedule", "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]")
				for i in range (1, 9): dev.updateStateOnServer ("onZone" + str(i), False)
				ui = eps.getDictValue (dev.pluginProps, "deviceUI", " ")
				# If only one device, always reset for device 1
				if eps.valueValid (dev.pluginProps, "device2", True) == False and eps.valueValid (dev.pluginProps, "device3", True) == False:
					ui = eps.getDictValue (dev.pluginProps, "zone1SelectedUI", " ")
					dev.updateStateOnServer ("onDevice1", True)
					dev.updateStateOnServer ("onZone1", True) # since there is no device selection that will auto select it
					dev.updateStateOnServer ("onDevice1", False)
				dev.updateStateOnServer ("keyCache", "", uiValue=ui) # Clear the code
				dev.updateStateOnServer ("device1Schedule", "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]")
				dev.updateStateOnServer ("statedisplay", "Ready")
		except Exception as e:
コード例 #13
	def checkDeviceTimeout (self):
			for dev in indigo.devices.iter(self.pluginId):
				if eps.valueValid (dev.states, "resetTime", True):
					d = datetime.datetime.strptime (dev.states["resetTime"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
					diff = dtutil.DateDiff ("seconds", d, indigo.server.getTime())
					if diff < 0: 
						# Don't waste processing time if it's already cleared
						ui = " "
						if dev.deviceTypeId == "dimmerKeypad": ui = eps.getDictValue (dev.pluginProps, "brightnessUI", " ")
						if dev.deviceTypeId == "sprinklerKeypad": 
							ui = eps.getDictValue (dev.pluginProps, "deviceUI", " ")
							# If only one device, don't ever prompt for a device
							if eps.valueValid (dev.pluginProps, "device2", True) == False and eps.valueValid (dev.pluginProps, "device3", True) == False:
								ui = eps.getDictValue (dev.pluginProps, "zone1SelectedUI", " ")
						if ui == "": ui = " "
						if dev.states["keyCache"] != "" or dev.states["keyCache.ui"] != ui: 
							self.debugLog("Device '%s' timeout reached, resetting device" % dev.name)
							self.deviceReset (dev)
					# It's blank, set it now
					dev.updateStateOnServer ("resetTime", indigo.server.getTime().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
				if dev.deviceTypeId == "securityKeypad" and dev.states["lockOutActive"]:
					d = datetime.datetime.strptime (dev.states["lockOut"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
					diff = dtutil.DateDiff ("seconds", d, indigo.server.getTime())
					if diff >= 0: 
						ui = dtutil.secondsToClock (diff, "mm:ss")
						dev.updateStateOnServer ("statedisplay", "LOCKED " + ui)
						dev.updateStateOnServer ("lockOutActive", False)
						dev.updateStateOnServer ("statedisplay", "Ready")
		except Exception as e:
コード例 #14
	def dateTimeDeviceUpdate (self, dev, value): 
			value = unicode(value)
			d = datetime.datetime.strptime (value, dev.pluginProps["valueformat"])
			if eps.valueValid (dev.pluginProps, "dateformat", True):
				value = d.strftime(dev.pluginProps["dateformat"])
				value = self.lcd.stringToLCD (value, 20, dev.pluginProps["textspaces"])
				self.lcd.stringToGraphics (dev, "currentDate", value)
		except Exception as e:
コード例 #15
	def sendCharacter_Security (self, dev, key):
			# Make sure we aren't locked out
			if eps.valueValid (dev.states, "lockOut", True):
				d = datetime.datetime.strptime (dev.states["lockOut"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
				diff = dtutil.DateDiff ("seconds", d, indigo.server.getTime())
				if diff >= 0: 
					indigo.server.log("Attempted to enter code on device %s but that device is in failed code lockout for %i more seconds" % (dev.name, diff), isError=True)
					msg = "L.OUT"
					secs = 5
					if secs > diff: secs = diff
					ui = eps.getDictValue (dev.pluginProps, "lockoutUI", "L.OUT")
					dev.updateStateOnServer ("keyCache", dev.states["keyCache"], uiValue=ui)
					self.setDeviceTimeout (dev, secs)
					dev.updateStateOnServer ("lockOutActive", False)
			self.debugLog ("Keypad button %s pressed, adding to characters" % key)
			cache = dev.states["keyCache"] + key
			ui = ""
			n = int(eps.getDictValue(dev.pluginProps, "resetTime", 10))
			if dev.pluginProps["codeCharacter"] != "" and dev.pluginProps["codeCharacter"] != " ":
				for s in cache:
					ui += dev.pluginProps["codeCharacter"]
				self.setDeviceTimeout (dev, n)
				self.setDeviceTimeout (dev, n)
				ui = cache
			dev.updateStateOnServer ("keyCache", cache, uiValue=ui)
			self.processCache (dev)

		except Exception as e:
コード例 #16
	def setAlarmEndTime (self, dev, startTime):
		origEndTime = "" # 1.1.1
		if eps.valueValid(dev.states, "endTime", True): # 1.1.1
			origEndTime = datetime.datetime.strptime (dev.states["endTime"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
		if dev.states["durationMinutes"] == 0:
			# Save our default duration to the duration state
			dev.updateStateOnServer("durationMinutes", int(dev.pluginProps["defaultDuration"]))
		endTime = dtutil.DateAdd("minutes", int(dev.states["durationMinutes"]), startTime)
		if origEndTime != endTime: self.debugLog(u"\t\tend time recalculated, new alarm time is %s to %s" % (unicode(startTime), unicode(endTime)))
		return endTime
コード例 #17
	def setBrightness (self, devlist, dev, currentCode):
		for devId in devlist:
			devChild = indigo.devices[int(devId)]
			if eps.valueValid (devChild.states, "brightnessLevel") == False:
				indigo.server.log ("Cannot set the brightness on %s because it is not a dimmer" % devChild.name, isError=True)
			cur = devChild.states["brightnessLevel"]
			new = int(currentCode)
			if new == 0:
			elif new == 100:
				indigo.dimmer.setBrightness(devChild.id, value=new)
コード例 #18
ファイル: plugin.py プロジェクト: Colorado4Wheeler/Powermiser
	def epsInit (self):
			# Set any missing prefs
			self.pluginPrefs = eps.validateDictValue (self.pluginPrefs, "logLevel", "20", True)
			self.pluginPrefs = eps.validateDictValue (self.pluginPrefs, "pollingMode", "realTime", True)
			self.pluginPrefs = eps.validateDictValue (self.pluginPrefs, "pollingInterval", 1, True)
			self.pluginPrefs = eps.validateDictValue (self.pluginPrefs, "pollingFrequency", "s", True)
			# Change this to true if we are watching devices
			self.pluginPrefs = eps.validateDictValue (self.pluginPrefs, "monitorChanges", False, True)
			# EPS common startup
			if int(self.pluginPrefs["logLevel"]) < 20: 
				self.debug = True
				self.debug = False
			pollingMode = self.pluginPrefs["pollingMode"]
			pollingInterval = int(self.pluginPrefs["pollingInterval"])
			pollingFrequency = self.pluginPrefs["pollingFrequency"]
			self.monitor = self.pluginPrefs["monitorChanges"]
			# Legacy cleanup (Indigo 7 removes need for debug mode and may eliminate it entirely at some point)
			if eps.valueValid (self.pluginPrefs, "debugMode"): 
				self.logger.info(u"Upgraded plugin preferences from pre-Indigo 7, depreciated preferences removed")
				del self.pluginPrefs["debugMode"]
			# EPS common variables and classes
			self.pluginUrl = "http://forums.indigodomo.com/viewtopic.php?f=196&t=16343"
			eps.parent = self
			self.reload = False
			self.cache = cache (self, self.pluginId, pollingMode, pollingInterval, pollingFrequency)
			self.cond = conditions (self)
		except Exception as e:
			msg = eps.debugHeader ("Plugin intialization had an error, restart required!")
コード例 #19
	def addWatchedStates (self, subDevId = "*", deviceTypeId = "*", mainDevId = "*"):
		# The only device we currently watch is sprinklers so we know what zone came on and for how long
		if deviceTypeId == "*" or deviceTypeId == "sprinklerKeypad":
			dev = indigo.devices[int(mainDevId)]
			if eps.valueValid (dev.pluginProps, "device", True):
				devChild = indigo.devices[int(dev.pluginProps["device"])]
				subDevId = devChild.id # Must be specific for multiple choice
				self.cache.addWatchState ("activeZone", subDevId, "sprinklerKeypad", dev.id)
		#self.cache.addWatchState ("onOffState", subDevId, "epsCustomDev")
		#self.cache.addWatchState (848833485, "onOffState", 1089978714)
		#self.cache.addWatchState ("onOffState", subDevId, deviceTypeId, mainDevId) # All devices, pass vars
		#self.cache.addWatchState ("onOffState") # All devices, all subdevices, all types
		#self.cache.addWatchState ("onOffState", 848833485) # All devices, this subdevice, all types
		#self.cache.addWatchState ("onOffState", subDevId, "epslcdth") # All devices, all subdevices of this type
		#self.cache.addWatchState ("onOffState", 848833485, "*", 1089978714) # This device, this subdevice of all types
コード例 #20
ファイル: plugin.py プロジェクト: Colorado4Wheeler/Powermiser
	def processRawCommand (self, devChild, cmd, method = "Physical"):
			self.logger.debug(u"A monitored device '%s' processed a raw command '%s'" % (devChild.name, cmd))
			dev = False
			for d in indigo.devices.iter(self.pluginId):
				if eps.valueValid (d.pluginProps, "devicelist", True):
					for devId in d.pluginProps["devicelist"]:
						if devId == str(devChild.id):
							devParent = d
							self.logger.debug ("\tProcessing auto off group '%s' managing this device" % devParent.name)
							autoOffTimes = ast.literal_eval (devParent.states["autoOffTimes"])
							if devParent.pluginProps["physicalOnly"] and cmd == "on" and method != "Physical":
								self.logger.debug("\t%s is configured for physical only, this on command was sent from Insteon so it will be ignored" % devParent.name)
								continue # so we can see if it's in another Powermiser device
							if devChild.id in autoOffTimes:
								self.logger.debug ("\tThe device is currently in an on state in the plugin")
								if cmd == "off":
									self.logger.debug ("\tThe command is to turn it off")
									del autoOffTimes[devChild.id]
									devParent.updateStateOnServer("autoOffTimes", unicode(autoOffTimes))
									self.logger.debug ("\tThe command is to turn it on")
									self.turnDeviceOn (devParent, devChild, autoOffTimes)
								self.logger.debug ("\tThe device is currently in an off state in the plugin")
								if cmd == "off":
									self.logger.debug ("\tThe command is to turn it off and it's not in cache, nothing to do")
									self.logger.debug ("\tThe command is to turn it on")
									self.turnDeviceOn (devParent, devChild, autoOffTimes)
		except Exception as e:
コード例 #21
	def addWatchedStates (self, subDevId = "*", deviceTypeId = "*", mainDevId = "*"):
		dev = False
		if mainDevId != "*": dev = indigo.devices[int(mainDevId)]
		if deviceTypeId == "*" or deviceTypeId == "epsdecon": # Conversion
			if dev.pluginProps["chdevice"]:
				# It's a device and not a variable
				devChild = indigo.devices[int(dev.pluginProps["device"])]
				subDevId = devChild.id # Must be specific for multiple choice
				if dev.pluginProps["states"] == "lastChanged": 
					self.cache.addWatchProperty ("lastChanged", subDevId, "epsdecon", dev.id) 
					self.cache.addWatchState (dev.pluginProps["states"], subDevId, "epsdecon", dev.id) 
				# We are watching a variable
				if eps.valueValid (dev.pluginProps, "variable", True): self.varCache.append (dev.pluginProps["variable"])
コード例 #22
	def deviceStartComm(self, dev):
		self.debugLog(u"%s starting communication" % dev.name)
		dev.stateListOrDisplayStateIdChanged() # Force plugin to refresh states from devices.xml
		if self.cache is None: return
		if "lastreset" in dev.states:
			d = indigo.server.getTime()
			if dev.states["lastreset"] == "": dev.updateStateOnServer("lastreset", d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d "))
		if "lastCalc" in dev.states:
			d = indigo.server.getTime()
			if dev.states["lastCalc"] == "": dev.updateStateOnServer("lastCalc", d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
		if eps.valueValid (dev.states, "statedisplay", True):
			self.debugLog("Device doesn't have a valid device state, setting the state now")
			# There is no state display, set it now - 1.1.1
			if dev.states["isOn"]:
				dev.updateStateOnServer("statedisplay", "On")
				dev.updateStateOnServer("statedisplay", "Off")
		if eps.stateValid (dev, "startTime", True) == False: 
			self.debugLog("Device doesn't have a start time, creating a default alarm for 8:00 AM")
			# added in 1.1.1 or creating the start date will fail because there are no days
			self.auditDays (dev)
			resetday = dev.states["isSaturday"]
			dev.updateStateOnServer ("isSaturday", True) # failsafe			
			d = indigo.server.getTime()
			t = datetime.datetime.strptime(d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + " 08:00:00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
			#t = self.proposedFutureTime (t, dev)
			t = self.getNextStartTime (dev, t) # 1.1.1
			dev.updateStateOnServer("startTime", t.strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), uiValue=self.dtToString(t, dev.pluginProps["militaryTime"]))		
			dev.updateStateOnServer ("isSaturday", resetday) # failsafe	
		if eps.stateValid (dev, "endTime", True) == False: 
			self.debugLog("Device doesn't have an end time, calculating the next available end time from the start time")
			d = datetime.datetime.strptime (dev.states["startTime"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
			#t = dtutil.DateAdd("minutes", int(dev.pluginProps["defaultDuration"]), d)			
			#t = self.proposedFutureTime (t, dev, t.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
			t = self.setAlarmEndTime (dev, d) # 1.1.1
			dev.updateStateOnServer("endTime", t.strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), uiValue=self.dtToString(t, dev.pluginProps["militaryTime"]))	
		if "durationMinutes" in dev.states:
			if dev.states["durationMinutes"] == 0: dev.updateStateOnServer("durationMinutes", int(dev.pluginProps["defaultDuration"]))	
		if self.cache.deviceInCache (dev.id) == False:
			self.debugLog(u"%s not in cache, appears to be a new device or plugin was just started" % dev.name)
			self.cache.cacheDevices() # Failsafe
		#dev.updateStateOnServer("startTime", "2016-06-08 17:00:00") # Debug testing
		self.addWatchedStates("*", dev.deviceTypeId, dev.id) # Failsafe
		#self.cache.dictDump (self.cache.devices[dev.id])
		X = 1 # placeholder
コード例 #23
	def convertDeviceAction (self, devEx):
		if devEx.pluginProps["chdevice"]:
			dev = indigo.devices[int(devEx.pluginProps["device"])]
			# Added condition to check if it's in states, it will be if it's a state because we already verified this in the config (1.5.0)
			if devEx.pluginProps["states"] in dev.states:
				value = dev.states[devEx.pluginProps["states"]]
				# It's a special device property added in 1.5.0
				if devEx.pluginProps["states"] == "lastChanged": value = dev.lastChanged
			dev = ""
			value = indigo.variables[int(devEx.pluginProps["variable"])]
		if devEx.pluginProps["action"] == "strtocase": # 1.52
			value = unicode(value)
			if devEx.pluginProps["strcase"] == "title": value = value.title()
			if devEx.pluginProps["strcase"] == "initial": value = value.capitalize()
			if devEx.pluginProps["strcase"] == "upper": value = value.upper()
			if devEx.pluginProps["strcase"] == "lower": value = value.lower()
			devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedValue", str(value))
			devEx.updateStateOnServer(key="statedisplay", value=value, uiValue=value)
		if devEx.pluginProps["action"] == "strtonum": # 1.52 # CONVERTED
			value = unicode(value)
			if eps.valueValid (devEx.pluginProps, "trimstart", True):
				if devEx.pluginProps["trimstart"] != "0" and len(value) > int(devEx.pluginProps["trimstart"]):
					self.debugLog("Removing %i characters from beginning of string" % int(devEx.pluginProps["trimstart"]))
					diff = int(devEx.pluginProps["trimstart"])
					value = value[diff:len(value)]		
			if eps.valueValid (devEx.pluginProps, "trimend", True):
				if devEx.pluginProps["trimend"] != "0" and len(value) > int(devEx.pluginProps["trimend"]):
					self.debugLog("Removing %i characters from end of string" % int(devEx.pluginProps["trimend"]))
					diff = int(devEx.pluginProps["trimend"])
					diff = diff * -1
					value = value[:diff]		
				dec = string.find (value, '.')
				numtype = devEx.pluginProps["numtype"]
				if dec > -1 and numtype == "int":
					indigo.server.log("Input value of %s on %s contains a decimal, forcing value to be a float.  Change the preferences for this device to get rid of this error." % (value, devEx.name), isError=True)
					numtype = "float"
				if numtype == "int": 
					value = int(value)
					devEx.updateStateOnServer("statedisplay", value, uiValue=unicode(value))
					devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedValue", unicode(value))
					devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedNumber", value)
				if numtype == "float": 
					value = float(value)
					devEx.updateStateOnServer("statedisplay", value, uiValue=unicode(value))
					devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedValue", unicode(value))
					devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedNumber", value)
			except Exception as e:
				devEx.updateStateOnServer(key="statedisplay", value="Error", uiValue="Error")
		if devEx.pluginProps["action"] == "dtformat": # 1.52
			if eps.valueValid (devEx.pluginProps, "inputdtformat", True) and eps.valueValid (devEx.pluginProps, "outputdtformat", True):
				value = unicode(value)
				value = dtutil.DateStringFormat (value, devEx.pluginProps["inputdtformat"], devEx.pluginProps["outputdtformat"])
				devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedValue", str(value))
				devEx.updateStateOnServer(key="statedisplay", value=value, uiValue=value)
		if devEx.pluginProps["action"] == "string": # 1.52
			value = unicode(value)
			if eps.valueValid (devEx.pluginProps, "maxlength", True):
				if devEx.pluginProps["maxlength"] != "0" and len(value) > int(devEx.pluginProps["maxlength"]):
					self.debugLog("Shortening string to %i characters" % int(devEx.pluginProps["maxlength"]))
					diff = len(value) - int(devEx.pluginProps["maxlength"])
					diff = diff * -1
					value = value[:diff]
			if eps.valueValid (devEx.pluginProps, "trimstart", True):
				if devEx.pluginProps["trimstart"] != "0" and len(value) > int(devEx.pluginProps["trimstart"]):
					self.debugLog("Removing %i characters from beginning of string" % int(devEx.pluginProps["trimstart"]))
					diff = int(devEx.pluginProps["trimstart"])
					value = value[diff:len(value)]		
			if eps.valueValid (devEx.pluginProps, "trimend", True):
				if devEx.pluginProps["trimend"] != "0" and len(value) > int(devEx.pluginProps["trimend"]):
					self.debugLog("Removing %i characters from end of string" % int(devEx.pluginProps["trimend"]))
					diff = int(devEx.pluginProps["trimend"])
					diff = diff * -1
					value = value[:diff]		
			devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedValue", str(value))
			devEx.updateStateOnServer(key="statedisplay", value=value, uiValue=value)
		if devEx.pluginProps["action"] == "ctof":
			# 1.2 added precision
			if "precision" in devEx.pluginProps:
				#value = self.cache.convertTemperature (value, False, int(devEx.pluginProps["precision"]))
				value = conv.temperature (value, False, int(devEx.pluginProps["precision"])) # 1.52
				#value = self.cache.convertTemperature (value, False)
				value = conv.temperature (value, False) # 1.52
			stateSuffix = u" °F" 
			devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedValue", str(value))
			devEx.updateStateOnServer(key="statedisplay", value=value, decimalPlaces=1, uiValue=str(value) + stateSuffix)
		if devEx.pluginProps["action"] == "ftoc":
			# 1.2 added precision
			if "precision" in devEx.pluginProps:
				#value = self.cache.convertTemperature (value, True, int(devEx.pluginProps["precision"]))
				value = conv.temperature (value, True, int(devEx.pluginProps["precision"])) # 1.52
				#value = self.cache.convertTemperature (value, True)
				value = conv.temperature (value, True) # 1.52
			stateSuffix = u" °C" 
			devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedValue", str(value))
			devEx.updateStateOnServer(key="statedisplay", value=value, decimalPlaces=1, uiValue=str(value) + stateSuffix)
		if devEx.pluginProps["action"] == "lux":
			value = int(value)
			term = "Direct Sunlight"
			if value < 100001: term = "Direct Sunlight"
			if value < 30001: term = "Cloudy Outdoors"
			if value < 10001: term = "Dim Outdoors"
			if value < 5001: term = "Bright Indoors"
			if value < 1001: term = "Normal Indoors"
			if value < 401: term = "Dim Indoors"
			if value < 201: term = "Dark Indoors"
			if value < 51: term = "Very Dark"
			if value < 11: term = "Pitch Black"
			if value < 1001:
			devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedValue", term)
			devEx.updateStateOnServer("statedisplay", term)
		if devEx.pluginProps["action"] == "boolstr": # CONVERTED
			value = unicode(value).lower()
			truevalue = unicode(devEx.pluginProps["truewhen"])
			falsevalue = unicode(devEx.pluginProps["falsewhen"])
			statevalue = falsevalue
			if value == "true": statevalue = truevalue
			devEx.updateStateOnServer("statedisplay", unicode(statevalue))
			devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedValue", unicode(statevalue))
		if devEx.pluginProps["action"] == "booltype":
			value = unicode(value).lower()
			statevalue = "na"
			statebool = False
			truevalue = "na"
			falsevalue = "na"
			if devEx.pluginProps["booltype"] == "tf":
					truevalue = "true"
					falsevalue = "false"
			elif devEx.pluginProps["booltype"] == "yesno":
					truevalue = "yes"
					falsevalue = "no"
			elif devEx.pluginProps["booltype"] == "onoff":
					truevalue = "on"
					falsevalue = "off"
			elif devEx.pluginProps["booltype"] == "oz":
					truevalue = "1"
					falsevalue = "0"
			elif devEx.pluginProps["booltype"] == "oc":
					truevalue = "open"
					falsevalue = "closed"
			elif devEx.pluginProps["booltype"] == "rdy":
					truevalue = "ready"
					falsevalue = "not ready"
			elif devEx.pluginProps["booltype"] == "avail":
					truevalue = "available"
					falsevalue = "not available"
			elif devEx.pluginProps["booltype"] == "gbad":
					truevalue = "good"
					falsevalue = "bad"	
			elif devEx.pluginProps["booltype"] == "lock":
					truevalue = "locked"
					falsevalue = "unlocked"		
			if value == "true":
				statebool = True
				if devEx.pluginProps["reverse"]: statebool = False
				statebool = False
				if devEx.pluginProps["reverse"]: statebool = True
			if statebool: 
				statevalue = truevalue
				statevalue = falsevalue
			devEx.updateStateOnServer("statedisplay", unicode(statevalue).lower())
			devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedValue", unicode(statevalue).lower())
			devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedBoolean", statebool)
			if devEx.pluginProps["booltype"] == "oz": devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedNumber", int(statevalue))
		if devEx.pluginProps["action"] == "true": # CONVERTED
			devEx.updateStateOnServer("statedisplay", "true")
			devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedValue", "true")
			devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedBoolean", True)
		if devEx.pluginProps["action"] == "false": # CONVERTED
			devEx.updateStateOnServer("statedisplay", "false")
			devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedValue", "false")
			devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedBoolean", False)
		if devEx.pluginProps["action"] == "bool": # CONVERTED
			value = unicode(value).lower()
			#if devEx.pluginProps["booleanstatetype"] == "float": value = float(value)
			truevalue = unicode(devEx.pluginProps["truewhen"]).lower()
			falsevalue = unicode(devEx.pluginProps["falsewhen"]).lower()
			statevalue = False
			if truevalue != "*else*":
				if value == truevalue: 
					statevalue = True
					if falsevalue == "*else*": statevalue = False
			if falsevalue != "*else*":
				if value == falsevalue: 
					statevalue = False
					if truevalue == "*else*": statevalue = True
			devEx.updateStateOnServer("statedisplay", unicode(statevalue).lower())
			devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedValue", unicode(statevalue).lower())
			devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedBoolean", statevalue)
		if devEx.pluginProps["action"] == "dtmin":
			self.calcMinutes (devEx, value)
コード例 #24
	def processCache (self, dev, force = False):
			currentCode = dev.states["keyCache"]
			if currentCode == " ": currentCode = ""
			if dev.deviceTypeId == "securityKeypad":
				if dev.pluginProps["actionCode1"] != "" and currentCode == dev.pluginProps["actionCode1"]:
					self.debugLog("Automatically executing action 1")
					self.setStatusMessage (dev, "action1UI")
					self.runAction (dev, "action1")
				elif dev.pluginProps["actionCode2"] != "" and currentCode == dev.pluginProps["actionCode2"]:
					self.debugLog("Automatically executing action 2")
					self.setStatusMessage (dev, "action2UI")
					self.runAction (dev, "action2")
				elif dev.pluginProps["autoAcceptChars"] != "" and dev.pluginProps["autoAcceptChars"] != "0" and len(currentCode) >= int(dev.pluginProps["autoAcceptChars"]): 
					self.processCode(dev, currentCode)
				elif force: 
					self.processCode(dev, currentCode)
			elif dev.deviceTypeId == "dimmerKeypad":
				indigo.server.log("Setting brightness now")
				if eps.valueValid (dev.states, "deviceList", True):
					if dev.states["deviceList"] != "[]":
						# They sent devices
						devs = ast.literal_eval(dev.states["deviceList"])	
						if dev.pluginProps["deviceMethod"] == "replace":
							self.setBrightness (devs, dev, currentCode)

						elif dev.pluginProps["deviceMethod"] == "append":	
							self.setBrightness (devs, dev, currentCode)
							self.setBrightness (dev.pluginProps["devicelist"], dev, currentCode)	

						elif dev.pluginProps["deviceMethod"] == "ignore":	
							self.setBrightness (dev.pluginProps["devicelist"], dev, currentCode)	
						# Use the devices configure in props
						self.debugLog("Device list is empty")
						self.setBrightness (dev.pluginProps["devicelist"], dev, currentCode)	
				self.setStatusMessage (dev, "completedUI")
			elif dev.deviceTypeId == "sprinklerKeypad":
				self.saveSchedule (dev)
				for i in range (1, 4):
					idx = str(i)
					if i == 1: idx = ""
					if eps.valueValid (dev.pluginProps, "device" + idx, True):
						devEx = indigo.devices[int(dev.pluginProps["device" + idx])]
						if idx == "": idx = "1"
						schedule = ast.literal_eval(dev.states["device" + idx + "Schedule"])
						self.runSprinklerSchedule (dev, devEx, schedule, i)
				self.setStatusMessage (dev, "completedUI")
		except Exception as e: