def __init__(self, width=None, height=None): NodeComponent.__init__(self) if width is None: width = Settings.get('DisplaySettings','resolution')[0] if height is None: height = Settings.get('DisplaySettings','resolution')[1] self._width = width self._height = height self._near_dist = 1.0 self._near_width = 0.0 self._near_height = 0.0 self._far_dist = 1000.0 self._far_width = 0.0 self._far_height = 0.0 self._aspect = self._width / float(self._height) #self._fov = 75.0 self._fov = 60.0 self._frustum_planes = [] # Build Near/Far Planes self._calc_near_far() # Internal Stats self._num_inside = 0 self._num_outside = 0 self._num_intersect = 0 # Debug self._update_frustum = True if Settings.has_option('RenderSettings','update_frustum'): self._update_frustum = Settings.get('RenderSettings','update_frustum') else: Settings.set('RenderSettings','update_frustum', self._update_frustum) self._top = None self._bottom = None self._left = None self._right = None self._verts = [] self._gizmos = None self._projection_matrix = None
def initialise_display(self, width, height, title="Pyglet Window"): self._width = width self._height = height self._title = title self._window = pyglet.window.Window(self._width, self._height, self._title, True, vsync=False) self._window.set_location(Settings.get('DisplaySettings','location')[0], Settings.get('DisplaySettings','location')[1]) self._window.on_draw = self._draw # Configure the input object self._input = PygletInput(self._window) self._fps_display = pyglet.clock.ClockDisplay() Logger.Log("Initialised Pyglet window")
def set_perspective(self): glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) glLoadIdentity() gluPerspective(self._fov, self._aspect, self._near_dist, self._far_dist) # If the transform for the camera has changed, then recalculate the frustrum if self.node_parent.transform.has_changed_this_frame: self._update_frustum = Settings.get('RenderSettings','update_frustum') if Input.get_key(Input.KEY_1): if not self._update_frustum: self._update_frustum = True#not self._update_frustum print "Frustum update enabled" print "cam pos: %s" % self._transform.position if Input.get_key(Input.KEY_2): if self._update_frustum: self._update_frustum = False print "Frustum update disabled" print "@ cam pos: %s" % self._transform.position if self._update_frustum: #self.calc_frustum() self.calc_frustum_lighthouse() self.update_projection_matrix() # show the frustum visualisation self._vis_frustum(not self._update_frustum)
def _save_configuration(self): print "Shutting down ConfigurationManager" # For each of the settings sections for section in Settings.get_sections(): # if they don't yet have a section in the settings file, add one. if not section in self._config.sections(): self._config.add_section(section) # Store their values for option in Settings.get_options(section): value = Settings.get(section, option) self._config.set(section, option, value ) # print "Class value class: %s name: %s value: %s valuetype: %s" % ( section, option, value, value.__class__) # for class_def in self._settings_classes: # class_name = class_def.__name__ # # if they don't yet have a section in the settings file, add one. # if not class_name in self._config.sections(): # self._config.add_section(class_name) # # Store their values # for name, value in class_def.__dict__.iteritems(): # # Ignoring generated class properties # if name[:2] != "__": # self._config.set(class_name, name, value) # print "Class value class: %s name: %s value: %s valuetype: %s" % ( class_name, name, value, value.__class__) with open(self._filepath, 'w') as configfile: self._config.write(configfile)
def __init__(self): self._current_framework = None selected_framework = Settings.get('FrameworkSettings','use_framework') if selected_framework == Frameworks.PYGAME: from epsilon.frameworks.pygameframework import PyGameFramework self._current_framework = PyGameFramework.get_instance() elif selected_framework == Frameworks.PYGLET: from epsilon.frameworks.pygletframework import PygletFramework self._current_framework = PygletFramework.get_instance()
def draw_gizmos(self): if Settings.get('RenderSettings','grid'): self.draw_grid() # Gizmos are always on top glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) gizmos = self._gizmo_manager.get_gizmo_root().transform.children for gizmo in gizmos: self._perform_draw_gizmos(gizmo.node) glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST)
def setup_3d(self): setup_ok = False # Configure OpenGL Settings for drawing 3D glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) glEnable(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH) glEnable(GL_BLEND) glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) glHint(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH_HINT, GL_NICEST) glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH) glCullFace(GL_BACK) glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE) glClearColor(*self._back_colour.get_gl_colour()) glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT|GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) if Settings.get('RenderSettings','wireframe'): glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE) else: glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL) # If the SceneManager instance hasn't been set if self._camera is None and self._scene_root is None: if not SceneManager.get_current_scene() is None: # If there isn't a camera set, get the active camera from the SceneManager if self._camera is None: self._camera = SceneManager.get_current_scene().active_camera # Get the Scene Root if self._scene_root is None: self._scene_root = SceneManager.get_current_scene().root setup_ok = False if self._camera is None: Logger.Log("RENDER ERROR: Camera not found.") elif self._scene_root is None: Logger.Log("RENDER ERROR: Scene Root not found.") else: setup_ok = True # Activate the camera for rendering # set_projection, etc self._camera.activate() return setup_ok
def __init__(self): # Get the Pyglet window pyglet_framework = PygletFramework.get_instance() self._window = pyglet_framework.window # Configure the Settings for the GUI theme_path = 'simplui/themes/pywidget' theme_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), theme_path) self._themes = [Theme(theme_path)] res = Settings.get("DisplaySettings","resolution") self._frame = Frame(self._themes[0], w=res[0], h=res[1]) self._window.push_handlers(self._frame) # Add this UI Window to the UIManager UIManager.get_instance().add_ui(self)
def draw(self): if self._visible and not self._culled: # Draw bounds if Settings.get('RenderSettings','draw_bounds'): if self._material: self.node_parent.transform.bounds.colour = self._material.diffuse self.node_parent.transform.bounds.debug_draw() # Set Material # Every node _must_ have a material from now on. # The renderer is moving to entirely Shader based rendering and # as such all meshes cannot be rendered without a material # definition if self._mesh and self._material: self._material.draw(self._mesh.glmesh, self.node_parent.transform)
def __init__(self): # Load Configuration settings ConfigurationManager.load_configuration() #Start Logger method = Settings.get('LoggerSettings','method') filename = Settings.get('LoggerSettings','filename') to_console = Settings.get('LoggerSettings','log_to_console') Logger.Configure(method, filename, to_console) Logger.Log('Initialising Core Systems') # The order of initialisation in this function is extremely important # as it determines the order in which classes will receive events. # For instance it is important that input is processed # Start Event System so it can receive new listeners when the # classes below are initialised self._event_manager = EventManager.get_instance() #Register Core Event Listener for detecting quit self._core_listener = CoreListener(False) # Initialise Time self._time = Time.get_instance() # Create a Scene self._scene = SceneManager.get_instance() self._scene.init() #Start Render System self._render_manager = RenderManager.get_instance() self._render_manager.init( Settings.get('DisplaySettings','resolution')[0], Settings.get('DisplaySettings','resolution')[1], Settings.get('DisplaySettings','window_title') ) # Setup the framework callbacks self._framework = FrameworkManager.framework() self._framework.setup = self.setup self._framework.run_loop = self.update self._framework.on_draw = self._render_manager.draw self._framework.on_shutdown = self.shutdown # Setup Frame Start/End Events self._frame_start = FrameStarted() self._frame_end = FrameEnded() #Get the Texture Manager self._texture_manager = TextureManager.get_instance() # Start the ShaderManager self._shader_manager = ShaderManager.get_instance() # Start Scripting System self._script_manager = ScriptManager.get_instance() # Start the UI Manager and setup the MainUI self._ui_manager = UIManager.get_instance() self._main_ui = MainUI() # Start the GizmoManager system self._gizmo_manager = GizmoManager.get_instance() # Configure the ResourceManager self._resource_manager = ResourceManager.get_instance() # enable Image Loading self._resource_manager.add_handler(ImageResourceHandler()) # enable Scene Loading self._resource_manager.add_handler(SceneResourceHandler()) # enable Wavefront Obj Loading self._resource_manager.add_handler(WavefrontResourceHandler())
def _load_configuration(self): if self._config_exists: # If read ok read_result = if len(read_result) > 0 and os.path.basename(read_result[0]) == self._filename: # Populate the classes with the appropriate values for section in self._config.sections(): #print "Reading Config Section: " + section for option in self._config.options(section): value_type = "str" # If the section has been defined in the default settings if Settings.has_section(section): value_type = Settings.get(section, option).__class__.__name__ # Else use a manual technique to figure this out. else: value = self._config.get(section, option) value_type = self._check_type( value ) if value_type == "str": Settings.set(section, option, self._config.get(section, option) ) elif value_type == "int": Settings.set(section, option, self._config.getint(section, option) ) elif value_type == "float": Settings.set(section, option, self._config.getfloat(section, option) ) elif value_type == "bool": Settings.set(section, option, self._config.getboolean(section, option) ) elif value_type == "list": # If the item is a list get it as a string and process it as appropriate # only lists containing homogeneous values are supported list_value = self._config.get(section, option) # If the section has already been defined in the default settings if Settings.has_section(section): #assuming that the list has more than one value... list_type = Settings.get(section, option)[0].__class__.__name__ # Otherwise extract the type else: #Extract the first list element # Default to a single element list list_element = list_value[1:-1] #Check for more and adjust as necessary if list_value.find(',') > 0: list_element = list_value[1:list_value.find(',')] # Get the element_type list_type = self._check_type( list_element ) # In place of python's lack of a switch statement, defaulting to str if None cast_func = { 'int' : int, 'float' : float, 'bool' : bool, 'str' : str, 'NoneType' : str }[list_type] # Generate a list from the string Settings.set(section, option, [cast_func(value) for value in list_value[1:-1].split(',')] ) value = self._config.get(section, option) # print "Reading property class: %s name: %s value: %s" % ( section, option, str(value) ) # print "Class value class: %s name: %s value: %s valuetype: %s" % ( section, option, str(Settings.get(section, option)), Settings.get(section, option).__class__ ) else: print "Can't find configuration file: %s " % self._filename
def _build_ui(self): stats_layout = FoldingBox('stats', content= # each box needs a content layout VLayout(children = [ Label('0000.0 fps', name='fps_label'), HLayout(children= [ Label('MoUI:', hexpand=False), Label('', name='mouse_over') ]), ]) ) wf = False sg = True sb = False uf = True if Settings.has_option('RenderSettings','wireframe'): wf = Settings.get('RenderSettings','wireframe') if Settings.has_option('RenderSettings','grid'): sg = Settings.get('RenderSettings','grid') if Settings.has_option('RenderSettings','draw_bounds'): sb = Settings.get('RenderSettings','draw_bounds') if Settings.has_option('RenderSettings','update_frustum'): uf = Settings.get('RenderSettings','update_frustum') settings_layout = FoldingBox('settings', content= VLayout(children= [ # a checkbox, note the action function is provided directly Checkbox('Show wireframe', h=100, action=self.show_wireframe_action, value=wf), Checkbox('Show Grid', h=100, action=self.show_grid_action,value=sg), Checkbox('Show Bounds', h=100, action=self.show_bounds_action,value=sb), Checkbox('Update Frustum', h=100, action=self.update_frustum_action,value=uf), Button('Quit', action=self.quit_action), ]) ) self._dialog = Dialogue('Inspector', x=20, y=550, content= VLayout(autosizex=True, hpadding=0, children= [ stats_layout, settings_layout ]) ) # self._console = Dialogue('Python console', self._console = Console('Python Console', x=20, y=50, # content=VLayout(autosizex=True, # hpadding=0, # children= # [ # Label('text\nsome\nthing',w=390, h=300), # TextInput(text=">>>", w=390) # ]) ) self._frame.add(self._dialog) # Setup the UI console logger self._ui_log_listener = LogListener() self._ui_log_listener.set_log_func(self._console.new_line) self._frame.add(self._console) self._mouse_over_label = self._frame.get_element_by_name('mouse_over') self._fps_label = self._frame.get_element_by_name('fps_label')