def test_sim_WA(self): """ Test simulating a Wood Anderson instrument. """ t1 = UTCDateTime("2010-09-3T16:30:00.000") t2 = UTCDateTime("2010-09-3T17:00:00.000") fdsn_client = Client('IRIS') st = fdsn_client.get_waveforms( network='NZ', station='BFZ', location='10', channel='HHZ', starttime=t1, endtime=t2, attach_response=True) inventory = fdsn_client.get_stations( network='NZ', station='BFZ', location='10', channel='HHZ', starttime=t1, endtime=t2, level="response") tr = st[0] # Test with inventory _sim_WA(trace=tr, inventory=inventory, water_level=10)
def test_sim_WA(self): """Test feeding both PAZ and seedresp.""" t1 = UTCDateTime("2010-09-3T16:30:00.000") t2 = UTCDateTime("2010-09-3T17:00:00.000") fdsn_client = Client('IRIS') st = fdsn_client.get_waveforms( network='NZ', station='BFZ', location='10', channel='HHZ', starttime=t1, endtime=t2, attach_response=True) tr = st[0] PAZ = {'poles': [-4.440 + 4.440j, -4.440 - 4.440j, -1.083 + 0.0j], 'zeros': [0.0 + 0.0j, 0.0 + 0.0j, 0.0 + 0.0], 'sensitivity': 0.4, 'gain': 60077000.0} tr_safe = tr.copy() # Test with PAZ _sim_WA(trace=tr, PAZ=PAZ, seedresp=None, water_level=10) tr = tr_safe.copy() # Test without PAZ or seedresp _sim_WA(trace=tr, PAZ=None, seedresp=None, water_level=10) tr = tr_safe.copy() with NamedTemporaryFile() as tf: respf = old_iris_client = OldIris_Client() # fetch RESP information from "old" IRIS web service, see # obspy.fdsn for accessing the new IRIS FDSN web services old_iris_client.resp('NZ', 'BFZ', '10', 'HHZ', t1, t2, filename=respf) date = t1 seedresp = { 'filename': respf, 'date': date, 'network':, 'station': tr.stats.station, 'channel':, 'location': tr.stats.location, 'units': 'DIS' } _sim_WA(trace=tr, PAZ=None, seedresp=seedresp, water_level=10)
def test_sim_WA(self): """Test feeding both PAZ and seedresp.""" from eqcorrscan.utils.mag_calc import _sim_WA from obspy.core.util import NamedTemporaryFile from obspy import UTCDateTime from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client from obspy.clients.iris import Client as OldIris_Client t1 = UTCDateTime("2010-09-3T16:30:00.000") t2 = UTCDateTime("2010-09-3T17:00:00.000") fdsn_client = Client('IRIS') st = fdsn_client.get_waveforms(network='NZ', station='BFZ', location='10', channel='HHZ', starttime=t1, endtime=t2, attach_response=True) tr = st[0] PAZ = {'poles': [-4.440 + 4.440j, -4.440 - 4.440j, -1.083 + 0.0j], 'zeros': [0.0 + 0.0j, 0.0 + 0.0j, 0.0 + 0.0], 'sensitivity': 0.4, 'gain': 60077000.0} tr_safe = tr.copy() # Test with PAZ _sim_WA(trace=tr, PAZ=PAZ, seedresp=None, water_level=10) tr = tr_safe.copy() # Test without PAZ or seedresp _sim_WA(trace=tr, PAZ=None, seedresp=None, water_level=10) tr = tr_safe.copy() with NamedTemporaryFile() as tf: respf = old_iris_client = OldIris_Client() # fetch RESP information from "old" IRIS web service, see obspy.fdsn # for accessing the new IRIS FDSN web services old_iris_client.resp('NZ', 'BFZ', '10', 'HHZ', t1, t2, filename=respf) date = t1 seedresp = {'filename': respf, # RESP filename 'date': date, 'network':, 'station': tr.stats.station, 'channel':, 'location': tr.stats.location, # Units to return response in ('DIS', 'VEL' or ACC) 'units': 'DIS' } _sim_WA(trace=tr, PAZ=None, seedresp=seedresp, water_level=10)
def test_sim_WA(self): """Test feeding both PAZ and seedresp.""" t1 = UTCDateTime("2010-09-3T16:30:00.000") t2 = UTCDateTime("2010-09-3T17:00:00.000") fdsn_client = Client('IRIS') st = fdsn_client.get_waveforms(network='NZ', station='BFZ', location='10', channel='HHZ', starttime=t1, endtime=t2, attach_response=True) tr = st[0] PAZ = { 'poles': [-4.440 + 4.440j, -4.440 - 4.440j, -1.083 + 0.0j], 'zeros': [0.0 + 0.0j, 0.0 + 0.0j, 0.0 + 0.0], 'sensitivity': 0.4, 'gain': 60077000.0 } tr_safe = tr.copy() # Test with PAZ _sim_WA(trace=tr, PAZ=PAZ, seedresp=None, water_level=10) tr = tr_safe.copy() # Test without PAZ or seedresp _sim_WA(trace=tr, PAZ=None, seedresp=None, water_level=10) tr = tr_safe.copy() with open("Temp_resp", "w") as tf: respf = old_iris_client = OldIris_Client() # fetch RESP information from "old" IRIS web service, see # obspy.fdsn for accessing the new IRIS FDSN web services old_iris_client.resp('NZ', 'BFZ', '10', 'HHZ', t1, t2, filename=respf) # Hack around unit issues with open("Temp_resp", "r") as tf: resp_contents = [line for line in tf] corrected_contents = [] for line in resp_contents: if "COUNT" in line: line = line.replace("COUNT", "COUNTS") corrected_contents.append(line) with open("Temp_resp", "w") as tf: for line in corrected_contents: tf.write(line) date = t1 seedresp = { 'filename': respf, 'date': date, 'network':, 'station': tr.stats.station, 'channel':, 'location': tr.stats.location, 'units': 'DIS' } _sim_WA(trace=tr, PAZ=None, seedresp=seedresp, water_level=10) os.remove(respf)