def writeToTree(inp): shot, chan, surf1, surf2 = inp timeout = time.time() outstr = str(chan) if chan < 10: outstr = '0' + outstr try: Tree = MDSplus.Tree('spectroscopy', shot) b = plasma.Tokamak(eqtools.CModEFITTree(shot)) # I HATE THIS output = effectiveHeight( surf1, surf2, b, scipy.mgrid[b.eq.getTimeBase()[0]:b.eq.getTimeBase()[-1]:1e-3]) dummy = MDSplus.Data.compile( 'build_signal($1,*,$2)', output, scipy.mgrid[b.eq.getTimeBase()[0]:b.eq.getTimeBase()[-1]:1e-3]) Tree.getNode('.BOLOMETER.RESULTS.DIODE.BPLY.AREA:CHORD_' + outstr).putData(dummy) print('channel ' + str(chan) + ':\t ' + str(time.time() - timeout)) except IndexError: print('ERROR IN THIS CHANNEL: ' + str(chan))
str(TePtEdge[i])) else: print("Could not pull edge Thomson data for this shot, " + str(s)) #Plot profile #plt.grid(color='k', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.5) #plt.plot(rPt,nePt/1E20,linestyle='',marker='o') #plt.hold('True') #plt.plot(rPtEdge,nePtEdge/1E20,linestyle='',marker='o') #plt.xlabel('R [m]') #plt.ylabel('$n_e$ [$\\times10^{20} $m$^{-3}$]') #Create EFIT object - pull EFIT data from tree print("Attempting to generate EQDSK file from EFIT tree") myEq = eqtools.CModEFITTree(s) #Cache useful EFIT parameters tEfit = myEq.getTimeBase() eqInfo = myEq.getInfo() RGrid = myEq.getRGrid() zGrid = myEq.getZGrid() R0 = myEq.getMagR() #Major radius of magnetic axis z0 = myEq.getMagZ() #Height of magnetic axis B0 = myEq.getBtVac() #Vacuum toroidal field on axis psi0 = myEq.getFluxAxis() psiBndry = myEq.getFluxLCFS() psiRz = -1.0 * myEq.getCurrentSign() * myEq.getFluxGrid() Bcentr = myEq.getBCentr() Ip = myEq.getIpCalc()
def hirexsr_pos(shot, hirex_branch, tht, primary_line, primary_impurity, plot_pos=False, plot_on_tokamak=False, check_with_tree=False, t0=1.25): ''' Get the POS vector as defined in the THACO manual. Unlike in THACO, here we use POS vectors averaged over the wavelength range of the line of interest, rather than over the wavelength range that is fit (including various satellite lines). This reduces the averaging quite significantly. Plotting functions make use of the eqtools and TRIPPy packages. ''' specTree = MDSplus.Tree('spectroscopy', shot) if hirex_branch == 'B': # pos vectors for detector modules 1-3 pos1 = specTree.getNode( r'\SPECTROSCOPY::TOP.HIREXSR.CALIB.MOD1:POS').data() pos2 = specTree.getNode( r'\SPECTROSCOPY::TOP.HIREXSR.CALIB.MOD2:POS').data() pos3 = specTree.getNode( r'\SPECTROSCOPY::TOP.HIREXSR.CALIB.MOD3:POS').data() # wavelengths for each module lam1 = specTree.getNode( r'\SPECTROSCOPY::TOP.HIREXSR.CALIB.MOD1:LAMBDA').data() lam2 = specTree.getNode( r'\SPECTROSCOPY::TOP.HIREXSR.CALIB.MOD2:LAMBDA').data() lam3 = specTree.getNode( r'\SPECTROSCOPY::TOP.HIREXSR.CALIB.MOD3:LAMBDA').data() pos_tot = np.hstack([pos1, pos2, pos3]) lam_tot = np.hstack([lam1, lam2, lam3]) else: # 1 detector module pos_tot = specTree.getNode( r'\SPECTROSCOPY::TOP.HIREXSR.CALIB.MOD4:POS').data() # wavelength lam_tot = specTree.getNode( r'\SPECTROSCOPY::TOP.HIREXSR.CALIB.MOD4:LAMBDA').data() branchNode = specTree.getNode( r'\SPECTROSCOPY::TOP.HIREXSR.ANALYSIS{:s}.{:s}LIKE'.format( str(tht) if tht != 0 else '', 'HE' if hirex_branch == 'B' else 'H')) # mapping from pixels to chords (wavelength x space pixels, but wavelength axis is just padding) chmap = branchNode.getNode('BINNING:CHMAP').data() pixels_to_chords = chmap[0, :] # find over which wavelengths the pos vector should be averaged at every time # get lambda bounds for specific BSFC line for accurate impurity forward modeling: lam_bounds, primary_line = get_hirexsr_lam_bounds(primary_impurity, primary_line, reduced=True) lam_all = branchNode.getNode('SPEC:LAM').data() # exclude empty chords mask = lam_all[0, 0, :] != -1 lam_masked = lam_all[:, :, mask] # lambda vector does not change over time, so just use tbin=0 tbin = 0 w0 = [] w1 = [] for chbin in np.arange(lam_masked.shape[2]): bb = np.searchsorted(lam_masked[:, tbin, chbin], lam_bounds) w0.append(bb[0]) w1.append(bb[1]) # form chords pos_ave = [] for chord in np.arange(lam_masked.shape[2]): pos_ave.append( np.mean(pos_tot[w0[chord]:w1[chord], pixels_to_chords == chord, :], axis=(0, 1))) pos_ave = np.array(pos_ave) if plot_pos: # show each component of the pos vector separately fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2) axx = ax.flatten() for i in [0, 1, 2, 3]: pcm = axx[i].pcolormesh(pos_tot[:, :, i].T) axx[i].axis('equal') fig.colorbar(pcm, ax=axx[i]) if plot_on_tokamak: import TRIPPy import eqtools # visualize chords efit_tree = eqtools.CModEFITTree(shot) tokamak = TRIPPy.plasma.Tokamak(efit_tree) #pos_ave[:,0]*=1.2 # pos[:,3] indicate spacing between rays rays = [TRIPPy.beam.pos2Ray(p, tokamak) for p in pos_ave] #pos_old] weights = TRIPPy.invert.fluxFourierSens(rays, efit_tree.rz2psinorm,, t0, np.linspace(0, 1, 150), ds=1e-5)[0] from TRIPPy.plot.pyplot import plotTokamak, plotLine f = plt.figure() a = f.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) # Only plot the tokamak if an axis was not provided: plotTokamak(tokamak) for r in rays: plotLine(r, pargs='r', lw=1.0) i_flux = np.searchsorted(efit_tree.getTimeBase(), t0) # mask out coils, where flux is highest flux = efit_tree.getFluxGrid()[i_flux, :, :] #flux[flux>np.percentile(flux, 75)] = np.nan #flux[:,efit_tree.getRGrid()>0.9] = np.nan cset = a.contour(efit_tree.getRGrid(), efit_tree.getZGrid(), flux, 80) #f.colorbar(cset,ax=a) if check_with_tree: try: pos_on_tree = branchNode.getNode('MOMENTS.{:s}:POS'.format( primary_line.upper())).data() except: pos_on_tree = branchNode.getNode('MOMENTS.LYA1:POS').data() return pos_ave, pos_on_tree else: return pos_ave
matplotlib.rc('font', size=20) import scipy import eqtools import profiletools import gptools import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.ion() plt.close('all') shot = 1101014006 t_min = 0.965 t_max = 1.365 e = eqtools.CModEFITTree(shot) p_CTS = profiletools.TeCTS(shot, t_min=t_min, t_max=t_max, efit_tree=e) p_CTS.time_average(weighted=True) p_ETS = profiletools.TeETS(shot, t_min=t_min, t_max=t_max, efit_tree=e) p_ETS.time_average(weighted=True) p_GPC = profiletools.TeGPC(shot, t_min=t_min, t_max=t_max, efit_tree=e) p_GPC.time_average() p_GPC2 = profiletools.TeGPC2(shot, t_min=t_min, t_max=t_max, efit_tree=e) p_GPC2.time_average() f, sl = e.plotFlux(fill=False) sl.set_val(47) f.axes[0].plot(p_CTS.X[:, 0], p_CTS.X[:, 1], 'gs', markersize=12, label='CTS') f.axes[0].plot(p_ETS.X[:, 0], p_ETS.X[:, 1], 'rs', markersize=12, label='ETS') f.axes[0].plot(p_GPC2.X[:, 0], scipy.zeros_like(p_GPC2.y),
import scipy import scipy.stats import import numpy.random import matplotlib matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 22}) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.ion() #plt.close('all') shot = 1101014006 # Start and end times of flat top: flat_start = 0.965 #0.5 flat_stop = 1.365 #1.5 efit_tree = eqtools.CModEFITTree(shot) t_EFIT = efit_tree.getTimeBase() electrons = MDSplus.Tree('electrons', shot) # Get core TS data: N_Te_TS = electrons.getNode(r'\electrons::top.yag_new.results.profiles:te_rz') t_Te_TS = N_Te_TS.dim_of().data() # Only keep points that are in the RF flat top: ok_idxs = (t_Te_TS >= flat_start) & (t_Te_TS <= flat_stop) t_Te_TS = t_Te_TS[ok_idxs] Te_TS =[:, ok_idxs] dev_Te_TS = electrons.getNode(