def validate_filters(filters): ''' Validate if dates are properly set and lie in the same fiscal year''' if filters.from_date > filters.to_date: frappe.throw(_("From Date must be before To Date")) from_year = get_fiscal_year(filters.from_date)[0] to_year = get_fiscal_year(filters.to_date)[0] if from_year != to_year: frappe.throw(_("From Date and To Date lie in different Fiscal Year")) filters["fiscal_year"] = from_year
def get_leave_details(self, joining_date=None, relieving_date=None, lwp=None): if not self.fiscal_year: # if default fiscal year is not set, get from nowdate self.fiscal_year = get_fiscal_year(nowdate())[0] if not self.month: self.month = "%02d" % getdate(nowdate()).month self.set_month_dates() if not joining_date: joining_date, relieving_date = frappe.db.get_value("Employee", self.employee, ["date_of_joining", "relieving_date"]) holidays = self.get_holidays_for_employee(self.start_date, self.end_date) working_days = date_diff(self.end_date, self.start_date) + 1 if not cint(frappe.db.get_value("HR Settings", None, "include_holidays_in_total_working_days")): working_days -= len(holidays) if working_days < 0: frappe.throw(_("There are more holidays than working days this month.")) if not lwp: lwp = self.calculate_lwp(holidays, working_days) self.total_days_in_month = working_days self.leave_without_pay = lwp payment_days = flt(self.get_payment_days(joining_date, relieving_date)) - flt(lwp) self.payment_days = payment_days > 0 and payment_days or 0
def test_monthly_budget_crossed_for_mr(self): budget = make_budget(applicable_on_material_request=1, applicable_on_purchase_order=1, action_if_accumulated_monthly_budget_exceeded_on_mr="Stop", budget_against="Cost Center") fiscal_year = get_fiscal_year(nowdate())[0] frappe.db.set_value("Budget",, "action_if_accumulated_monthly_budget_exceeded", "Stop") frappe.db.set_value("Budget",, "fiscal_year", fiscal_year) mr = frappe.get_doc({ "doctype": "Material Request", "material_request_type": "Purchase", "transaction_date": nowdate(), "company":, "items": [{ 'item_code': '_Test Item', 'qty': 1, 'uom': "_Test UOM", 'warehouse': '_Test Warehouse - _TC', 'schedule_date': nowdate(), 'rate': 100000, 'expense_account': '_Test Account Cost for Goods Sold - _TC', 'cost_center': '_Test Cost Center - _TC' }] }) mr.set_missing_values() self.assertRaises(BudgetError, mr.submit) budget.load_from_db() budget.cancel()
def make_new_invoice(ref_wrapper, posting_date): from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_fiscal_year new_invoice = frappe.copy_doc(ref_wrapper) mcount = month_map[ref_wrapper.recurring_type] invoice_period_from_date = get_next_date(ref_wrapper.invoice_period_from_date, mcount) # get last day of the month to maintain period if the from date is first day of its own month # and to date is the last day of its own month if (cstr(get_first_day(ref_wrapper.invoice_period_from_date)) == \ cstr(ref_wrapper.invoice_period_from_date)) and \ (cstr(get_last_day(ref_wrapper.invoice_period_to_date)) == \ cstr(ref_wrapper.invoice_period_to_date)): invoice_period_to_date = get_last_day(get_next_date(ref_wrapper.invoice_period_to_date, mcount)) else: invoice_period_to_date = get_next_date(ref_wrapper.invoice_period_to_date, mcount) new_invoice.update({ "posting_date": posting_date, "aging_date": posting_date, "due_date": add_days(posting_date, cint(date_diff(ref_wrapper.due_date, ref_wrapper.posting_date))), "invoice_period_from_date": invoice_period_from_date, "invoice_period_to_date": invoice_period_to_date, "fiscal_year": get_fiscal_year(posting_date)[0], "owner": ref_wrapper.owner, }) new_invoice.submit() return new_invoice
def get_period_date_ranges(self): from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta, MO from_date, to_date = getdate(self.filters.from_date), getdate(self.filters.to_date) increment = { "Monthly": 1, "Quarterly": 3, "Half-Yearly": 6, "Yearly": 12 }.get(self.filters.range, 1) if self.filters.range in ['Monthly', 'Quarterly']: from_date = from_date.replace(day = 1) elif self.filters.range == "Yearly": from_date = get_fiscal_year(from_date)[1] else: from_date = from_date + relativedelta(from_date, weekday=MO(-1)) self.periodic_daterange = [] for dummy in range(1, 53): if self.filters.range == "Weekly": period_end_date = add_days(from_date, 6) else: period_end_date = add_to_date(from_date, months=increment, days=-1) if period_end_date > to_date: period_end_date = to_date self.periodic_daterange.append(period_end_date) from_date = add_days(period_end_date, 1) if period_end_date == to_date: break
def validate_and_set_fiscal_year(self): if not self.fiscal_year: self.fiscal_year = get_fiscal_year(self.posting_date,[0] else: from erpnext.accounts.utils import validate_fiscal_year validate_fiscal_year(self.posting_date, self.fiscal_year,, self.meta.get_label("posting_date"), self)
def set_tax_withholding_category(company): accounts = [] abbr = frappe.get_value("Company", company, "abbr") tds_account = frappe.get_value("Account", 'TDS Payable - {0}'.format(abbr), 'name') if company and tds_account: accounts = [dict(company=company, account=tds_account)] fiscal_year = get_fiscal_year(today(), company=company)[0] docs = get_tds_details(accounts, fiscal_year) for d in docs: try: doc = frappe.get_doc(d) doc.flags.ignore_permissions = True doc.flags.ignore_mandatory = True doc.insert() except frappe.DuplicateEntryError: doc = frappe.get_doc("Tax Withholding Category", d.get("name")) doc.append("accounts", accounts[0]) # if fiscal year don't match with any of the already entered data, append rate row fy_exist = [k for k in doc.get('rates') if k.get('fiscal_year')==fiscal_year] if not fy_exist: doc.append("rates", d.get('rates')[0])
def get_achieved_details(filters, territory, item_groups): start_date, end_date = get_fiscal_year(fiscal_year = filters["fiscal_year"])[1:] lft, rgt = frappe.db.get_value("Territory", territory, ["lft", "rgt"]) item_details = frappe.db.sql(""" select soi.item_code, sum(soi.qty) as qty, sum(soi.base_net_amount) as amount, MONTHNAME(so.transaction_date) as month_name from `tabSales Order Item` soi, `tabSales Order` so where and so.docstatus=1 and so.transaction_date>=%s and so.transaction_date<=%s and exists(select name from `tabTerritory` where lft >=%s and rgt <= %s and name=so.territory) group by month_name, item_code """, (start_date, end_date, lft, rgt), as_dict=1) item_actual_details = {} for d in item_details: item_group = item_groups[d.item_code] item_actual_details.setdefault(item_group, frappe._dict())\ .setdefault(d.month_name, frappe._dict({ "quantity": 0, "amount": 0 })) value_dict = item_actual_details[item_group][d.month_name] value_dict.quantity += flt(d.qty) value_dict.amount += flt(d.amount) return item_actual_details
def make_holiday(holiday_list_name): if not frappe.db.exists('Holiday List', holiday_list_name): current_fiscal_year = get_fiscal_year(nowdate(), as_dict=True) dt = getdate(nowdate()) new_year = dt + relativedelta(month=1, day=1, year=dt.year) republic_day = dt + relativedelta(month=1, day=26, year=dt.year) test_holiday = dt + relativedelta(month=2, day=2, year=dt.year) frappe.get_doc({ 'doctype': 'Holiday List', 'from_date': current_fiscal_year.year_start_date, 'to_date': current_fiscal_year.year_end_date, 'holiday_list_name': holiday_list_name, 'holidays': [{ 'holiday_date': new_year, 'description': 'New Year' }, { 'holiday_date': republic_day, 'description': 'Republic Day' }, { 'holiday_date': test_holiday, 'description': 'Test Holiday' }] }).insert() return holiday_list_name
def get_gl_dict(self, args, account_currency=None): """this method populates the common properties of a gl entry record""" gl_dict = frappe._dict({ 'company':, 'posting_date': self.posting_date, 'fiscal_year': get_fiscal_year(self.posting_date,[0], 'voucher_type': self.doctype, 'voucher_no':, 'remarks': self.get("remarks"), 'debit': 0, 'credit': 0, 'debit_in_account_currency': 0, 'credit_in_account_currency': 0, 'is_opening': self.get("is_opening") or "No", 'party_type': None, 'party': None }) gl_dict.update(args) if not account_currency: account_currency = get_account_currency(gl_dict.account) if self.doctype not in ["Journal Entry", "Period Closing Voucher"]: self.validate_account_currency(gl_dict.account, account_currency) set_balance_in_account_currency(gl_dict, account_currency, self.get("conversion_rate"), self.company_currency) return gl_dict
def get_achieved_details(filters, sales_person, all_sales_persons, target_item_group, item_groups): start_date, end_date = get_fiscal_year(fiscal_year = filters["fiscal_year"])[1:] item_details = frappe.db.sql(""" select sum(soi.stock_qty * (st.allocated_percentage/100)) as qty, sum(soi.base_net_amount * (st.allocated_percentage/100)) as amount, st.sales_person, MONTHNAME(so.transaction_date) as month_name from `tabSales Order Item` soi, `tabSales Order` so, `tabSales Team` st where and so.docstatus=1 and and so.transaction_date>=%s and so.transaction_date<=%s and exists(select name from `tabSales Person` where lft >= %s and rgt <= %s and name=st.sales_person) and exists(select name from `tabItem Group` where lft >= %s and rgt <= %s and name=soi.item_group) group by sales_person, month_name """, (start_date, end_date, all_sales_persons[sales_person].lft, all_sales_persons[sales_person].rgt, item_groups[target_item_group].lft, item_groups[target_item_group].rgt), as_dict=1) actual_details = {} for d in item_details: actual_details.setdefault(d.month_name, frappe._dict({ "quantity" : 0, "amount" : 0 })) value_dict = actual_details[d.month_name] value_dict.quantity += flt(d.qty) value_dict.amount += flt(d.amount) return actual_details
def validate_supplier_invoice(self): if self.bill_date: if getdate(self.bill_date) > getdate(self.posting_date): frappe.throw(_("Supplier Invoice Date cannot be greater than Posting Date")) if self.bill_no: if cint(frappe.db.get_single_value("Accounts Settings", "check_supplier_invoice_uniqueness")): fiscal_year = get_fiscal_year(self.posting_date,, as_dict=True) pi = frappe.db.sql('''select name from `tabPurchase Invoice` where bill_no = %(bill_no)s and supplier = %(supplier)s and name != %(name)s and docstatus < 2 and posting_date between %(year_start_date)s and %(year_end_date)s''', { "bill_no": self.bill_no, "supplier": self.supplier, "name":, "year_start_date": fiscal_year.year_start_date, "year_end_date": fiscal_year.year_end_date }) if pi: pi = pi[0][0] frappe.throw(_("Supplier Invoice No exists in Purchase Invoice {0}".format(pi)))
def get_start_end_dates(payroll_frequency, start_date=None, company=None): '''Returns dict of start and end dates for given payroll frequency based on start_date''' if payroll_frequency == "Monthly" or payroll_frequency == "Bimonthly" or payroll_frequency == "": fiscal_year = get_fiscal_year(start_date, company=company)[0] month = "%02d" % getdate(start_date).month m = get_month_details(fiscal_year, month) if payroll_frequency == "Bimonthly": if getdate(start_date).day <= 15: start_date = m['month_start_date'] end_date = m['month_mid_end_date'] else: start_date = m['month_mid_start_date'] end_date = m['month_end_date'] else: start_date = m['month_start_date'] end_date = m['month_end_date'] if payroll_frequency == "Weekly": end_date = add_days(start_date, 6) if payroll_frequency == "Fortnightly": end_date = add_days(start_date, 13) if payroll_frequency == "Daily": end_date = start_date return frappe._dict({ 'start_date': start_date, 'end_date': end_date })
def make_new_document(ref_wrapper, date_field, posting_date): from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_fiscal_year new_document = frappe.copy_doc(ref_wrapper) mcount = month_map[ref_wrapper.recurring_type] from_date = get_next_date(ref_wrapper.from_date, mcount) # get last day of the month to maintain period if the from date is first day of its own month # and to date is the last day of its own month if (cstr(get_first_day(ref_wrapper.from_date)) == cstr(ref_wrapper.from_date)) and \ (cstr(get_last_day(ref_wrapper.to_date)) == cstr(ref_wrapper.to_date)): to_date = get_last_day(get_next_date(ref_wrapper.to_date, mcount)) else: to_date = get_next_date(ref_wrapper.to_date, mcount) new_document.update({ date_field: posting_date, "from_date": from_date, "to_date": to_date, "fiscal_year": get_fiscal_year(posting_date)[0], "owner": ref_wrapper.owner, }) if ref_wrapper.doctype == "Sales Order": new_document.update({ "delivery_date": get_next_date(ref_wrapper.delivery_date, mcount, cint(ref_wrapper.repeat_on_day_of_month)) }) new_document.submit() return new_document
def validate_schedule_date_for_holiday_list(self, schedule_date, sales_person): from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_fiscal_year validated = False fy_details = "" try: fy_details = get_fiscal_year(date=schedule_date, verbose=0) except Exception: pass if fy_details and fy_details[0]: # check holiday list in employee master holiday_list = frappe.db.sql_list("""select h.holiday_date from `tabEmployee` emp, `tabSales Person` sp, `tabHoliday` h, `tabHoliday List` hl where and and and and hl.fiscal_year=%s""", (sales_person, fy_details[0])) if not holiday_list: # check global holiday list holiday_list = frappe.db.sql("""select h.holiday_date from `tabHoliday` h, `tabHoliday List` hl where and ifnull(hl.is_default, 0) = 1 and hl.fiscal_year=%s""", fy_details[0]) if not validated and holiday_list: if schedule_date in holiday_list: schedule_date = add_days(schedule_date, -1) else: validated = True return schedule_date
def get_dashboard_info(party_type, party): current_fiscal_year = get_fiscal_year(nowdate(), as_dict=True) company = frappe.db.get_default("company") or frappe.get_all("Company")[0].name party_account_currency = get_party_account_currency(party_type, party, company) company_default_currency = get_default_currency() \ or frappe.db.get_value('Company', company, 'default_currency') if party_account_currency==company_default_currency: total_field = "base_grand_total" else: total_field = "grand_total" doctype = "Sales Invoice" if party_type=="Customer" else "Purchase Invoice" billing_this_year = frappe.db.sql(""" select sum({0}) from `tab{1}` where {2}=%s and docstatus=1 and posting_date between %s and %s """.format(total_field, doctype, party_type.lower()), (party, current_fiscal_year.year_start_date, current_fiscal_year.year_end_date)) total_unpaid = frappe.db.sql(""" select sum(debit_in_account_currency) - sum(credit_in_account_currency) from `tabGL Entry` where party_type = %s and party=%s""", (party_type, party)) info = {} info["billing_this_year"] = flt(billing_this_year[0][0]) if billing_this_year else 0 info["currency"] = party_account_currency info["total_unpaid"] = flt(total_unpaid[0][0]) if total_unpaid else 0 if party_type == "Supplier": info["total_unpaid"] = -1 * info["total_unpaid"] return info
def set_missing_values(self, for_validate=False): for fieldname in ["posting_date", "transaction_date"]: if not self.get(fieldname) and self.meta.get_field(fieldname): self.set(fieldname, today()) if not self.fiscal_year: self.fiscal_year = get_fiscal_year(self.get(fieldname))[0] break
def get_achieved_details(filters, sales_person, item_groups): start_date, end_date = get_fiscal_year(fiscal_year = filters["fiscal_year"])[1:] lft, rgt = frappe.get_value("Sales Person", sales_person, ["lft", "rgt"]) item_details = frappe.db.sql(""" select soi.item_code, sum(soi.qty * (st.allocated_percentage/100)) as qty, sum(soi.base_net_amount * (st.allocated_percentage/100)) as amount, st.sales_person, MONTHNAME(so.transaction_date) as month_name from `tabSales Order Item` soi, `tabSales Order` so, `tabSales Team` st where and so.docstatus=1 and and so.transaction_date>=%s and so.transaction_date<=%s and exists(select name from `tabSales Person` where lft >= %s and rgt <= %s and name=st.sales_person) group by sales_person, item_code, month_name """, (start_date, end_date, lft, rgt), as_dict=1) item_actual_details = {} for d in item_details: item_group = item_groups[d.item_code] item_actual_details.setdefault(item_group, frappe._dict()).setdefault(d.month_name,\ frappe._dict({ "quantity" : 0, "amount" : 0 })) value_dict = item_actual_details[item_group][d.month_name] value_dict.quantity += flt(d.qty) value_dict.amount += flt(d.amount) return item_actual_details
def set_stock_balance_as_per_serial_no(item_code=None, posting_date=None, posting_time=None, fiscal_year=None): if not posting_date: posting_date = nowdate() if not posting_time: posting_time = nowtime() if not fiscal_year: fiscal_year = get_fiscal_year(posting_date)[0] condition = " and'%s'" % item_code.replace("'", "\'") if item_code else "" bin = frappe.db.sql("""select bin.item_code, bin.warehouse, bin.actual_qty, item.stock_uom from `tabBin` bin, tabItem item where bin.item_code = and item.has_serial_no = 'Yes' %s""" % condition) for d in bin: serial_nos = frappe.db.sql("""select count(name) from `tabSerial No` where item_code=%s and warehouse=%s and status = 'Available' and docstatus < 2""", (d[0], d[1])) if serial_nos and flt(serial_nos[0][0]) != flt(d[2]): print d[0], d[1], d[2], serial_nos[0][0] sle = frappe.db.sql("""select valuation_rate, company from `tabStock Ledger Entry` where item_code = %s and warehouse = %s and ifnull(is_cancelled, 'No') = 'No' order by posting_date desc limit 1""", (d[0], d[1])) sle_dict = { 'doctype' : 'Stock Ledger Entry', 'item_code' : d[0], 'warehouse' : d[1], 'transaction_date' : nowdate(), 'posting_date' : posting_date, 'posting_time' : posting_time, 'voucher_type' : 'Stock Reconciliation (Manual)', 'voucher_no' : '', 'voucher_detail_no' : '', 'actual_qty' : flt(serial_nos[0][0]) - flt(d[2]), 'stock_uom' : d[3], 'incoming_rate' : sle and flt(serial_nos[0][0]) > flt(d[2]) and flt(sle[0][0]) or 0, 'company' : sle and cstr(sle[0][1]) or 0, 'fiscal_year' : fiscal_year, 'is_cancelled' : 'No', 'batch_no' : '', 'serial_no' : '' } sle_doc = frappe.get_doc(sle_dict) sle_doc.insert() args = sle_dict.copy() args.update({ "sle_id":, "is_amended": 'No' }) update_bin(args) update_entries_after({ "item_code": d[0], "warehouse": d[1], "posting_date": posting_date, "posting_time": posting_time })
def get_actual_expense(self, monthly_end_date): return get_actual_expense({ "account": "_Test Account Cost for Goods Sold - _TC", "cost_center": "_Test Cost Center - _TC", "monthly_end_date": monthly_end_date, "company": "_Test Company", "fiscal_year": get_fiscal_year(monthly_end_date)[0] })
def create_material_request(material_requests): """ Create indent on reaching reorder level """ mr_list = [] defaults = frappe.defaults.get_defaults() exceptions_list = [] from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_fiscal_year current_fiscal_year = get_fiscal_year(nowdate())[0] or defaults.fiscal_year for request_type in material_requests: for company in material_requests[request_type]: try: items = material_requests[request_type][company] if not items: continue mr = frappe.new_doc("Material Request") mr.update({ "company": company, "fiscal_year": current_fiscal_year, "transaction_date": nowdate(), "material_request_type": request_type }) for d in items: item = frappe.get_doc("Item", d.item_code) mr.append("indent_details", { "doctype": "Material Request Item", "item_code": d.item_code, "schedule_date": add_days(nowdate(),cint(item.lead_time_days)), "uom": item.stock_uom, "warehouse": d.warehouse, "item_name": item.item_name, "description": item.description, "item_group": item.item_group, "qty": d.reorder_qty, "brand": item.brand, }) mr.insert() mr.submit() mr_list.append(mr) except: if frappe.local.message_log: exceptions_list.append([] + frappe.local.message_log) frappe.local.message_log = [] else: exceptions_list.append(frappe.get_traceback()) if mr_list: if getattr(frappe.local, "reorder_email_notify", None) is None: frappe.local.reorder_email_notify = cint(frappe.db.get_value('Stock Settings', None, 'reorder_email_notify')) if(frappe.local.reorder_email_notify): send_email_notification(mr_list) if exceptions_list: notify_errors(exceptions_list)
def get_start_date(period, accumulated_values, company): if not accumulated_values and period.get('from_date'): return period['from_date'] start_date = period["year_start_date"] if accumulated_values: start_date = get_fiscal_year(period.to_date, company=company)[1] return start_date
def validate_posting_date(self): from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_fiscal_year self.year_start_date = get_fiscal_year(self.posting_date, self.fiscal_year)[1] pce = frappe.db.sql("""select name from `tabPeriod Closing Voucher` where posting_date > %s and fiscal_year = %s and docstatus = 1""", (self.posting_date, self.fiscal_year)) if pce and pce[0][0]: frappe.throw(_("Another Period Closing Entry {0} has been made after {1}").format(pce[0][0], self.posting_date))
def test_closing_entry(self): year_start_date = get_fiscal_year(today())[1] make_journal_entry("_Test Bank - _TC", "Sales - _TC", 400, "_Test Cost Center - _TC", posting_date=now(), submit=True) make_journal_entry("_Test Account Cost for Goods Sold - _TC", "_Test Bank - _TC", 600, "_Test Cost Center - _TC", posting_date=now(), submit=True) random_expense_account = frappe.db.sql(""" select t1.account, sum(t1.debit) - sum( as balance, sum(t1.debit_in_account_currency) - sum(t1.credit_in_account_currency) \ as balance_in_account_currency from `tabGL Entry` t1, `tabAccount` t2 where t1.account = and t2.root_type = 'Expense' and t2.docstatus < 2 and = '_Test Company' and t1.posting_date between %s and %s group by t1.account having sum(t1.debit) > sum( limit 1""", (year_start_date, today()), as_dict=True) profit_or_loss = frappe.db.sql("""select sum(t1.debit) - sum( as balance from `tabGL Entry` t1, `tabAccount` t2 where t1.account = and t2.report_type = 'Profit and Loss' and t2.docstatus < 2 and = '_Test Company' and t1.posting_date between %s and %s""", (year_start_date, today())) profit_or_loss = flt(profit_or_loss[0][0]) if profit_or_loss else 0 pcv = self.make_period_closing_voucher() # Check value for closing account gle_amount_for_closing_account = frappe.db.sql("""select debit - credit from `tabGL Entry` where voucher_type='Period Closing Voucher' and voucher_no=%s and account = '_Test Account Reserves and Surplus - _TC'""", gle_amount_for_closing_account = flt(gle_amount_for_closing_account[0][0]) \ if gle_amount_for_closing_account else 0 self.assertEqual(gle_amount_for_closing_account, profit_or_loss) if random_expense_account: # Check posted value for teh above random_expense_account gle_for_random_expense_account = frappe.db.sql(""" select debit - credit as amount, debit_in_account_currency - credit_in_account_currency as amount_in_account_currency from `tabGL Entry` where voucher_type='Period Closing Voucher' and voucher_no=%s and account =%s""", (, random_expense_account[0].account), as_dict=True) self.assertEqual(gle_for_random_expense_account[0].amount, -1*random_expense_account[0].balance) self.assertEqual(gle_for_random_expense_account[0].amount_in_account_currency, -1*random_expense_account[0].balance_in_account_currency)
def validate_expense_against_budget(args): args = frappe._dict(args) if args.get('company') and not args.fiscal_year: args.fiscal_year = get_fiscal_year(args.get('posting_date'), company=args.get('company'))[0] frappe.flags.exception_approver_role = frappe.get_cached_value('Company', args.get('company'), 'exception_budget_approver_role') if not args.account: args.account = args.get("expense_account") if not (args.get('account') and args.get('cost_center')) and args.item_code: args.cost_center, args.account = get_item_details(args) if not (args.cost_center or args.project) and not args.account: return for budget_against in ['project', 'cost_center']: if (args.get(budget_against) and args.account and frappe.db.get_value("Account", {"name": args.account, "root_type": "Expense"})): if args.project and budget_against == 'project': condition = "and b.project='%s'" % frappe.db.escape(args.project) args.budget_against_field = "Project" elif args.cost_center and budget_against == 'cost_center': cc_lft, cc_rgt = frappe.db.get_value("Cost Center", args.cost_center, ["lft", "rgt"]) condition = """and exists(select name from `tabCost Center` where lft<=%s and rgt>=%s and name=b.cost_center)""" % (cc_lft, cc_rgt) args.budget_against_field = "Cost Center" args.budget_against = args.get(budget_against) budget_records = frappe.db.sql(""" select b.{budget_against_field} as budget_against, ba.budget_amount, b.monthly_distribution, ifnull(b.applicable_on_material_request, 0) as for_material_request, ifnull(applicable_on_purchase_order,0) as for_purchase_order, ifnull(applicable_on_booking_actual_expenses,0) as for_actual_expenses, b.action_if_annual_budget_exceeded, b.action_if_accumulated_monthly_budget_exceeded, b.action_if_annual_budget_exceeded_on_mr, b.action_if_accumulated_monthly_budget_exceeded_on_mr, b.action_if_annual_budget_exceeded_on_po, b.action_if_accumulated_monthly_budget_exceeded_on_po from `tabBudget` b, `tabBudget Account` ba where and b.fiscal_year=%s and ba.account=%s and b.docstatus=1 {condition} """.format(condition=condition, budget_against_field=frappe.scrub(args.get("budget_against_field"))), (args.fiscal_year, args.account), as_dict=True) if budget_records: validate_budget_records(args, budget_records)
def get_period(self, posting_date): if self.filters.range == 'Weekly': period = "Week " + str(posting_date.isocalendar()[1]) + " " + str(posting_date.year) elif self.filters.range == 'Monthly': period = str(self.months[posting_date.month - 1]) + " " + str(posting_date.year) elif self.filters.range == 'Quarterly': period = "Quarter " + str(((posting_date.month-1)//3)+1) +" " + str(posting_date.year) else: year = get_fiscal_year(posting_date, period = str(year[0]) return period
def execute(filters=None): finyrfrom, finyrto = get_fiscal_year(fiscal_year=filters["fiscal_year"])[1:] data = get_report_data( financial_year_from=str(finyrfrom), financial_year_to=str(finyrto), company=filters["company"], expand_levels=filters.expand_levels, ) columns = get_report_columns(financial_year_from=finyrfrom, financial_year_to=finyrto) return columns, data
def make_holiday_list(self): fiscal_year = get_fiscal_year(nowdate(), company="_Test Company") if not frappe.db.get_value("Holiday List", "Salary Slip Test Holiday List"): holiday_list = frappe.get_doc({ "doctype": "Holiday List", "holiday_list_name": "Salary Slip Test Holiday List", "from_date": fiscal_year[1], "to_date": fiscal_year[2], "weekly_off": "Sunday" }).insert() holiday_list.get_weekly_off_dates()
def get_written_down_when_selling_fixed_asset(fixed_asset, saledate, company, saleamount): saleamount = float(saleamount) saledate=datetime.strptime(saledate, "%Y-%m-%d").date() from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_fiscal_year financial_year_from, financial_year_to = get_fiscal_year(saledate)[1:] depreciation = Depreciation(str(financial_year_from), str(financial_year_to), company, fixed_asset) value = depreciation.calculate_written_down_on(saledate, saleamount) if value > 0: return value frappe.throw("Either Asset Already Sold OR No Record Found OR Trying to sell an Asset which was bought in the current Fiscal Year")
def make_period_closing_voucher(self): pcv = frappe.get_doc({ "doctype": "Period Closing Voucher", "closing_account_head": "_Test Account Reserves and Surplus - _TC", "company": "_Test Company", "fiscal_year": get_fiscal_year(today())[0], "posting_date": today(), "remarks": "test" }) pcv.insert() pcv.submit() return pcv
def get_achieved_details(filters, sales_person, all_sales_persons, target_item_group, item_groups): start_date, end_date = get_fiscal_year( fiscal_year=filters["fiscal_year"])[1:] item_details = frappe.db.sql(""" SELECT st.sales_person, MONTHNAME(so.transaction_date) as month_name, CASE WHEN so.status = "Closed" THEN sum(soi.delivered_qty * soi.conversion_factor * (st.allocated_percentage/100)) ELSE sum(soi.stock_qty * (st.allocated_percentage/100)) END as qty, CASE WHEN so.status = "Closed" THEN sum(soi.delivered_qty * soi.conversion_factor * soi.base_net_rate * (st.allocated_percentage/100)) ELSE sum(soi.base_net_amount * (st.allocated_percentage/100)) END as amount from `tabSales Order Item` soi, `tabSales Order` so, `tabSales Team` st where and so.docstatus=1 and and so.transaction_date>=%s and so.transaction_date<=%s and exists(SELECT name from `tabSales Person` where lft >= %s and rgt <= %s and name=st.sales_person) and exists(SELECT name from `tabItem Group` where lft >= %s and rgt <= %s and name=soi.item_group) group by sales_person, month_name """, (start_date, end_date, all_sales_persons[sales_person].lft, all_sales_persons[sales_person].rgt, item_groups[target_item_group].lft, item_groups[target_item_group].rgt), as_dict=1) actual_details = {} for d in item_details: actual_details.setdefault(d.month_name, frappe._dict({ "quantity": 0, "amount": 0 })) value_dict = actual_details[d.month_name] value_dict.quantity += flt(d.qty) value_dict.amount += flt(d.amount) return actual_details
def get_actual_data(filters, item_groups, sales_users_or_territory_data, date_field, sales_field): fiscal_year = get_fiscal_year(fiscal_year=filters.get("fiscal_year"), as_dict=1) dates = [fiscal_year.year_start_date, fiscal_year.year_end_date] select_field = "`tab{0}`.{1}".format(filters.get("doctype"), sales_field) child_table = "`tab{0}`".format(filters.get("doctype") + " Item") if sales_field == "sales_person": select_field = "`tabSales Team`.sales_person" child_table = "`tab{0}`, `tabSales Team`".format( filters.get("doctype") + " Item") cond = """`tabSales Team`.parent = `tab{0}`.name and `tabSales Team`.sales_person in ({1}) """.format( filters.get("doctype"), ",".join(["%s"] * len(sales_users_or_territory_data))) else: cond = "`tab{0}`.{1} in ({2})".format( filters.get("doctype"), sales_field, ",".join(["%s"] * len(sales_users_or_territory_data))) return frappe.db.sql( """ SELECT `tab{child_doc}`.item_group, `tab{child_doc}`.stock_qty, `tab{child_doc}`.base_net_amount, {select_field}, `tab{parent_doc}`.{date_field} FROM `tab{parent_doc}`, {child_table} WHERE `tab{child_doc}`.parent = `tab{parent_doc}`.name and `tab{parent_doc}`.docstatus = 1 and {cond} and `tab{child_doc}`.item_group in ({item_groups}) and `tab{parent_doc}`.{date_field} between %s and %s""".format( cond=cond, date_field=date_field, select_field=select_field, child_table=child_table, parent_doc=filters.get("doctype"), child_doc=filters.get("doctype") + " Item", item_groups=",".join(["%s"] * len(item_groups)), ), tuple(sales_users_or_territory_data + item_groups + dates), as_dict=1, )
def test_monthly_budget_crossed_for_po(self): budget = make_budget(applicable_on_purchase_order=1, action_if_accumulated_monthly_budget_exceeded_on_po="Stop", budget_against="Cost Center") fiscal_year = get_fiscal_year(nowdate())[0] frappe.db.set_value( "Budget",, "action_if_accumulated_monthly_budget_exceeded", "Stop") frappe.db.set_value("Budget",, "fiscal_year", fiscal_year) po = create_purchase_order( transaction_date=nowdate(), do_not_submit=True) po.set_missing_values() self.assertRaises(BudgetError, po.submit) budget.load_from_db() budget.cancel() po.cancel()
def execute(): try: year_start_date = get_fiscal_year(today())[1] except: return if year_start_date: items = frappe.db.sql("""select distinct item_code, warehouse from `tabStock Ledger Entry` where ifnull(serial_no, '') != '' and actual_qty > 0 and incoming_rate=0""", as_dict=1) for d in items: try: update_entries_after({ "item_code": d.item_code, "warehouse": d.warehouse, "posting_date": year_start_date }, allow_zero_rate=True) except: pass
def create_stock_reconciliation(**args): args = frappe._dict(args) sr = frappe.new_doc("Stock Reconciliation") sr.posting_date = args.posting_date or nowdate() sr.posting_time = args.posting_time or nowtime() = or "_Test Company" sr.fiscal_year = get_fiscal_year(sr.posting_date)[0] sr.expense_account = args.expense_account or \ ("Stock Adjustment - _TC" if frappe.get_all("Stock Ledger Entry") else "Temporary Opening - _TC") sr.cost_center = args.cost_center or "_Test Cost Center - _TC" sr.append("items", { "item_code": args.item_code or "_Test Item", "warehouse": args.warehouse or "_Test Warehouse - _TC", "qty": args.qty, "valuation_rate": args.rate }) sr.submit() return sr
def make_stock_entry(**args): from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_fiscal_year s = frappe.new_doc("Stock Entry") args = frappe._dict(args) if args.posting_date: s.posting_date = args.posting_date if args.posting_time: s.posting_time = args.posting_time if not args.purpose: if args.source and s.purpose = "Material Transfer" elif args.source: s.purpose = "Material Issue" else: s.purpose = "Material Receipt" else: s.purpose = args.purpose = or "_Test Company" s.fiscal_year = get_fiscal_year(s.posting_date)[0] s.purchase_receipt_no = args.purchase_receipt_no s.delivery_note_no = args.delivery_note_no s.sales_invoice_no = args.sales_invoice_no s.difference_account = args.difference_account or "Stock Adjustment - _TC" s.append("items", { "item_code": args.item or args.item_code or "_Test Item", "s_warehouse": args.from_warehouse or args.source, "t_warehouse": args.to_warehouse or, "qty": args.qty, "basic_rate": args.basic_rate, "expense_account": args.expense_account or "Stock Adjustment - _TC", "conversion_factor": 1.0, "cost_center": "_Test Cost Center - _TC" }) if not args.do_not_save: s.insert() if not args.do_not_submit: s.submit() return s
def make_period_closing_voucher(self): pcv = frappe.get_doc({ "doctype": "Period Closing Voucher", "closing_account_head": "_Test Account Reserves and Surplus - _TC", "company": "_Test Company", "fiscal_year": get_fiscal_year(today(), company="_Test Company")[0], "posting_date": today(), "remarks": "test" }) pcv.insert() pcv.submit() return pcv
def validate_posting_date(self): from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_fiscal_year, validate_fiscal_year validate_fiscal_year(self.posting_date, self.fiscal_year, label=_("Posting Date"), doc=self) self.year_start_date = get_fiscal_year(self.posting_date, self.fiscal_year)[1] pce = frappe.db.sql( """select name from `tabPeriod Closing Voucher` where posting_date > %s and fiscal_year = %s and docstatus = 1""", (self.posting_date, self.fiscal_year)) if pce and pce[0][0]: frappe.throw( _("Another Period Closing Entry {0} has been made after {1}"). format(pce[0][0], self.posting_date))
def get_leave_details(self, joining_date=None, relieving_date=None, lwp=None): if not self.fiscal_year: # if default fiscal year is not set, get from nowdate self.fiscal_year = get_fiscal_year(nowdate())[0] if not self.month: self.month = "%02d" % getdate(nowdate()).month self.set_month_dates() if not joining_date: joining_date, relieving_date = frappe.db.get_value( "Employee", self.employee, ["date_of_joining", "relieving_date"]) holidays = self.get_holidays_for_employee(self.start_date, self.end_date) working_days = date_diff(self.end_date, self.start_date) + 1 if not cint( frappe.db.get_value("HR Settings", None, "include_holidays_in_total_working_days")): working_days -= len(holidays) if working_days < 0: frappe.throw( _("There are more holidays than working days this month.")) actual_lwp = self.calculate_lwp(holidays, working_days) if not lwp: lwp = actual_lwp elif lwp != actual_lwp: frappe.msgprint( _("Leave Without Pay does not match with approved Leave Application records" )) self.total_days_in_month = working_days self.leave_without_pay = lwp payment_days = flt(self.get_payment_days(joining_date, relieving_date)) - flt(lwp) self.payment_days = payment_days > 0 and payment_days or 0
def get_achieved_details(filters): start_date, end_date = get_fiscal_year( fiscal_year=filters["fiscal_year"])[1:] item_details = frappe.db.sql( """select soi.item_code, soi.qty, soi.base_amount, so.transaction_date, st.sales_person, MONTHNAME(so.transaction_date) as month_name from `tabSales Order Item` soi, `tabSales Order` so, `tabSales Team` st where and so.docstatus=1 and and so.transaction_date>=%s and so.transaction_date<=%s""" % ('%s', '%s'), (start_date, end_date), as_dict=1) item_actual_details = {} for d in item_details: item_actual_details.setdefault(d.sales_person, {}).setdefault(\ get_item_group(d.item_code), []).append(d) return item_actual_details
def execute(filters=None): filters = filters if isinstance(filters, frappe._dict) else frappe._dict(filters) if not filters: filters.setdefault('fiscal_year', get_fiscal_year(nowdate())[0]) filters.setdefault('company', frappe.db.get_default("company")) region = frappe.db.get_value("Company", filters={"name":}, fieldname=["country"]) if region != 'United States': return [], [] data = [] columns = get_columns() data = frappe.db.sql(""" SELECT s.supplier_group as "supplier_group", AS "supplier", s.tax_id as "tax_id", SUM(gl.debit_in_account_currency) AS "payments" FROM `tabGL Entry` gl INNER JOIN `tabSupplier` s WHERE = AND s.irs_1099 = 1 AND gl.fiscal_year = %(fiscal_year)s AND gl.party_type = "Supplier" GROUP BY ORDER BY DESC """, { "fiscal_year": filters.fiscal_year, "supplier_group": filters.supplier_group, "company": }, as_dict=True) return columns, data
def get_payments(self): if not self.member: frappe.throw(_('Please select a Member first.')) fiscal_year = get_fiscal_year(fiscal_year=self.fiscal_year, as_dict=True) memberships = frappe.db.get_all('Membership', { 'member': self.member, 'from_date': [ 'between', (fiscal_year.year_start_date, fiscal_year.year_end_date) ], 'to_date': [ 'between', (fiscal_year.year_start_date, fiscal_year.year_end_date) ], 'membership_status': ('!=', 'Cancelled') }, ['from_date', 'amount', 'name', 'invoice', 'payment_id'], order_by='from_date') if not memberships: frappe.msgprint( _('No Membership Payments found against the Member {0}'). format(self.member)) total = 0 self.payments = [] for doc in memberships: self.append( 'payments', { 'date': doc.from_date, 'amount': doc.amount, 'invoice_id': doc.invoice, 'razorpay_payment_id': doc.payment_id, 'membership': }) total += flt(doc.amount) = total
def get_sl_entries(self, d, args): company = frappe.db.get_value("Purchase Receipt", self.reference_name, "company") sl_dict = frappe._dict({ "item_code": d.get("item_code", None), "warehouse": d.get("warehouse", None), "posting_date": self.report_date, "posting_time": self.report_time, 'fiscal_year': get_fiscal_year(self.report_date, company)[0], "voucher_type": self.doctype, "voucher_no":, "voucher_detail_no":, "actual_qty": (self.docstatus == 1 and 1 or -1) * flt(d.get("stock_qty")), "stock_uom": frappe.db.get_value("Item", args.get("item_code") or d.get("item_code"), "stock_uom"), "incoming_rate": 0, "company": company, "batch_no": cstr(d.get("batch_no")).strip(), "serial_no": d.get("serial_no"), "project": d.get("project") or self.get('project'), "is_cancelled": 1 if self.docstatus == 2 else 0 }) sl_dict.update(args) return sl_dict
def get_sl_entries(self, d, args): sl_dict = frappe._dict({ "item_code": d.get("item_code", None), "warehouse": d.get("warehouse", None), "posting_date": self.posting_date, "posting_time": self.posting_time, 'fiscal_year': get_fiscal_year(self.posting_date,[0], "voucher_type": self.doctype, "voucher_no":, "voucher_detail_no":, "actual_qty": (self.docstatus == 1 and 1 or -1) * flt(d.get("stock_qty")), "stock_uom": frappe.db.get_value("Item", args.get("item_code") or d.get("item_code"), "stock_uom"), "incoming_rate": 0, "company":, "batch_no": cstr(d.get("batch_no")).strip(), "serial_no": d.get("serial_no"), "project": d.get("project") or self.get('project'), "is_cancelled": self.docstatus == 2 and "Yes" or "No", "package_tag": cstr(d.get("package_tag")) }) sl_dict.update(args) return sl_dict
def get_period(posting_date, filters): months = [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" ] if filters.range == 'Weekly': period = "Week " + str(posting_date.isocalendar()[1]) + " " + str( posting_date.year) elif filters.range == 'Monthly': period = str(months[posting_date.month - 1]) + " " + str( posting_date.year) elif filters.range == 'Quarterly': period = "Quarter " + str(( (posting_date.month - 1) // 3) + 1) + " " + str(posting_date.year) else: year = get_fiscal_year(posting_date, period = str(year[2]) return period
def make_period_closing_voucher(self, submit=True): surplus_account = create_account() cost_center = create_cost_center("Test Cost Center 1") pcv = frappe.get_doc( { "doctype": "Period Closing Voucher", "transaction_date": today(), "posting_date": today(), "company": "Test PCV Company", "fiscal_year": get_fiscal_year(today(), company="Test PCV Company")[0], "cost_center": cost_center, "closing_account_head": surplus_account, "remarks": "test", } ) pcv.insert() if submit: pcv.submit() return pcv
def get_period(self, date): months = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"] if self.filters.range == "Weekly": period = "Week " + str(date.isocalendar()[1]) elif self.filters.range == "Monthly": period = str(months[date.month - 1]) elif self.filters.range == "Quarterly": period = "Quarter " + str(((date.month - 1) // 3) + 1) else: year = get_fiscal_year(date, period = str(year[0]) if ( getdate(self.filters.from_date).year != getdate(self.filters.to_date).year and self.filters.range != "Yearly" ): period += " " + str(date.year) return period
def make_new_document(reference_doc, date_field, posting_date): from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_fiscal_year new_document = frappe.copy_doc(reference_doc, ignore_no_copy=True) mcount = month_map[reference_doc.recurring_type] from_date = get_next_date(reference_doc.from_date, mcount) # get last day of the month to maintain period if the from date is first day of its own month # and to date is the last day of its own month if (cstr(get_first_day(reference_doc.from_date)) == cstr(reference_doc.from_date)) and \ (cstr(get_last_day(reference_doc.to_date)) == cstr(reference_doc.to_date)): to_date = get_last_day(get_next_date(reference_doc.to_date, mcount)) else: to_date = get_next_date(reference_doc.to_date, mcount) new_document.update({ date_field: posting_date, "from_date": from_date, "to_date": to_date, "fiscal_year": get_fiscal_year(posting_date)[0] }) # copy document fields for fieldname in ("owner", "recurring_type", "repeat_on_day_of_month", "recurring_id", "notification_email_address", "is_recurring", "end_date", "title", "naming_series", "select_print_heading", "ignore_pricing_rule", "posting_time", "remarks"): if new_document.meta.get_field(fieldname): new_document.set(fieldname, reference_doc.get(fieldname)) # copy item fields for i, item in enumerate(new_document.items): for fieldname in ("page_break", ): item.set(fieldname, reference_doc.items[i].get(fieldname)) new_document.run_method("on_recurring", reference_doc=reference_doc) new_document.submit() return new_document
def test_monthly_budget_crossed_for_mr(self): budget = make_budget( applicable_on_material_request=1, applicable_on_purchase_order=1, action_if_accumulated_monthly_budget_exceeded_on_mr="Stop", budget_against="Cost Center", ) fiscal_year = get_fiscal_year(nowdate())[0] frappe.db.set_value("Budget",, "action_if_accumulated_monthly_budget_exceeded", "Stop") frappe.db.set_value("Budget",, "fiscal_year", fiscal_year) mr = frappe.get_doc({ "doctype": "Material Request", "material_request_type": "Purchase", "transaction_date": nowdate(), "company":, "items": [{ "item_code": "_Test Item", "qty": 1, "uom": "_Test UOM", "warehouse": "_Test Warehouse - _TC", "schedule_date": nowdate(), "rate": 100000, "expense_account": "_Test Account Cost for Goods Sold - _TC", "cost_center": "_Test Cost Center - _TC", }], }) mr.set_missing_values() self.assertRaises(BudgetError, mr.submit) budget.load_from_db() budget.cancel()
def set_total_expense_zero(posting_date, budget_against_field=None, budget_against_CC=None): if budget_against_field == "project": budget_against = frappe.db.get_value("Project", {"project_name": "_Test Project"}) else: budget_against = budget_against_CC or "_Test Cost Center - _TC" fiscal_year = get_fiscal_year(nowdate())[0] args = frappe._dict({ "account": "_Test Account Cost for Goods Sold - _TC", "cost_center": "_Test Cost Center - _TC", "monthly_end_date": posting_date, "company": "_Test Company", "fiscal_year": fiscal_year, "budget_against_field": budget_against_field, }) if not args.get(budget_against_field): args[budget_against_field] = budget_against existing_expense = get_actual_expense(args) if existing_expense: if budget_against_field == "cost_center": make_journal_entry("_Test Account Cost for Goods Sold - _TC", "_Test Bank - _TC", -existing_expense, "_Test Cost Center - _TC", posting_date=nowdate(), submit=True) elif budget_against_field == "project": make_journal_entry("_Test Account Cost for Goods Sold - _TC", "_Test Bank - _TC", -existing_expense, "_Test Cost Center - _TC", submit=True, project=budget_against, posting_date=nowdate())
def set_tax_withholding_category(company): accounts = [] fiscal_year = None abbr = frappe.get_value("Company", company, "abbr") tds_account = frappe.get_value("Account", 'TDS Payable - {0}'.format(abbr), 'name') if company and tds_account: accounts = [dict(company=company, account=tds_account)] try: fiscal_year = get_fiscal_year(today(), verbose=0, company=company)[0] except FiscalYearError: pass docs = get_tds_details(accounts, fiscal_year) for d in docs: try: doc = frappe.get_doc(d) doc.flags.ignore_permissions = True doc.flags.ignore_mandatory = True doc.insert() except frappe.DuplicateEntryError: doc = frappe.get_doc("Tax Withholding Category", d.get("name")) if accounts: doc.append("accounts", accounts[0]) if fiscal_year: # if fiscal year don't match with any of the already entered data, append rate row fy_exist = [ k for k in doc.get('rates') if k.get('fiscal_year') == fiscal_year ] if not fy_exist: doc.append("rates", d.get('rates')[0]) doc.flags.ignore_permissions = True doc.flags.ignore_mandatory = True
def get_period(self, date): months = [ 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec' ] if self.filters.range == 'Weekly': period = 'Week ' + str(date.isocalendar()[1]) elif self.filters.range == 'Monthly': period = str(months[date.month - 1]) elif self.filters.range == 'Quarterly': period = 'Quarter ' + str(((date.month - 1) // 3) + 1) else: year = get_fiscal_year(date, period = str(year[0]) if getdate(self.filters.from_date).year != getdate( self.filters.to_date).year and self.filters.range != 'Yearly': period += ' ' + str(date.year) return period
def test_payroll_frequency(self): fiscal_year = get_fiscal_year(nowdate(), company=erpnext.get_default_company())[0] month = "%02d" % getdate(nowdate()).month m = get_month_details(fiscal_year, month) for payroll_frequency in ["Monthly", "Bimonthly", "Fortnightly", "Weekly", "Daily"]: make_employee(payroll_frequency + "*****@*****.**") ss = make_employee_salary_slip(payroll_frequency + "*****@*****.**", payroll_frequency) if payroll_frequency == "Monthly": self.assertEqual(ss.end_date, m['month_end_date']) elif payroll_frequency == "Bimonthly": if getdate(ss.start_date).day <= 15: self.assertEqual(ss.end_date, m['month_mid_end_date']) else: self.assertEqual(ss.end_date, m['month_end_date']) elif payroll_frequency == "Fortnightly": self.assertEqual(ss.end_date, add_days(nowdate(),13)) elif payroll_frequency == "Weekly": self.assertEqual(ss.end_date, add_days(nowdate(),6)) elif payroll_frequency == "Daily": self.assertEqual(ss.end_date, nowdate())
def autoname(self): if hasattr(self, 'force_name') and self.force_name: = self.force_name return if self.posting_date < '2017-07-01': company_abbr = frappe.db.get_value("Company",, "abbr") b_type = 'V' if self.bill_type == 'VAT' else 'R' naming_series = '{}#{}#'.format(company_abbr, b_type) = make_autoname(naming_series + '.#####') else: company_abbr = frappe.db.get_value("Company",, "abbr") fiscal_year = account_utils.get_fiscal_year( self.get("posting_date"))[0] naming_series = "{}{}/.".format(company_abbr, fiscal_year[2:]) suffix_count = 16 - len(naming_series) + 1 suffix = '#' * suffix_count = make_autoname(naming_series + suffix)
def add_data(w, args): from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_fiscal_year dates = get_dates(args) employees = get_active_employees() existing_attendance_records = get_existing_attendance_records(args) for date in dates: for employee in employees: existing_attendance = {} if existing_attendance_records \ and tuple([date,]) in existing_attendance_records: existing_attendance = existing_attendance_records[tuple([date,])] row = [ existing_attendance and or "",, employee.employee_name, date, existing_attendance and existing_attendance.status or "", get_fiscal_year(date)[0],, existing_attendance and existing_attendance.naming_series or get_naming_series(), ] w.writerow(row) return w
def get_dashboard_info(party_type, party): current_fiscal_year = get_fiscal_year(nowdate(), as_dict=True) company = frappe.db.get_default("company") or frappe.get_all( "Company")[0].name party_account_currency = get_party_account_currency( party_type, party, company) company_default_currency = get_default_currency() \ or frappe.db.get_value('Company', company, 'default_currency') if party_account_currency == company_default_currency: total_field = "base_grand_total" else: total_field = "grand_total" doctype = "Sales Invoice" if party_type == "Customer" else "Purchase Invoice" billing_this_year = frappe.db.sql( """ select sum({0}) from `tab{1}` where {2}=%s and docstatus=1 and posting_date between %s and %s """.format(total_field, doctype, party_type.lower()), (party, current_fiscal_year.year_start_date, current_fiscal_year.year_end_date)) total_unpaid = frappe.db.sql( """ select sum(debit_in_account_currency) - sum(credit_in_account_currency) from `tabGL Entry` where party_type = %s and party=%s""", (party_type, party)) info = {} info["billing_this_year"] = flt( billing_this_year[0][0]) if billing_this_year else 0 info["currency"] = party_account_currency info["total_unpaid"] = flt(total_unpaid[0][0]) if total_unpaid else 0 if party_type == "Supplier": info["total_unpaid"] = -1 * info["total_unpaid"] return info
def get_actual_data(filters, item_groups, sales_users_or_territory_data, date_field, sales_field): fiscal_year = get_fiscal_year(fiscal_year=filters.get("fiscal_year"), as_dict=1) dates = [fiscal_year.year_start_date, fiscal_year.year_end_date] select_field = "`tab{0}`.{1}".format(filters.get("doctype"), sales_field) child_table = "`tab{0}`".format(filters.get("doctype") + ' Item') if sales_field == 'sales_person': select_field = "`tabSales Team`.sales_person" child_table = "`tab{0}`, `tabSales Team`".format( filters.get("doctype") + ' Item') cond = """`tabSales Team`.parent = `tab{0}`.name and `tabSales Team`.sales_person in ({1}) """.format( filters.get("doctype"), ','.join(['%s'] * len(sales_users_or_territory_data))) else: cond = "`tab{0}`.{1} in ({2})".format( filters.get("doctype"), sales_field, ','.join(['%s'] * len(sales_users_or_territory_data))) # Finbyz Changes Start: in below query for removing item group condition return frappe.db.sql(""" SELECT `tab{child_doc}`.item_group, `tab{child_doc}`.stock_qty, `tab{child_doc}`.base_net_amount, {select_field}, `tab{parent_doc}`.{date_field} FROM `tab{parent_doc}`, {child_table} WHERE `tab{child_doc}`.parent = `tab{parent_doc}`.name and `tab{parent_doc}`.docstatus = 1 and {cond} and `tab{parent_doc}`.{date_field} between %s and %s""".format( cond=cond, date_field=date_field, select_field=select_field, child_table=child_table, parent_doc=filters.get("doctype"), child_doc=filters.get("doctype") + ' Item', ), tuple(sales_users_or_territory_data + dates), as_dict=1)
def get_party_tax_withholding_details(ref_doc, tax_withholding_category=None): pan_no = '' suppliers = [] if not tax_withholding_category: tax_withholding_category, pan_no = frappe.db.get_value( 'Supplier', ref_doc.supplier, ['tax_withholding_category', 'pan']) if not tax_withholding_category: return if not pan_no: pan_no = frappe.db.get_value('Supplier', ref_doc.supplier, 'pan') # Get others suppliers with the same PAN No if pan_no: suppliers = [ for d in frappe.get_all( 'Supplier', fields=['name'], filters={'pan': pan_no}) ] if not suppliers: suppliers.append(ref_doc.supplier) fy = get_fiscal_year(ref_doc.posting_date, tax_details = get_tax_withholding_details(tax_withholding_category, fy[0], if not tax_details: frappe.throw( _('Please set associated account in Tax Withholding Category {0} against Company {1}' ).format(tax_withholding_category, tds_amount = get_tds_amount(suppliers, ref_doc.net_total,, tax_details, fy, ref_doc.posting_date, pan_no) tax_row = get_tax_row(tax_details, tds_amount) return tax_row
def irs_1099_print(filters): if not filters: frappe._dict({ "company": frappe.db.get_default("Company"), "fiscal_year": frappe.db.get_default("Fiscal Year"), }) else: filters = frappe._dict(json.loads(filters)) fiscal_year_doc = get_fiscal_year(fiscal_year=filters.fiscal_year, as_dict=True) fiscal_year = cstr(fiscal_year_doc.year_start_date.year) company_address = get_payer_address_html( company_tin = frappe.db.get_value("Company",, "tax_id") columns, data = execute(filters) template = frappe.get_doc("Print Format", "IRS 1099 Form").html output = PdfFileWriter() for row in data: row["fiscal_year"] = fiscal_year row["company"] = row["company_tin"] = company_tin row["payer_street_address"] = company_address row["recipient_street_address"], row[ "recipient_city_state"] = get_street_address_html( "Supplier", row.supplier) row["payments"] = fmt_money(row["payments"], precision=0, currency="USD") pdf = get_pdf(render_template(template, row), output=output if output else None) frappe.local.response.filename = ( f"{filters.fiscal_year} {} IRS 1099 Forms{IRS_1099_FORMS_FILE_EXTENSION}" ) frappe.local.response.filecontent = read_multi_pdf(output) frappe.local.response.type = "download"