コード例 #1
    def str2nums(self, txt):
           str2nums(obj_id) -> object id
           Convert Object ID (given as string) into a list of integer
           sub IDs.
        if not txt:
            raise error.BadArgument('Empty Object ID')

        # Convert string into a list and filter out empty members
        # (leading dot causes this)
        objid_s = string.split(txt, '.')
        objid_s = filter(lambda x: len(x), objid_s)

        # Convert a list of symbols into a list of numbers
            objid_n = map(lambda x: string.atol(x), objid_s)

            raise error.BadArgument('Malformed Object ID: ' + str(txt))

        if not len(objid_n):
            raise error.BadArgument('Empty Object ID: ' + str(txt))

        return objid_n
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self, community='public', version=0):
        if not community:
            raise error.BadArgument('Bad community name')

        if type(version) != types.IntType:
            raise error.BadArgument('Bad SNMP version: ' + str(version))

        self.request_id = long(random.random() * 0x7fffffff)
        self.version = version
        self.community = community
コード例 #3
    def send (self, request=None):
           Send SNMP message (the specified one or previously submitted
           with store() method) to remote SNMP process specified on
           session object creation.
        # Message must present
        if not request and not self.request:
            raise error.BadArgument('Empty SNMP message')

        # Make sure we are given a message
        if request:
            # Store new request            
            self.store (request)

        # Make sure the connection is established, open it otherwise
        if not self.socket:


        except socket.error, why:
            raise error.TransportError('send() error: ' + str(why))
コード例 #4
    def store (self, request):
           Store SNMP message for later transmission.
        if not request:
            raise error.BadArgument('Empty SNMP message')

        # Otherwise, store the message to be sent
        self.request = request
コード例 #5
    def nums2str(self, objid_n):
           nums2str(obj_id) -> object id
           Convert Object ID (given as a list of integer sub Object IDs) into
           string representation.
        if not objid_n:
            raise error.BadArgument('Empty numeric Object ID')

        # Convert a list of number into a list of symbols
            objid_s = map(lambda x: '.%lu' % x, objid_n)

            raise error.BadArgument('Malformed numeric Object ID: ' +

        # Merge all the list members into a string
        txt = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, objid_s)
        if not len(txt):
            raise error.BadArgument('Empty numeric Object ID: ' + str(objid_n))

        return txt
コード例 #6
    def __init__ (self, agent, community='public'):
        # Call message class constructor
        message.message.__init__ (self, community)

        # Make sure we get all these arguments
        if not agent:
            raise error.BadArgument ('Empty SNMP agent name')

        # Initialize SNMP session
        self.agent = agent
        self.port = 161
        self.timeout = 1.0
        self.retries = 3
        self.iface = None

        # This is a provision for multisession superclass
        self.request = None
        self.response = None

        # Initialize socket
        self.socket = None
コード例 #7
    def encode_bindings(self, encoded_oids, encoded_values):
            encode_bindings(encoded_oids, encoded_values) -> bindings
            Bind together encoded object IDs and their associated values
            (lists of strings).
        # Get the number of oids to encode
        size = len(encoded_oids)

        # Make sure the list is not empty
        if not size:
            raise error.BadArgument('Empty list of encoded Object IDs')

        # Initialize stuff
        index = 0
        encoded_oid_pairs = ''

        # Encode encoded objid's and encoded values together
        while index < size:
            # Encode and concatinate one oid_pair
            if encoded_values and encoded_values[index]:
                # Merge oid with value
                oid_pairs = encoded_oids[index] + \
                # Merge oid with value
                oid_pairs = encoded_oids[index] + \

            # Encode merged pairs
            encoded_oid_pairs = encoded_oid_pairs + \
                self.encode_sequence (oid_pairs)

            # Progress index
            index = index + 1

        # Return encoded bindings
        return self.encode_sequence(encoded_oid_pairs)