コード例 #1
def calc_error_for_nearest_neighbors_2d(accurate_values, current_values, settings_obj):
    error = [] 
    #---turn the lists into dictionaries 
    mydict_of_acc = dictionarize(accurate_values)
    mydict_of_cur = dictionarize(current_values);
    for key in mydict_of_cur.keys():  #go through each key and cal error
        if  key in mydict_of_acc.keys():
            #make sure ref1 is the small list 
            if len(mydict_of_acc[key]) > len(mydict_of_cur[key]):
                ref1 = mydict_of_acc
                ref2 = mydict_of_cur
                ref2 = mydict_of_acc
                ref1 = mydict_of_cur
            #get the list of indecies of nearest neighbors
            indecies = nearest_neighbors_2d(ref2[key][:], ref1[key][:])
            #calculate error 
            for i in range(len(indecies)):
                error.append(tuple(numpy.subtract(ref2[key][i], ref1[key][indecies[i]])))
                #error.append(find_dis(ref2[key][i], ref1[key][indecies[i]]))
    if (len(error) == 0  and not(settings_obj.benchmark_name == "sift")):
        print "assert(len(error)>0) unless benchmark =sift"
    if (settings.benchmark_name == "sift"):
        if len(error) == 0: #the reason for it to be None is b/c in sift there is a 
                          #possibility that the octaves (with sift points) don't overlap 
            error = float("inf")
    return error
コード例 #2
def calc_error_for_nearest_neighbors(x_temp,y_temp):
    assert(len(x_temp) >0)
    assert(len(y_temp) >0)
    if (len(x_temp) > len(y_temp)):
        x_temp_temp = x_temp
        x_temp = y_temp
        y_temp = x_temp_temp
    x = x_temp
    y = y_temp
    error = [] 
    nearst_neighbors = nearest_neighbors_sorted(x,y)
    print "here is x"
    print x
    print "here is y"
    print y
    for i in range(min(len(x), len(y))):
        error.append(abs(x[i] - y[nearst_neighbors[i]]))
    return error