コード例 #1
def filter_sort_meth_basic( x ) :
    z = sorted(x.iteritems(), key=lambda (k,v): (v,k))

    if get_debug() :
        for i in z :
            debug("\t %s %s %s %d %f" %(i[0].m.get_class_name(), i[0].m.get_name(), i[0].m.get_descriptor(), i[0].m.get_length(), i[1]))
    return z[:1]
コード例 #2
def getResourceWrapper(task, dataObj):
    error.debug("Task: %s is checking out resource: %s" %
                (task.name, task.forkObj.remoteType))
    resource = getResource(dataObj.shared.getVar('TAG'),
                           "Checked out by %s" % (task.name))
    dataObj.local.putVar("resource", resource)
    return resource
コード例 #3
    def diff_ins(self, di) :
        self.di = di

        off_add = {}
        off_rm = {}
        for i in self.di.add_ins :
            off_add[ i[0] ] = i

        for i in self.di.remove_ins :
            off_rm[ i[0] ] = i

        nb = 0
        for i in self.bb1.ins :
            ok = False
            if nb in off_add :
                debug("%d ADD %s %s" % (nb, off_add[ nb ][2].get_name(), off_add[ nb ][2].get_operands()))
                self.ins.append( off_add[ nb ][2] )
                setattr( off_add[ nb ][2], "diff_tag", DIFF_INS_TAG["ADD"] )
                del off_add[ nb ]

            if nb in off_rm :
                debug("%d RM %s %s" % (nb, off_rm[ nb ][2].get_name(), off_rm[ nb ][2].get_operands()))
                self.ins.append( off_rm[ nb ][2] )
                setattr( off_rm[ nb ][2], "diff_tag", DIFF_INS_TAG["REMOVE"] )
                del off_rm[ nb ]
                ok = True

            if ok == False :
                self.ins.append( i )
                debug("%d %s %s" % (nb, i.get_name(), i.get_operands()))
                setattr( i, "diff_tag", DIFF_INS_TAG["ORIG"] )

            nb += 1

        #print nb, off_add, off_rm

        nbmax = nb
        if off_add != {} :
            nbmax = sorted(off_add)[-1]
        if off_rm != {} :
            nbmax = max(nbmax, sorted(off_rm)[-1])

        while nb <= nbmax :
            if nb in off_add :
                debug("%d ADD %s %s" % (nb, off_add[ nb ][2].get_name(), off_add[ nb ][2].get_operands()))
                self.ins.append( off_add[ nb ][2] )
                setattr( off_add[ nb ][2], "diff_tag", DIFF_INS_TAG["ADD"] )
                del off_add[ nb ]

            if nb in off_rm :
                debug("%d RM %s %s" % (nb, off_rm[ nb ][2].get_name(), off_rm[ nb ][2].get_operands()))
                self.ins.append( off_rm[ nb ][2] )
                setattr( off_rm[ nb ][2], "diff_tag", DIFF_INS_TAG["REMOVE"] )
                del off_rm[ nb ]

            nb += 1
コード例 #4
    def set_childs(self, abb) :
        childs = []
        for c in self.bb.childs :
            if c[2].name in abb :
                debug("SET %s %s " % (c[2], abb[ c[2].name ]))
                childs.append( (c[0], c[1], abb[ c[2].name ]) )
            else :
                debug("SET ORIG %s" % str(c))
                childs.append( c )

        setattr( self, "childs", childs )
コード例 #5
    def _init_sort_methods(self) :
#       print "DEBUG DIFF METHODS"
        for fil in self.filters :
            delete_methods = []
            for j in self.filters[fil][DIFFMETHODS] :
                debug("%s %s %s %d" % (j.m.get_class_name(), j.m.get_name(), j.m.get_descriptor(), j.m.get_length()))
                ret = j.sort( self.filters[fil][BASE][FILTER_NAME], self.filters[fil][BASE][FILTER_SORT_METH] )
                if ret == False :
                    delete_methods.append( j )

            for j in delete_methods :
                self.filters[ fil ][ DELETEMETHODS ].append( j )
                pos = self.filters[ fil ][ DIFFMETHODS ].index( j )
                self.filters[ fil ][ DIFFMETHODS ].remove( j )
コード例 #6
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: jakbob/guitarlegend
def main():
    # Parse the command line options
    parser = optparse.OptionParser()
                      help="start game in debugging mode")
                      help="start game in debugging mode")
    (opts, args) = parser.parse_args()

    options.DEBUG = opts.debug
    options.SHOW_FRAMERATE = opts.show_fps

    # Setup a custom data directory
    pyglet.resource.path = ["data"]
    error.debug("Importing scene")
    import scene # Imported here, because it depends on the options used
    error.debug("Importing menu")
    import menu
    # Add two windows
    game_manager.add_window(MainWindow(width=options.window_width, height=options.window_height, 
                                       caption=options.__appname__, resizable=True), 
    if options.DEBUG: game_manager.add_window(BasicWindow(caption="Debug"), "debug_draw")
    # Add one scene

    # Start sound recordning here. Something is wrong with wonderful,
    # leading to strange segfaults. I'm gonna see if this fixes it.
    import wonderful
    wonderful.init(options.SAMPLE_RATE, options.DFT_SIZE)
    # Hand control over to the Game manager
    error.debug("Hiya, I'm gonna hand control over to the game manager")
コード例 #7
    def set_childs(self, abb) :
        setattr( self.bb1.ins[-1], "childs", self.bb1.childs )

        for i in self.ins :
            if i == self.bb2.ins[-1] :

                childs = []
                for c in self.bb2.childs :
                    if c[2].name in abb :
                        debug("SET %s %s" % (c[2], abb[ c[2].name ]))
                        childs.append( (c[0], c[1], abb[ c[2].name ]) )
                    else :
                        debug("SET ORIG %s" % str(c))
                        childs.append( c )

                setattr( i, "childs", childs )
コード例 #8
    def _init_mark_methods(self) :
        # Change the compression to have a better result for a one <-> one comparison
        self.sim.set_compress_type( XZ_COMPRESS )

        for fil in self.filters :
            # mark diff methods
            for j in self.filters[fil][DIFFMETHODS] :
                debug("%s %s %s" % (j.m.get_class_name(), j.m.get_name(), j.m.get_descriptor()))
                # get the first method which match
                k = j.get_meth_first_sort( self.filters[fil][BASE][FILTER_NAME] )
                # recalculate the similarity to have better percentage with a better algorithm
                v1 = j.quick_similarity( self.filters[fil][BASE][FILTER_NAME], k, self.filters[fil][BASE][FILTER_SIM_METH] ) 

                # filter the mark to eliminate totaly diff method
                v2 = self.filters[fil][BASE][FILTER_MARK_METH]( v1 )
                self.marks[fil].append( v2 )

            # mark match methods
            for m in self.filters[ fil ][ MATCHMETHODS ] :
                v = self.filters[fil][BASE][FILTER_MARK_METH]( 0.0 )
                self.marks[fil].append( v )
コード例 #9
 def _init_similarity(self) :
     # Check if some methods in the first file has been modified
     for fil in self.filters :
         for j in self.filters[fil][METHODS][self.vm1[0]] :
             debug("SIM FOR %s %s %s" % (j.m.get_class_name(), j.m.get_name(), j.m.get_descriptor()))
             for i1 in self.filters[fil][METHODS] :
                 if i1 != self.vm1[0] :
                     # B1 not at 0.0 in BB2
                     if j.getsha256( self.filters[fil][BASE][FILTER_NAME] ) not in self.filters[fil][HASHSUM][i1] :
                         for k in self.filters[fil][METHODS][i1] :
                             # B2 not at 0.0 in BB1
                             if k.getsha256( self.filters[fil][BASE][FILTER_NAME] ) not in self.filters[fil][HASHSUM][self.vm1[0]] :
                                 j.similarity( self.filters[fil][BASE][FILTER_NAME], k, self.filters[fil][BASE][FILTER_SIM_METH] )
                                 if j not in self.filters[fil][DIFFMETHODS] :
                             # B2 matched perfectly
                             else :
                                 if k not in self.filters[fil][MATCHMETHODS] :
                                     self.filters[fil][MATCHMETHODS].append( k )
                     # B1 matched perfectly
                     else :
                         if j not in self.filters[fil][MATCHMETHODS] :
                             self.filters[fil][MATCHMETHODS].append( j )
コード例 #10
def getDiff(C, X, Y, i, j, a, r):
    if i > 0 and j > 0 and X[i-1] == Y[j-1]:
        getDiff(C, X, Y, i-1, j-1, a, r)
        debug(" " + "%02X" % ord(X[i-1]))
        if j > 0 and (i == 0 or C[i][j-1] >= C[i-1][j]):
            getDiff(C, X, Y, i, j-1, a, r)
            a.append( (j-1, Y[j-1]) )
            debug(" + " + "%02X" % ord(Y[j-1]))
        elif i > 0 and (j == 0 or C[i][j-1] < C[i-1][j]):
            getDiff(C, X, Y, i-1, j, a, r)
            r.append( (i-1, X[i-1]) )
            debug(" - " + "%02X" % ord(X[i-1]))
コード例 #11
    def diff(self, name_attribute, func_sim_bb, func_diff_ins):
        z = getattr( self, "sort_" + name_attribute )
        if z == [] :
            setattr(self, "dbb_" + name_attribute, {})
            setattr(self, "nbb_" + name_attribute, {})

        bb1 = getattr( self, "bb_" + name_attribute )

        ### Dict for diff basic blocks
            ### vm1 basic block : vm2 basic blocks -> value (0.0 to 1.0)
        diff_bb = {}

        ### List to get directly all diff basic blocks
        direct_diff_bb = []

        ### Dict for new basic blocks
        new_bb = {}

        ### Reverse Dict with matches diff basic blocks
        associated_bb = {}

        for b1 in bb1 :
            diff_bb[ bb1[ b1 ] ] = {}

            debug("%s 0x%x" % (b1, bb1[ b1 ].basic_block.end))
            for i in z :
                bb2 = getattr( i[0], "bb_" + name_attribute )
                b_z = diff_bb[ bb1[ b1 ] ]

                bb2hash = getattr( i[0], "bb_sha256_" + name_attribute )

                # If b1 is in bb2 :
                    # we can have one or more identical basic blocks to b1, we must add them
                if bb1[ b1 ].get_hash() in bb2hash :
                    for equal_bb in bb2hash[ bb1[ b1 ].get_hash() ] :
                        b_z[ equal_bb.basic_block.name ] = 0.0

                # If b1 is not in bb2 :
                    # we must check similarities between all bb2
                else :
                    for b2 in bb2 :
                        b_z[ b2 ] = func_sim_bb( bb1[ b1 ], bb2[ b2 ], self.sim )

                sorted_bb = sorted(b_z.iteritems(), key=lambda (k,v): (v,k))

                debug("\t\t%s" %  sorted_bb[:2])

                for new_diff in sorted_bb :
                    associated_bb[ new_diff[0] ] = bb1[ b1 ].basic_block

                    if new_diff[1] == 0.0 :
                        direct_diff_bb.append( new_diff[0] )

                if sorted_bb[0][1] != 0.0 :
                    diff_bb[ bb1[ b1 ] ] = (bb2[ sorted_bb[0][0] ], sorted_bb[0][1])
                    direct_diff_bb.append( sorted_bb[0][0] )
                else :
                    del diff_bb[ bb1[ b1 ] ]

        for i in z :
            bb2 = getattr( i[0], "bb_" + name_attribute )
            for b2 in bb2 :
                if b2 not in direct_diff_bb :
                    new_bb[ b2 ] = bb2[ b2 ]

        dbb = {}
        nbb = {}
        # Add all different basic blocks
        for d in diff_bb :
            dbb[ d.basic_block.name ] = DiffBB( d.basic_block, diff_bb[ d ][0].basic_block, diff_bb[ d ] )

        # Add all new basic blocks
        for n in new_bb :
            nbb[ new_bb[ n ].basic_block ] = NewBB( new_bb[ n ].basic_block )
            del associated_bb[ n ]

        setattr(self, "dbb_" + name_attribute, dbb)
        setattr(self, "nbb_" + name_attribute, nbb)

        # Found diff instructions
        for d in dbb :
            func_diff_ins( dbb[d], self.sim, name_attribute )

        # Set new childs for diff basic blocks
            # The instructions will be tag with a new flag "childs"
        for d in dbb :
            dbb[ d ].set_childs( associated_bb )

        # Set new childs for new basic blocks
        for d in nbb :
            nbb[ d ].set_childs( associated_bb )

        # Create and tag all (orig/diff/new) basic blocks
        self.create_bbs( name_attribute )
コード例 #12
def filter_diff_ins_basic( dbb, sim, name_attribute ) :
    final_add = []
    final_rm = []

    hS = {}
    rS = {}

    X = toString( dbb.bb1, hS, rS )
    Y = toString( dbb.bb2, hS, rS )

    debug("%s %d" % (repr(X), len(X)))
    debug("%s %d" % (repr(Y), len(Y)))

    m = len(X)
    n = len(Y)

    C = LCS( X, Y )
    a = []
    r = []

    getDiff(C, X, Y, m, n, a, r)

    debug("DEBUG ADD")
    for i in a :
        debug(" \t %s %s %s" % (i[0], dbb.bb2.ins[ i[0] ].get_name(), dbb.bb2.ins[ i[0] ].get_operands()))
        final_add.append( (i[0], 0, dbb.bb2.ins[ i[0] ]) )

    debug("DEBUG REMOVE")
    for i in r :
        debug(" \t %s %s %s" % (i[0], dbb.bb1.ins[ i[0] ].get_name(), dbb.bb1.ins[ i[0] ].get_operands()))
        final_rm.append( (i[0], 0, dbb.bb1.ins[ i[0] ]) )

    dbb.diff_ins( DiffINS( final_add, final_rm ) )
コード例 #13
def releaseResourceWrapper(task, dataObj, resource):
    error.debug("Task: %s is releasing resource: %s" % (task.name, resource))
コード例 #14
def cleanupResources():
    error.debug("Cleaning resource manager")
コード例 #15
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: jakbob/guitarlegend
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import error

#  Standard library  #
import sys, os
import optparse

# Required libraries #
error.debug("Attempting to import pyglet")
    import pyglet
except ImportError, err:
    # put an error on the log
    error.critical("This game requires pyglet. If you are using Windows, seeing this message is a BUG. Please file a bug report on http://guitarlegend.googlecode.com. Linux and OS X users should download Pyglet from http://www.pyglet.org.")
#    Game modules    #
error.debug("Importing options")
import options
error.debug("Importing manager stuffs")
from manager import game_manager, BasicWindow, MainWindow