コード例 #1
def DeBroglieErr(voltage,voltageErr,m = Me):
	v = Symbol("v",positive = True) # initialize symbols
	h = Symbol("h",positive = True)
	c = Symbol("c",positive = True)
	m = Symbol("m",positive = True)
	from sympy import sqrt # initialize symbols
	waveLen    = h/(sqrt(2*m*v)*c)

	# get the error function
	func =  er.getRelError([v],waveLen)

	# calculate error for each point
	error = func(voltage,voltageErr)

	return error
コード例 #2
def BraggErr(Diam,DiamErr,d,L = L,r = r):
	v = Symbol("v",positive = True) # initialize symbols
	D = Symbol("D",positive = True)
	L = Symbol("L",positive = True)

	from sympy import sqrt,atan,sin,pprint # initialize symbols
	a       = sqrt(r**2-D**2/4)
	x       = (L/(L-(r-a))-1)*D/2 #based on geometric calculations that can bee seen in my lab notebook
	DCorect = D+2*x
	theta   = DCorect/(2*L)/2
	waveLen = 2*d*theta

	# get the error function
	func =  er.getRelError([D,L],waveLen)

	# calculate error for each point
	error = func(voltage,130,voltageErr,2)

	return error