コード例 #1
ファイル: file_parser.py プロジェクト: rlee287/TheoDORE_py3
    def read(self, mos):
        state_list = []

        for lfile in sorted(os.listdir('WORK')):
            # Find the suitable files. This could also be done with regexps ...
            if not '.iwfmt' in lfile: continue
            #if (not 'mcsd1fl' in lfile) and (not 'mcad1fl' in lfile): continue
            if not 'mcsd1fl' in lfile: continue

            if self.ioptions['s_or_t'] == 't':
                if not '-' in lfile: continue

                print "Reading %s ..." % lfile
                self.read_mc_tden(state_list[-1], mos, lfile)

            elif self.ioptions['s_or_t'] == 's':
                if '-' in lfile: continue

                print "Reading %s ..." % lfile
                self.read_mc_sden(state_list[-1], mos, lfile)

        if len(state_list) == 0:
            raise error_handler.MsgError(
                'No density file found! Did you run write_den.bash?')

        return state_list
コード例 #2
ファイル: dens_ana_base.py プロジェクト: rlee287/TheoDORE_py3
    def read_dens(self):
        Read the (transition) density matrices and some supplementary information.
        rtype = self.ioptions.get('rtype')
        if self.ioptions['read_libwfa']: self.mos = None

        if rtype == 'ricc2':
            self.state_list = file_parser.file_parser_ricc2(
        elif rtype in ['tddft', 'escf', 'tmtddft']:
            self.state_list = file_parser.file_parser_escf(self.ioptions).read(
        elif rtype == 'libwfa':
            self.state_list = file_parser.file_parser_libwfa(
        elif rtype == 'qcadc':
            self.state_list = file_parser.file_parser_qcadc(
        elif rtype == 'qctddft':
            self.state_list = file_parser.file_parser_qctddft(
        elif rtype in ['mcscf', 'colmcscf']:
            self.state_list = file_parser.file_parser_col_mcscf(
        elif rtype in ['mrci', 'colmrci']:
            self.state_list = file_parser.file_parser_col_mrci(
        elif rtype in ['rassi', 'molcas']:
            self.state_list = file_parser.file_parser_rassi(
        elif rtype.lower() == 'nos':
            self.state_list = file_parser.file_parser_nos(self.ioptions).read(
        elif rtype.lower() in ['cclib', 'gamess', 'orca']:
            # these are parsed with the external cclib library
            ccli = cclib_interface.file_parser_cclib(self.ioptions)

            errcode = ccli.check()
            if errcode >= 2:
                raise error_handler.MsgError(
                    "The file cannot be parsed by cclib")

            self.mos = ccli.read_mos()
            self.state_list = ccli.read(self.mos)

            # Write a Molden file if possible
            if errcode == 0:
                self.ioptions['mo_file'] = 'MOs.mld'
                self.ioptions['molden_orbitals'] = False
            raise error_handler.ElseError(rtype, 'rtype')

コード例 #3
    def ret_Om_OmAt(self, state):
        Construction of the Omega matrix with respect to atoms. 
        formula=0: Om_mn = (DS)_mn (SD)_mn [JCTC (2012) 8, 2777]
        formula=1: Om_mn = 1/2 (DS)_mn (SD)_mn + 1/2 D_mn (SDS)_mn [JCP (2014), 141, 024106]
        formula=2: TODO - Loewdin partitioning
        if 'Om' in state and 'OmAt' in state:
            return state['Om'], state['OmAt']

        formula = self.ioptions.get('Om_formula')

            D = state['tden']
        except KeyError:
            return None, None

        print("Computation of Omega matrix ...")
        # construction of intermediate matrices
        # S implicitly computed from C

        temp = self.mos.CdotD(D, trnsp=False, inv=False)  # C.DAO
        DS = self.mos.MdotC(temp, trnsp=False, inv=True)  # DAO.S = C.D.C^(-1)

        if formula == 1:
            DAO = self.mos.MdotC(temp, trnsp=True, inv=False)  # DAO = C.D.C^T

        temp = self.mos.CdotD(D, trnsp=True, inv=True)  # C^(-1,T).DAO
        SD = self.mos.MdotC(temp, trnsp=True,
                            inv=False)  # S.DAO = C^(-1,T).DAO.C^T

        if formula == 1:
            # S.DAO.S = C^(-1,T).D.C^(-1)
            SDS = self.mos.MdotC(temp, trnsp=False, inv=True)

        # add up the contributions for the different atoms
        state['Om'] = 0.
        state['OmAt'] = numpy.zeros([self.mos.num_at, self.mos.num_at])

        if formula == 0:
            OmBas = DS * SD
        elif formula == 1:
            OmBas = 0.5 * (DS * SD + DAO * SDS)
            raise error_handler.MsgError(
                "Om_formula=%i for CT numbers not implemented!" % formula)

        for i in range(self.num_bas):
            iat = self.mos.basis_fcts[i].at_ind - 1
            for j in range(self.num_bas):
                jat = self.mos.basis_fcts[j].at_ind - 1
                state['Om'] += OmBas[i, j]
                state['OmAt'][iat, jat] += OmBas[i, j]

        return state['Om'], state['OmAt']
コード例 #4
ファイル: lib_exciton.py プロジェクト: rlee287/TheoDORE_py3
    def ret_MAeh(self, Om, OmAt):
        Return the mean absolute electron-hole distance (Ang).
        if self.distmat == None:
            raise error_handler.MsgError("Compute the distance matrix first!")

        MA_dist = numpy.dot(OmAt.flatten(), self.distmat.flatten()) / Om

        return MA_dist
コード例 #5
ファイル: input_options.py プロジェクト: rlee287/TheoDORE_py3
 def get(self, option, strict=True):
     Return the value of an option.
     if strict and self.opt_dict[option] == None:
         raise error_handler.MsgError('Option "%s" not defined in file %s!'%(option, self.ifile))
         return self.opt_dict[option]
コード例 #6
ファイル: input_options.py プロジェクト: rlee287/TheoDORE_py3
    def read_ifile(self):
        Read the input file self.ifile.
        Key and value are separated by '='.
        Leading and trailing whitespace is removed.
            fileh = open(self.ifile, 'r')
            return 1

        for line in fileh:
            # take out possible comments
            if '#' in line: continue

            words = line.strip().split('=')
            if len(line.strip()) == 0: continue

            if len(words) != 2:
                print(" ERROR: in file %s\n   line cannot be parsed:" %

            key = words[0].strip()

            if words[1] == '':
                raise error_handler.MsgError(
                    'Please specify a value for "%s=" in %s!' %
                    (key, self.ifile))

            val = eval(words[1])

            # every possible option has to be initiliazed in set_defaults to avoid confusion
            if not key in self.opt_dict:
                raise error_handler.MsgError('Unknown option in %s: %s' %
                                             (self.ifile, key))

            self.opt_dict[key] = val

        return 0
コード例 #7
ファイル: jmol_MOs.py プロジェクト: rlee287/TheoDORE_py3
 def __init__(self, occmin=0.01, occmax=2.0, mldfile=""):
     if mldfile == "":
         raise error_handler.MsgError("mldfile has to be specified for occupation screening!")
     self.mldfile = mldfile
     self.moset = lib_mo.MO_set_molden(mldfile)
     self.molist = []
     for imo, occ in enumerate(self.moset.occs):
         if occmin <= occ <= occmax:
コード例 #8
ファイル: lib_exciton.py プロジェクト: rlee287/TheoDORE_py3
    def ret_RMSeh(self, Om, OmAt):
        Return the root mean square electron-hole distance (Ang).
        if self.distmat == None:
            raise error_handler.MsgError("Compute the distance matrix first!")

        MS_dist = numpy.dot(OmAt.flatten(), self.distmat.flatten()**2.) / Om

        RMS_dist = numpy.sqrt(MS_dist)

        return RMS_dist
コード例 #9
ファイル: file_parser.py プロジェクト: rlee287/TheoDORE_py3
    def read(self, mos):
        state_list = []

        (energies, oscs) = self.read_rassi_output(self.ioptions['rfile'])

        if not os.path.exists('TRD'):
            errmsg = """Did not find the TRD directory!
    To run the job you have to:
    1. Run RASSI specifying the TRD1 keyword
    2. call 'mkdir TRD && cp $WorkDir/TRD2* TRD'"""

            raise error_handler.MsgError(errmsg)

        for lfile in self.ioptions['ana_files']:
            words = lfile.split('_')
            (st1, st2) = (int(words[1]), int(words[2]))

            if self.ioptions['s_or_t'] == 't':
                if st1 == st2: continue

                print "Reading %s ..." % lfile

                state_list[-1]['name'] = 'R%i.%i' % (st1, st2)
                state_list[-1]['exc_en'] = (
                    energies[st1 - 1] - energies[st2 - 1]) * units.energy['eV']
                    state_list[-1]['osc_str'] = oscs[(st2, st1)]
                    print "No osc. strength found for transition %i -> %i" % (
                        st2, st1)
                state_list[-1]['tden'] = self.init_den(mos)

                self.read_rassi_den(state_list[-1]['tden'], mos, lfile)

            elif self.ioptions['s_or_t'] == 's':
                if st1 != st2: continue

                print "Reading %s ..." % lfile

                state_list[-1]['name'] = 'RASSI_%i' % st1
                state_list[-1]['exc_en'] = (energies[st1 - 1] -
                                            energies[0]) * units.energy['eV']
                state_list[-1]['sden'] = self.init_den(mos)

        return state_list
コード例 #10
ファイル: file_parser.py プロジェクト: rlee287/TheoDORE_py3
    def sym_split(self, sym):
        Split an MO "sym" label into the index and irrep.
        "51b1u" -> [51, "b1u"]
        st = 1000
        if sym.find('a') != -1: st = min(st, sym.find('a'))
        if sym.find('b') != -1: st = min(st, sym.find('b'))
        if sym.find('e') != -1: st = min(st, sym.find('e'))
        if sym.find('t') != -1: st = min(st, sym.find('t'))

        if (st == 1000): raise error_handler.MsgError("sym_split: %s" % sym)

        return (int(sym[:st]), sym[st:])
コード例 #11
ファイル: lib_exciton.py プロジェクト: rlee287/TheoDORE_py3
    def ret_Eb(self, Om, OmAt, Eb_diag=1.0):
        Return an approximate exciton binding energy (eV).
        if self.distmat == None:
            raise error_handler.MsgError("Compute the distance matrix first!")

        Eb_dist = self.distmat.flatten() / units.length['A']

        for i in xrange(len(self.distmat)):
            Eb_dist[i + i * len(self.distmat)] = Eb_diag

        Eb_au = numpy.dot(OmAt.flatten(), Eb_dist**-1.) / Om

        return Eb_au * units.energy['eV']
コード例 #12
ファイル: file_parser.py プロジェクト: rlee287/TheoDORE_py3
    def read(self, mos):
        if self.ioptions['s_or_t'] == 's':
            raise error_handler.MsgError(
                'analyze_sden.py not implemented for col_mrci! Use "nos" instead.'

        state_list = []

        for lfile in sorted(os.listdir('LISTINGS')):
            if not 'trncils' in lfile: continue

            print "Reading %s ..." % lfile
            self.read_trncils(state_list[-1], mos, 'LISTINGS/%s' % lfile)

        return state_list
コード例 #13
ファイル: lib_sden.py プロジェクト: rlee287/TheoDORE_py3
 def ret_general_pop(self, state, ana_type='mullpop', dens_type=''):
     Return the result of a general population analysis.        
     if dens_type == '' or dens_type == 'state':
         dens_name = 'sden'
         mp_name = ana_type
         dens_name = '%s_den'%dens_type
         mp_name = '%s_%s'%(ana_type, dens_type)
     if mp_name in state: return state[mp_name]
     if not dens_name in state: return None
     if ana_type == 'mullpop':
         pana = pop_ana.mullpop_ana()            
         raise error_handler.MsgError('Population analyis type not implmented: %s'%ana_type)
     state[mp_name] = pana.ret_pop(state[dens_name], self.mos)
     return state[mp_name]
コード例 #14
    def read(self, lvprt=1):
        Read in MO coefficients from a molden File.

        MO = False
        GTO = False
        mo_vecs = []
        mo_ind = 0
        self.syms = [
        ]  # list with the orbital descriptions. they are entered after Sym in the molden file.
        self.occs = []  # occupations
        self.ens = [
        ]  # orbital energies (or whatever is written in that field)

        num_bas = {'s': 1, 'p': 3, 'sp': 4, 'd': 6, 'f': 10, 'g': 15}

        orient = {
            's': ['1'],
            'p': ['x', 'y', 'z'],
            'sp': ['1', 'x', 'y', 'z'],
            'd': ['x2', 'y2', 'z2', 'xy', 'xz', 'yz'],
            'f': [
                'xxx', 'yyy', 'zzz', 'xyy', 'xxy', 'xxz', 'xzz', 'yzz', 'yyz',
            15 * ['?']

        num_orb = 0
        curr_at = -1

        self.header = ''

        fileh = open(self.file, 'r')

        fstr = fileh.read()
        if ('[D5' in fstr) or ('[5D' in fstr):
            num_bas['d'] = 5
            orient['d'] = ['D0', 'D+1', 'D-1', 'D+2', 'D-2']
        if ('F7]' in fstr) or ('7F]' in fstr):
            num_bas['f'] = 7
            orient['f'] = ['F0', 'F+1', 'F-1', 'F+2', 'F-2', 'F+3', 'F-3']
        if ('9G]' in fstr) or ('9G]' in fstr):
            num_bas['g'] = 9
            orient['g'] = 9 * ['?']

        fileh.seek(0)  # rewind the file

        for line in fileh:
            words = line.replace('=', ' ').split()

            if 'molden format' in line.lower():
                if not '[Molden Format]' in line:
                    print " WARNING: the header may not be understood by Jmol:"
                    print line,
                    print " This has to be changed to:"
                    print " [Molden Format]"

            # what section are we in
            if '[' in line:
                MO = False
                GTO = False

            if '[MO]' in line:
                if lvprt >= 2: print "Found [MO] tag"
                MO = True
                GTO = False
            # extract the information in that section
            elif MO:
                if not '=' in line:
                        if words == []:
                            break  # stop parsing the file if an empty line is found

                        print " ERROR in lib_mo, parsing the following line:"
                        print line
                elif 'ene' in line.lower():
                    mo_ind += 1
                elif 'sym' in line.lower():
                elif 'occ' in line.lower():

            elif ('[GTO]' in line):
                GTO = True
                # extract the information in that section
            elif GTO:
                if len(words) == 0:  # empty line: atom is finished
                    curr_at = -1
                elif curr_at == -1:
                    curr_at = int(words[0])
                    self.num_at = max(curr_at, self.num_at)
                elif (len(words) >= 2) and (words[0].lower() in num_bas):
                    orbsymb = words[0].lower()

                    for i in xrange(num_bas[orbsymb]):
                            basis_fct(curr_at, orbsymb, orient[orbsymb][i]))
                        num_orb += 1

            if not MO:
                self.header += line


        ### file parsing finished ###

        if lvprt >= 1 or len(mo_vecs[0]) != num_orb:
            print '\nMO file %s parsed.' % self.file
            print 'Number of atoms: %i' % self.num_at
            print 'Number of MOs read in: %i' % len(mo_vecs)
            print 'Dimension: %i,%i,...,%i' % (len(mo_vecs[0]), len(
                mo_vecs[1]), len(mo_vecs[-1]))
            print 'Number of basis functions parsed: ', num_orb

        if len(mo_vecs[0]) != num_orb:
            raise error_handler.MsgError(
                'Inconsistent number of basis functions!')

            self.mo_mat = numpy.array(mo_vecs).transpose()
        except ValueError:
            print "\n *** Unable to construct MO matrix! ***"
            print "Is there a mismatch between spherical/cartesian functions?\n ---"
コード例 #15
ファイル: input_options.py プロジェクト: rlee287/TheoDORE_py3
 def chk_option(self, option):
     if not option in self.opt_dict:
         raise error_handler.MsgError("Option %s not known!"%option)        
コード例 #16
ファイル: cc_check.py プロジェクト: rlee287/TheoDORE_py3
Check if a file can be read by cclib and if all the required information is available.

import theo_header, cclib_interface, input_options, error_handler
import sys

theo_header.print_header('Check cclib')

print("cc_check.py <logfile>")
print("Check if a logfile can be parsed with cclib")

    logfile = sys.argv[1]
except IndexError:
    raise error_handler.MsgError("Please enter the name of the logfile!")

ioptions = input_options.dens_ana_options(ifile=None, check_init=False)
ioptions['rtype'] = 'cclib'
ioptions['rfile'] = logfile

ccparser = cclib_interface.file_parser_cclib(ioptions)
errcode = ccparser.check()

if errcode <= 1:
    print("\n %s can be parsed by using rtype='cclib' in dens_ana.in." %
    if errcode == 0:
        print(" Conversion to Molden format also possible")
        print(" But conversion to Molden format is not possible")
コード例 #17
ファイル: file_parser.py プロジェクト: rlee287/TheoDORE_py3
    def read(self, mos):
        Read the X vector from standard output. Y is discarded.
        state_list = []
        exc_diff = False
        exc_1TDM = False
        tdread = False
        libwfa = False
        istate = 1

        if self.ioptions.get('TDA'):
            ststr = 'TDDFT/TDA Excitation Energies'
            ststr = 'TDDFT Excitation Energies'

        print "Parsing %s for %s ..." % (self.ioptions.get('rfile'), ststr)

        #        for line in open(self.ioptions.get('rfile'), 'r'):
        rfileh = open(self.ioptions.get('rfile'), 'r')
        while True:  # loop over all lines
                line = rfileh.next()
            except StopIteration:
                print "Finished parsing file %s" % self.ioptions.get('rfile')

            if ststr in line:
                tdread = True
            elif 'TDDFT calculation will be performed' in line:
                tdread = False
            elif 'Timing summary' in line:
                tdread = False
            elif 'Excited State Analysis' in line:
                libwfa = True
                if len(state_list) == 0:
                    errstr = "No excitation energy parsed!"
                    errstr += "\n   Please, set 'TDA=True' if this was a TDA calculation."
                    raise (error_handler.MsgError(errstr))
            elif 'SA-NTO Decomposition' in line:
                libwfa = False

            if tdread:
                words = line.replace(':', '').split()
                if 'Excited state' in line:

                    state_list[-1]['state_num'] = int(words[2])
                    state_list[-1]['exc_en'] = float(words[-1])

                    line = rfileh.next()
                    line = rfileh.next()
                    words = line.split()

                    if words[0] == 'Multiplicity:':
                        state_list[-1]['mult'] = '(%s)' % words[1][0]
                        state_list[-1]['mult'] = '(-)'

                    state_list[-1]['name'] = 'es_%i%s' % (
                        state_list[-1]['state_num'], state_list[-1]['mult'])

                    if self.ioptions['read_libwfa']:
                        om_filen = 'es_%i_ctnum_atomic.om' % state_list[-1][
                        (typ, exctmp, osc, num_at, num_at1,
                         om_at) = self.rmatfile(om_filen)

                        if not typ == None:
                            state_list[-1]['Om'] = om_at.sum()
                            state_list[-1]['OmAt'] = om_at
                        state_list[-1]['tden'] = self.init_den(mos, rect=True)

                elif 'Strength' in line:
                    state_list[-1]['osc_str'] = float(words[-1])

                elif 'amplitude' in line and not self.ioptions['read_libwfa']:
                    # ignore the Y vector.
                    #    Otherwise the Y would go into the virt-occ block!
                    if 'Y:' in line: continue

                    awords = self.delete_chars(
                        line, ['X:', 'Y:', 'D', 'V', '(', ')', '-->']).split()

                    iocc = int(awords[0]) - 1
                    ivirt = int(awords[1]) + mos.ret_ihomo()

                    coeff = float(awords[4])

                    state_list[-1]['tden'][iocc, ivirt] += coeff

            if libwfa:
                if 'Excited state' in line:
                    istate = int(line.split()[-1].replace(':', ''))
                elif 'Exciton analysis of the difference density matrix' in line:
                    exc_1TDM = False
                    exc_diff = True

                elif 'Exciton analysis of the transition density matrix' in line:
                    exc_diff = False
                    exc_1TDM = True

                self.parse_keys(state_list[istate - 1], exc_diff, exc_1TDM,

        return state_list
コード例 #18
ファイル: file_parser.py プロジェクト: rlee287/TheoDORE_py3
    def read(self):
        state_list = []

        basedir = '.'

        exc_diff = False
        exc_1TDM = False
        self.irrep_labels = None
        for line in open(self.ioptions.get('rfile')):
            words = line.split()
            if 'Irreducible representations in point group:' in line:
                self.irrep_labels = line.lstrip(
                    'Irreducible representations in point group:').split()

            elif ' Term symbol' in line:
                if self.irrep_labels == None:
                    print "\n   WARNING: irrep labels not found in %s" % self.ioptions.get(
                    print "   Use 'adc_print 2' or enter them into %s" % self.ioptions.ifile
                    print "   Using info from %s: irrep_labels=" % self.ioptions.ifile, self.ioptions.get(
                    self.irrep_labels = self.ioptions.get('irrep_labels')


                state_list[-1]['state_ind'] = int(words[2])
                state_list[-1]['mult'] = words[3]
                state_list[-1]['irrep'] = words[4]
                state_list[-1]['name'] = '%s%s%s' % (words[2], words[3],

                om_filen = self.om_file_name(state_list[-1])
                (typ, exctmp, osc, num_at, num_at1,
                 om_at) = self.rmatfile(os.path.join(basedir, om_filen))
                if typ == None:

                state_list[-1]['exc_en'] = exctmp * units.energy['eV']
                state_list[-1]['osc_str'] = osc

                state_list[-1]['Om'] = om_at.sum()
                state_list[-1]['OmAt'] = om_at

            elif ' Excitation energy:' in line:
                exc_chk = float(words[2])

                if not 'exc_en' in state_list[-1]:
                    state_list[-1]['exc_en'] = exc_chk

                if abs(exc_chk - state_list[-1]['exc_en']) > 1.e-4:
                    print exc_chk, state_list[-1]['exc_en']
                    raise error_handler.MsgError(
                        "Excitation energies do not match")

            elif 'Exciton analysis of the difference density matrix' in line:
                exc_1TDM = False
                if len(state_list) > 0: exc_diff = True

            elif 'Exciton analysis of the transition density matrix' in line:
                exc_diff = False
                if len(state_list) > 0: exc_1TDM = True

            elif 'Transition Summary' in line:

            if len(state_list) > 0:
                self.parse_keys(state_list[-1], exc_diff, exc_1TDM, line)

        return state_list
コード例 #19
ファイル: file_parser.py プロジェクト: rlee287/TheoDORE_py3
    def read_rassi_den(self, dens, mos, filen, sden=False):
        Read the output of RASSI generated with TRD1.
        No support for symmetry (yet).
        trd1 = False
        imo = -1
        jmo = -1
        rfile = open(filen, 'r')
        TRD_string = 'Active TRD1'
        while True:
                line = rfile.next()
            except StopIteration:

            if 'Multiplicities' in line:
                words = rfile.next().split()
                mult1 = int(words[0])
                mult2 = int(words[1])
                print 'Multiplicities: %i, %i' % (mult1, mult2)

                # Read the spin-traced TDM if the multiplicities are the same
                #   and the spin-difference TDM otherwise
                if mult1 == mult2:
                    TRD_string = 'Active TRD1'
                    TRD_string = 'Active Spin TRD1'
            elif 'Basis functions' in line:
                nbas = int(rfile.next().split()[0])
                assert (nbas == mos.ret_num_mo())
            elif 'Inactive orbitals' in line:
                ninact = int(rfile.next().split()[0])

                if sden:
                    for imo in xrange(ninact):
                        dens[imo, imo] = 2.0
                imo = ninact
                jmo = ninact
            elif 'Active orbitals' in line:
                nact = int(rfile.next().split()[0])
            elif TRD_string in line:
                line = rfile.next()
                trd1 = True
            elif trd1:
                #print imo, line[:-1]
                for i in xrange(5):
                    val = float(line[i * 18:(i + 1) * 18].replace('D', 'E'))
                    dens[jmo, imo] = val
                    if 0.2 < abs(val) < 1.9999:
                        print "(i,j)=(%2i,%2i), val=%6.3f" % (imo, jmo, val)

                    jmo += 1
                    if jmo == ninact + nact:
                        jmo = ninact
                        imo += 1

                        if imo == ninact + nact:
                            #print "Finished parsing"
                            trd1 = False
        if trd1:
            raise error_handler.MsgError('Parsing of RASSI output')
        if not sden:
            dens *= 2**(-.5)