コード例 #1
ファイル: queries.py プロジェクト: hugolgst/homeccenture
 async def unregister(self, request):
     if request.id != None:
         if str(request.id) in userdb:
             del userdb[str(request.id)]
             return web.json_response({"unregistered": True})
             raise errors.Unauthorized("Not registered")
         raise errors.Unauthorized("A valid token is required")
コード例 #2
ファイル: queries.py プロジェクト: hugolgst/homeccenture
    async def fetch_activity(self, request):
        if request.id == None:
            raise errors.Unauthorized("A valid token is required")

        activity_id = int(request.rel_url.query["itemid"])
        if activity_id >= len(self.activities_df):
            raise errors.UserError("this id is too big")

        with open(get_path("../../interactions.csv"), "a") as output_csv:
            writer = csv.writer(output_csv)
            writer.writerow([request.id, activity_id, 1, int(time.time())])

        output = self.activities_df.iloc[activity_id].to_json()
        return web.Response(text=output)
コード例 #3
ファイル: core.py プロジェクト: dsouzajude/rest-demo
    def validate_session(self, session_token):
        """ Validates the session, raises an exception if either the
        session token does not exists or has expired.

        Upon successful validation, returns the username connected with
        the session.
        # Check if session exists
        session = self.backend.get_session(session_token)
        if not session:
            raise errors.Unauthorized()

        # Check expiry
        now = datetime.utcnow()
        session_duration = (now - session.create_time).total_seconds()
        if session_duration > self.session_expiry_time_seconds:
            raise errors.SessionExpired()

        return session.username
コード例 #4
ファイル: queries.py プロジェクト: hugolgst/homeccenture
    async def suggestion(self, request):
        if request.id == None or request.id not in userdb:
            raise errors.Unauthorized("A valid token is required")
        activities = userdb[request.id]["activities"]
        best_choice, best_proba = -1, -1
        for item_id, proba in predict(request.id):
            if not self.activities_df.iloc[item_id]["type"] in activities:
            if proba > best_proba:
                best_choice, best_proba = item_id, proba

        activity = self.activities_df.iloc[best_choice]

        return web.json_response({
            "user": userdb[request.id]["name"],
            "name": activity["description"],
            "desc": activity["full_description"],
            "url": activity["url"],
            "hours": userdb[request.id]["hours"],
コード例 #5
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: dsouzajude/rest-demo
            def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
                if require_auth:
                    session_token = None
                    auth_header = request.get_header('Authorization')
                    if auth_header:
                        # Header format 'Authorization: Session-token mytoken'
                        session_token = auth_header.split(' ', 1)[1]
                        # Params format '?session_token=mytoken'
                        session_token = request.query.get('session_token')

                    if not session_token:
                        raise errors.Unauthorized()

                    # Raises an exception if the session is not valid
                    # Else get the username connected with the session.
                    username = self.controller.validate_session(session_token)

                    return handler(username, *args, **kwargs)

                return handler(*args, **kwargs)
コード例 #6
ファイル: core.py プロジェクト: dsouzajude/rest-demo
    def authenticate(self, username, password):
        """ Authenticates the user and upon successful authentication creates
        a new session and returns the session token.

        Authentication is done by verifying the password with it's hash.
        # Authenticate
        user = self.backend.get_user(username)
        if not user:
            raise errors.Unauthorized()

        is_success = sha256_crypt.verify(password, user.hashed_password)
        session_token = utils.generate_uuid() if is_success else None

        # Record the login attempt
        self.backend.insert_login_attempt(username, session_token)
        if not is_success:
            raise errors.InvalidLogin()

        # Create the session on successful login
        self.backend.create_session(session_token, username)
        return session_token
コード例 #7
ファイル: queries.py プロジェクト: hugolgst/homeccenture
 async def logout(self, request):
     if request.id != None:
         self.EXPIRED_TOKENS.add(request.headers.get("Authorization", None))
         return web.json_response({"disconnected": True})
         raise errors.Unauthorized("A valid token is required")