コード例 #1
def formvalue(formname, fieldname, value):
    >> formvalue <formname> <field> <value>

    Set value of a form field.

    There are some ambiguities in the way formvalue deals with lists:
    'formvalue' will *add* the given value to a list of multiple selection,
    for lists that allow it.

    Forms are matched against 'formname' as follows:
      1. regexp match to actual form name;
      2. if 'formname' is an integer, it's tried as an index.

    Form controls are matched against 'fieldname' as follows:
      1. unique exact match to control name;
      2. unique regexp match to control name;
      3. if fieldname is an integer, it's tried as an index;
      4. unique & exact match to submit-button values.

    Formvalue ignores read-only fields completely; if they're readonly,
    nothing is done, unless the config options ('config' command) are

    'formvalue' is available as 'fv' as well.
    form = browser.get_form(formname)
    if form is None:
        raise TwillAssertionError("no matching forms!")

    control = browser.get_form_field(form, fieldname)

    browser.clicked(form, control)
    if isinstance(control, html.CheckboxGroup):

    elif 'readonly' in control.attrib.keys() and \
        print>>OUT, 'forcing read-only form field to writeable'
        del control.attrib['readonly']
    elif 'readonly' in control.attrib.keys() or \
        (hasattr(control, 'type') and control.type == 'file'):
        print>>OUT, 'form field is read-only or ignorable; nothing done.'

    if hasattr(control, 'type') and control.type == 'file':
        raise TwillException(
                    'form field is for file upload; use "formfile" instead'

    set_form_control_value(control, value)
コード例 #2
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: fabioperrella/fedora
def make_boolean(value):
    Convert the input value into a boolean like so:
    >> make_boolean('true')
    >> make_boolean('false')
    >> make_boolean('1')
    >> make_boolean('0')
    >> make_boolean('+')
    >> make_boolean('-')
    value = str(value)
    value = value.lower().strip()

    # true/false
    if value in ('true', 'false'):
        if value == 'true':
            return True
        return False

    # 0/nonzero
        ival = int(value)
        return bool(ival)
    except ValueError:

    # +/-
    if value in ('+', '-'):
        if value == '+':
            return True
        return False

    # on/off
    if value in ('on', 'off'):
        if value == 'on':
            return True
        return False

    raise TwillException("unable to convert '%s' into true/false" % (value, ))
コード例 #3
def config(key=None, value=None):
    >> config [<key> [<int value>]]

    Configure/report various options.  If no <value> is given, report
    the current key value; if no <key> given, report current settings.

    So far:

     * 'acknowledge_equiv_refresh', default 1 -- follow HTTP-EQUIV=REFRESH
     * 'readonly_controls_writeable', default 0 -- make ro controls writeable
     * 'require_tidy', default 0 -- *require* that tidy be installed
     * 'use_BeautifulSoup', default 1 -- use the BeautifulSoup parser
     * 'use_tidy', default 1 -- use tidy, if it's installed
     * 'with_default_realm', default 0 -- use a default realm for HTTP AUTH

     * 'allow_parse_errors' has been removed.
    import utils

    if key is None:
        keys = _options.keys()

        print >> OUT, 'current configuration:'
        for k in keys:
            print >> OUT, '\t%s : %s' % (k, _options[k])
        print >> OUT, ''
        v = _options.get(key)
        if v is None:
            print >> OUT, '*** no such configuration key', key
            print >> OUT, 'valid keys are:', ";".join(_options.keys())
            raise TwillException('no such configuration key: %s' % (key, ))
        elif value is None:
            print >> OUT, ''
            print >> OUT, 'key %s: value %s' % (key, v)
            print >> OUT, ''
            value = utils.make_boolean(value)
            _options[key] = value
コード例 #4
def formfile(formname, fieldname, filename, content_type=None):
    >> formfile <form> <field> <filename> [ <content_type> ]

    Upload a file via an "upload file" form field.
    import os.path
    filename = filename.replace('/', os.path.sep)

    form = browser.get_form(formname)
    control = browser.get_form_field(form, fieldname)

    if not control.is_of_kind('file'):
        raise TwillException('ERROR: field is not a file upload field!')

    browser.clicked(form, control)
    fp = open(filename, 'rb')
    control.add_file(fp, content_type, filename)

    print>>OUT, '\nAdded file "%s" to file upload field "%s"\n' % (filename,
コード例 #5
def debug(what, level):
    >> debug <what> <level>

    <what> can be:
       * http (any level >= 1), to display the HTTP transactions.
       * commands (any level >= 1), to display the commands being executed.
       * equiv-refresh (any level >= 1) to display HTTP-EQUIV refresh handling.
    import parse

        level = int(level)
    except ValueError:
        flag = utils.make_boolean(level)
        if flag:
            level = 1
            level = 0

    print>>OUT, 'DEBUG: setting %s debugging to level %d' % (what, level)
    if what == "http":
        # @BRT: Tries to set mechanize browser debug level directly;
        # @CTB not something supported by requests?
        # browser._browser.set_debug_http(level)
    elif what == 'equiv-refresh':
        if level:
            utils._debug_print_refresh = True
            utils._debug_print_refresh = False
    elif what == 'commands':
        if level:
        raise TwillException('unknown debugging type: "%s"' % (what,))
コード例 #6
ファイル: browser.py プロジェクト: lbolla/twill
    def submit(self, fieldname=None):
        Submit the currently clicked form using the given field.
        if fieldname is not None:
            fieldname = str(fieldname)
        if not self.get_all_forms():
            raise TwillException("no forms on this page!")
        ctl = None
        form = self._browser.form
        if form is None:
            forms = [ i for i in self.get_all_forms() ]
            if len(forms) == 1:
                form = forms[0]
                raise TwillException("""\
more than one form; you must select one (use 'fv') before submitting\

        # no fieldname?  see if we can use the last submit button clicked...
        if not fieldname:
            if self.last_submit_button:
                ctl = self.last_submit_button
                # get first submit button in form.
                submits = [ c for c in form.controls \
                            if isinstance(c, ClientForm.SubmitControl) ]

                if len(submits):
                    ctl = submits[0]
            # fieldname given; find it.
            ctl = self.get_form_field(form, fieldname)

        # now set up the submission by building the request object that
        # will be sent in the form submission.
        if ctl:
            # submit w/button
            print>>OUT, """\
Note: submit is using submit button: name="%s", value="%s"
""" % (ctl.name, ctl.value)
            if isinstance(ctl, ClientForm.ImageControl):
                request = ctl._click(form, (1,1), "", mechanize.Request)
                request = ctl._click(form, True, "", mechanize.Request)
            # submit w/o submit button.
            request = form._click(None, None, None, None, 0, None,
                                  "", mechanize.Request)

        # add referer information.  this may require upgrading the
        # request object to have an 'add_unredirected_header' function.

        upgrade = self._browser._ua_handlers.get('_http_request_upgrade')
        if upgrade:
            request = upgrade.http_request(request)
            request = self._browser._add_referer_header(request)

        # now actually GO.
        self._journey('open', request)
コード例 #7
ファイル: browser.py プロジェクト: lbolla/twill
    def get_form_field(self, form, fieldname):
        Return the control that matches 'fieldname'.  Must be
        a *unique* regexp/exact string match.
        fieldname = str(fieldname)
        found = None
        found_multiple = False

        matches = [ c for c in form.controls if str(c.id) == fieldname ]

        # test exact match.
        if matches:
            if unique_match(matches):
                found = matches[0]
                found_multiple = True   # record for error reporting.
        matches = [ c for c in form.controls if str(c.name) == fieldname ]

        # test exact match.
        if matches:
            if unique_match(matches):
                found = matches[0]
                found_multiple = True   # record for error reporting.

        # test index.
        if found is None:
            # try num
            clickies = [c for c in form.controls]
                fieldnum = int(fieldname) - 1
                found = clickies[fieldnum]
            except ValueError:          # int() failed
            except IndexError:          # fieldnum was incorrect

        # test regexp match
        if found is None:
            regexp = re.compile(fieldname)

            matches = [ ctl for ctl in form.controls \
                        if regexp.search(str(ctl.name)) ]

            if matches:
                if unique_match(matches):
                    found = matches[0]
                    found_multiple = True # record for error

        if found is None:
            # try value, for readonly controls like submit keys
            clickies = [ c for c in form.controls if c.value == fieldname \
                         and c.readonly ]
            if clickies:
                if len(clickies) == 1:
                    found = clickies[0]
                    found_multiple = True   # record for error

        # error out?
        if found is None:
            if not found_multiple:
                raise TwillException('no field matches "%s"' % (fieldname,))
                raise TwillException('multiple matches to "%s"' % (fieldname,))

        return found
コード例 #8
ファイル: browser.py プロジェクト: lbolla/twill
class TwillBrowser(object):
    Wrap mechanize behavior in a simple stateful way.

    Public variables:

      * result -- mechanize-style 'result' object.
    def __init__(self):
        # create special link/forms parsing code to run tidy on HTML first.
        factory = ConfigurableParsingFactory()

        # Create the mechanize browser.
        b = PatchedMechanizeBrowser(history=HistoryStack(), factory=factory)

        self._browser = b
        self.result = None
        self.last_submit_button = None

        # create & set a cookie jar.
        policy = mechanize.DefaultCookiePolicy(rfc2965=True)
        cj = mechanize.LWPCookieJar(policy=policy)
        self.cj = cj

        # Ask for MIME type 'text/html' by preference.
        self._browser.addheaders = [("Accept", "text/html; */*")]

        # ignore robots.txt

        # create an HTTP auth handler
        self.creds = mechanize.HTTPPasswordMgr()

        # do handle HTTP-EQUIV properly.

        # callables to be called after each page load.
        self._post_load_hooks = []

    ### get/set HTTP authentication stuff.

    def _set_creds(self, creds):
        self._creds = creds

    def _get_creds(self):
        return self._creds

    creds = property(_get_creds, _set_creds)
    def go(self, url):
        Visit given URL.
        try_urls = [ url, ]

        # if this is an absolute URL that is just missing the 'http://' at
        # the beginning, try fixing that.
        if url.find('://') == -1:
            full_url = 'http://%s' % (url,)  # mimic browser behavior

        # if this is a '?' URL, then assume that we want to tack it onto
        # the end of the current URL.

        if url.startswith('?'):
            current_url = self.get_url()
            current_url = current_url.split('?')[0]
            try_urls = [ current_url + url, ]

        success = False

        for u in try_urls:
                self._journey('open', u)
                success = True
            except IOError:             # @CTB test this!

        if success:
            print>>OUT, '==> at', self.get_url()
            raise BrowserStateError("cannot go to '%s'" % (url,))

    def reload(self):
        Tell the browser to reload the current page.
        print>>OUT, '==> reloaded'

    def back(self):
        Return to previous page, if possible.
            print>>OUT, '==> back to', self.get_url()
        except BrowserStateError:
            print>>OUT, '==> back at empty page.'

    def get_code(self):
        Get the HTTP status code received for the current page.
        if self.result:
            return self.result.get_http_code()
        return None

    def get_html(self):
        Get the HTML for the current page.
        if self.result:
            return self.result.get_page()
        return None

    def get_headers(self):
        Get the headers for the current page.
        if self.result:
            return self.result.get_headers()
        return None

    def get_title(self):
        Get content of the HTML title element for the current page.
        return self._browser.title()

    def get_url(self):
        Get the URL of the current page.
        if self.result:
            return self.result.get_url()
        return None

    def find_link(self, pattern):
        Find the first link with a URL, link text, or name matching the
        given pattern.

        # first, try to find a link matching that regexp.
            l = self._browser.find_link(url_regex=pattern)
        except LinkNotFoundError:

            # then, look for a text match.
                l = self._browser.find_link(text_regex=pattern)
            except LinkNotFoundError:
                # finally, look for a name match.
                    l = self._browser.find_link(name_regex=pattern)
                except LinkNotFoundError:
                    l = None

        return l

    def follow_link(self, link):
        Follow the given link.
        self._journey('follow_link', link)
        print>>OUT, '==> at', self.get_url()

    def set_agent_string(self, agent):
        Set the agent string to the given value.
        for i in xrange(len(self._browser.addheaders)):
            if self._browser.addheaders[i][0] == "User-agent":
                del self._browser.addheaders[i]
        self._browser.addheaders += [("User-agent", agent)]

    def showforms(self):
        Pretty-print all of the forms.  Include the global form (form
        elements outside of <form> pairs) as forms[0] iff present.
        forms = self.get_all_forms()
        for n, f in enumerate(forms):
            print_form(n, f, OUT)

    def showlinks(self):
        Pretty-print all of the links.
        print>>OUT, 'Links:\n'
        for n, link in enumerate(self._browser.links()):
            print>>OUT, "%d. %s ==> %s" % (n, link.text, link.url,)
        print>>OUT, ''

    def showhistory(self):
        Pretty-print the history of links visited.
        print>>OUT, ''
        print>>OUT, 'History: (%d pages total) ' % (len(self._browser._history))

        n = 1
        for (req, resp) in self._browser._history:
            if req and resp:            # only print those that back() will go
                print>>OUT, "\t%d. %s" % (n, resp.geturl())
                n += 1
        print>>OUT, ''

    def get_all_forms(self):
        Return a list of all of the forms, with global_form at index 0
        iff present.
        global_form = self._browser.global_form()
        forms = list(self._browser.forms())

        if global_form.controls:
            forms.insert(0, global_form)
        return forms

    def get_form(self, formname):
        Return the first form that matches 'formname'.
        formname = str(formname)
        forms = self.get_all_forms()
        # first try ID
        for f in forms:
            id = f.attrs.get("id")
            if id and str(id) == formname:
                return f
        # next try regexps
        regexp = re.compile(formname)
        for f in forms:
            if f.name and regexp.search(f.name):
                return f

        # ok, try number
            formnum = int(formname)
            if formnum >= 1 and formnum <= len(forms):
                return forms[formnum - 1]
        except ValueError:              # int() failed
        except IndexError:              # formnum was incorrect

        return None

    def get_form_field(self, form, fieldname):
        Return the control that matches 'fieldname'.  Must be
        a *unique* regexp/exact string match.
        fieldname = str(fieldname)
        found = None
        found_multiple = False

        matches = [ c for c in form.controls if str(c.id) == fieldname ]

        # test exact match.
        if matches:
            if unique_match(matches):
                found = matches[0]
                found_multiple = True   # record for error reporting.
        matches = [ c for c in form.controls if str(c.name) == fieldname ]

        # test exact match.
        if matches:
            if unique_match(matches):
                found = matches[0]
                found_multiple = True   # record for error reporting.

        # test index.
        if found is None:
            # try num
            clickies = [c for c in form.controls]
                fieldnum = int(fieldname) - 1
                found = clickies[fieldnum]
            except ValueError:          # int() failed
            except IndexError:          # fieldnum was incorrect

        # test regexp match
        if found is None:
            regexp = re.compile(fieldname)

            matches = [ ctl for ctl in form.controls \
                        if regexp.search(str(ctl.name)) ]

            if matches:
                if unique_match(matches):
                    found = matches[0]
                    found_multiple = True # record for error

        if found is None:
            # try value, for readonly controls like submit keys
            clickies = [ c for c in form.controls if c.value == fieldname \
                         and c.readonly ]
            if clickies:
                if len(clickies) == 1:
                    found = clickies[0]
                    found_multiple = True   # record for error

        # error out?
        if found is None:
            if not found_multiple:
                raise TwillException('no field matches "%s"' % (fieldname,))
                raise TwillException('multiple matches to "%s"' % (fieldname,))

        return found

    def clicked(self, form, control):
        Record a 'click' in a specific form.
        if self._browser.form != form:
            # construct a function to choose a particular form; select_form
            # can use this to pick out a precise form.

            def choose_this_form(test_form, this_form=form):
                if test_form is this_form:
                    return True

                return False

            assert self._browser.form == form

            self.last_submit_button = None

        # record the last submit button clicked.
        if isinstance(control, ClientForm.SubmitControl):
            self.last_submit_button = control

    def submit(self, fieldname=None):
        Submit the currently clicked form using the given field.
        if fieldname is not None:
            fieldname = str(fieldname)
        if not self.get_all_forms():
            raise TwillException("no forms on this page!")
        ctl = None
        form = self._browser.form
        if form is None:
            forms = [ i for i in self.get_all_forms() ]
            if len(forms) == 1:
                form = forms[0]
                raise TwillException("""\
more than one form; you must select one (use 'fv') before submitting\

        # no fieldname?  see if we can use the last submit button clicked...
        if not fieldname:
            if self.last_submit_button:
                ctl = self.last_submit_button
                # get first submit button in form.
                submits = [ c for c in form.controls \
                            if isinstance(c, ClientForm.SubmitControl) ]

                if len(submits):
                    ctl = submits[0]
            # fieldname given; find it.
            ctl = self.get_form_field(form, fieldname)

        # now set up the submission by building the request object that
        # will be sent in the form submission.
        if ctl:
            # submit w/button
            print>>OUT, """\
Note: submit is using submit button: name="%s", value="%s"
""" % (ctl.name, ctl.value)
            if isinstance(ctl, ClientForm.ImageControl):
                request = ctl._click(form, (1,1), "", mechanize.Request)
                request = ctl._click(form, True, "", mechanize.Request)
            # submit w/o submit button.
            request = form._click(None, None, None, None, 0, None,
                                  "", mechanize.Request)

        # add referer information.  this may require upgrading the
        # request object to have an 'add_unredirected_header' function.

        upgrade = self._browser._ua_handlers.get('_http_request_upgrade')
        if upgrade:
            request = upgrade.http_request(request)
            request = self._browser._add_referer_header(request)

        # now actually GO.
        self._journey('open', request)

    def save_cookies(self, filename):
        Save cookies into the given file.
        self.cj.save(filename, ignore_discard=True, ignore_expires=True)

    def load_cookies(self, filename):
        Load cookies from the given file.
        self.cj.load(filename, ignore_discard=True, ignore_expires=True)

    def clear_cookies(self):
        Delete all of the cookies.

    def show_cookies(self):
        Pretty-print all of the cookies.
        print>>OUT, '''
There are %d cookie(s) in the cookiejar.
''' % (len(self.cj,))
        if len(self.cj):
            for cookie in self.cj:
                print>>OUT, '\t', cookie

            print>>OUT, ''

    #### private functions.

    def _journey(self, func_name, *args, **kwargs):
        'func_name' should be the name of a mechanize method that either
        returns a 'result' object or raises a HTTPError, e.g.
        one of 'open', 'reload', 'back', or 'follow_link'.

        journey then runs that function with the given arguments and turns
        the results into a nice friendly standard ResultWrapper object, which
        is stored as 'self.result'.

        All exceptions other than HTTPError are unhandled.
        (Idea stolen straight from PBP.)
        # reset
        self.last_submit_button = None
        self.result = None

        func = getattr(self._browser, func_name)
            r = func(*args, **kwargs)
        except mechanize.HTTPError, e:
            r = e

        # seek back to 0 if a seek() function is present.
        seek_fn = getattr(r, 'seek', None)
        if seek_fn:

        # some URLs, like 'file:' URLs, don't have return codes.  In this
        # case, assume success (code=200) if no such attribute.
        code = getattr(r, 'code', 200)

        ## special case refresh loops!?
        if code == 'refresh':
            raise TwillException("""\
infinite refresh loop discovered; aborting.
Try turning off acknowledge_equiv_refresh...""")

        self.result = ResultWrapper(code, r.geturl(), r.read(), r.info())

        # Now call all of the post load hooks with the function name.
        for callable in self._post_load_hooks:
            callable(func_name, *args, **kwargs)
コード例 #9
    def submit(self, fieldname=None):
        Submit the currently clicked form using the given field.
        if fieldname is not None:
            fieldname = str(fieldname)
        if len(self.get_all_forms()) == 0:
            raise TwillException("no forms on this page!")
        ctl = None
        form = self._form
        if form is None:
            forms = [ i for i in self.get_all_forms() ]
            if len(forms) == 1:
                form = forms[0]
                raise TwillException("""\
more than one form; you must select one (use 'fv') before submitting\
        if form.action is None:
            form.action = self.get_url()

        # no fieldname?  see if we can use the last submit button clicked...
        if fieldname is None:
            if self.last_submit_button is not None:
                ctl = self.last_submit_button
                # get first submit button in form.
                submits = [ c for c in form.inputs 
                            if hasattr(c, 'type') and (c.type == 'submit' 
                            or c.type == 'image')]
                if len(submits) != 0:
                    ctl = submits[0]             
            # fieldname given; find it.
            ctl = self.get_form_field(form, fieldname)

        # now set up the submission by building the request object that
        # will be sent in the form submission.
        if ctl is not None:
            # submit w/button
            print>>OUT, """\
Note: submit is using submit button: name="%s", value="%s"
""" % (ctl.get("name"), ctl.value)
            if hasattr(ctl, 'type') and ctl.type == 'image':
            # submit w/o submit button.

        # @BRT: For now, the referrer is always the current page
        # @CTB this seems like an issue for further work.
        headers = {'referer' : self.get_url()}

        # add referer information.  this may require upgrading the
        # request object to have an 'add_unredirected_header' function.

        # now actually GO.
        payload = list(form.form_values())
        if ctl is not None and ctl.get("name") is not None:
            payload.append( (ctl.get("name"), ctl.value) )
        if form.method == 'POST':
            if len(self._formFiles) != 0:
                r = self._session.post(
                r = self._session.post(
            r = self._session.get(form.action, data=payload, headers=headers)

        self.result = ResultWrapper(r)
コード例 #10
    def get_form_field(self, form, fieldname):
        Return the control that matches 'fieldname'.  Must be
        a *unique* regexp/exact string match.
        if fieldname in form.fields.keys():
            controls = [f for f in form.inputs if f.get("name") == fieldname \
                        and hasattr(f, 'type') and f.type == 'checkbox']
            if len(controls) > 1:
                return html.CheckboxGroup(controls)

        fieldname = str(fieldname)
        found = None
        found_multiple = False

        matches = [ c for c in form.inputs if c.get("id") == fieldname ]

        # test exact match.
        if matches:
            if unique_match(matches):
                found = matches[0]
                found_multiple = True   # record for error reporting.
        matches = [ c for c in form.inputs if str(c.name) == fieldname ]

        # test exact match.
        if matches:
            if unique_match(matches):
                found = matches[0]
                found_multiple = True   # record for error reporting.

        # test index.
        if found is None:
            # try num
            clickies = [c for c in form.inputs]
                fieldnum = int(fieldname) - 1
                found = clickies[fieldnum]
            except ValueError:          # int() failed
            except IndexError:          # fieldnum was incorrect

        # test regexp match
        if found is None:
            regexp = re.compile(fieldname)

            matches = [ ctl for ctl in form.inputs \
                        if regexp.search(str(ctl.get("name"))) ]

            if matches:
                if unique_match(matches):
                    found = matches[0]
                    found_multiple = True # record for error

        if found is None:
            clickies = [ c for c in form.inputs if c.value == fieldname]
            if clickies:
                if len(clickies) == 1:
                    found = clickies[0]
                    found_multiple = True   # record for error

        # error out?
        if found is None:
            if not found_multiple:
                raise TwillException('no field matches "%s"' % (fieldname,))
                raise TwillException('multiple matches to "%s"' % (fieldname,))

        return found
コード例 #11
 def get_title(self):
     if self.result is not None:
         return self.result.get_title()
     raise TwillException("Error: Getting title with no page")
コード例 #12
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: fabioperrella/fedora
def set_form_control_value(control, val):
    Helper function to deal with setting form values on checkboxes, lists etc.
    if hasattr(control, 'type') and control.type == 'checkbox':
            # checkbox = control.get()
            val = make_boolean(val)
            control.checked = val
        except TwillException:
            # if there's more than one checkbox, use the behaviour for
            # ClientForm.ListControl, below.

    elif isinstance(control, html.CheckboxGroup):
        if val.startswith('-'):
            val = val[1:]
            flag = False
            flag = True
            if val.startswith('+'):
                val = val[1:]
        if flag:
            except KeyError:

    elif isinstance(control, html.SelectElement):
        # for ListControls (checkboxes, multiselect, etc.) we first need
        # to find the right *value*.  Then we need to set it +/-.

        # figure out if we want to *select* it, or if we want to *deselect*
        # it (flag T/F).  By default (no +/-) select...
        if val.startswith('-'):
            val = val[1:]
            flag = False
            flag = True
            if val.startswith('+'):
                val = val[1:]

        # now, select the value.

        options = [i.strip() for i in control.value_options]
        optionNames = [i.text.strip() for i in control.getchildren()]
        fullOptions = dict(zip(optionNames, options))
        for k, v in fullOptions.iteritems():
            if (val == k or val == v) and flag:
                if hasattr(control, 'checkable') and control.checkable:
                    control.checked = flag
            elif (val == k or val == v) and not flag:
                except ValueError:
        raise (TwillException("Attempt to set invalid value"))

        if (hasattr(control, 'type') and control.type != 'submit'):
            control.value = val