コード例 #1
ファイル: topology.py プロジェクト: hsnlab/fero
  def __init__ (self, network=None, topo_desc=None):
    Initialize Mininet implementation with proper attributes.
    Use network as the hided Mininet topology if it's given.

    :param topo_desc: static topology description e.g. the related NFFG
    :type topo_desc: :any:`NFFG`
    :param network: use this specific Mininet object for init (default: None)
    :type network: :class:`mininet.net.MininetWithControlNet`
    :return: None
    log.debug("Init ESCAPENetworkBridge with topo description: %s" % topo_desc)
    if network is not None:
      self.__mininet = network
        "Network implementation object is missing! Use Builder class instead "
        "of direct initialization. Creating bare Mininet object anyway...")
      self.__mininet = MininetWithControlNet()
    # Topology description which is emulated by the Mininet
    self.topo_desc = topo_desc
    # Duplicate static links for ensure undirected neighbour relationship
    if self.topo_desc is not None:
      back_links = [l.id for u, v, l in
                    self.topo_desc.network.edges_iter(data=True) if
                    l.backward is True]
      if len(back_links) == 0:
        log.debug("No backward link has been detected! Duplicate STATIC links "
                  "to ensure undirected relationship for mapping...")
    # Need to clean after shutdown
    self._need_clean = None
    # There is no such flag in the Mininet class so using this
    self.started = False
    self.xterms = []
コード例 #2
ファイル: topology.py プロジェクト: hsnlab/fero
  def build (self, topo=None):
    Initialize network.

    1. If the additional ``topology`` is given then using that for init.
    2. If TOPO is not given, search topology description in CONFIG with the \
    name 'TOPO'.
    3. If TOPO not found or an Exception was raised, search for the fallback \
    topo with the name ``FALLBACK-TOPO``.
    4. If FALLBACK-TOPO not found raise an exception or run a bare Mininet \
    object if the run_dry attribute is set

    :param topo: optional topology representation
    :type topo: :any:`NFFG` or :any:`AbstractTopology` or ``None``
    :return: object representing the emulated network
    :rtype: :any:`ESCAPENetworkBridge`
    log.debug("Init emulated topology based on Mininet v%s" % MNVERSION)
    # Load topology
      if topo is None:
        log.info("Get Topology description from CONFIG...")
      elif isinstance(topo, NFFG):
        log.info("Get Topology description from given NFFG...")
      elif isinstance(topo, basestring) and topo.startswith('/'):
        log.info("Get Topology description from given file...")
      elif isinstance(topo, AbstractTopology):
        log.info("Get Topology description based on Topology class...")
        raise TopologyBuilderException(
          "Unsupported topology format: %s - %s" % (type(topo), topo))
      return self.get_network()
    except SystemExit as e:
      quit_with_error(msg="Mininet exited unexpectedly!", logger=log,
    except TopologyBuilderException:
      if self.fallback:
        # Search for fallback topology
        fallback = CONFIG.get_fallback_topology()
        if fallback:
          log.info("Load topo from fallback topology description...")
          return self.get_network()
      # fallback topo is not found or set
      if self.run_dry:
        # Return with the bare Mininet object
        log.warning("Topology description is not found! Running dry...")
        return self.get_network()
        # Re-raise the exception
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        msg="Assembly of Mininet network was interrupted by user!",
コード例 #3
ファイル: topology.py プロジェクト: hsnlab/fero
  def cleanup (self):
    Clean up junk which might be left over from old runs.

      :func:`mininet.clean.cleanup() <mininet.clean.cleanup>`
    if self.started:
        "Mininet network is not stopped yet! Skipping cleanup task...")
      log.info("Schedule cleanup task after Mininet emulation...")
      # Kill remained xterms
      log.debug("Close SAP xterms...")
      import os
      import signal
      for term in self.xterms:
        os.killpg(term.pid, signal.SIGTERM)
      # Schedule a cleanup as a coop task to avoid threading issues
      from escape.util.misc import remove_junks
      # call_as_coop_task(remove_junks, log=log)
      # threading.Thread(target=remove_junks, name="cleanup", args=(log,
      # )).start()
      # multiprocessing.Process(target=remove_junks, name="cleanup",
      #                         args=(log,)).start()
コード例 #4
    def __init_from_file(self, path, format=DEFAULT_NFFG_FORMAT):
    Build a pre-defined topology from an NFFG stored in a file.
    The file path is searched in CONFIG with tha name ``TOPO``.

    :param path: file path
    :type path: str
    :param format: NF-FG storing format (default: internal NFFG representation)
    :type format: str
    :return: None
        if path is None:
            log.error("Missing file path of Topology description")
            with open(path) as f:
                log.info("Load topology from file: %s" % path)
                if format == self.DEFAULT_NFFG_FORMAT:
                    log.debug("Using file format: %s" % format)
                    raise TopologyBuilderException(
                        "Unsupported file format: %s!" % format)
        except IOError:
            log.warning("Additional topology file not found: %s" % path)
            raise TopologyBuilderException("Missing topology file!")
        except ValueError as e:
            log.error("An error occurred when load topology from file: %s" %
            raise TopologyBuilderException("File parsing error!")
コード例 #5
    def start_network(self):
    Start network.

    :return: None
        log.debug("Starting Mininet network...")
        if self.__mininet is not None:
            if not self.started:
                except SystemExit:
                        msg="Mininet emulation requires root privileges!",
                except KeyboardInterrupt:
                        "Initiation of Mininet network was interrupted by user!",
                self.started = True
                log.debug("Mininet network has been started!")
                    "Mininet network has already started! Skipping start task..."
            log.error("Missing topology! Skipping emulation...")
コード例 #6
ファイル: topology.py プロジェクト: hsnlab/fero
 def checkListening (self):
   Check the controller port is open.
   listening = self.cmd("echo A | telnet -e A %s %d" % (self.ip, self.port))
   if 'Connected' not in listening:
       "Unable to contact with internal controller at %s:%d. Waiting..." % (
         self.ip, self.port))
コード例 #7
ファイル: topology.py プロジェクト: hsnlab/fero
  def runXTerms (self):
    Start an xterm to every SAP if it's enabled in the global config. SAP are
    stored as hosts in the Mininet class.

    :return: None
    if CONFIG.get_SAP_xterms():
      log.debug("Starting xterm on SAPS...")
      terms = makeTerms(nodes=self.__mininet.hosts, title='SAP', term="xterm")
      log.warning("Skip starting xterms on SAPS according to global config")
コード例 #8
ファイル: topology.py プロジェクト: hsnlab/fero
 def stop_network (self):
   Stop network.
   log.debug("Shutting down Mininet network...")
   if self.__mininet is not None:
     if self.started:
       self.started = False
       log.debug("Mininet network has been stopped!")
       log.warning("Mininet network is not started yet! Skipping stop task...")
   if self._need_clean:
コード例 #9
ファイル: il_API.py プロジェクト: whatever4711/escape
 def initialize(self):
 .. seealso::
   :func:`AbstractAPI.initialize() <escape.util.api.AbstractAPI.initialize>`
     log.debug("Initializing Infrastructure Layer...")
     # Set layer's LOADED value manually here to avoid issues
     mn_opts = CONFIG.get_mn_network_opts()
     # Build the emulated topology with the NetworkBuilder
     optional_topo = getattr(self, '_topo', None)
     self.topology = ESCAPENetworkBuilder(**mn_opts).build(
     log.info("Infrastructure Layer has been initialized!")
コード例 #10
ファイル: topology.py プロジェクト: hsnlab/fero
  def create_NETCONF_EE (self, name, type=TYPE_EE_LOCAL, **params):
    Create and add a new EE to Mininet network.

    The type of EE can be {local|remote} NETCONF-based.

    :param name: name of the EE: switch: name, agent: agt_+'name'
    :type name: str
    :param type: type of EE {local|remote}
    :type type: str
    :param opts: additional options for the switch in EE
    :type opts: str
    :param dpid: remote switch DPID (remote only)
    :param username: NETCONF username (remote only)
    :param passwd: NETCONF password (remote only)
    :param ip: control Interface for the agent (optional)
    :param agentPort: port to listen on for NETCONF connections, (else set \
    :param minPort: first VNF control port which can be used (else set \
    :param cPort: number of VNF control ports (and VNFs) which can be used ( \
    default: 10)
    :return: tuple of newly created :class:`mininet.node.Agent` and \
    :class:`mininet.node.Switch` object
    :rtype: tuple
    type = type.upper()
    cfg = CONFIG.get_EE_params()
    cfg['dpid'] = self.__get_new_dpid()
    if type == self.TYPE_EE_LOCAL:
      # create local NETCONF-based
      log.debug("Create local NETCONF EE with name: %s" % name)
      sw = self.mn.addSwitch(name, **cfg)
    elif type == self.TYPE_EE_REMOTE:
      # create remote NETCONF-based
      log.debug("Create remote NETCONF EE with name: %s" % name)
      cfg["inNamespace"] = False
      sw = self.mn.addRemoteSwitch(name, cls=None, **cfg)
      raise TopologyBuilderException(
        "Unsupported NETCONF-based EE type: %s!" % type)
    agt = self.mn.addAgent('agt_' + name, cls=None, **cfg)
    return agt, sw
コード例 #11
ファイル: topology.py プロジェクト: hsnlab/fero
  def create_SAP (self, name, cls=None, **params):
    Create and add a new SAP to Mininet network.

    Additional parameters are keyword arguments depend on and forwarded to
    the initiated Host class type.

    :param name: name of SAP
    :type name: str
    :param cls: custom hosts class/constructor (optional)
    :type cls: :class:`mininet.node.Host`
    :return: newly created Host object as the SAP
    :rtype: :class:`mininet.node.Host`
    log.debug("Create SAP with name: %s" % name)
    cfg = CONFIG.get_SAP_params()
    return self.mn.addHost(name=name, cls=cls, **cfg)
コード例 #12
ファイル: topology.py プロジェクト: hsnlab/fero
  def create_Link (self, src, dst, src_port=None, dst_port=None, **params):
    Create an undirected connection between src and dst.

    Source and destination ports can be given optionally:

    :param src: source Node
    :param dst: destination Node
    :param src_port: source Port (optional)
    :param dst_port: destination Port (optional)
    :param params: additional link parameters
    log.debug("Create Link %s%s <--> %s%s" % (
      src, ":%s" % src_port if src_port is not None else "", dst,
      ":%s" % dst_port if dst_port is not None else ""))
    remote = filter(lambda n: isinstance(n, RemoteSwitch), [src, dst])
    local = filter(lambda n: not isinstance(n, RemoteSwitch), [src, dst])
    cfg = CONFIG.get_Link_params()
    if not remote:
      self.mn.addLink(src, dst, src_port, dst_port, **cfg)
      # sw = local[0]  # one of the local Node
      # r = remote[0]  # other Node which is the remote
      # intfName = r.params['local_intf_name']
      # r_mac = None  # unknown, r.params['remote_mac']
      # r_port = r.params['remote_port']
      # # self._debug('\tadd hw interface (%s) to node (%s)' % (intfName,
      # # sw.name))
      # # This hack avoids calling __init__ which always makeIntfPair()
      # link = Link.__new__(Link)
      # i1 = Intf(intfName, node=sw, link=link)
      # i2 = Intf(intfName, node=r, mac=r_mac, port=r_port, link=link)
      # i2.mac = r_mac  # mn runs 'ifconfig', which resets mac to None
      # link.intf1, link.intf2 = i1, i2
      raise TopologyBuilderException(
        "Remote Link creation is not supported yet!")
コード例 #13
    def create_static_EE(self, name, cls=None, **params):
    Create and add a new EE to Mininet in the static way.

    This function is for only backward compatibility.

    .. warning::
      Not tested yet!

    :param name: name of the Execution Environment
    :type name: str
    :param cls: custom EE class/constructor (optional)
    :type cls: :class:`mininet.node.EE`
    :param cores: Specify (real) cores that our cgroup can run on (optional)
    :type cores: list
    :param frac: Set overall CPU fraction for this EE (optional)
    :type frac: list
    :param vlanif: set vlan interfaces (optional)
    :type vlanif: list
    :return: newly created EE object
    :rtype: :class:`mininet.node.EE`
        # create static EE
        cfg = CONFIG.get_EE_params()
        cfg['dpid'] = self.__get_new_dpid()
        log.debug("Create static EE with name: %s" % name)
        ee = self.mn.addEE(name=name, cls=cls, **cfg)
        if 'cores' in cfg:
        if 'frac' in cfg:
        if 'vlanif' in cfg:
            for vif in cfg['vlaninf']:
                ee.cmdPrint('vconfig add ' + name + '-eth0 ' + vif[1])
                ee.cmdPrint('ifconfig ' + name + '-eth0.' + vif[1] + ' ' +
        return ee
コード例 #14
ファイル: topology.py プロジェクト: hsnlab/fero
  def create_Controller (self, name, controller=None, **params):
    Create and add a new OF controller to Mininet network.

    Additional parameters are keyword arguments depend on and forwarded to
    the initiated Controller class type.

    .. warning::
      Should not call this function and use the default InternalControllerProxy!

    :param name: name of controller
    :type name: str
    :param controller: custom controller class/constructor (optional)
    :type controller: :class:`mininet.node.Controller`
    :param inNamespace: override the controller spawn in namespace (optional)
    :type inNamespace: bool
    :return: newly created Controller object
    :rtype: :class:`mininet.node.Controller`
    log.debug("Create Controller with name: %s" % name)
    cfg = CONFIG.get_Controller_params()
    return self.mn.addController(name=name, controller=controller, **cfg)
コード例 #15
ファイル: topology.py プロジェクト: hsnlab/fero
  def create_Switch (self, name, cls=None, **params):
    Create and add a new OF switch instance to Mininet network.

    Additional parameters are keyword arguments depend on and forwarded to
    the initiated Switch class type.

    :param name: name of switch
    :type name: str
    :param cls: custom switch class/constructor (optional)
    :type cls: :class:`mininet.node.Switch`
    :param dpid: DPID for switch (default: derived from name)
    :type dpid: str
    :param opts: additional switch options
    :type opts: str
    :param listenPort: custom listening port (optional)
    :type listenPort: int
    :param inNamespace: override the switch spawn in namespace (optional)
    :type inNamespace: bool
    :param of_ver: override OpenFlow version (optional)
    :type of_ver: int
    :param ip: set IP address for the switch (optional)
    :type ip:
    :return: newly created Switch object
    :rtype: :class:`mininet.node.Switch`
    log.debug("Create Switch with name: %s" % name)
    cfg = CONFIG.get_Switch_params()
    cfg['dpid'] = self.__get_new_dpid()
    sw = self.mn.addSwitch(name=name, cls=cls, **cfg)
    if 'of_ver' in cfg:
    if 'ip' in cfg:
    return sw
コード例 #16
    def bind_inter_domain_SAPs(self, nffg):
    Search for inter-domain SAPs in given :class:`NFFG`, create them as a
    switch port and bind them to a physical interface given in sap.domain

    :param nffg: topology description
    :type nffg: :class:`NFFG`
    :return: None
        log.debug("Search for inter-domain SAPs...")
        # Create the inter-domain SAP ports
        for sap in {s for s in nffg.saps if s.binding is not None}:
            # NFFG is the raw NFFG without link duplication --> iterate over every
            # edges in or out there should be only one link in this case
            # e = (u, v, data)
            sap_switch_links = [
                e for e in nffg.network.edges_iter(data=True) if sap.id in e
                if sap_switch_links[0][0] == sap.id:
                    border_node = sap_switch_links[0][1]
                    border_node = sap_switch_links[0][0]
            except IndexError:
                log.error("Link for inter-domain SAP: %s is not found. "
                          "Skip SAP creation..." % sap)
                "Detected inter-domain SAP: %s connected to border Node: %s" %
                (sap, border_node))
            # if sap.delay or sap.bandwidth:
            #   log.debug("Detected resource values for inter-domain connection: "
            #             "delay: %s, bandwidth: %s" % (sap.delay, sap.bandwidth))
            sw_name = nffg.network.node[border_node].id
            for sw in self.mn.switches:
                # print sw.name
                if sw.name == sw_name:
                    if sap.binding not in get_ifaces():
                            "Physical interface: %s is not found! Skip binding..."
                            % sap.binding)
                        "Add physical port as inter-domain SAP: %s -> %s" %
                        (sap.binding, sap.id))
                    # Add interface to border switch in Mininet
                    # os.system('ovs-vsctl add-port %s %s' % (sw_name, sap.domain))
                    sw.addIntf(intf=Intf(name=sap.binding, node=sw))
コード例 #17
ファイル: topology.py プロジェクト: hsnlab/fero
 def construct (self, builder=None):
   # nc1 = self.addEE(name='NC1', {})
   # nc2 = self.addEE(name='NC2', {})
   log.info("Start static topology creation...")
   log.debug("Create Switch with name: SW1")
   sw1 = self.addSwitch('SW1')
   log.debug("Create Switch with name: SW2")
   sw2 = self.addSwitch('SW2')
   log.debug("Create Switch with name: SW3")
   sw3 = self.addSwitch('SW3')
   log.debug("Create Switch with name: SW4")
   sw4 = self.addSwitch('SW4')
   log.debug("Create SAP with name: SAP1")
   sap1 = self.addHost('SAP1')
   log.debug("Create SAP with name: SAP2")
   sap2 = self.addHost('SAP2')
   log.debug("Create Link SW3 <--> SW1")
   self.addLink(sw3, sw1)
   log.debug("Create Link SW4 <--> SW2")
   self.addLink(sw4, sw2)
   log.debug("Create Link SW3 <--> SW4")
   self.addLink(sw3, sw4)
   log.debug("Create Link SAP1 <--> SW3")
   self.addLink(sap1, sw3)
   log.debug("Create Link SAP2 <--> SW4")
   self.addLink(sap2, sw4)
   log.info("Static topology creation has been finished!")
   return self
コード例 #18
ファイル: topology.py プロジェクト: hsnlab/fero
  def __init_from_NFFG (self, nffg):
    Initialize topology from an :any:`NFFG` representation.

    :param nffg: topology object structure
    :type nffg: :any:`NFFG`
    :return: None
    # pprint(nffg.network.__dict__)
    log.info("Start topology creation from NFFG(name: %s)..." % nffg.name)
    created_mn_nodes = {}  # created nodes as 'NFFG-id': <node>
    created_mn_links = {}  # created links as 'NFFG-id': <link>
    # If not set then cache the given NFFG as the topology description
    self.topo_desc = nffg
    # Create a Controller which will be the default internal POX controller
    except SystemExit:
      raise TopologyBuilderException("Controller creations was unsuccessful!")
    # Convert INFRAs
    for infra in nffg.infras:
      # Create EE
      if infra.infra_type == NodeInfra.TYPE_EE:
        if infra.domain == "INTERNAL":
          ee_type = self.TYPE_EE_LOCAL
            "Detected domain of infra: %s is not INTERNAL! Remote EE creation "
            "for domains other than INTERNAL is not supported yet!" % infra)
          # ee_type = self.TYPE_EE_REMOTE
          ee_type = self.TYPE_EE_LOCAL
          # FIXME - set resource info in MN EE if can - cpu,mem,delay,bandwidth?
        agt, sw = self.create_NETCONF_EE(name=infra.id, type=ee_type)
        created_mn_nodes[infra.id] = sw
      # Create Switch
      elif infra.infra_type == NodeInfra.TYPE_SDN_SWITCH:
        switch = self.create_Switch(name=infra.id)
        created_mn_nodes[infra.id] = switch
      elif infra.infra_type == NodeInfra.TYPE_STATIC_EE:
        static_ee = self.create_static_EE(name=infra.id)
        created_mn_nodes[infra.id] = static_ee
          msg="Type: %s in %s is not supported by the topology creation "
              "process in %s!" % (
                infra.infra_type, infra, self.__class__.__name__), logger=log)
    # Create SAPs - skip the temporary, inter-domain SAPs
    for sap in {s for s in nffg.saps if not s.binding}:
      # Create SAP
      sap_host = self.create_SAP(name=sap.id)
      created_mn_nodes[sap.id] = sap_host
    # Convert VNFs
    # TODO - implement --> currently the default Mininet topology does not
    # TODO contain NFs but it could be possible
    # Convert connections - copy link ref in a list and iter over it
    for edge in [l for l in nffg.links]:
      # Skip initiation of links which connected to an inter-domain SAP
      if (edge.src.node.type == NFFG.TYPE_SAP and
              edge.src.node.binding is not None) or (
             edge.dst.node.type == NFFG.TYPE_SAP and
             edge.dst.node.binding is not None):
      # Create Links
      mn_src_node = created_mn_nodes.get(edge.src.node.id)
      mn_dst_node = created_mn_nodes.get(edge.dst.node.id)
      if mn_src_node is None or mn_dst_node is None:
        raise TopologyBuilderException(
          "Created topology node is missing! Something really went wrong!")
      src_port = int(edge.src.id) if int(edge.src.id) < 65535 else None
      if src_port is None:
          "Source port id of Link: %s is generated dynamically! Using "
          "automatic port assignment based on internal Mininet "
          "implementation!" % edge)
      dst_port = int(edge.dst.id) if int(edge.dst.id) < 65535 else None
      if dst_port is None:
          "Destination port id of Link: %s is generated dynamically! Using "
          "automatic port assignment based on internal Mininet "
          "implementation!" % edge)
      link = self.create_Link(src=mn_src_node, src_port=src_port,
                              dst=mn_dst_node, dst_port=dst_port,
                              bw=edge.bandwidth, delay=str(edge.delay) + 'ms')
      created_mn_links[edge.id] = link

    # Set port properties of SAP nodes.
    #  A possible excerpt from a escape-mn-topo.nffg file:
    #  "ports": [{ "id": 1,
    #              "property": ["ip:"] }]
    for n in {s for s in nffg.saps if not s.binding}:
      mn_node = self.mn.getNodeByName(n.id)
      for port in n.ports:
        # ip should be something like ''.
        if len(port.l3):
          if len(port.l3) == 1:
            ip = port.l3.container[0].provided
              "Multiple L3 address is detected! Skip explicit IP address "
            ip = None
          # or None
          ip = port.get_property('ip')
        if port.l2:
          mac = port.l2
          mac = port.get_property('mac')
        intf = mn_node.intfs.get(port.id)
        if intf is None:
          log.warn(("Port %s of node %s is not connected,"
                    "it will remain unconfigured!") % (port.id, n.name))
        if intf == mn_node.defaultIntf():
          # Workaround a bug in Mininet
          mn_node.params.update({'ip': ip})
          mn_node.params.update({'mac': mac})
        if ip is not None:
          mn_node.setIP(ip, intf=intf)
          log.debug("Use explicit IP: %s for node: %s" % (ip, n))
        if mac is not None:
          mn_node.setMAC(mac, intf=intf)
          log.debug("Use explicit MAC: %s for node: %s" % (mac, n))

    # For inter-domain SAPs no need to create host/xterm just add the SAP as
    # a port to the border Node
    # Iterate inter-domain SAPs
    log.info("Topology creation from NFFG has been finished!")
コード例 #19
    def construct(self, builder=None):
    Assemble the topology description statically.

    :param builder: optional builder object
    :return: self
    :rtype: :any:`FallbackStaticTopology`
        # nc1 = self.addEE(name='NC1', {})
        # nc2 = self.addEE(name='NC2', {})
        log.info("Start static topology creation...")
        log.debug("Create Switch with name: SW1")
        sw1 = self.addSwitch('SW1')
        log.debug("Create Switch with name: SW2")
        sw2 = self.addSwitch('SW2')
        log.debug("Create Switch with name: SW3")
        sw3 = self.addSwitch('SW3')
        log.debug("Create Switch with name: SW4")
        sw4 = self.addSwitch('SW4')
        log.debug("Create SAP with name: SAP1")
        sap1 = self.addHost('SAP1')
        log.debug("Create SAP with name: SAP2")
        sap2 = self.addHost('SAP2')
        log.debug("Create Link SW3 <--> SW1")
        self.addLink(sw3, sw1)
        log.debug("Create Link SW4 <--> SW2")
        self.addLink(sw4, sw2)
        log.debug("Create Link SW3 <--> SW4")
        self.addLink(sw3, sw4)
        log.debug("Create Link SAP1 <--> SW3")
        self.addLink(sap1, sw3)
        log.debug("Create Link SAP2 <--> SW4")
        self.addLink(sap2, sw4)
        log.info("Static topology creation has been finished!")
        return self