コード例 #1
def create_image (_qemu_img_path, _image, _t = _tracer, _e = _enforcer) :
	_outcome = None
	if _outcome is None :
		if _qemu_img_path is None :
			_qemu_img_path = default_qemu_img_path
		_outcome = check_qemu_img_path (_qemu_img_path, _t = _t, _e = _e)
		if _outcome :
			_outcome = None
	if _outcome is None :
		_outcome = validate_image_definition (_image, null_uuid_allowed = True, _t = _t, _e = _e)
		if _outcome :
			_outcome = None
	if _outcome is None :
		if os_path.exists (_image.path) :
			_outcome = _failed ('image file already exists',
					format = _image.format, size = _image.size, path = _image.path, __log = _t.e)
	if _outcome is None :
		if not os_path.exists (os_path.dirname (_image.path)) :
			_outcome = _failed ('image directory does not exist',
					format = _image.format, size = _image.size, path = _image.path, __log = _t.e)
	if _outcome is None :
		if not os_path.isdir (os_path.dirname (_image.path)) :
			_outcome = _failed ('image directory is not a directory',
					format = _image.format, size = _image.size, path = _image.path, __log = _t.e)
	if _outcome is None :
		_qemu_img_arguments = build_qemu_img_create_arguments (_qemu_img_path, _image, _t = _t, _e = _e)
	if _outcome is None :
		_t.d and _t.d ('creating image',
				format = _image.format, size = _image.size, path = _image.path,
				qemu_img_path = _qemu_img_path, qemu_img_arguments = _qemu_img_arguments)
		_outcome = processes.execute_and_wait (_qemu_img_path, _qemu_img_arguments, _t = _t, _e = _e)
		if not _outcome :
			_outcome = _failed ('error encountered while executing `qemu-img`',
					format = _image.format, size = _image.size, path = _image.path,
					qemu_img_path = _qemu_img_path, qemu_img_arguments = _qemu_img_arguments, __log = _t.e)
		elif _outcome.exit != 0 :
			_outcome = _failed ('error encountered while creating image file',
					format = _image.format, size = _image.size, path = _image.path,
					qemu_img_path = _qemu_img_path, qemu_img_arguments = _qemu_img_arguments,
					exit = _outcome.exit, stdout = _outcome.stdout, stderr = _outcome.stderr, __log = _t.e)
		else :
			_outcome = None
	if _outcome is None :
		_outcome = _succeeded (__log = _t.d)
	return _outcome
コード例 #2
def inspect_image (_qemu_img_path, _image_path, _t = _tracer, _e = _enforcer) :
	_e and _e.enforce_string (_image_path)
	_outcome = None
	if _outcome is None :
		if _qemu_img_path is None :
			_qemu_img_path = default_qemu_img_path
		_outcome = check_qemu_img_path (_qemu_img_path, _t = _t, _e = _e)
		if _outcome :
			_outcome = None
	if _outcome is None :
		if not os_path.exists (_image_path) :
			_outcome = _failed ('image file does not exist', path = _image_path, __log = _t.e)
	if _outcome is None :
		if not os_path.isfile (_image_path) :
			_outcome = _failed ('image file is not a file', path = _image_path, __log = _t.e)
	if _outcome is None :
		_qemu_img_arguments = build_qemu_img_info_arguments (_qemu_img_path, _image_path, _t = _t, _e = _e)
	if _outcome is None :
		_t.d and _t.d ('inspecting image',
				path = _image_path,
				qemu_img_path = _qemu_img_path, qemu_img_arguments = _qemu_img_arguments)
		_outcome = processes.execute_and_wait (_qemu_img_path, _qemu_img_arguments, _t = _t, _e = _e)
		if not _outcome :
			_outcome = _failed ('error encountered while executing `qemu-img`',
					path = _image_path,
					qemu_img_path = _qemu_img_path, qemu_img_arguments = _qemu_img_arguments, __log = _t.e)
		elif _outcome.exit != 0 :
			_outcome = _failed ('error encountered while inspecting image file',
					path = _image_path,
					qemu_img_path = _qemu_img_path, qemu_img_arguments = _qemu_img_arguments,
					exit = _outcome.exit, stdout = _outcome.stdout, stderr = _outcome.stderr, __log = _t.e)
		else :
			_qemu_img_output = _outcome.stdout
			_outcome = None
	if _outcome is None :
		_outcome = parse_qemu_img_info_output (_image_path, _qemu_img_output, _t = _t, _e = _e)
	if _outcome is None :
		_outcome = _succeeded (__log = _t.d)
	return _outcome