def _read_date_file(self, config, date_file=None): if not date_file: date_file = ( config["general"]["base_dir"] + "/" + config["general"]["expid"] + "/scripts/" + config["general"]["expid"] + "_" + config["general"]["setup_name"] + ".date" ) if os.path.isfile(date_file):"Date file read from %s", date_file) with open(date_file) as date_file: date, self.run_number = date_file.readline().strip().split() write_file = False else:"No date file found %s", date_file)"Initializing run_number=1 and date=18500101") date = config["general"].get("initial_date", "18500101") self.run_number = 1 write_file = True config["general"]["run_number"] = self.run_number self.current_date = Date(date) # needs to happen AFTER a run! # if write_file: # self._write_date_file()"current_date = %s", self.current_date)"run_number = %s", self.run_number)
def _initialize_calendar(self, config): nyear, nmonth, nday, nhour, nminute, nsecond = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 nyear = int(config["general"].get("nyear", nyear)) if not nyear: nmonth = int(config["general"].get("nmonth", nmonth)) if not nyear and not nmonth: nday = int(config["general"].get("nday", nday)) if not nyear and not nmonth and not nday: nhour = int(config["general"].get("nhour", nhour)) if not nyear and not nmonth and not nday and not nhour: nminute = int(config["general"].get("nminute", nminute)) if not nyear and not nmonth and not nday and not nhour and not nminute: nsecond = int(config["general"].get("nsecond", nsecond)) if ( not nyear and not nmonth and not nday and not nhour and not nminute and not nsecond ): nyear = 1 self.delta_date = (nyear, nmonth, nday, nhour, nminute, nsecond) config["general"]["current_date"] = self.current_date config["general"]["start_date"] = self.current_date config["general"]["initial_date"] = Date(config["general"]["initial_date"]) config["general"]["final_date"] = Date(config["general"]["final_date"]) config["general"]["prev_date"] = self.current_date.sub((0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)) config["general"]["next_date"] = self.current_date.add(self.delta_date) config["general"]["end_date"] = config["general"]["next_date"].sub( (0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0) ) config["general"]["runtime"] = ( config["general"]["next_date"] - config["general"]["current_date"] ) config["general"]["total_runtime"] = ( config["general"]["next_date"] - config["general"]["initial_date"] ) self.run_datestamp = ( config["general"]["current_date"].format( form=9, givenph=False, givenpm=False, givenps=False ) + "-" + config["general"]["end_date"].format( form=9, givenph=False, givenpm=False, givenps=False ) )
def set_most_dates(config): from esm_calendar import Calendar, Date calendar = config["general"]["calendar"] if isinstance(config["general"]["current_date"], Date): current_date = config["general"]["current_date"] else: current_date = Date(config["general"]["current_date"], calendar) delta_date = ( config["general"]["nyear"], config["general"]["nmonth"], config["general"]["nday"], config["general"]["nhour"], config["general"]["nminute"], config["general"]["nsecond"], ) config["general"]["delta_date"] = delta_date config["general"]["current_date"] = current_date config["general"]["start_date"] = current_date config["general"]["initial_date"] = Date(config["general"]["initial_date"], calendar) config["general"]["final_date"] = Date(config["general"]["final_date"], calendar) config["general"]["prev_date"] = current_date - (0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0) config["general"]["next_date"] = current_date.add(delta_date) config["general"]["last_start_date"] = current_date - delta_date config["general"]["end_date"] = config["general"]["next_date"] - (0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0) config["general"]["runtime"] = (config["general"]["next_date"] - config["general"]["current_date"]) config["general"]["total_runtime"] = (config["general"]["next_date"] - config["general"]["initial_date"]) config["general"]["run_datestamp"] = ( config["general"]["current_date"].format( form=9, givenph=False, givenpm=False, givenps=False) + "-" + config["general"]["end_date"].format( form=9, givenph=False, givenpm=False, givenps=False)) config["general"]["last_run_datestamp"] = ( config["general"]["last_start_date"].format( form=9, givenph=False, givenpm=False, givenps=False) + "-" + config["general"]["prev_date"].format( form=9, givenph=False, givenpm=False, givenps=False)) return config
def test_date_math_add(self): new_entry = esm_parser.do_math_in_entry( ["date_math_add", None], self.math_test_dict["date_math_add"], self.math_test_dict, ) self.assertEqual(str(Date.from_list([1851, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0])), new_entry)
def setUp(self): self.date_test_dict = { "skip_var": "${something.something}", "skip_date": Date.fromlist([1850, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]), "create_date": "18500101" + esm_parser.DATE_MARKER, "just_year_date": "18500101!year" + esm_parser.DATE_MARKER, "yearmonth_date": "18500101!syear!smonth" + esm_parser.DATE_MARKER, "return_num": 1, "return_bool": True, }
def find_last_prepared_run(config): from esm_calendar import Date, Calendar import os import sys calendar = config["general"]["calendar"] current_date = Date(config["general"]["current_date"], calendar) initial_date = Date(config["general"]["initial_date"], calendar) delta_date = ( config["general"]["nyear"], config["general"]["nmonth"], config["general"]["nday"], config["general"]["nhour"], config["general"]["nminute"], config["general"]["nsecond"], ) while True: if current_date < initial_date: break next_date = current_date.add(delta_date) end_date = next_date - (0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0) datestamp = (current_date.format( form=9, givenph=False, givenpm=False, givenps=False) + "-" + end_date.format( form=9, givenph=False, givenpm=False, givenps=False)) if os.path.isdir(config["general"]["base_dir"] + config["general"]["expid"] + "/run_" + datestamp): config["general"]["current_date"] = current_date return config current_date = current_date - delta_date print("Could not find a prepared run.") sys.exit(42)
class SimulationSetup(object): def __init__(self, name, user_config): self.check = False if not "expid" in user_config["general"]: user_config["general"]["expid"] = "test" if user_config["general"]["setup_name"] in user_config: user_config["general"].update( user_config[user_config["general"]["setup_name"]] ) del user_config[user_config["general"]["setup_name"]] self._read_date_file(user_config) self._initialize_calendar(user_config) self.config = esm_parser.ConfigSetup(name, user_config) del user_config if "check" in self.config["general"]: self.check = self.config["general"]["check"] self._add_all_folders() self.config.calendar() self.config.finalize() self._initialize_components() self._finalize_components() self._finalize_attributes() self._write_finalized_config() self._copy_preliminary_files_from_experiment_to_thisrun() self._show_simulation_info() self.write_batch_system_hostfile() self.prepare() self.write_simple_runscript() if self.check: sys.exit() self.submit() def submit(self): six.print_("\n", 40 * "+ ") print ("Submitting sad jobscript to batch system...") for command in self.submit_command: print (command) six.print_("\n", 40 * "+ ") for command in self.submit_command: os.system(command) sys.exit() def write_batch_system_hostfile(self): import esm_batch_system self.batch = esm_batch_system.esm_batch_system(self.config, self.config["computer"]["batch_system"]) def get_sad_filename(self): folder = self.config["general"]["thisrun_scripts_dir"] expid = self.config["general"]["expid"] startdate = self.config["general"]["current_date"] enddate = self.config["general"]["end_date"] return folder + "/" + expid+"_"+self.run_datestamp+".sad" def get_environment(self): environment = [] import esm_environment env = esm_environment.environment_infos() if "module_actions" in env.config: for action in env.config["module_actions"]: environment.append("module " + action) environment.append("") if "export_vars" in env.config: for var in env.config["export_vars"].keys(): environment.append( "export " + var + "=" + env.config["export_vars"][var] ) return environment def calculate_requirements(self): tasks = 0 for model in self.config["general"]["models"]: if "nproc" in self.config[model]: tasks += self.config[model]["nproc"] elif "nproca" in self.config[model] and "nprocb" in self.config[model]: tasks += self.config[model]["nproca"] * self.config[model]["nprocb"] return tasks def get_batch_header(self): header = [] batch_system = self.config["computer"] if "sh_interpreter" in batch_system: header.append("#!"+batch_system["sh_interpreter"]) tasks = self.calculate_requirements() replacement_tags = [("@tasks@", tasks)] all_flags = ["partition_flag", "time_flag", "tasks_flag", "output_flags", "name_flag", ] conditional_flags = ["exclusive_flag", "accounting_flag", "notification_flag", "hyperthreading_flag", "additional_flags" ] for flag in conditional_flags: if flag in batch_system and not batch_system[flag].strip() == "": all_flags.append(flag) for flag in all_flags: for (tag, repl) in replacement_tags: batch_system[flag] = batch_system[flag].replace(tag, str(repl)) header.append(batch_system["header_start"] + " " + batch_system[flag]) return header def get_run_commands(self): commands = [] batch_system = self.config["computer"] if "execution_command" in batch_system: commands.append(batch_system["execution_command"]) return commands def get_submit_command(self, sadfilename): commands = [] batch_system = self.config["computer"] if "submit" in batch_system: commands.append("cd " + self.config["general"]["thisrun_scripts_dir"] + "; " + batch_system["submit"] + " " +sadfilename) return commands def write_simple_runscript(self): sadfilename = self.get_sad_filename() header = self.get_batch_header() environment = self.get_environment() commands = self.get_run_commands() with open(sadfilename, "w") as sadfile: for line in header: sadfile.write(line + "\n") sadfile.write("\n") for line in environment: sadfile.write(line + "\n") sadfile.write("\n") sadfile.write("cd "+ self.config["general"]["thisrun_work_dir"] + "\n") for line in commands: sadfile.write(line + "\n") self.submit_command = self.get_submit_command(sadfilename) six.print_("\n", 40 * "+ ") six.print_("Contents of ",sadfilename, ":") with open(sadfilename, "r") as fin: print ( six.print_("\n", 40 * "+ ") six.print_("Contents of ",, ":") with open(, "r") as fin: print ( def _add_all_folders(self): self.all_filetypes = ["analysis", "config", "log", "mon", "scripts"] for filetype in self.all_filetypes: setattr( self, "experiment_" + filetype + "_dir", self.config["general"]["base_dir"] + "/" + self.config["general"]["expid"] + "/" + filetype + "/", ) self.config["general"]["experiment_" + filetype + "_dir"] = getattr( self, "experiment_" + filetype + "_dir" ) self.all_filetypes.append("work") for filetype in self.all_filetypes: setattr( self, "thisrun_" + filetype + "_dir", self.config["general"]["base_dir"] + "/" + self.config["general"]["expid"] + "/run_" + self.run_datestamp + "/" + filetype + "/", ) self.config["general"]["thisrun_" + filetype + "_dir"] = getattr( self, "thisrun_" + filetype + "_dir" ) self.all_model_filetypes = [ "analysis", "bin", "config", "couple", "forcing", "input", "log", "mon", "outdata", "restart", "viz", ] for model in self.config["general"]["valid_model_names"]: for filetype in self.all_model_filetypes: setattr( self, "experiment_" + model + "_" + filetype + "_dir", self.config["general"]["base_dir"] + "/" + self.config["general"]["expid"] + "/" + filetype + "/" + model + "/", ) setattr( self, "thisrun_" + model + "_" + filetype + "_dir", self.config["general"]["base_dir"] + "/" + self.config["general"]["expid"] + "/run_" + self.run_datestamp + "/" + filetype + "/" + model + "/", ) self.config[model][ "experiment_" + model + "_" + filetype + "_dir" ] = getattr(self, "experiment_" + model + "_" + filetype + "_dir") self.config[model][ "thisrun_" + model + "_" + filetype + "_dir" ] = getattr(self, "thisrun_" + model + "_" + filetype + "_dir") def _initialize_components(self): components = [] for component in self.config["general"]["valid_model_names"]: components.append( SimulationComponent(self.config["general"], self.config[component]) ) self.components = components def _create_folders(self): for filetype in self.all_filetypes: if not os.path.exists(getattr(self, "experiment_" + filetype + "_dir")): os.makedirs(getattr(self, "experiment_" + filetype + "_dir")) def _dump_final_yaml(self): with open( self.experiment_config_dir + "/" + self.config["general"]["expid"] + "_preconfig.yaml", "w", ) as config_file: yaml.dump(self.config, config_file) def _show_simulation_info(self): six.print_(80 * "=") six.print_("STARTING SIMULATION JOB!") six.print_("Experiment ID = %s" % self.config["general"]["expid"]) six.print_("Setup = %s" % self.config["general"]["setup_name"]) six.print_("This setup consists of:") for model in self.config["general"]["valid_model_names"]: six.print_("- %s" % model) six.print_("You are using the Python version.") def _finalize_attributes(self): for filetype in self.all_filetypes: setattr( self, "thisrun_" + filetype + "_dir", self.config["general"]["base_dir"] + "/" + self.config["general"]["expid"] + "/run_" + self.config["general"]["current_date"].format( form=9, givenph=False, givenpm=False, givenps=False ) + "-" + self.config["general"]["end_date"].format( form=9, givenph=False, givenpm=False, givenps=False ) + "/" + filetype + "/", ) if not os.path.exists(getattr(self, "thisrun_" + filetype + "_dir")): os.makedirs(getattr(self, "thisrun_" + filetype + "_dir")) self.run_datestamp = ( self.config["general"]["current_date"].format( form=9, givenph=False, givenpm=False, givenps=False ) + "-" + self.config["general"]["end_date"].format( form=9, givenph=False, givenpm=False, givenps=False ) ) def _write_finalized_config(self): pp.pprint(self.config) with open( self.thisrun_config_dir + "/" + self.config["general"]["expid"] + "_finished_config.yaml", "w", ) as config_file: yaml.dump(self.config, config_file) def _finalize_components(self): for component in self.components: component.general_config = self.config["general"] component.finalize_attributes() def _copy_preliminary_files_from_experiment_to_thisrun(self): filelist = [ ( "scripts", self.config["general"]["expid"] + "_" + self.config["general"]["setup_name"] + ".date", "copy", ) ] for filetype, filename, copy_or_link in filelist: source = getattr(self, "experiment_" + filetype + "_dir") dest = getattr(self, "thisrun_" + filetype + "_dir") if copy_or_link == "copy": method = shutil.copy2 elif copy_or_link == "link": method = os.symlink if os.path.isfile(source + "/" + filename): method(source + "/" + filename, dest + "/" + filename) def _read_date_file(self, config, date_file=None): if not date_file: date_file = ( config["general"]["base_dir"] + "/" + config["general"]["expid"] + "/scripts/" + config["general"]["expid"] + "_" + config["general"]["setup_name"] + ".date" ) if os.path.isfile(date_file):"Date file read from %s", date_file) with open(date_file) as date_file: date, self.run_number = date_file.readline().strip().split() write_file = False else:"No date file found %s", date_file)"Initializing run_number=1 and date=18500101") date = config["general"].get("initial_date", "18500101") self.run_number = 1 write_file = True config["general"]["run_number"] = self.run_number self.current_date = Date(date) # needs to happen AFTER a run! # if write_file: # self._write_date_file()"current_date = %s", self.current_date)"run_number = %s", self.run_number) def _initialize_calendar(self, config): nyear, nmonth, nday, nhour, nminute, nsecond = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 nyear = int(config["general"].get("nyear", nyear)) if not nyear: nmonth = int(config["general"].get("nmonth", nmonth)) if not nyear and not nmonth: nday = int(config["general"].get("nday", nday)) if not nyear and not nmonth and not nday: nhour = int(config["general"].get("nhour", nhour)) if not nyear and not nmonth and not nday and not nhour: nminute = int(config["general"].get("nminute", nminute)) if not nyear and not nmonth and not nday and not nhour and not nminute: nsecond = int(config["general"].get("nsecond", nsecond)) if ( not nyear and not nmonth and not nday and not nhour and not nminute and not nsecond ): nyear = 1 self.delta_date = (nyear, nmonth, nday, nhour, nminute, nsecond) config["general"]["current_date"] = self.current_date config["general"]["start_date"] = self.current_date config["general"]["initial_date"] = Date(config["general"]["initial_date"]) config["general"]["final_date"] = Date(config["general"]["final_date"]) config["general"]["prev_date"] = self.current_date.sub((0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)) config["general"]["next_date"] = self.current_date.add(self.delta_date) config["general"]["end_date"] = config["general"]["next_date"].sub( (0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0) ) config["general"]["runtime"] = ( config["general"]["next_date"] - config["general"]["current_date"] ) config["general"]["total_runtime"] = ( config["general"]["next_date"] - config["general"]["initial_date"] ) self.run_datestamp = ( config["general"]["current_date"].format( form=9, givenph=False, givenpm=False, givenps=False ) + "-" + config["general"]["end_date"].format( form=9, givenph=False, givenpm=False, givenps=False ) ) def _increment_date_and_run_number(self): self.run_number += 1 self.current_date += self.delta_date def _write_date_file(self, date_file=None): if not date_file: date_file = ( self.experiment_scripts_dir + "/" + self.config["general"]["expid"] + "_" + self.config["general"]["setup_name"] + ".date" ) with open(date_file, "w") as date_file: date_file.write(self.current_date.output() + " " + str(self.run_number)) def prepare(self): six.print_("=" * 80, "\n") six.print_("PREPARING EXPERIMENT") # Copy files: all_files_to_copy = [] six.print_("\n" "- Generating file lists for this run...") for component in self.components: six.print_("-" * 80) six.print_("* %s" % component.config["model"], "\n") all_component_files, filetype_specific_dict = ( component.filesystem_to_experiment() ) with open( component.thisrun_config_dir + "/" + self.config["general"]["expid"] + "_filelist_" + self.run_datestamp, "w", ) as flist: flist.write( "These files are used for \nexperiment %s\ncomponent %s\ndate %s" % ( self.config["general"]["expid"], component.config["model"], self.run_datestamp, ) ) flist.write("\n") flist.write(80 * "-") for filetype in filetype_specific_dict: flist.write("\n" + filetype.upper() + ":\n") for source, exp_tree_name, work_dir_name in filetype_specific_dict[ filetype ]: flist.write("\nSource: " + source) flist.write("\nExp Tree: " + exp_tree_name) flist.write("\nWork Dir: " + work_dir_name) flist.write("\n") flist.write("\n") flist.write(80 * "-") esm_parser.pprint_config(filetype_specific_dict) all_files_to_copy += all_component_files six.print_("\n" "- File lists populated, proceeding with copy...") six.print_("- Note that you can see your file lists in the config folder") six.print_("- You will be informed about missing files") self._prepare_copy_files(all_files_to_copy) # Load and modify namelists: six.print_("\n" "- Setting up namelists for this run...") all_namelists = {} for component in self.components: six.print_("-" * 80) six.print_("* %s" % component.config["model"], "\n") component.nmls_load() component.nmls_remove() component.nmls_modify() component.nmls_finalize(all_namelists) six.print_( "\n" "- Namelists modified according to experiment specifications..." ) for nml_name, nml in all_namelists.items(): six.print_("Contents of ", nml_name, ":") nml.write(sys.stdout) six.print_("\n", 40 * "+ ") self._prepare_modify_files() for model in list(self.config): if model in esm_coupler.known_couplers: coupler_config_dir = ( self.config["general"]["base_dir"] + "/" + self.config["general"]["expid"] + "/run_" + self.run_datestamp + "/config/" + model + "/" ) self.coupler = esm_coupler.esm_coupler(self.config, model) self.coupler.prepare(self.config, coupler_config_dir) coupler_filename="namcouple" # needs to be set by function above all_files_to_copy.append( ( "", "", coupler_config_dir + "/" + coupler_filename, ) ) #print (coupler_config_dir + "/" + coupler_filename) all_files_to_copy.append( ( "", "",, ) ) self._prepare_copy_files_to_work(all_files_to_copy) def _prepare_copy_files(self, flist): successful_files = [] missing_files = [] # TODO: Check if we are on login node or elsewhere for the progress # bar, it doesn't make sense on the compute nodes: for ftuple in tqdm.tqdm( flist, bar_format="{l_bar}{bar}| {n_fmt}/{total_fmt} [{elapsed}<{remaining}]", ): logging.debug(ftuple) (file_source, file_intermediate, file_target) = ftuple try: shutil.copy2(file_source, file_intermediate) if not os.path.isfile(file_target): os.symlink(file_intermediate, file_target) successful_files.append(file_target) except IOError: missing_files.append(file_target) if missing_files: six.print_("--- WARNING: These files were missing:") for missing_file in missing_files: six.print_("- %s" % missing_file) def _prepare_copy_files_to_work(self, flist): successful_files = [] missing_files = [] # TODO: Check if we are on login node or elsewhere for the progress # bar, it doesn't make sense on the compute nodes: for ftuple in tqdm.tqdm( flist, bar_format="{l_bar}{bar}| {n_fmt}/{total_fmt} [{elapsed}<{remaining}]", ): logging.debug(ftuple) (file_source, file_intermediate, file_target) = ftuple file_in_work = self.thisrun_work_dir + "/" + file_target.split("/", -1)[-1] try: shutil.copy2(file_target, file_in_work) successful_files.append(file_target) except IOError: missing_files.append(file_target) if missing_files: six.print_("--- WARNING: These files were missing:") for missing_file in missing_files: six.print_("- %s" % missing_file) #sys.exit() def _prepare_modify_files(self): for model in self.config['general']['valid_model_names']: for filetype in self.all_model_filetypes: #print(self.config[model].get(filetype+"_modifications")) if filetype == "restart": nothing = "nothing"