コード例 #1
 def rapidcheckin(self, request, tl, one, two, module, extra, prog):
     context = {}
     if request.method == 'POST':
         #   Handle submission of student
         form = OnSiteRapidCheckinForm(request.POST)
         if form.is_valid():
             student = ESPUser(form.cleaned_data['user'])
             #   Check that this is a student user who is not also teaching (e.g. an admin)
             if student.isStudent() and student not in self.program.teachers()['class_approved']:
                 recs = Record.objects.filter(user=student, event="attended", program=prog)
                 if not recs.exists():
                     rec, created = Record.objects.get_or_create(user=student, event="attended", program=prog)
                 context['message'] = '%s %s marked as attended.' % (student.first_name, student.last_name)
                 if request.is_ajax():
                     return self.ajax_status(request, tl, one, two, module, extra, prog, context)
                 context['message'] = '%s %s is not a student and has not been checked in' % (student.first_name, student.last_name)
                 if request.is_ajax():
                     return self.ajax_status(request, tl, one, two, module, extra, prog, context)
         form = OnSiteRapidCheckinForm()
     context['module'] = self
     context['form'] = form
     return render_to_response(self.baseDir()+'ajaxcheckin.html', request, context)
コード例 #2
def registration_redirect(request):
    """ A view which returns:
        - A redirect to the currently open registration if exactly one registration is open
        - A list of open registration links otherwise
    from esp.users.models import ESPUser
    from esp.program.models import Program

    #   Make sure we have an ESPUser
    user = ESPUser(request.user)

    # prepare the rendered page so it points them to open student/teacher reg's
    ctxt = {}
    userrole = {}
    regperm = None
    if user.isStudent():
        userrole['name'] = 'Student'
        userrole['base'] = 'learn'
        userrole['reg'] = 'studentreg'
        regperm = 'Student/Classes'
    elif user.isTeacher():
        userrole['name'] = 'Teacher'
        userrole['base'] = 'teach'
        userrole['reg'] = 'teacherreg'
        regperm = 'Teacher/Classes'
        #   Default to student registration (this will only show if the program
        #   is found via the 'allowed_student_types' Tag)
        userrole['name'] = user.getUserTypes()[0]
        userrole['base'] = 'learn'
        userrole['reg'] = 'studentreg'
    ctxt['userrole'] = userrole

    if regperm:
        progs_deadline = list(Permission.program_by_perm(user, regperm))
        progs_deadline = []

    progs_tag = list(t.target \
            for t in Tag.objects.filter(key = "allowed_student_types").select_related() \
            if isinstance(t.target, Program) \
                and (set(user.getUserTypes()) & set(t.value.split(","))))
    progs = list(set(progs_deadline + progs_tag))  #distinct ones

    #   If we have 1 program, automatically redirect to registration for that program.
    #   Most chapters will want this, but it can be disabled by a Tag.
    if len(progs) == 1 and Tag.getBooleanTag('automatic_registration_redirect',
        ctxt['prog'] = progs[0]
        return HttpResponseRedirect(
            u'/%s/%s/%s' %
            (userrole['base'], progs[0].getUrlBase(), userrole['reg']))
        if len(progs) > 0:
            #   Sort available programs newest first
            progs.sort(key=lambda x: -x.id)
            ctxt['progs'] = progs
            ctxt['prog'] = progs[0]
        return render_to_response('users/profile_complete.html', request, ctxt)
コード例 #3
def edit_profile(request, module):

    curUser = ESPUser(request.user)

    if curUser.isStudent():
        return profile_editor(request, None, True, 'student')

    elif curUser.isTeacher():
        return profile_editor(request, None, True, 'teacher')

    elif curUser.isGuardian():
        return profile_editor(request, None, True, 'guardian')

    elif curUser.isEducator():
        return profile_editor(request, None, True, 'educator')	

        user_types = UserBit.valid_objects().filter(verb__parent=GetNode("V/Flags/UserRole")).select_related().order_by('-id')
        return profile_editor(request, None, True, user_types[0].verb.name if user_types else '')
コード例 #4
def edit_profile(request, module):

    curUser = ESPUser(request.user)

    if curUser.isStudent():
        return profile_editor(request, None, True, 'student')

    elif curUser.isTeacher():
        return profile_editor(request, None, True, 'teacher')

    elif curUser.isGuardian():
        return profile_editor(request, None, True, 'guardian')

    elif curUser.isEducator():
        return profile_editor(request, None, True, 'educator')

        user_types = curUser.groups.all().order_by('-id')
        return profile_editor(request, None, True,
                              user_types[0].name if user_types else '')
コード例 #5
ファイル: satprepmodule.py プロジェクト: sweettea/ESP-Website
    def get_msg_vars(self, user, key):
        user = ESPUser(user)
        if key == 'diag_sat_scores' or key == 'old_sat_scores' or key == 'prac_sat_scores':
            test_type = key.split('_')[0]

            if user.isStudent():
                foo = SATPrepRegInfo.getLastForProgram(user, self.program)

                scores = 'Your %s SAT scores:\n' % {
                    'prac': 'practice',
                    'diag': 'diagnostic',
                    'old': 'original'
                for test in ['Math', 'Verbal', 'Writing']:
                    curscore = foo.__dict__['%s_%s_score' %
                                            (test_type, test[0:4].lower())]
                    if curscore is None or curscore < 200 or curscore > 800:
                        scores += '%s: Not Available\n' % test
                        scores += '%s: %s\n' % (test, curscore)
                return scores

        return ''
コード例 #6
def profile_editor(request, prog_input=None, responseuponCompletion = True, role=''):
    """ Display the registration profile page, the page that contains the contact information for a student, as attached to a particular program """

    from esp.users.models import K12School
    from esp.web.views.main import registration_redirect
    STUDREP_VERB = GetNode('V/Flags/UserRole/StudentRep')
    STUDREP_QSC  = GetNode('Q')

    if prog_input is None:
        prog = None
        navnode = GetNode('Q/Web/myesp')
        prog = prog_input
        navnode = prog.anchor

    curUser = request.user
    context = {'logged_in': request.user.is_authenticated() }
    context['user'] = request.user
    context['program'] = prog

    curUser = ESPUser(curUser)

    #   Get the profile form from the user's type, although we need to handle 
    #   a couple of extra possibilities for the 'role' variable.
    user_types = ESPUser.getAllUserTypes()
    additional_types = [['',  {'label': 'Not specified', 'profile_form': 'UserContactForm'}],
                        ['Administrator', {'label': 'Administrator', 'profile_form': 'UserContactForm'}],
    additional_type_labels = [x[0] for x in additional_types]
    #   Handle all-lowercase versions of role being passed in by calling title()
    user_type_labels = [x[0] for x in user_types]
    if role.title() in user_type_labels:
        target_type = user_types[user_type_labels.index(role.title())][1]
        target_type = additional_types[additional_type_labels.index(role.title())][1]
    mod = __import__('esp.users.forms.user_profile', (), (), target_type['profile_form'])
    FormClass = getattr(mod, target_type['profile_form'])

    context['profiletype'] = role

    if request.method == 'POST' and request.POST.has_key('profile_page'):
        form = FormClass(curUser, request.POST)

        # Don't suddenly demand an explanation from people who are already student reps
        if UserBit.objects.UserHasPerms(curUser, STUDREP_QSC, STUDREP_VERB):
            if hasattr(form, 'repress_studentrep_expl_error'):

        if form.is_valid():
            new_data = form.cleaned_data

            regProf = RegistrationProfile.getLastForProgram(curUser, prog)

            if regProf.id is None:
                old_regProf = RegistrationProfile.getLastProfile(curUser)
                old_regProf = regProf

            for field_name in ['address_zip','address_city','address_street','address_state']:
                if field_name in new_data and new_data[field_name] != getattr(old_regProf.contact_user,field_name,False):
                    new_data['address_postal'] = ''

            if new_data['address_postal'] == '':
                new_data['address_postal'] = False

            regProf.contact_user = ContactInfo.addOrUpdate(regProf, new_data, regProf.contact_user, '', curUser)
            regProf.contact_emergency = ContactInfo.addOrUpdate(regProf, new_data, regProf.contact_emergency, 'emerg_')

            if new_data.has_key('dietary_restrictions') and new_data['dietary_restrictions']:
                regProf.dietary_restrictions = new_data['dietary_restrictions']

            if role == 'student':
                regProf.student_info = StudentInfo.addOrUpdate(curUser, regProf, new_data)
                regProf.contact_guardian = ContactInfo.addOrUpdate(regProf, new_data, regProf.contact_guardian, 'guard_')
            elif role == 'teacher':
                regProf.teacher_info = TeacherInfo.addOrUpdate(curUser, regProf, new_data)
            elif role == 'guardian':
                regProf.guardian_info = GuardianInfo.addOrUpdate(curUser, regProf, new_data)
            elif role == 'educator':
                regProf.educator_info = EducatorInfo.addOrUpdate(curUser, regProf, new_data)
            blah = regProf.__dict__

            curUser.first_name = new_data['first_name']
            curUser.last_name  = new_data['last_name']
            curUser.email     = new_data['e_mail']
            if responseuponCompletion == True:
                return registration_redirect(request)
                return True
            #   Force loading the school back in if possible...
            replacement_data = form.data.copy()
                replacement_data['k12school'] = form.fields['k12school'].clean(form.data['k12school']).id
            form = FormClass(curUser, replacement_data)

        if prog_input is None:
            regProf = RegistrationProfile.getLastProfile(curUser)
            regProf = RegistrationProfile.getLastForProgram(curUser, prog)
        if regProf.id is None:
            regProf = RegistrationProfile.getLastProfile(curUser)
        new_data = {}
        if curUser.isStudent():
            new_data['studentrep'] = (UserBit.objects.filter(user = curUser,
                                     verb = STUDREP_VERB,
                                     qsc  = STUDREP_QSC).count() > 0)
        new_data['first_name'] = curUser.first_name
        new_data['last_name']  = curUser.last_name
        new_data['e_mail']     = curUser.email
        new_data = regProf.updateForm(new_data, role)
        if request.session.has_key('birth_month') and request.session.has_key('birth_day'):
            new_data['dob'] = datetime.date(1994, int(request.session['birth_month']), int(request.session['birth_day']))
        if request.session.has_key('school_id'):
            new_data['k12school'] = request.session['school_id']

        #   Set default values for state fields
        state_fields = ['address_state', 'emerg_address_state']
        state_tag_map = {}
        for field in state_fields:
            state_tag_map[field] = 'local_state'
        form = FormClass(curUser, initial=new_data, tag_map=state_tag_map)

    context['request'] = request
    context['form'] = form
    return render_to_response('users/profile.html', request, navnode, context)
コード例 #7
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: pteromys/ESP-Website
def survey_view(request, tl, program, instance):

        prog = Program.by_prog_inst(program, instance)
    except Program.DoesNotExist:
        raise Http404

    user = ESPUser(request.user)

    if (tl == 'teach' and not user.isTeacher()) or (tl == 'learn'
                                                    and not user.isStudent()):
        raise ESPError(
        ), 'You need to be a program participant (i.e. student or teacher, not parent or educator) to participate in this survey.  Please contact the directors directly if you have additional feedback.'

    if request.GET.has_key('done'):
        return render_to_response('survey/completed_survey.html', request,
                                  {'prog': prog})

    if tl == 'learn':
        event = "student_survey"
        event = "teacher_survey"

    if Record.user_completed(user, event, prog):
        raise ESPError(
        ), "You've already filled out the survey.  Thanks for responding!"

    surveys = prog.getSurveys().filter(category=tl).select_related()

    if request.REQUEST.has_key('survey_id'):
            s_id = int(request.REQUEST['survey_id'])
            surveys = surveys.filter(
            )  # We want to filter, not get: ID could point to a survey that doesn't exist for this program, or at all
        except ValueError:

    if len(surveys) < 1:
        raise ESPError(False), "Sorry, no such survey exists for this program!"

    if len(surveys) > 1:
        return render_to_response(
            'survey/choose_survey.html', request, {
                'surveys': surveys,
                'error': request.POST
        )  # if request.POST, then we shouldn't have more than one survey any more...

    survey = surveys[0]

    if request.POST:
        response = SurveyResponse()
        response.survey = survey

        r = Record(user=user,

        response.set_answers(request.POST, save=True)

        return HttpResponseRedirect(request.path + "?done")
        questions = survey.questions.filter(per_class=False).order_by('seq')
        perclass_questions = survey.questions.filter(per_class=True)

        classes = sections = timeslots = []
        if tl == 'learn':
            classes = user.getEnrolledClasses(prog, request)
            timeslots = prog.getTimeSlots().order_by('start')
            for ts in timeslots:
                # The order by string really means "title"
                ts.classsections = prog.sections().filter(
                for sec in ts.classsections:
                    if user in sec.students():
                        sec.selected = True
        elif tl == 'teach':
            classes = user.getTaughtClasses(prog)
            sections = user.getTaughtSections(prog).order_by(

        context = {
            'survey': survey,
            'questions': questions,
            'perclass_questions': perclass_questions,
            'program': prog,
            'classes': classes,
            'sections': sections,
            'timeslots': timeslots,

        return render_to_response('survey/survey.html', request, context)
コード例 #8
def registration_redirect(request):
    """ A view which returns:
        - A redirect to the currently open registration if exactly one registration is open
        - A list of open registration links otherwise
    from esp.users.models import ESPUser, UserBit
    from esp.program.models import Program

    #   Make sure we have an ESPUser
    user = ESPUser(request.user)

    # prepare the rendered page so it points them to open student/teacher reg's
    ctxt = {}
    userrole = {}
    regverb = None
    if user.isStudent():
        userrole['name'] = 'Student'
        userrole['base'] = 'learn'
        userrole['reg'] = 'studentreg'
        regverb = GetNode('V/Deadline/Registration/Student/Classes/OneClass')
    elif user.isTeacher():
        userrole['name'] = 'Teacher'
        userrole['base'] = 'teach'
        userrole['reg'] = 'teacherreg'
        regverb = GetNode('V/Deadline/Registration/Teacher/Classes')
        #   Default to student registration (this will only show if the program
        #   is found via the 'allowed_student_types' Tag)
        userrole['name'] = user.getUserTypes()[0]
        userrole['base'] = 'learn'
        userrole['reg'] = 'studentreg'
    ctxt['userrole'] = userrole
    ctxt['navnode'] = GetNode('Q/Web/myesp')

    if regverb:
        progs_userbit = list(
            UserBit.find_by_anchor_perms(Program, user=user, verb=regverb))
        progs_userbit = []
    progs_tag = list(t.target \
            for t in Tag.objects.filter(key = "allowed_student_types").select_related() \
            if isinstance(t.target, Program) \
                and (set(user.getUserTypes()) & set(t.value.split(","))))
    progs = set(progs_userbit + progs_tag)

    nextreg = UserBit.objects.filter(
        user__isnull=True, verb=regverb,
    progs = list(progs)

    #   If we have 1 program, automatically redirect to registration for that program.
    #   Most chapters will want this, but it can be disabled by a Tag.
    if len(progs) == 1 and Tag.getBooleanTag('automatic_registration_redirect',
        ctxt['prog'] = progs[0]
        ctxt['navnode'] = progs[0].anchor
        return HttpResponseRedirect(
            u'/%s/%s/%s' %
            (userrole['base'], progs[0].getUrlBase(), userrole['reg']))
        if len(progs) > 0:
            #   Sort available programs newest first
            progs.sort(key=lambda x: -x.id)
            ctxt['progs'] = progs
            ctxt['prog'] = progs[0]
        ctxt['nextreg'] = list(nextreg)
        return render_to_response('users/profile_complete.html', request,
                                  GetNode('Q/Web'), ctxt)