コード例 #1
    def recognize_beam(self, h, lpz, recog_args, char_list, rnnlm=None):
        """Beam search implementation.

            h (chainer.Variable): One of the output from the encoder.
            lpz (chainer.Variable | None): Result of net propagation.
            recog_args (Namespace): The argument.
            char_list (List[str]): List of all charactors.
            rnnlm (Module): RNNLM module. Defined at `espnet.lm.chainer_backend.lm`

            List[Dict[str,Any]]: Result of recognition.

        logging.info('input lengths: ' + str(h.shape[0]))
        # initialization
        c_list = [None]  # list of cell state of each layer
        z_list = [None]  # list of hidden state of each layer
        for _ in six.moves.range(1, self.dlayers):
        a = None
        self.att.reset()  # reset pre-computation of h

        # search parms
        beam = recog_args.beam_size
        penalty = recog_args.penalty
        ctc_weight = recog_args.ctc_weight

        # preprate sos
        y = self.xp.full(1, self.sos, 'i')
        if recog_args.maxlenratio == 0:
            maxlen = h.shape[0]
            # maxlen >= 1
            maxlen = max(1, int(recog_args.maxlenratio * h.shape[0]))
        minlen = int(recog_args.minlenratio * h.shape[0])
        logging.info('max output length: ' + str(maxlen))
        logging.info('min output length: ' + str(minlen))

        # initialize hypothesis
        if rnnlm:
            hyp = {
                'score': 0.0,
                'yseq': [y],
                'c_prev': c_list,
                'z_prev': z_list,
                'a_prev': a,
                'rnnlm_prev': None
            hyp = {
                'score': 0.0,
                'yseq': [y],
                'c_prev': c_list,
                'z_prev': z_list,
                'a_prev': a
        if lpz is not None:
            ctc_prefix_score = CTCPrefixScore(lpz, 0, self.eos, self.xp)
            hyp['ctc_state_prev'] = ctc_prefix_score.initial_state()
            hyp['ctc_score_prev'] = 0.0
            if ctc_weight != 1.0:
                # pre-pruning based on attention scores
                ctc_beam = min(lpz.shape[-1], int(beam * CTC_SCORING_RATIO))
                ctc_beam = lpz.shape[-1]
        hyps = [hyp]
        ended_hyps = []

        for i in six.moves.range(maxlen):
            logging.debug('position ' + str(i))

            hyps_best_kept = []
            for hyp in hyps:
                ey = self.embed(hyp['yseq'][i])  # utt list (1) x zdim
                att_c, att_w = self.att([h], hyp['z_prev'][0], hyp['a_prev'])
                ey = F.hstack((ey, att_c))  # utt(1) x (zdim + hdim)

                z_list, c_list = self.rnn_forward(ey, z_list, c_list,
                                                  hyp['z_prev'], hyp['c_prev'])

                # get nbest local scores and their ids
                local_att_scores = F.log_softmax(self.output(z_list[-1])).data
                if rnnlm:
                    rnnlm_state, local_lm_scores = rnnlm.predict(
                        hyp['rnnlm_prev'], hyp['yseq'][i])
                    local_scores = local_att_scores + recog_args.lm_weight * local_lm_scores
                    local_scores = local_att_scores

                if lpz is not None:
                    local_best_ids = self.xp.argsort(
                        local_scores, axis=1)[0, ::-1][:ctc_beam]
                    ctc_scores, ctc_states = ctc_prefix_score(
                        hyp['yseq'], local_best_ids, hyp['ctc_state_prev'])
                    local_scores = \
                        (1.0 - ctc_weight) * local_att_scores[:, local_best_ids] \
                        + ctc_weight * (ctc_scores - hyp['ctc_score_prev'])
                    if rnnlm:
                        local_scores += recog_args.lm_weight * local_lm_scores[:,
                    joint_best_ids = self.xp.argsort(local_scores,
                                                     axis=1)[0, ::-1][:beam]
                    local_best_scores = local_scores[:, joint_best_ids]
                    local_best_ids = local_best_ids[joint_best_ids]
                    local_best_ids = self.xp.argsort(local_scores,
                                                     axis=1)[0, ::-1][:beam]
                    local_best_scores = local_scores[:, local_best_ids]

                for j in six.moves.range(beam):
                    new_hyp = {}
                    # do not copy {z,c}_list directly
                    new_hyp['z_prev'] = z_list[:]
                    new_hyp['c_prev'] = c_list[:]
                    new_hyp['a_prev'] = att_w
                    new_hyp['score'] = hyp['score'] + local_best_scores[0, j]
                    new_hyp['yseq'] = [0] * (1 + len(hyp['yseq']))
                    new_hyp['yseq'][:len(hyp['yseq'])] = hyp['yseq']
                    new_hyp['yseq'][len(hyp['yseq'])] = self.xp.full(
                        1, local_best_ids[j], 'i')
                    if rnnlm:
                        new_hyp['rnnlm_prev'] = rnnlm_state
                    if lpz is not None:
                        new_hyp['ctc_state_prev'] = ctc_states[
                        new_hyp['ctc_score_prev'] = ctc_scores[
                    # will be (2 x beam) hyps at most

                hyps_best_kept = sorted(hyps_best_kept,
                                        key=lambda x: x['score'],

            # sort and get nbest
            hyps = hyps_best_kept
            logging.debug('number of pruned hypotheses: ' + str(len(hyps)))
            logging.debug('best hypo: ' + ''.join(
                 for x in hyps[0]['yseq'][1:]]).replace('<space>', ' '))

            # add eos in the final loop to avoid that there are no ended hyps
            if i == maxlen - 1:
                logging.info('adding <eos> in the last position in the loop')
                for hyp in hyps:
                    hyp['yseq'].append(self.xp.full(1, self.eos, 'i'))

            # add ended hypotheses to a final list, and removed them from current hypotheses
            # (this will be a problem, number of hyps < beam)
            remained_hyps = []
            for hyp in hyps:
                if hyp['yseq'][-1] == self.eos:
                    # only store the sequence that has more than minlen outputs
                    # also add penalty
                    if len(hyp['yseq']) > minlen:
                        hyp['score'] += (i + 1) * penalty
                        if rnnlm:  # Word LM needs to add final <eos> score
                            hyp['score'] += recog_args.lm_weight * rnnlm.final(

            # end detection
            if end_detect(ended_hyps, i) and recog_args.maxlenratio == 0.0:
                logging.info('end detected at %d', i)

            hyps = remained_hyps
            if len(hyps) > 0:
                logging.debug('remaining hypotheses: ' + str(len(hyps)))
                logging.info('no hypothesis. Finish decoding.')

            for hyp in hyps:
                logging.debug('hypo: ' + ''.join(
                     for x in hyp['yseq'][1:]]).replace('<space>', ' '))

            logging.debug('number of ended hypotheses: ' +

        nbest_hyps = sorted(
            ended_hyps, key=lambda x: x['score'],
            reverse=True)[:min(len(ended_hyps), recog_args.nbest)]

        # check number of hypotheses
        if len(nbest_hyps) == 0:
                'there is no N-best results, perform recognition again with smaller minlenratio.'
            # should copy because Namespace will be overwritten globally
            recog_args = Namespace(**vars(recog_args))
            recog_args.minlenratio = max(0.0, recog_args.minlenratio - 0.1)
            return self.recognize_beam(h, lpz, recog_args, char_list, rnnlm)

        logging.info('total log probability: ' + str(nbest_hyps[0]['score']))
        logging.info('normalized log probability: ' +
                     str(nbest_hyps[0]['score'] / len(nbest_hyps[0]['yseq'])))

        return nbest_hyps
コード例 #2
    def recognize_beam_batch(
        # to support mutiple encoder asr mode, in single encoder mode,
        # convert torch.Tensor to List of torch.Tensor
        if self.num_encs == 1:
            h = [h]
            hlens = [hlens]
            lpz = [lpz]
        if self.num_encs > 1 and lpz is None:
            lpz = [lpz] * self.num_encs

        att_idx = min(strm_idx, len(self.att) - 1)
        for idx in range(self.num_encs):
                "Number of Encoder:{}; enc{}: input lengths: {}.".format(
                    self.num_encs, idx + 1, h[idx].size(1)
            h[idx] = mask_by_length(h[idx], hlens[idx], 0.0)

        # search params
        batch = len(hlens[0])
        beam = recog_args.beam_size
        penalty = recog_args.penalty
        ctc_weight = getattr(recog_args, "ctc_weight", 0)  # for NMT
        att_weight = 1.0 - ctc_weight
        ctc_margin = getattr(
            recog_args, "ctc_window_margin", 0
        )  # use getattr to keep compatibility
        # weights-ctc,
        # e.g. ctc_loss = w_1*ctc_1_loss + w_2 * ctc_2_loss + w_N * ctc_N_loss
        if lpz[0] is not None and self.num_encs > 1:
            weights_ctc_dec = recog_args.weights_ctc_dec / np.sum(
            )  # normalize
                "ctc weights (decoding): " + " ".join([str(x) for x in weights_ctc_dec])
            weights_ctc_dec = [1.0]

        n_bb = batch * beam
        pad_b = to_device(h[0], torch.arange(batch) * beam).view(-1, 1)

        max_hlen = np.amin([max(hlens[idx]) for idx in range(self.num_encs)])
        if recog_args.maxlenratio == 0:
            maxlen = max_hlen
            maxlen = max(1, int(recog_args.maxlenratio * max_hlen))
        minlen = int(recog_args.minlenratio * max_hlen)
        logging.info("max output length: " + str(maxlen))
        logging.info("min output length: " + str(minlen))

        # initialization
        c_prev = [
            to_device(h[0], torch.zeros(n_bb, self.dunits)) for _ in range(self.dlayers)
        z_prev = [
            to_device(h[0], torch.zeros(n_bb, self.dunits)) for _ in range(self.dlayers)
        c_list = [
            to_device(h[0], torch.zeros(n_bb, self.dunits)) for _ in range(self.dlayers)
        z_list = [
            to_device(h[0], torch.zeros(n_bb, self.dunits)) for _ in range(self.dlayers)
        vscores = to_device(h[0], torch.zeros(batch, beam))

        rnnlm_state = None
        if self.num_encs == 1:
            a_prev = [None]
            att_w_list, ctc_scorer, ctc_state = [None], [None], [None]
            self.att[att_idx].reset()  # reset pre-computation of h
            a_prev = [None] * (self.num_encs + 1)  # atts + han
            att_w_list = [None] * (self.num_encs + 1)  # atts + han
            att_c_list = [None] * (self.num_encs)  # atts
            ctc_scorer, ctc_state = [None] * (self.num_encs), [None] * (self.num_encs)
            for idx in range(self.num_encs + 1):
                self.att[idx].reset()  # reset pre-computation of h in atts and han

        if self.replace_sos and recog_args.tgt_lang:
            logging.info("<sos> index: " + str(char_list.index(recog_args.tgt_lang)))
            logging.info("<sos> mark: " + recog_args.tgt_lang)
            yseq = [
                [char_list.index(recog_args.tgt_lang)] for _ in six.moves.range(n_bb)
        elif lang_ids is not None:
            # NOTE: used for evaluation during training
            yseq = [
                [lang_ids[b // recog_args.beam_size]] for b in six.moves.range(n_bb)
            logging.info("<sos> index: " + str(self.sos))
            logging.info("<sos> mark: " + char_list[self.sos])
            yseq = [[self.sos] for _ in six.moves.range(n_bb)]

        accum_odim_ids = [self.sos for _ in six.moves.range(n_bb)]
        stop_search = [False for _ in six.moves.range(batch)]
        nbest_hyps = [[] for _ in six.moves.range(batch)]
        ended_hyps = [[] for _ in range(batch)]

        exp_hlens = [
            hlens[idx].repeat(beam).view(beam, batch).transpose(0, 1).contiguous()
            for idx in range(self.num_encs)
        exp_hlens = [exp_hlens[idx].view(-1).tolist() for idx in range(self.num_encs)]
        exp_h = [
            h[idx].unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, beam, 1, 1).contiguous()
            for idx in range(self.num_encs)
        exp_h = [
            exp_h[idx].view(n_bb, h[idx].size()[1], h[idx].size()[2])
            for idx in range(self.num_encs)

        if lpz[0] is not None:
            scoring_num = min(
                int(beam * CTC_SCORING_RATIO)
                if att_weight > 0.0 and not lpz[0].is_cuda
                else 0,
            ctc_scorer = [
                for idx in range(self.num_encs)

        for i in six.moves.range(maxlen):
            logging.debug("position " + str(i))

            vy = to_device(h[0], torch.LongTensor(self._get_last_yseq(yseq)))
            ey = self.dropout_emb(self.embed(vy))
            if self.num_encs == 1:
                att_c, att_w = self.att[att_idx](
                    exp_h[0], exp_hlens[0], self.dropout_dec[0](z_prev[0]), a_prev[0]
                att_w_list = [att_w]
                for idx in range(self.num_encs):
                    att_c_list[idx], att_w_list[idx] = self.att[idx](
                exp_h_han = torch.stack(att_c_list, dim=1)
                att_c, att_w_list[self.num_encs] = self.att[self.num_encs](
                    [self.num_encs] * n_bb,
            ey = torch.cat((ey, att_c), dim=1)

            # attention decoder
            z_list, c_list = self.rnn_forward(ey, z_list, c_list, z_prev, c_prev)
            if self.context_residual:
                logits = self.output(
                    torch.cat((self.dropout_dec[-1](z_list[-1]), att_c), dim=-1)
                logits = self.output(self.dropout_dec[-1](z_list[-1]))
            local_scores = att_weight * F.log_softmax(logits, dim=1)

            # rnnlm
            if rnnlm:
                rnnlm_state, local_lm_scores = rnnlm.buff_predict(rnnlm_state, vy, n_bb)
                local_scores = local_scores + recog_args.lm_weight * local_lm_scores

            # ctc
            if ctc_scorer[0]:
                local_scores[:, 0] = self.logzero  # avoid choosing blank
                part_ids = (
                    torch.topk(local_scores, scoring_num, dim=-1)[1]
                    if scoring_num > 0
                    else None
                for idx in range(self.num_encs):
                    att_w = att_w_list[idx]
                    att_w_ = att_w if isinstance(att_w, torch.Tensor) else att_w[0]
                    local_ctc_scores, ctc_state[idx] = ctc_scorer[idx](
                        yseq, ctc_state[idx], part_ids, att_w_
                    local_scores = (
                        + ctc_weight * weights_ctc_dec[idx] * local_ctc_scores

            local_scores = local_scores.view(batch, beam, self.odim)
            if i == 0:
                local_scores[:, 1:, :] = self.logzero

            # accumulate scores
            eos_vscores = local_scores[:, :, self.eos] + vscores
            vscores = vscores.view(batch, beam, 1).repeat(1, 1, self.odim)
            vscores[:, :, self.eos] = self.logzero
            vscores = (vscores + local_scores).view(batch, -1)

            # global pruning
            accum_best_scores, accum_best_ids = torch.topk(vscores, beam, 1)
            accum_odim_ids = (
                torch.fmod(accum_best_ids, self.odim).view(-1).data.cpu().tolist()
            accum_padded_beam_ids = (
                (accum_best_ids // self.odim + pad_b).view(-1).data.cpu().tolist()

            y_prev = yseq[:][:]
            yseq = self._index_select_list(yseq, accum_padded_beam_ids)
            yseq = self._append_ids(yseq, accum_odim_ids)
            vscores = accum_best_scores
            vidx = to_device(h[0], torch.LongTensor(accum_padded_beam_ids))

            a_prev = []
            num_atts = self.num_encs if self.num_encs == 1 else self.num_encs + 1
            for idx in range(num_atts):
                if isinstance(att_w_list[idx], torch.Tensor):
                    _a_prev = torch.index_select(
                        att_w_list[idx].view(n_bb, *att_w_list[idx].shape[1:]), 0, vidx
                elif isinstance(att_w_list[idx], list):
                    # handle the case of multi-head attention
                    _a_prev = [
                        torch.index_select(att_w_one.view(n_bb, -1), 0, vidx)
                        for att_w_one in att_w_list[idx]
                    # handle the case of location_recurrent when return is a tuple
                    _a_prev_ = torch.index_select(
                        att_w_list[idx][0].view(n_bb, -1), 0, vidx
                    _h_prev_ = torch.index_select(
                        att_w_list[idx][1][0].view(n_bb, -1), 0, vidx
                    _c_prev_ = torch.index_select(
                        att_w_list[idx][1][1].view(n_bb, -1), 0, vidx
                    _a_prev = (_a_prev_, (_h_prev_, _c_prev_))
            z_prev = [
                torch.index_select(z_list[li].view(n_bb, -1), 0, vidx)
                for li in range(self.dlayers)
            c_prev = [
                torch.index_select(c_list[li].view(n_bb, -1), 0, vidx)
                for li in range(self.dlayers)

            # pick ended hyps
            if i >= minlen:
                k = 0
                penalty_i = (i + 1) * penalty
                thr = accum_best_scores[:, -1]
                for samp_i in six.moves.range(batch):
                    if stop_search[samp_i]:
                        k = k + beam
                    for beam_j in six.moves.range(beam):
                        _vscore = None
                        if eos_vscores[samp_i, beam_j] > thr[samp_i]:
                            yk = y_prev[k][:]
                            if len(yk) <= min(
                                hlens[idx][samp_i] for idx in range(self.num_encs)
                                _vscore = eos_vscores[samp_i][beam_j] + penalty_i
                        elif i == maxlen - 1:
                            yk = yseq[k][:]
                            _vscore = vscores[samp_i][beam_j] + penalty_i
                        if _vscore:
                            if rnnlm:
                                _vscore += recog_args.lm_weight * rnnlm.final(
                                    rnnlm_state, index=k
                            _score = _vscore.data.cpu().numpy()
                                {"yseq": yk, "vscore": _vscore, "score": _score}
                        k = k + 1

            # end detection
            stop_search = [
                stop_search[samp_i] or end_detect(ended_hyps[samp_i], i)
                for samp_i in six.moves.range(batch)
            stop_search_summary = list(set(stop_search))
            if len(stop_search_summary) == 1 and stop_search_summary[0]:

            if rnnlm:
                rnnlm_state = self._index_select_lm_state(rnnlm_state, 0, vidx)
            if ctc_scorer[0]:
                for idx in range(self.num_encs):
                    ctc_state[idx] = ctc_scorer[idx].index_select_state(
                        ctc_state[idx], accum_best_ids


        dummy_hyps = [
            {"yseq": [self.sos, self.eos], "score": np.array([-float("inf")])}
        ended_hyps = [
            ended_hyps[samp_i] if len(ended_hyps[samp_i]) != 0 else dummy_hyps
            for samp_i in six.moves.range(batch)
        if normalize_score:
            for samp_i in six.moves.range(batch):
                for x in ended_hyps[samp_i]:
                    x["score"] /= len(x["yseq"])

        nbest_hyps = [
            sorted(ended_hyps[samp_i], key=lambda x: x["score"], reverse=True)[
                : min(len(ended_hyps[samp_i]), recog_args.nbest)
            for samp_i in six.moves.range(batch)

        return nbest_hyps
コード例 #3
ファイル: e2e_mt_transformer.py プロジェクト: akreal/espnet
    def translate(self, x, trans_args, char_list=None):
        """Translate source text.

        :param list x: input source text feature (T,)
        :param Namespace trans_args: argment Namespace contraining options
        :param list char_list: list of characters
        :return: N-best decoding results
        :rtype: list
        )  # NOTE: this is important because self.encode() is not used
        assert isinstance(x, list)

        # make a utt list (1) to use the same interface for encoder
        if self.multilingual:
            x = to_device(
                    np.fromiter(map(int, x[0][1:]), dtype=np.int64)))
            x = to_device(
                torch.from_numpy(np.fromiter(map(int, x[0]), dtype=np.int64)))

        logging.info("input lengths: " + str(x.size(0)))
        xs_pad = x.unsqueeze(0)
        tgt_lang = None
        if trans_args.tgt_lang:
            tgt_lang = char_list.index(trans_args.tgt_lang)
        xs_pad, _ = self.target_forcing(xs_pad, tgt_lang=tgt_lang)
        h, _ = self.encoder(xs_pad, None)
        logging.info("encoder output lengths: " + str(h.size(1)))

        # search parms
        beam = trans_args.beam_size
        penalty = trans_args.penalty

        if trans_args.maxlenratio == 0:
            maxlen = h.size(1)
            # maxlen >= 1
            maxlen = max(1, int(trans_args.maxlenratio * h.size(1)))
        minlen = int(trans_args.minlenratio * h.size(1))
        logging.info("max output length: " + str(maxlen))
        logging.info("min output length: " + str(minlen))

        # initialize hypothesis
        hyp = {"score": 0.0, "yseq": [self.sos]}
        hyps = [hyp]
        ended_hyps = []

        for i in range(maxlen):
            logging.debug("position " + str(i))

            # batchfy
            ys = h.new_zeros((len(hyps), i + 1), dtype=torch.int64)
            for j, hyp in enumerate(hyps):
                ys[j, :] = torch.tensor(hyp["yseq"])
            ys_mask = subsequent_mask(i + 1).unsqueeze(0).to(h.device)

            local_scores = self.decoder.forward_one_step(
                ys, ys_mask, h.repeat([len(hyps), 1, 1]))[0]

            hyps_best_kept = []
            for j, hyp in enumerate(hyps):
                local_best_scores, local_best_ids = torch.topk(
                    local_scores[j:j + 1], beam, dim=1)

                for j in range(beam):
                    new_hyp = {}
                    new_hyp["score"] = hyp["score"] + float(
                        local_best_scores[0, j])
                    new_hyp["yseq"] = [0] * (1 + len(hyp["yseq"]))
                    new_hyp["yseq"][:len(hyp["yseq"])] = hyp["yseq"]
                    new_hyp["yseq"][len(hyp["yseq"])] = int(local_best_ids[0,
                    # will be (2 x beam) hyps at most

                hyps_best_kept = sorted(hyps_best_kept,
                                        key=lambda x: x["score"],

            # sort and get nbest
            hyps = hyps_best_kept
            logging.debug("number of pruned hypothes: " + str(len(hyps)))
            if char_list is not None:
                    "best hypo: " +
                    "".join([char_list[int(x)] for x in hyps[0]["yseq"][1:]]))

            # add eos in the final loop to avoid that there are no ended hyps
            if i == maxlen - 1:
                logging.info("adding <eos> in the last position in the loop")
                for hyp in hyps:

            # add ended hypothes to a final list, and removed them from current hypothes
            # (this will be a probmlem, number of hyps < beam)
            remained_hyps = []
            for hyp in hyps:
                if hyp["yseq"][-1] == self.eos:
                    # only store the sequence that has more than minlen outputs
                    # also add penalty
                    if len(hyp["yseq"]) > minlen:
                        hyp["score"] += (i + 1) * penalty

            # end detection
            if end_detect(ended_hyps, i) and trans_args.maxlenratio == 0.0:
                logging.info("end detected at %d", i)

            hyps = remained_hyps
            if len(hyps) > 0:
                logging.debug("remeined hypothes: " + str(len(hyps)))
                logging.info("no hypothesis. Finish decoding.")

            if char_list is not None:
                for hyp in hyps:
                        "hypo: " +
                        "".join([char_list[int(x)] for x in hyp["yseq"][1:]]))

            logging.debug("number of ended hypothes: " + str(len(ended_hyps)))

        nbest_hyps = sorted(
            ended_hyps, key=lambda x: x["score"],
            reverse=True)[:min(len(ended_hyps), trans_args.nbest)]

        # check number of hypotheis
        if len(nbest_hyps) == 0:
            logging.warning("there is no N-best results, perform translation "
                            "again with smaller minlenratio.")
            # should copy becasuse Namespace will be overwritten globally
            trans_args = Namespace(**vars(trans_args))
            trans_args.minlenratio = max(0.0, trans_args.minlenratio - 0.1)
            return self.translate(x, trans_args, char_list)

        logging.info("total log probability: " + str(nbest_hyps[0]["score"]))
        logging.info("normalized log probability: " +
                     str(nbest_hyps[0]["score"] / len(nbest_hyps[0]["yseq"])))
        return nbest_hyps
コード例 #4
    def recognize_beam(self, h, lpz, recog_args, char_list=None, rnnlm=None):
        """E2E beam search.

            h (ndarray): Encoder ouput features (B, T, D) or (T, D).
            lpz (ndarray): Log probabilities from CTC.
            recog_args (Namespace): Argment namespace contraining options.
            char_list (List[str]): List of characters.
            rnnlm (chainer.Chain): Language model module defined at

            List: N-best decoding results.

        logging.info("input lengths: " + str(h.shape[1]))

        # initialization
        n_len = h.shape[1]
        xp = self.xp
        h_mask = xp.ones((1, n_len))

        # search parms
        beam = recog_args.beam_size
        penalty = recog_args.penalty
        ctc_weight = recog_args.ctc_weight

        # prepare sos
        y = self.sos
        if recog_args.maxlenratio == 0:
            maxlen = n_len
            maxlen = max(1, int(recog_args.maxlenratio * n_len))
        minlen = int(recog_args.minlenratio * n_len)
        logging.info("max output length: " + str(maxlen))
        logging.info("min output length: " + str(minlen))

        # initialize hypothesis
        if rnnlm:
            hyp = {"score": 0.0, "yseq": [y], "rnnlm_prev": None}
            hyp = {"score": 0.0, "yseq": [y]}

        if lpz is not None:
            ctc_prefix_score = CTCPrefixScore(lpz, 0, self.eos, self.xp)
            hyp["ctc_state_prev"] = ctc_prefix_score.initial_state()
            hyp["ctc_score_prev"] = 0.0
            if ctc_weight != 1.0:
                # pre-pruning based on attention scores
                ctc_beam = min(lpz.shape[-1], int(beam * CTC_SCORING_RATIO))
                ctc_beam = lpz.shape[-1]

        hyps = [hyp]
        ended_hyps = []

        for i in six.moves.range(maxlen):
            logging.debug("position " + str(i))

            hyps_best_kept = []
            for hyp in hyps:
                ys = F.expand_dims(xp.array(hyp["yseq"]), axis=0).data
                out = self.decoder(ys, h, h_mask)

                # get nbest local scores and their ids
                local_att_scores = F.log_softmax(out[:, -1], axis=-1).data
                if rnnlm:
                    rnnlm_state, local_lm_scores = rnnlm.predict(
                        hyp["rnnlm_prev"], hyp["yseq"][i]
                    local_scores = (
                        local_att_scores + recog_args.lm_weight * local_lm_scores
                    local_scores = local_att_scores

                if lpz is not None:
                    local_best_ids = xp.argsort(local_scores, axis=1)[0, ::-1][
                    ctc_scores, ctc_states = ctc_prefix_score(
                        hyp["yseq"], local_best_ids, hyp["ctc_state_prev"]
                    local_scores = (1.0 - ctc_weight) * local_att_scores[
                        :, local_best_ids
                    ] + ctc_weight * (ctc_scores - hyp["ctc_score_prev"])
                    if rnnlm:
                        local_scores += (
                            recog_args.lm_weight * local_lm_scores[:, local_best_ids]
                    joint_best_ids = xp.argsort(local_scores, axis=1)[0, ::-1][:beam]
                    local_best_scores = local_scores[:, joint_best_ids]
                    local_best_ids = local_best_ids[joint_best_ids]
                    local_best_ids = self.xp.argsort(local_scores, axis=1)[0, ::-1][
                    local_best_scores = local_scores[:, local_best_ids]

                for j in six.moves.range(beam):
                    new_hyp = {}
                    new_hyp["score"] = hyp["score"] + float(local_best_scores[0, j])
                    new_hyp["yseq"] = [0] * (1 + len(hyp["yseq"]))
                    new_hyp["yseq"][: len(hyp["yseq"])] = hyp["yseq"]
                    new_hyp["yseq"][len(hyp["yseq"])] = int(local_best_ids[j])
                    if rnnlm:
                        new_hyp["rnnlm_prev"] = rnnlm_state
                    if lpz is not None:
                        new_hyp["ctc_state_prev"] = ctc_states[joint_best_ids[j]]
                        new_hyp["ctc_score_prev"] = ctc_scores[joint_best_ids[j]]

                hyps_best_kept = sorted(
                    hyps_best_kept, key=lambda x: x["score"], reverse=True

            # sort and get nbest
            hyps = hyps_best_kept
            logging.debug("number of pruned hypothesis: " + str(len(hyps)))
            if char_list is not None:
                    "best hypo: "
                    + "".join([char_list[int(x)] for x in hyps[0]["yseq"][1:]])
                    + " score: "
                    + str(hyps[0]["score"])

            # add eos in the final loop to avoid that there are no ended hyps
            if i == maxlen - 1:
                logging.info("adding <eos> in the last postion in the loop")
                for hyp in hyps:

            # add ended hypothes to a final list, and removed them from current hypothes
            # (this will be a probmlem, number of hyps < beam)
            remained_hyps = []
            for hyp in hyps:
                if hyp["yseq"][-1] == self.eos:
                    # only store the sequence that has more than minlen outputs
                    # also add penalty
                    if len(hyp["yseq"]) > minlen:
                        hyp["score"] += (i + 1) * penalty
                        if rnnlm:  # Word LM needs to add final <eos> score
                            hyp["score"] += recog_args.lm_weight * rnnlm.final(

            # end detection
            if end_detect(ended_hyps, i) and recog_args.maxlenratio == 0.0:
                logging.info("end detected at %d", i)

            hyps = remained_hyps
            if len(hyps) > 0:
                logging.debug("remained hypothes: " + str(len(hyps)))
                logging.info("no hypothesis. Finish decoding.")
            if char_list is not None:
                for hyp in hyps:
                        "hypo: " + "".join([char_list[int(x)] for x in hyp["yseq"][1:]])

            logging.debug("number of ended hypothes: " + str(len(ended_hyps)))

        nbest_hyps = sorted(
            ended_hyps, key=lambda x: x["score"], reverse=True
        )  # [:min(len(ended_hyps), recog_args.nbest)]

        # check number of hypotheis
        if len(nbest_hyps) == 0:
                "there is no N-best results, perform recognition "
                "again with smaller minlenratio."
            # should copy becasuse Namespace will be overwritten globally
            recog_args = Namespace(**vars(recog_args))
            recog_args.minlenratio = max(0.0, recog_args.minlenratio - 0.1)
            return self.recognize_beam(h, lpz, recog_args, char_list, rnnlm)

        logging.info("total log probability: " + str(nbest_hyps[0]["score"]))
            "normalized log probability: "
            + str(nbest_hyps[0]["score"] / len(nbest_hyps[0]["yseq"]))
        # remove sos
        return nbest_hyps
コード例 #5
    def recognize_beam(self, h, lpz, recog_args, char_list, rnnlm=None, strm_idx=0):
        """beam search implementation

        :param torch.Tensor h: encoder hidden state (T, eprojs)
                                [in multi-encoder case, list of torch.Tensor,
                                [(T1, eprojs), (T2, eprojs), ...] ]
        :param torch.Tensor lpz: ctc log softmax output (T, odim)
                                [in multi-encoder case, list of torch.Tensor,
                                [(T1, odim), (T2, odim), ...] ]
        :param Namespace recog_args: argument Namespace containing options
        :param char_list: list of character strings
        :param torch.nn.Module rnnlm: language module
        :param int strm_idx:
            stream index for speaker parallel attention in multi-speaker case
        :return: N-best decoding results
        :rtype: list of dicts
        # to support mutiple encoder asr mode, in single encoder mode,
        # convert torch.Tensor to List of torch.Tensor
        if self.num_encs == 1:
            h = [h]
            lpz = [lpz]
        if self.num_encs > 1 and lpz is None:
            lpz = [lpz] * self.num_encs

        for idx in range(self.num_encs):
                "Number of Encoder:{}; enc{}: input lengths: {}.".format(
                    self.num_encs, idx + 1, h[0].size(0)
        att_idx = min(strm_idx, len(self.att) - 1)
        # initialization
        c_list = [self.zero_state(h[0].unsqueeze(0))]
        z_list = [self.zero_state(h[0].unsqueeze(0))]
        for _ in six.moves.range(1, self.dlayers):
        if self.num_encs == 1:
            a = None
            self.att[att_idx].reset()  # reset pre-computation of h
            a = [None] * (self.num_encs + 1)  # atts + han
            att_w_list = [None] * (self.num_encs + 1)  # atts + han
            att_c_list = [None] * (self.num_encs)  # atts
            for idx in range(self.num_encs + 1):
                self.att[idx].reset()  # reset pre-computation of h in atts and han

        # search parms
        beam = recog_args.beam_size
        penalty = recog_args.penalty
        ctc_weight = getattr(recog_args, "ctc_weight", False)  # for NMT

        if lpz[0] is not None and self.num_encs > 1:
            # weights-ctc,
            # e.g. ctc_loss = w_1*ctc_1_loss + w_2 * ctc_2_loss + w_N * ctc_N_loss
            weights_ctc_dec = recog_args.weights_ctc_dec / np.sum(
            )  # normalize
                "ctc weights (decoding): " + " ".join([str(x) for x in weights_ctc_dec])
            weights_ctc_dec = [1.0]

        # preprate sos
        if self.replace_sos and recog_args.tgt_lang:
            y = char_list.index(recog_args.tgt_lang)
            y = self.sos
        logging.info("<sos> index: " + str(y))
        logging.info("<sos> mark: " + char_list[y])
        vy = h[0].new_zeros(1).long()

        maxlen = np.amin([h[idx].size(0) for idx in range(self.num_encs)])
        if recog_args.maxlenratio != 0:
            # maxlen >= 1
            maxlen = max(1, int(recog_args.maxlenratio * maxlen))
        minlen = int(recog_args.minlenratio * maxlen)
        logging.info("max output length: " + str(maxlen))
        logging.info("min output length: " + str(minlen))

        # initialize hypothesis
        if rnnlm:
            hyp = {
                "score": 0.0,
                "yseq": [y],
                "c_prev": c_list,
                "z_prev": z_list,
                "a_prev": a,
                "rnnlm_prev": None,
            hyp = {
                "score": 0.0,
                "yseq": [y],
                "c_prev": c_list,
                "z_prev": z_list,
                "a_prev": a,
        if lpz[0] is not None:
            ctc_prefix_score = [
                CTCPrefixScore(lpz[idx].detach().numpy(), 0, self.eos, np)
                for idx in range(self.num_encs)
            hyp["ctc_state_prev"] = [
                ctc_prefix_score[idx].initial_state() for idx in range(self.num_encs)
            hyp["ctc_score_prev"] = [0.0] * self.num_encs
            if ctc_weight != 1.0:
                # pre-pruning based on attention scores
                ctc_beam = min(lpz[0].shape[-1], int(beam * CTC_SCORING_RATIO))
                ctc_beam = lpz[0].shape[-1]
        hyps = [hyp]
        ended_hyps = []

        for i in six.moves.range(maxlen):
            logging.debug("position " + str(i))

            hyps_best_kept = []
            for hyp in hyps:
                vy[0] = hyp["yseq"][i]
                ey = self.dropout_emb(self.embed(vy))  # utt list (1) x zdim
                if self.num_encs == 1:
                    att_c, att_w = self.att[att_idx](
                    for idx in range(self.num_encs):
                        att_c_list[idx], att_w_list[idx] = self.att[idx](
                    h_han = torch.stack(att_c_list, dim=1)
                    att_c, att_w_list[self.num_encs] = self.att[self.num_encs](
                ey = torch.cat((ey, att_c), dim=1)  # utt(1) x (zdim + hdim)
                z_list, c_list = self.rnn_forward(
                    ey, z_list, c_list, hyp["z_prev"], hyp["c_prev"]

                # get nbest local scores and their ids
                if self.context_residual:
                    logits = self.output(
                        torch.cat((self.dropout_dec[-1](z_list[-1]), att_c), dim=-1)
                    logits = self.output(self.dropout_dec[-1](z_list[-1]))
                local_att_scores = F.log_softmax(logits, dim=1)
                if rnnlm:
                    rnnlm_state, local_lm_scores = rnnlm.predict(hyp["rnnlm_prev"], vy)
                    local_scores = (
                        local_att_scores + recog_args.lm_weight * local_lm_scores
                    local_scores = local_att_scores

                if lpz[0] is not None:
                    local_best_scores, local_best_ids = torch.topk(
                        local_att_scores, ctc_beam, dim=1
                    ctc_scores, ctc_states = (
                        [None] * self.num_encs,
                        [None] * self.num_encs,
                    for idx in range(self.num_encs):
                        ctc_scores[idx], ctc_states[idx] = ctc_prefix_score[idx](
                            hyp["yseq"], local_best_ids[0], hyp["ctc_state_prev"][idx]
                    local_scores = (1.0 - ctc_weight) * local_att_scores[
                        :, local_best_ids[0]
                    if self.num_encs == 1:
                        local_scores += ctc_weight * torch.from_numpy(
                            ctc_scores[0] - hyp["ctc_score_prev"][0]
                        for idx in range(self.num_encs):
                            local_scores += (
                                * weights_ctc_dec[idx]
                                * torch.from_numpy(
                                    ctc_scores[idx] - hyp["ctc_score_prev"][idx]
                    if rnnlm:
                        local_scores += (
                            recog_args.lm_weight * local_lm_scores[:, local_best_ids[0]]
                    local_best_scores, joint_best_ids = torch.topk(
                        local_scores, beam, dim=1
                    local_best_ids = local_best_ids[:, joint_best_ids[0]]
                    local_best_scores, local_best_ids = torch.topk(
                        local_scores, beam, dim=1

                for j in six.moves.range(beam):
                    new_hyp = {}
                    # [:] is needed!
                    new_hyp["z_prev"] = z_list[:]
                    new_hyp["c_prev"] = c_list[:]
                    if self.num_encs == 1:
                        new_hyp["a_prev"] = att_w[:]
                        new_hyp["a_prev"] = [
                            att_w_list[idx][:] for idx in range(self.num_encs + 1)
                    new_hyp["score"] = hyp["score"] + local_best_scores[0, j]
                    new_hyp["yseq"] = [0] * (1 + len(hyp["yseq"]))
                    new_hyp["yseq"][: len(hyp["yseq"])] = hyp["yseq"]
                    new_hyp["yseq"][len(hyp["yseq"])] = int(local_best_ids[0, j])
                    if rnnlm:
                        new_hyp["rnnlm_prev"] = rnnlm_state
                    if lpz[0] is not None:
                        new_hyp["ctc_state_prev"] = [
                            ctc_states[idx][joint_best_ids[0, j]]
                            for idx in range(self.num_encs)
                        new_hyp["ctc_score_prev"] = [
                            ctc_scores[idx][joint_best_ids[0, j]]
                            for idx in range(self.num_encs)
                    # will be (2 x beam) hyps at most

                hyps_best_kept = sorted(
                    hyps_best_kept, key=lambda x: x["score"], reverse=True

            # sort and get nbest
            hyps = hyps_best_kept
            logging.debug("number of pruned hypotheses: " + str(len(hyps)))
                "best hypo: "
                + "".join([char_list[int(x)] for x in hyps[0]["yseq"][1:]])

            # add eos in the final loop to avoid that there are no ended hyps
            if i == maxlen - 1:
                logging.info("adding <eos> in the last position in the loop")
                for hyp in hyps:

            # add ended hypotheses to a final list,
            # and removed them from current hypotheses
            # (this will be a problem, number of hyps < beam)
            remained_hyps = []
            for hyp in hyps:
                if hyp["yseq"][-1] == self.eos:
                    # only store the sequence that has more than minlen outputs
                    # also add penalty
                    if len(hyp["yseq"]) > minlen:
                        hyp["score"] += (i + 1) * penalty
                        if rnnlm:  # Word LM needs to add final <eos> score
                            hyp["score"] += recog_args.lm_weight * rnnlm.final(

            # end detection
            if end_detect(ended_hyps, i) and recog_args.maxlenratio == 0.0:
                logging.info("end detected at %d", i)

            hyps = remained_hyps
            if len(hyps) > 0:
                logging.debug("remaining hypotheses: " + str(len(hyps)))
                logging.info("no hypothesis. Finish decoding.")

            for hyp in hyps:
                    "hypo: " + "".join([char_list[int(x)] for x in hyp["yseq"][1:]])

            logging.debug("number of ended hypotheses: " + str(len(ended_hyps)))

        nbest_hyps = sorted(ended_hyps, key=lambda x: x["score"], reverse=True)[
            : min(len(ended_hyps), recog_args.nbest)

        # check number of hypotheses
        if len(nbest_hyps) == 0:
                "there is no N-best results, "
                "perform recognition again with smaller minlenratio."
            # should copy because Namespace will be overwritten globally
            recog_args = Namespace(**vars(recog_args))
            recog_args.minlenratio = max(0.0, recog_args.minlenratio - 0.1)
            if self.num_encs == 1:
                return self.recognize_beam(h[0], lpz[0], recog_args, char_list, rnnlm)
                return self.recognize_beam(h, lpz, recog_args, char_list, rnnlm)

        logging.info("total log probability: " + str(nbest_hyps[0]["score"]))
            "normalized log probability: "
            + str(nbest_hyps[0]["score"] / len(nbest_hyps[0]["yseq"]))

        # remove sos
        return nbest_hyps
コード例 #6
ファイル: decoders.py プロジェクト: zhuanaa/espnet
    def recognize_beam_batch(self,
        logging.info('input lengths: ' + str(h.size(1)))
        att_idx = min(strm_idx, len(self.att) - 1)
        h = mask_by_length(h, hlens, 0.0)

        # search params
        batch = len(hlens)
        beam = recog_args.beam_size
        penalty = recog_args.penalty
        ctc_weight = recog_args.ctc_weight
        att_weight = 1.0 - ctc_weight
        ctc_margin = recog_args.ctc_window_margin

        n_bb = batch * beam
        pad_b = to_device(self, torch.arange(batch) * beam).view(-1, 1)

        max_hlen = int(max(hlens))
        if recog_args.maxlenratio == 0:
            maxlen = max_hlen
            maxlen = max(1, int(recog_args.maxlenratio * max_hlen))
        minlen = int(recog_args.minlenratio * max_hlen)
        logging.info('max output length: ' + str(maxlen))
        logging.info('min output length: ' + str(minlen))

        # initialization
        c_prev = [
            to_device(self, torch.zeros(n_bb, self.dunits))
            for _ in range(self.dlayers)
        z_prev = [
            to_device(self, torch.zeros(n_bb, self.dunits))
            for _ in range(self.dlayers)
        c_list = [
            to_device(self, torch.zeros(n_bb, self.dunits))
            for _ in range(self.dlayers)
        z_list = [
            to_device(self, torch.zeros(n_bb, self.dunits))
            for _ in range(self.dlayers)
        vscores = to_device(self, torch.zeros(batch, beam))

        a_prev = None
        rnnlm_state = None
        ctc_scorer = None
        ctc_state = None

        self.att[att_idx].reset()  # reset pre-computation of h

        if self.replace_sos and recog_args.tgt_lang:
            logging.info('<sos> index: ' +
            logging.info('<sos> mark: ' + recog_args.tgt_lang)
            yseq = [[char_list.index(recog_args.tgt_lang)]
                    for _ in six.moves.range(n_bb)]
        elif tgt_lang_ids is not None:
            # NOTE: used for evaluation during training
            yseq = [[tgt_lang_ids[b // recog_args.beam_size]]
                    for b in six.moves.range(n_bb)]
            logging.info('<sos> index: ' + str(self.sos))
            logging.info('<sos> mark: ' + char_list[self.sos])
            yseq = [[self.sos] for _ in six.moves.range(n_bb)]

        accum_odim_ids = [self.sos for _ in six.moves.range(n_bb)]
        stop_search = [False for _ in six.moves.range(batch)]
        nbest_hyps = [[] for _ in six.moves.range(batch)]
        ended_hyps = [[] for _ in range(batch)]

        exp_hlens = hlens.repeat(beam).view(beam,
        exp_hlens = exp_hlens.view(-1).tolist()
        exp_h = h.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, beam, 1, 1).contiguous()
        exp_h = exp_h.view(n_bb, h.size()[1], h.size()[2])

        if lpz is not None:
            scoring_ratio = CTC_SCORING_RATIO if att_weight > 0.0 and not lpz.is_cuda else 0
            ctc_scorer = CTCPrefixScoreTH(lpz,

        for i in six.moves.range(maxlen):
            logging.debug('position ' + str(i))

            vy = to_device(self, torch.LongTensor(self._get_last_yseq(yseq)))
            ey = self.dropout_emb(self.embed(vy))
            att_c, att_w = self.att[att_idx](exp_h, exp_hlens,
            ey = torch.cat((ey, att_c), dim=1)

            # attention decoder
            z_list, c_list = self.rnn_forward(ey, z_list, c_list, z_prev,
            if self.context_residual:
                logits = self.output(
                    torch.cat((self.dropout_dec[-1](z_list[-1]), att_c),
                logits = self.output(self.dropout_dec[-1](z_list[-1]))
            local_scores = att_weight * F.log_softmax(logits, dim=1)

            # rnnlm
            if rnnlm:
                rnnlm_state, local_lm_scores = rnnlm.buff_predict(
                    rnnlm_state, vy, n_bb)
                local_scores = local_scores + recog_args.lm_weight * local_lm_scores

            # ctc
            if ctc_scorer:
                att_w_ = att_w if isinstance(att_w, torch.Tensor) else att_w[0]
                ctc_state, local_ctc_scores = ctc_scorer(
                    yseq, ctc_state, local_scores, att_w_)
                local_scores = local_scores + ctc_weight * local_ctc_scores

            local_scores = local_scores.view(batch, beam, self.odim)
            if i == 0:
                local_scores[:, 1:, :] = self.logzero

            # accumulate scores
            eos_vscores = local_scores[:, :, self.eos] + vscores
            vscores = vscores.view(batch, beam, 1).repeat(1, 1, self.odim)
            vscores[:, :, self.eos] = self.logzero
            vscores = (vscores + local_scores).view(batch, -1)

            # global pruning
            accum_best_scores, accum_best_ids = torch.topk(vscores, beam, 1)
            accum_odim_ids = torch.fmod(
                accum_best_ids, self.odim).view(-1).data.cpu().tolist()
            accum_padded_beam_ids = (torch.div(accum_best_ids, self.odim) +

            y_prev = yseq[:][:]
            yseq = self._index_select_list(yseq, accum_padded_beam_ids)
            yseq = self._append_ids(yseq, accum_odim_ids)
            vscores = accum_best_scores
            vidx = to_device(self, torch.LongTensor(accum_padded_beam_ids))

            if isinstance(att_w, torch.Tensor):
                a_prev = torch.index_select(att_w.view(n_bb, *att_w.shape[1:]),
                                            0, vidx)
            elif isinstance(att_w, list):
                # handle the case of multi-head attention
                a_prev = [
                    torch.index_select(att_w_one.view(n_bb, -1), 0, vidx)
                    for att_w_one in att_w
                # handle the case of location_recurrent when return is a tuple
                a_prev_ = torch.index_select(att_w[0].view(n_bb, -1), 0, vidx)
                h_prev_ = torch.index_select(att_w[1][0].view(n_bb, -1), 0,
                c_prev_ = torch.index_select(att_w[1][1].view(n_bb, -1), 0,
                a_prev = (a_prev_, (h_prev_, c_prev_))
            z_prev = [
                torch.index_select(z_list[li].view(n_bb, -1), 0, vidx)
                for li in range(self.dlayers)
            c_prev = [
                torch.index_select(c_list[li].view(n_bb, -1), 0, vidx)
                for li in range(self.dlayers)

            if rnnlm:
                rnnlm_state = self._index_select_lm_state(rnnlm_state, 0, vidx)
            if ctc_scorer:
                ctc_state = ctc_scorer.index_select_state(
                    ctc_state, accum_best_ids)

            # pick ended hyps
            if i > minlen:
                k = 0
                penalty_i = (i + 1) * penalty
                thr = accum_best_scores[:, -1]
                for samp_i in six.moves.range(batch):
                    if stop_search[samp_i]:
                        k = k + beam
                    for beam_j in six.moves.range(beam):
                        if eos_vscores[samp_i, beam_j] > thr[samp_i]:
                            yk = y_prev[k][:]
                            if len(yk) < hlens[samp_i]:
                                _vscore = eos_vscores[samp_i][
                                    beam_j] + penalty_i
                                _score = _vscore.data.cpu().numpy()
                                    'yseq': yk,
                                    'vscore': _vscore,
                                    'score': _score
                        k = k + 1

            # end detection
            stop_search = [
                stop_search[samp_i] or end_detect(ended_hyps[samp_i], i)
                for samp_i in six.moves.range(batch)
            stop_search_summary = list(set(stop_search))
            if len(stop_search_summary) == 1 and stop_search_summary[0]:


        dummy_hyps = [{
            'yseq': [self.sos, self.eos],
            'score': np.array([-float('inf')])
        ended_hyps = [
            ended_hyps[samp_i] if len(ended_hyps[samp_i]) != 0 else dummy_hyps
            for samp_i in six.moves.range(batch)
        if normalize_score:
            for samp_i in six.moves.range(batch):
                for x in ended_hyps[samp_i]:
                    x['score'] /= len(x['yseq'])

        nbest_hyps = [
                ended_hyps[samp_i], key=lambda x: x['score'],
                reverse=True)[:min(len(ended_hyps[samp_i]), recog_args.nbest)]
            for samp_i in six.moves.range(batch)

        return nbest_hyps
コード例 #7
    def recognize_beam_batch(self, h, hlens, lpz, recog_args, char_list, rnnlm=None,
                             normalize_score=True, strm_idx=0):
        logging.info('input lengths: ' + str(h.size(1)))
        att_idx = min(strm_idx, len(self.att) - 1)
        h = mask_by_length(h, hlens, 0.0)

        # search params
        batch = len(hlens)
        beam = recog_args.beam_size
        penalty = recog_args.penalty
        ctc_weight = recog_args.ctc_weight
        att_weight = 1.0 - ctc_weight

        n_bb = batch * beam
        n_bo = beam * self.odim
        n_bbo = n_bb * self.odim
        pad_b = to_device(self, torch.LongTensor([i * beam for i in six.moves.range(batch)]).view(-1, 1))
        pad_bo = to_device(self, torch.LongTensor([i * n_bo for i in six.moves.range(batch)]).view(-1, 1))
        pad_o = to_device(self, torch.LongTensor([i * self.odim for i in six.moves.range(n_bb)]).view(-1, 1))

        max_hlen = int(max(hlens))
        if recog_args.maxlenratio == 0:
            maxlen = max_hlen
            maxlen = max(1, int(recog_args.maxlenratio * max_hlen))
        minlen = int(recog_args.minlenratio * max_hlen)
        logging.info('max output length: ' + str(maxlen))
        logging.info('min output length: ' + str(minlen))

        # initialization
        c_prev = [to_device(self, torch.zeros(n_bb, self.dunits)) for _ in range(self.dlayers)]
        z_prev = [to_device(self, torch.zeros(n_bb, self.dunits)) for _ in range(self.dlayers)]
        c_list = [to_device(self, torch.zeros(n_bb, self.dunits)) for _ in range(self.dlayers)]
        z_list = [to_device(self, torch.zeros(n_bb, self.dunits)) for _ in range(self.dlayers)]
        vscores = to_device(self, torch.zeros(batch, beam))

        a_prev = None
        rnnlm_prev = None

        self.att[att_idx].reset()  # reset pre-computation of h

        yseq = [[self.sos] for _ in six.moves.range(n_bb)]
        accum_odim_ids = [self.sos for _ in six.moves.range(n_bb)]
        stop_search = [False for _ in six.moves.range(batch)]
        nbest_hyps = [[] for _ in six.moves.range(batch)]
        ended_hyps = [[] for _ in range(batch)]

        exp_hlens = hlens.repeat(beam).view(beam, batch).transpose(0, 1).contiguous()
        exp_hlens = exp_hlens.view(-1).tolist()
        exp_h = h.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, beam, 1, 1).contiguous()
        exp_h = exp_h.view(n_bb, h.size()[1], h.size()[2])

        if lpz is not None:
            device_id = torch.cuda.device_of(next(self.parameters()).data).idx
            ctc_prefix_score = CTCPrefixScoreTH(lpz, 0, self.eos, beam, exp_hlens, device_id)
            ctc_states_prev = ctc_prefix_score.initial_state()
            ctc_scores_prev = to_device(self, torch.zeros(batch, n_bo))

        for i in six.moves.range(maxlen):
            logging.debug('position ' + str(i))

            vy = to_device(self, torch.LongTensor(get_last_yseq(yseq)))
            ey = self.dropout_emb(self.embed(vy))
            att_c, att_w = self.att[att_idx](exp_h, exp_hlens, self.dropout_dec[0](z_prev[0]), a_prev)
            ey = torch.cat((ey, att_c), dim=1)

            # attention decoder
            z_list, c_list = self.rnn_forward(ey, z_list, c_list, z_prev, c_prev)
            local_scores = att_weight * F.log_softmax(self.output(self.dropout_dec[-1](z_list[-1])), dim=1)

            # rnnlm
            if rnnlm:
                rnnlm_state, local_lm_scores = rnnlm.buff_predict(rnnlm_prev, vy, n_bb)
                local_scores = local_scores + recog_args.lm_weight * local_lm_scores
            local_scores = local_scores.view(batch, n_bo)

            # ctc
            if lpz is not None:
                ctc_scores, ctc_states = ctc_prefix_score(yseq, ctc_states_prev, accum_odim_ids)
                ctc_scores = ctc_scores.view(batch, n_bo)
                local_scores = local_scores + ctc_weight * (ctc_scores - ctc_scores_prev)
            local_scores = local_scores.view(batch, beam, self.odim)

            if i == 0:
                local_scores[:, 1:, :] = self.logzero
            local_best_scores, local_best_odims = torch.topk(local_scores.view(batch, beam, self.odim),
                                                             beam, 2)
            # local pruning (via xp)
            local_scores = np.full((n_bbo,), self.logzero)
            _best_odims = local_best_odims.view(n_bb, beam) + pad_o
            _best_odims = _best_odims.view(-1).cpu().numpy()
            _best_score = local_best_scores.view(-1).cpu().detach().numpy()
            local_scores[_best_odims] = _best_score
            local_scores = to_device(self, torch.from_numpy(local_scores).float()).view(batch, beam, self.odim)

            # (or indexing)
            # local_scores = to_cuda(self, torch.full((batch, beam, self.odim), self.logzero))
            # _best_odims = local_best_odims
            # _best_score = local_best_scores
            # for si in six.moves.range(batch):
            # for bj in six.moves.range(beam):
            # for bk in six.moves.range(beam):
            # local_scores[si, bj, _best_odims[si, bj, bk]] = _best_score[si, bj, bk]

            eos_vscores = local_scores[:, :, self.eos] + vscores
            vscores = vscores.view(batch, beam, 1).repeat(1, 1, self.odim)
            vscores[:, :, self.eos] = self.logzero
            vscores = (vscores + local_scores).view(batch, n_bo)

            # global pruning
            accum_best_scores, accum_best_ids = torch.topk(vscores, beam, 1)
            accum_odim_ids = torch.fmod(accum_best_ids, self.odim).view(-1).data.cpu().tolist()
            accum_padded_odim_ids = (torch.fmod(accum_best_ids, n_bo) + pad_bo).view(-1).data.cpu().tolist()
            accum_padded_beam_ids = (torch.div(accum_best_ids, self.odim) + pad_b).view(-1).data.cpu().tolist()

            y_prev = yseq[:][:]
            yseq = index_select_list(yseq, accum_padded_beam_ids)
            yseq = append_ids(yseq, accum_odim_ids)
            vscores = accum_best_scores
            vidx = to_device(self, torch.LongTensor(accum_padded_beam_ids))

            if not isinstance(a_prev, list):
                a_prev = torch.index_select(att_w.view(n_bb, -1), 0, vidx)
                # adapt for multi-head attention
                a_prev = [torch.index_select(att_w_one.view(n_bb, -1), 0, vidx) for att_w_one in att_w]
            z_prev = [torch.index_select(z_list[li].view(n_bb, -1), 0, vidx) for li in range(self.dlayers)]
            c_prev = [torch.index_select(c_list[li].view(n_bb, -1), 0, vidx) for li in range(self.dlayers)]

            if rnnlm:
                rnnlm_prev = index_select_lm_state(rnnlm_state, 0, vidx)
            if lpz is not None:
                ctc_vidx = to_device(self, torch.LongTensor(accum_padded_odim_ids))
                ctc_scores_prev = torch.index_select(ctc_scores.view(-1), 0, ctc_vidx)
                ctc_scores_prev = ctc_scores_prev.view(-1, 1).repeat(1, self.odim).view(batch, n_bo)

                ctc_states = torch.transpose(ctc_states, 1, 3).contiguous()
                ctc_states = ctc_states.view(n_bbo, 2, -1)
                ctc_states_prev = torch.index_select(ctc_states, 0, ctc_vidx).view(n_bb, 2, -1)
                ctc_states_prev = torch.transpose(ctc_states_prev, 1, 2)

            # pick ended hyps
            if i > minlen:
                k = 0
                penalty_i = (i + 1) * penalty
                thr = accum_best_scores[:, -1]
                for samp_i in six.moves.range(batch):
                    if stop_search[samp_i]:
                        k = k + beam
                    for beam_j in six.moves.range(beam):
                        if eos_vscores[samp_i, beam_j] > thr[samp_i]:
                            yk = y_prev[k][:]
                            if len(yk) < hlens[samp_i]:
                                _vscore = eos_vscores[samp_i][beam_j] + penalty_i
                                if normalize_score:
                                    _vscore = _vscore / len(yk)
                                _score = _vscore.data.cpu().numpy()
                                ended_hyps[samp_i].append({'yseq': yk, 'vscore': _vscore, 'score': _score})
                        k = k + 1

            # end detection
            stop_search = [stop_search[samp_i] or end_detect(ended_hyps[samp_i], i)
                           for samp_i in six.moves.range(batch)]
            stop_search_summary = list(set(stop_search))
            if len(stop_search_summary) == 1 and stop_search_summary[0]:


        dummy_hyps = [{'yseq': [self.sos, self.eos], 'score': np.array([-float('inf')])}]
        ended_hyps = [ended_hyps[samp_i] if len(ended_hyps[samp_i]) != 0 else dummy_hyps
                      for samp_i in six.moves.range(batch)]
        nbest_hyps = [sorted(ended_hyps[samp_i], key=lambda x: x['score'],
                             reverse=True)[:min(len(ended_hyps[samp_i]), recog_args.nbest)]
                      for samp_i in six.moves.range(batch)]

        return nbest_hyps
コード例 #8
def infer(x, encoder_rt, ctc_softmax_rt, decoder_fos_rt):

    ctc_weight  = 0.5
    beam_size   = 1
    penalty     = 0.0
    maxlenratio = 0.0
    nbest       = 1
    sos = eos   = 7442

    # enc_output = self.encode(x).unsqueeze(0)
    ort_inputs = {"x": x.numpy()}
    enc_output = encoder_rt.run(None, ort_inputs)
    enc_output = torch.tensor(enc_output)
    enc_output = enc_output.squeeze(0)
    # print(f"enc_output shape: {enc_output.shape}")

    # lpz = self.ctc.log_softmax(enc_output)
    # lpz = lpz.squeeze(0)
    ort_inputs = {"enc_output": enc_output.numpy()}
    lpz = ctc_softmax_rt.run(None, ort_inputs)
    lpz = torch.tensor(lpz)
    lpz = lpz.squeeze(0).squeeze(0)
    # print(f"lpz shape: {lpz.shape}")

    h = enc_output.squeeze(0)
    # print(f"h shape: {h.shape}")
    # preprare sos
    y = sos
    maxlen = h.shape[0]
    minlen = 0.0
    ctc_beam = 1

    # initialize hypothesis
    hyp = {'score': 0.0, 'yseq': [y]}
    ctc_prefix_score = CTCPrefixScore(lpz.detach().numpy(), 0, eos, numpy)
    hyp['ctc_state_prev'] = ctc_prefix_score.initial_state()
    hyp['ctc_score_prev'] = 0.0

    # pre-pruning based on attention scores
    hyps = [hyp]
    ended_hyps = []

    for i in six.moves.range(maxlen):
        hyps_best_kept = []
        for hyp in hyps:

            # get nbest local scores and their ids
            ys_mask = subsequent_mask(i + 1).unsqueeze(0)
            ys = torch.tensor(hyp['yseq']).unsqueeze(0)

            ort_inputs = {"ys": ys.numpy(), "ys_mask": ys_mask.numpy(), "enc_output": enc_output.numpy()}
            local_att_scores = decoder_fos_rt.run(None, ort_inputs)
            local_att_scores = torch.tensor(local_att_scores[0])

            local_scores = local_att_scores
            local_best_scores, local_best_ids = torch.topk(
                local_att_scores, ctc_beam, dim=1)
            ctc_scores, ctc_states = ctc_prefix_score(
                hyp['yseq'], local_best_ids[0], hyp['ctc_state_prev'])
            local_scores = \
                (1.0 - ctc_weight) * local_att_scores[:, local_best_ids[0]] \
                + ctc_weight * torch.from_numpy(ctc_scores - hyp['ctc_score_prev'])
            local_best_scores, joint_best_ids = torch.topk(local_scores, beam_size, dim=1)
            local_best_ids = local_best_ids[:, joint_best_ids[0]]

            for j in six.moves.range(beam_size):
                new_hyp = {}
                new_hyp['score'] = hyp['score'] + float(local_best_scores[0, j])
                new_hyp['yseq'] = [0] * (1 + len(hyp['yseq']))
                new_hyp['yseq'][:len(hyp['yseq'])] = hyp['yseq']
                new_hyp['yseq'][len(hyp['yseq'])] = int(local_best_ids[0, j])

                new_hyp['ctc_state_prev'] = ctc_states[joint_best_ids[0, j]]
                new_hyp['ctc_score_prev'] = ctc_scores[joint_best_ids[0, j]]
                # will be (2 x beam) hyps at most

            hyps_best_kept = sorted(
                hyps_best_kept, key=lambda x: x['score'], reverse=True)[:beam_size]

        # sort and get nbest
        hyps = hyps_best_kept

        # add eos in the final loop to avoid that there are no ended hyps
        if i == maxlen - 1:
            for hyp in hyps:

        # add ended hypothes to a final list, and removed them from current hypothes
        # (this will be a probmlem, number of hyps < beam)
        remained_hyps = []
        for hyp in hyps:
            if hyp['yseq'][-1] == eos:
                # only store the sequence that has more than minlen outputs
                # also add penalty
                if len(hyp['yseq']) > minlen:
                    hyp['score'] += (i + 1) * penalty

        # end detection
        if end_detect(ended_hyps, i) and maxlenratio == 0.0:

        hyps = remained_hyps
        if len(hyps) > 0:

    nbest_hyps = sorted(
        ended_hyps, key=lambda x: x['score'], reverse=True)[:min(len(ended_hyps), nbest)]

    # return nbest_hyps
    return torch.tensor(nbest_hyps[0]['yseq'])
コード例 #9
ファイル: beam_search.py プロジェクト: espnet/espnet
    def forward(self,
                x: torch.Tensor,
                maxlenratio: float = 0.0,
                minlenratio: float = 0.0) -> List[Hypothesis]:
        """Perform beam search.

            x (torch.Tensor): Encoded speech feature (T, D)
            maxlenratio (float): Input length ratio to obtain max output length.
                If maxlenratio=0.0 (default), it uses a end-detect function
                to automatically find maximum hypothesis lengths
                If maxlenratio<0.0, its absolute value is interpreted
                as a constant max output length.
            minlenratio (float): Input length ratio to obtain min output length.

            list[Hypothesis]: N-best decoding results

        # set length bounds
        if maxlenratio == 0:
            maxlen = x.shape[0]
        elif maxlenratio < 0:
            maxlen = -1 * int(maxlenratio)
            maxlen = max(1, int(maxlenratio * x.size(0)))
        minlen = int(minlenratio * x.size(0))
        logging.info("decoder input length: " + str(x.shape[0]))
        logging.info("max output length: " + str(maxlen))
        logging.info("min output length: " + str(minlen))

        # main loop of prefix search
        running_hyps = self.init_hyp(x)
        ended_hyps = []
        for i in range(maxlen):
            logging.debug("position " + str(i))
            best = self.search(running_hyps, x)
            # post process of one iteration
            running_hyps = self.post_process(i, maxlen, maxlenratio, best,
            # end detection
            if maxlenratio == 0.0 and end_detect(
                [h.asdict() for h in ended_hyps], i):
                logging.info(f"end detected at {i}")
            if len(running_hyps) == 0:
                logging.info("no hypothesis. Finish decoding.")
                logging.debug(f"remained hypotheses: {len(running_hyps)}")

        nbest_hyps = sorted(ended_hyps, key=lambda x: x.score, reverse=True)
        # check the number of hypotheses reaching to eos
        if len(nbest_hyps) == 0:
            logging.warning("there is no N-best results, perform recognition "
                            "again with smaller minlenratio.")
            return ([] if minlenratio < 0.1 else self.forward(
                x, maxlenratio, max(0.0, minlenratio - 0.1)))

        # report the best result
        best = nbest_hyps[0]
        for k, v in best.scores.items():
                f"{v:6.2f} * {self.weights[k]:3} = {v * self.weights[k]:6.2f} for {k}"
        logging.info(f"total log probability: {best.score:.2f}")
            f"normalized log probability: {best.score / len(best.yseq):.2f}")
        logging.info(f"total number of ended hypotheses: {len(nbest_hyps)}")
        if self.token_list is not None:
            logging.info("best hypo: " +
                                  for x in best.yseq[1:-1]]) + "\n")
        return nbest_hyps
コード例 #10
    def forward(self,
                x: torch.Tensor,
                maxlenratio: float = 0.0,
                minlenratio: float = 0.0) -> List[Hypothesis]:
        """Perform beam search.

            x (torch.Tensor): Encoded speech feature (T, D)
            maxlenratio (float): Input length ratio to obtain max output length.
                If maxlenratio=0.0 (default), it uses a end-detect function
                to automatically find maximum hypothesis lengths
            minlenratio (float): Input length ratio to obtain min output length.

            list[Hypothesis]: N-best decoding results

        self.conservative = True  # always true

        if self.block_size and self.hop_size and self.look_ahead:
            cur_end_frame = int(self.block_size - self.look_ahead)
            cur_end_frame = x.shape[0]
        process_idx = 0
        if cur_end_frame < x.shape[0]:
            h = x.narrow(0, 0, cur_end_frame)
            h = x

        # set length bounds
        if maxlenratio == 0:
            maxlen = x.shape[0]
            maxlen = max(1, int(maxlenratio * x.size(0)))
        minlen = int(minlenratio * x.size(0))
        logging.info("decoder input length: " + str(x.shape[0]))
        logging.info("max output length: " + str(maxlen))
        logging.info("min output length: " + str(minlen))

        # main loop of prefix search
        running_hyps = self.init_hyp(h)
        prev_hyps = []
        ended_hyps = []
        prev_repeat = False

        continue_decode = True

        while continue_decode:
            move_to_next_block = False
            if cur_end_frame < x.shape[0]:
                h = x.narrow(0, 0, cur_end_frame)
                h = x

            # extend states for ctc
            self.extend(h, running_hyps)

            while process_idx < maxlen:
                logging.debug("position " + str(process_idx))
                best = self.search(running_hyps, x)

                if process_idx == maxlen - 1:
                    # end decoding
                    running_hyps = self.post_process(process_idx, maxlen,
                                                     maxlenratio, best,
                n_batch = best.yseq.shape[0]
                local_ended_hyps = []
                is_local_eos = (best.yseq[torch.arange(n_batch),
                                          best.length - 1] == self.eos)
                for i in range(is_local_eos.shape[0]):
                    if is_local_eos[i]:
                        hyp = self._select(best, i)
                    # NOTE(tsunoo): check repetitions here
                    # This is a implicit implementation of
                    # Eq (11) in https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.14941
                    # A flag prev_repeat is used instead of using set
                    elif (not prev_repeat
                          and best.yseq[i, -1] in best.yseq[i, :-1]
                          and cur_end_frame < x.shape[0]):
                        move_to_next_block = True
                        prev_repeat = True
                if maxlenratio == 0.0 and end_detect(
                    [lh.asdict() for lh in local_ended_hyps], process_idx):
                    logging.info(f"end detected at {process_idx}")
                    continue_decode = False
                if len(local_ended_hyps) > 0 and cur_end_frame < x.shape[0]:
                    move_to_next_block = True

                if move_to_next_block:
                    if (self.hop_size and cur_end_frame + int(self.hop_size) +
                            int(self.look_ahead) < x.shape[0]):
                        cur_end_frame += int(self.hop_size)
                        cur_end_frame = x.shape[0]
                    logging.debug("Going to next block: %d", cur_end_frame)
                    if process_idx > 1 and len(
                            prev_hyps) > 0 and self.conservative:
                        running_hyps = prev_hyps
                        process_idx -= 1
                        prev_hyps = []

                prev_repeat = False
                prev_hyps = running_hyps
                running_hyps = self.post_process(process_idx, maxlen,
                                                 maxlenratio, best, ended_hyps)

                if cur_end_frame >= x.shape[0]:
                    for hyp in local_ended_hyps:

                if len(running_hyps) == 0:
                    logging.info("no hypothesis. Finish decoding.")
                    continue_decode = False
                    logging.debug(f"remained hypotheses: {len(running_hyps)}")
                # increment number
                process_idx += 1

        nbest_hyps = sorted(ended_hyps, key=lambda x: x.score, reverse=True)
        # check the number of hypotheses reaching to eos
        if len(nbest_hyps) == 0:
            logging.warning("there is no N-best results, perform recognition "
                            "again with smaller minlenratio.")
            return ([] if minlenratio < 0.1 else self.forward(
                x, maxlenratio, max(0.0, minlenratio - 0.1)))

        # report the best result
        best = nbest_hyps[0]
        for k, v in best.scores.items():
                f"{v:6.2f} * {self.weights[k]:3} = {v * self.weights[k]:6.2f} for {k}"
        logging.info(f"total log probability: {best.score:.2f}")
            f"normalized log probability: {best.score / len(best.yseq):.2f}")
        logging.info(f"total number of ended hypotheses: {len(nbest_hyps)}")
        if self.token_list is not None:
            logging.info("best hypo: " +
                                  for x in best.yseq[1:-1]]) + "\n")
        return nbest_hyps
コード例 #11
    def translate(self,
        """Translate source text.

        :param list x: input source text feature (T,)
        :param Namespace trans_args: argment Namespace contraining options
        :param list char_list: list of characters
        :param torch.nn.Module rnnlm: language model module
        :return: N-best decoding results
        :rtype: list
        )  # NOTE: this is important because self.encode() is not used
        assert isinstance(x, list)

        # make a utt list (1) to use the same interface for encoder
        if self.multilingual:
            x = to_device(
                    np.fromiter(map(int, x[0][1:]), dtype=np.int64)))
            x = to_device(
                torch.from_numpy(np.fromiter(map(int, x[0]), dtype=np.int64)))

        xs_pad = x.unsqueeze(0)
        tgt_lang = None
        if trans_args.tgt_lang:
            tgt_lang = char_list.index(trans_args.tgt_lang)
        xs_pad, _ = self.target_forcing(xs_pad, tgt_lang=tgt_lang)
        enc_output, _ = self.encoder(xs_pad, None)
        h = enc_output.squeeze(0)

        logging.info('input lengths: ' + str(h.size(0)))
        # search parms
        beam = trans_args.beam_size
        penalty = trans_args.penalty

        # preprare sos
        y = self.sos
        vy = h.new_zeros(1).long()

        if trans_args.maxlenratio == 0:
            maxlen = h.shape[0]
            # maxlen >= 1
            maxlen = max(1, int(trans_args.maxlenratio * h.size(0)))
        minlen = int(trans_args.minlenratio * h.size(0))
        logging.info('max output length: ' + str(maxlen))
        logging.info('min output length: ' + str(minlen))

        # initialize hypothesis
        if rnnlm:
            hyp = {'score': 0.0, 'yseq': [y], 'rnnlm_prev': None}
            hyp = {'score': 0.0, 'yseq': [y]}
        hyps = [hyp]
        ended_hyps = []

        import six
        traced_decoder = None
        for i in six.moves.range(maxlen):
            logging.debug('position ' + str(i))

            hyps_best_kept = []
            for hyp in hyps:
                vy[0] = hyp['yseq'][i]

                # get nbest local scores and their ids
                ys_mask = subsequent_mask(i + 1).unsqueeze(0)
                ys = torch.tensor(hyp['yseq']).unsqueeze(0)
                # FIXME: jit does not match non-jit result
                if use_jit:
                    if traced_decoder is None:
                        traced_decoder = torch.jit.trace(
                            (ys, ys_mask, enc_output))
                    local_att_scores = traced_decoder(ys, ys_mask,
                    local_att_scores = self.decoder.forward_one_step(
                        ys, ys_mask, enc_output)[0]

                if rnnlm:
                    rnnlm_state, local_lm_scores = rnnlm.predict(
                        hyp['rnnlm_prev'], vy)
                    local_scores = local_att_scores + trans_args.lm_weight * local_lm_scores
                    local_scores = local_att_scores

                local_best_scores, local_best_ids = torch.topk(local_scores,

                for j in six.moves.range(beam):
                    new_hyp = {}
                    new_hyp['score'] = hyp['score'] + float(
                        local_best_scores[0, j])
                    new_hyp['yseq'] = [0] * (1 + len(hyp['yseq']))
                    new_hyp['yseq'][:len(hyp['yseq'])] = hyp['yseq']
                    new_hyp['yseq'][len(hyp['yseq'])] = int(local_best_ids[0,
                    if rnnlm:
                        new_hyp['rnnlm_prev'] = rnnlm_state
                    # will be (2 x beam) hyps at most

                hyps_best_kept = sorted(hyps_best_kept,
                                        key=lambda x: x['score'],

            # sort and get nbest
            hyps = hyps_best_kept
            logging.debug('number of pruned hypothes: ' + str(len(hyps)))
            if char_list is not None:
                    'best hypo: ' +
                    ''.join([char_list[int(x)] for x in hyps[0]['yseq'][1:]]))

            # add eos in the final loop to avoid that there are no ended hyps
            if i == maxlen - 1:
                logging.info('adding <eos> in the last postion in the loop')
                for hyp in hyps:

            # add ended hypothes to a final list, and removed them from current hypothes
            # (this will be a probmlem, number of hyps < beam)
            remained_hyps = []
            for hyp in hyps:
                if hyp['yseq'][-1] == self.eos:
                    # only store the sequence that has more than minlen outputs
                    # also add penalty
                    if len(hyp['yseq']) > minlen:
                        hyp['score'] += (i + 1) * penalty
                        if rnnlm:  # Word LM needs to add final <eos> score
                            hyp['score'] += trans_args.lm_weight * rnnlm.final(

            # end detection
            from espnet.nets.e2e_asr_common import end_detect
            if end_detect(ended_hyps, i) and trans_args.maxlenratio == 0.0:
                logging.info('end detected at %d', i)

            hyps = remained_hyps
            if len(hyps) > 0:
                logging.debug('remeined hypothes: ' + str(len(hyps)))
                logging.info('no hypothesis. Finish decoding.')

            if char_list is not None:
                for hyp in hyps:
                        'hypo: ' +
                        ''.join([char_list[int(x)] for x in hyp['yseq'][1:]]))

            logging.debug('number of ended hypothes: ' + str(len(ended_hyps)))

        nbest_hyps = sorted(
            ended_hyps, key=lambda x: x['score'],
            reverse=True)[:min(len(ended_hyps), trans_args.nbest)]

        # check number of hypotheis
        if len(nbest_hyps) == 0:
                'there is no N-best results, perform recognition again with smaller minlenratio.'
            # should copy becasuse Namespace will be overwritten globally
            trans_args = Namespace(**vars(trans_args))
            trans_args.minlenratio = max(0.0, trans_args.minlenratio - 0.1)
            return self.translate(x, trans_args, char_list, rnnlm)

        logging.info('total log probability: ' + str(nbest_hyps[0]['score']))
        logging.info('normalized log probability: ' +
                     str(nbest_hyps[0]['score'] / len(nbest_hyps[0]['yseq'])))
        return nbest_hyps
コード例 #12
    def forward(self, x):
        """Recognize input speech.

        :param ndnarray x: input acoustic feature (B, T, D) or (T, D)
        :param Namespace recog_args: argment Namespace contraining options
        :param list char_list: list of characters
        :param torch.nn.Module rnnlm: language model module
        :return: N-best decoding results
        :rtype: list

        ctc_weight = 0.5
        beam_size = 1
        penalty = 0.0
        maxlenratio = 0.0
        nbest = 1
        sos = eos = 7442

        import onnxruntime

        # enc_output = self.encode(x).unsqueeze(0)
        encoder_rt = onnxruntime.InferenceSession("encoder.onnx")
        ort_inputs = {"x": x.numpy()}
        enc_output = encoder_rt.run(None, ort_inputs)
        enc_output = torch.tensor(enc_output)
        enc_output = enc_output.squeeze(0)
        # print(f"enc_output shape: {enc_output.shape}")

        # lpz = self.ctc.log_softmax(enc_output)
        # lpz = lpz.squeeze(0)
        ctc_softmax_rt = onnxruntime.InferenceSession("ctc_softmax.onnx")
        ort_inputs = {"enc_output": enc_output.numpy()}
        lpz = ctc_softmax_rt.run(None, ort_inputs)
        lpz = torch.tensor(lpz)
        lpz = lpz.squeeze(0).squeeze(0)
        # print(f"lpz shape: {lpz.shape}")

        h = enc_output.squeeze(0)
        # print(f"h shape: {h.shape}")

        # preprare sos
        y = sos

        maxlen = h.shape[0]

        minlen = 0.0

        # initialize hypothesis
        hyp = {'score': 0.0, 'yseq': [y]}

        ctc_prefix_score = CTCPrefixScore(lpz.detach().numpy(), 0, eos, numpy)
        hyp['ctc_state_prev'] = ctc_prefix_score.initial_state()
        hyp['ctc_score_prev'] = 0.0

        # pre-pruning based on attention scores
        # ctc_beam = min(lpz.shape[-1], int(beam * CTC_SCORING_RATIO))
        ctc_beam = 1

        hyps = [hyp]
        ended_hyps = []

        decoder_fos_rt = onnxruntime.InferenceSession("decoder_fos.onnx")

        for i in six.moves.range(maxlen):
            logging.debug('position ' + str(i))

            hyps_best_kept = []
            for hyp in hyps:

                # get nbest local scores and their ids
                ys_mask = subsequent_mask(i + 1).unsqueeze(0)
                ys = torch.tensor(hyp['yseq']).unsqueeze(0)

                ort_inputs = {
                    "ys": ys.numpy(),
                    "ys_mask": ys_mask.numpy(),
                    "enc_output": enc_output.numpy()
                local_att_scores = decoder_fos_rt.run(None, ort_inputs)
                local_att_scores = torch.tensor(local_att_scores[0])
                # local_att_scores = self.decoder.forward_one_step(ys, ys_mask, enc_output)[0]

                local_scores = local_att_scores
                # print(local_scores.shape) 1, 7443
                local_best_scores, local_best_ids = torch.topk(
                    local_att_scores, ctc_beam, dim=1)
                # print(local_best_scores.shape) 1, 1
                ctc_scores, ctc_states = ctc_prefix_score(
                    hyp['yseq'], local_best_ids[0], hyp['ctc_state_prev'])
                local_scores = \
                    (1.0 - ctc_weight) * local_att_scores[:, local_best_ids[0]] \
                    + ctc_weight * torch.from_numpy(ctc_scores - hyp['ctc_score_prev'])
                local_best_scores, joint_best_ids = torch.topk(local_scores,
                local_best_ids = local_best_ids[:, joint_best_ids[0]]

                for j in six.moves.range(beam_size):
                    new_hyp = {}
                    new_hyp['score'] = hyp['score'] + float(
                        local_best_scores[0, j])
                    new_hyp['yseq'] = [0] * (1 + len(hyp['yseq']))
                    new_hyp['yseq'][:len(hyp['yseq'])] = hyp['yseq']
                    new_hyp['yseq'][len(hyp['yseq'])] = int(local_best_ids[0,

                    new_hyp['ctc_state_prev'] = ctc_states[joint_best_ids[0,
                    new_hyp['ctc_score_prev'] = ctc_scores[joint_best_ids[0,
                    # will be (2 x beam) hyps at most

                hyps_best_kept = sorted(hyps_best_kept,
                                        key=lambda x: x['score'],

            # sort and get nbest
            hyps = hyps_best_kept

            # add eos in the final loop to avoid that there are no ended hyps
            if i == maxlen - 1:
                for hyp in hyps:

            # add ended hypothes to a final list, and removed them from current hypothes
            # (this will be a probmlem, number of hyps < beam)
            remained_hyps = []
            for hyp in hyps:
                if hyp['yseq'][-1] == eos:
                    # only store the sequence that has more than minlen outputs
                    # also add penalty
                    if len(hyp['yseq']) > minlen:
                        hyp['score'] += (i + 1) * penalty

            # end detection
            if end_detect(ended_hyps, i) and maxlenratio == 0.0:

            hyps = remained_hyps
            if len(hyps) > 0:

        nbest_hyps = sorted(ended_hyps, key=lambda x: x['score'],
                            reverse=True)[:min(len(ended_hyps), nbest)]

        # return nbest_hyps
        return torch.tensor(nbest_hyps[0]['yseq'])
コード例 #13
    def recognize_beam(self, h, lpz, recog_args, char_list=None, rnnlm=None):
        """beam search implementation

        :param h:
        :param lpz:
        :param recog_args:
        :param char_list:
        :param rnnlm:
        logging.info('input lengths: ' + str(h.shape[0]))

        # initialization
        xp = self.xp
        h_mask = xp.ones((1, h.shape[0]))
        batch = 1

        # search parms
        beam = recog_args.beam_size
        penalty = recog_args.penalty
        ctc_weight = recog_args.ctc_weight

        # prepare sos
        y = self.sos
        if recog_args.maxlenratio == 0:
            maxlen = h.shape[0]
            maxlen = max(1, int(recog_args.maxlenratio * h.shape[0]))
        minlen = int(recog_args.minlenratio * h.shape[0])
        logging.info('max output length: ' + str(maxlen))
        logging.info('min output length: ' + str(minlen))

        # initialize hypothesis
        if rnnlm:
            hyp = {'score': 0.0, 'yseq': [y], 'rnnlm_prev': None}
            hyp = {'score': 0.0, 'yseq': [y]}

        if lpz is not None:
            ctc_prefix_score = CTCPrefixScore(lpz, 0, self.eos, self.xp)
            hyp['ctc_state_prev'] = ctc_prefix_score.initial_state()
            hyp['ctc_score_prev'] = 0.0
            if ctc_weight != 1.0:
                # pre-pruning based on attention scores
                from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.rnn.decoders import CTC_SCORING_RATIO
                ctc_beam = min(lpz.shape[-1], int(beam * CTC_SCORING_RATIO))
                ctc_beam = lpz.shape[-1]

        hyps = [hyp]
        ended_hyps = []

        for i in six.moves.range(maxlen):
            logging.debug('position ' + str(i))

            hyps_best_kept = []
            for hyp in hyps:
                ys = F.expand_dims(xp.array(hyp['yseq']), axis=0).data
                yy_mask = self.make_attention_mask(ys, ys)
                yy_mask *= self.make_history_mask(ys)

                xy_mask = self.make_attention_mask(ys, h_mask)
                out = self.decoder(ys, yy_mask, h,
                                   xy_mask).reshape(batch, -1, self.odim)

                # get nbest local scores and their ids
                local_att_scores = F.log_softmax(out[:, -1], axis=-1).data
                if rnnlm:
                    rnnlm_state, local_lm_scores = rnnlm.predict(
                        hyp['rnnlm_prev'], hyp['yseq'][i])
                    local_scores = local_att_scores + recog_args.lm_weight * local_lm_scores
                    local_scores = local_att_scores

                if lpz is not None:
                    local_best_ids = xp.argsort(local_scores,
                                                axis=1)[0, ::-1][:ctc_beam]
                    ctc_scores, ctc_states = ctc_prefix_score(
                        hyp['yseq'], local_best_ids, hyp['ctc_state_prev'])
                    local_scores = \
                        (1.0 - ctc_weight) * local_att_scores[:, local_best_ids] \
                        + ctc_weight * (ctc_scores - hyp['ctc_score_prev'])
                    if rnnlm:
                        local_scores += recog_args.lm_weight * local_lm_scores[:,
                    joint_best_ids = xp.argsort(local_scores,
                                                axis=1)[0, ::-1][:beam]
                    local_best_scores = local_scores[:, joint_best_ids]
                    local_best_ids = local_best_ids[joint_best_ids]
                    local_best_ids = self.xp.argsort(local_scores,
                                                     axis=1)[0, ::-1][:beam]
                    local_best_scores = local_scores[:, local_best_ids]

                for j in six.moves.range(beam):
                    new_hyp = {}
                    new_hyp['score'] = hyp['score'] + float(
                        local_best_scores[0, j])
                    new_hyp['yseq'] = [0] * (1 + len(hyp['yseq']))
                    new_hyp['yseq'][:len(hyp['yseq'])] = hyp['yseq']
                    new_hyp['yseq'][len(hyp['yseq'])] = int(local_best_ids[j])
                    if rnnlm:
                        new_hyp['rnnlm_prev'] = rnnlm_state
                    if lpz is not None:
                        new_hyp['ctc_state_prev'] = ctc_states[
                        new_hyp['ctc_score_prev'] = ctc_scores[

                hyps_best_kept = sorted(hyps_best_kept,
                                        key=lambda x: x['score'],

            # sort and get nbest
            hyps = hyps_best_kept
            logging.debug('number of pruned hypothesis: ' + str(len(hyps)))
            if char_list is not None:
                    'best hypo: ' +
                    ''.join([char_list[int(x)] for x in hyps[0]['yseq'][1:]]) +
                    ' score: ' + str(hyps[0]['score']))

            # add eos in the final loop to avoid that there are no ended hyps
            if i == maxlen - 1:
                logging.info('adding <eos> in the last postion in the loop')
                for hyp in hyps:

            # add ended hypothes to a final list, and removed them from current hypothes
            # (this will be a probmlem, number of hyps < beam)
            remained_hyps = []
            for hyp in hyps:
                if hyp['yseq'][-1] == self.eos:
                    # only store the sequence that has more than minlen outputs
                    # also add penalty
                    if len(hyp['yseq']) > minlen:
                        hyp['score'] += (i + 1) * penalty
                        if rnnlm:  # Word LM needs to add final <eos> score
                            hyp['score'] += recog_args.lm_weight * rnnlm.final(

            # end detection
            from espnet.nets.e2e_asr_common import end_detect
            if end_detect(ended_hyps, i) and recog_args.maxlenratio == 0.0:
                logging.info('end detected at %d', i)

            hyps = remained_hyps
            if len(hyps) > 0:
                logging.debug('remained hypothes: ' + str(len(hyps)))
                logging.info('no hypothesis. Finish decoding.')
            if char_list is not None:
                for hyp in hyps:
                        'hypo: ' +
                        ''.join([char_list[int(x)] for x in hyp['yseq'][1:]]))

            logging.debug('number of ended hypothes: ' + str(len(ended_hyps)))

        nbest_hyps = sorted(
            ended_hyps, key=lambda x: x['score'],
            reverse=True)  # [:min(len(ended_hyps), recog_args.nbest)]

        # check number of hypotheis
        if len(nbest_hyps) == 0:
                'there is no N-best results, perform recognition again with smaller minlenratio.'
            # should copy becasuse Namespace will be overwritten globally
            recog_args = Namespace(**vars(recog_args))
            recog_args.minlenratio = max(0.0, recog_args.minlenratio - 0.1)
            return self.recognize_beam(h, lpz, recog_args, char_list, rnnlm)

        logging.info('total log probability: ' + str(nbest_hyps[0]['score']))
        logging.info('normalized log probability: ' +
                     str(nbest_hyps[0]['score'] / len(nbest_hyps[0]['yseq'])))
        # remove sos
        return nbest_hyps
コード例 #14
ファイル: e2e_st_transformer.py プロジェクト: yistLin/espnet
    def translate(
        """Translate input speech.

        :param ndnarray x: input acoustic feature (B, T, D) or (T, D)
        :param Namespace trans_args: argment Namespace contraining options
        :param list char_list: list of characters
        :param torch.nn.Module rnnlm: language model module
        :return: N-best decoding results
        :rtype: list
        # preprate sos
        if getattr(trans_args, "tgt_lang", False):
            if self.replace_sos:
                y = char_list.index(trans_args.tgt_lang)
            y = self.sos
        logging.info("<sos> index: " + str(y))
        logging.info("<sos> mark: " + char_list[y])

        enc_output = self.encode(x).unsqueeze(0)
        h = enc_output.squeeze(0)

        logging.info("input lengths: " + str(h.size(0)))
        # search parms
        beam = trans_args.beam_size
        penalty = trans_args.penalty

        vy = h.new_zeros(1).long()

        if trans_args.maxlenratio == 0:
            maxlen = h.shape[0]
            # maxlen >= 1
            maxlen = max(1, int(trans_args.maxlenratio * h.size(0)))
        minlen = int(trans_args.minlenratio * h.size(0))
        logging.info("max output length: " + str(maxlen))
        logging.info("min output length: " + str(minlen))

        # initialize hypothesis
        if rnnlm:
            hyp = {"score": 0.0, "yseq": [y], "rnnlm_prev": None}
            hyp = {"score": 0.0, "yseq": [y]}
        hyps = [hyp]
        ended_hyps = []

        import six

        traced_decoder = None
        for i in six.moves.range(maxlen):
            logging.debug("position " + str(i))

            hyps_best_kept = []
            for hyp in hyps:
                vy[0] = hyp["yseq"][i]

                # get nbest local scores and their ids
                ys_mask = subsequent_mask(i + 1).unsqueeze(0)
                ys = torch.tensor(hyp["yseq"]).unsqueeze(0)
                # FIXME: jit does not match non-jit result
                if use_jit:
                    if traced_decoder is None:
                        traced_decoder = torch.jit.trace(
                            (ys, ys_mask, enc_output))
                    local_att_scores = traced_decoder(ys, ys_mask,
                    local_att_scores = self.decoder.forward_one_step(
                        ys, ys_mask, enc_output)[0]

                if rnnlm:
                    rnnlm_state, local_lm_scores = rnnlm.predict(
                        hyp["rnnlm_prev"], vy)
                    local_scores = (local_att_scores +
                                    trans_args.lm_weight * local_lm_scores)
                    local_scores = local_att_scores

                local_best_scores, local_best_ids = torch.topk(local_scores,

                for j in six.moves.range(beam):
                    new_hyp = {}
                    new_hyp["score"] = hyp["score"] + float(
                        local_best_scores[0, j])
                    new_hyp["yseq"] = [0] * (1 + len(hyp["yseq"]))
                    new_hyp["yseq"][:len(hyp["yseq"])] = hyp["yseq"]
                    new_hyp["yseq"][len(hyp["yseq"])] = int(local_best_ids[0,
                    if rnnlm:
                        new_hyp["rnnlm_prev"] = rnnlm_state
                    # will be (2 x beam) hyps at most

                hyps_best_kept = sorted(hyps_best_kept,
                                        key=lambda x: x["score"],

            # sort and get nbest
            hyps = hyps_best_kept
            logging.debug("number of pruned hypothes: " + str(len(hyps)))
            if char_list is not None:
                    "best hypo: " +
                    "".join([char_list[int(x)] for x in hyps[0]["yseq"][1:]]))

            # add eos in the final loop to avoid that there are no ended hyps
            if i == maxlen - 1:
                logging.info("adding <eos> in the last postion in the loop")
                for hyp in hyps:

            # add ended hypothes to a final list, and removed them from current hypothes
            # (this will be a probmlem, number of hyps < beam)
            remained_hyps = []
            for hyp in hyps:
                if hyp["yseq"][-1] == self.eos:
                    # only store the sequence that has more than minlen outputs
                    # also add penalty
                    if len(hyp["yseq"]) > minlen:
                        hyp["score"] += (i + 1) * penalty
                        if rnnlm:  # Word LM needs to add final <eos> score
                            hyp["score"] += trans_args.lm_weight * rnnlm.final(

            # end detection
            if end_detect(ended_hyps, i) and trans_args.maxlenratio == 0.0:
                logging.info("end detected at %d", i)

            hyps = remained_hyps
            if len(hyps) > 0:
                logging.debug("remeined hypothes: " + str(len(hyps)))
                logging.info("no hypothesis. Finish decoding.")

            if char_list is not None:
                for hyp in hyps:
                        "hypo: " +
                        "".join([char_list[int(x)] for x in hyp["yseq"][1:]]))

            logging.debug("number of ended hypothes: " + str(len(ended_hyps)))

        nbest_hyps = sorted(
            ended_hyps, key=lambda x: x["score"],
            reverse=True)[:min(len(ended_hyps), trans_args.nbest)]

        # check number of hypotheis
        if len(nbest_hyps) == 0:
            logging.warning("there is no N-best results, perform translation "
                            "again with smaller minlenratio.")
            # should copy becasuse Namespace will be overwritten globally
            trans_args = Namespace(**vars(trans_args))
            trans_args.minlenratio = max(0.0, trans_args.minlenratio - 0.1)
            return self.translate(x, trans_args, char_list, rnnlm)

        logging.info("total log probability: " + str(nbest_hyps[0]["score"]))
        logging.info("normalized log probability: " +
                     str(nbest_hyps[0]["score"] / len(nbest_hyps[0]["yseq"])))
        return nbest_hyps
コード例 #15
    def recognize(self, x, recog_args, char_list=None, rnnlm=None, use_jit=False):
        """Recognize input speech.

        :param ndnarray x: input acoustic feature (B, T, D) or (T, D)
        :param Namespace recog_args: argment Namespace contraining options
        :param list char_list: list of characters
        :param torch.nn.Module rnnlm: language model module
        :return: N-best decoding results
        :rtype: list
        enc_output = self.encode(x).unsqueeze(0)
        if self.mtlalpha == 1.0:
            recog_args.ctc_weight = 1.0
            logging.info("Set to pure CTC decoding mode.")

        if self.mtlalpha > 0 and recog_args.ctc_weight == 1.0:
            from itertools import groupby

            lpz = self.ctc.argmax(enc_output)
            collapsed_indices = [x[0] for x in groupby(lpz[0])]
            hyp = [x for x in filter(lambda x: x != self.blank, collapsed_indices)]
            nbest_hyps = [{"score": 0.0, "yseq": [self.sos] + hyp}]
            if recog_args.beam_size > 1:
                raise NotImplementedError("Pure CTC beam search is not implemented.")
            # TODO(hirofumi0810): Implement beam search
            return nbest_hyps
        elif self.mtlalpha > 0 and recog_args.ctc_weight > 0.0:
            lpz = self.ctc.log_softmax(enc_output)
            lpz = lpz.squeeze(0)
            lpz = None

        h = enc_output.squeeze(0)

        logging.info("input lengths: " + str(h.size(0)))
        # search parms
        beam = recog_args.beam_size
        penalty = recog_args.penalty
        ctc_weight = recog_args.ctc_weight

        # preprare sos
        y = self.sos
        vy = h.new_zeros(1).long()

        if recog_args.maxlenratio == 0:
            maxlen = h.shape[0]
            # maxlen >= 1
            maxlen = max(1, int(recog_args.maxlenratio * h.size(0)))
        minlen = int(recog_args.minlenratio * h.size(0))
        logging.info("max output length: " + str(maxlen))
        logging.info("min output length: " + str(minlen))

        # initialize hypothesis
        if rnnlm:
            hyp = {"score": 0.0, "yseq": [y], "rnnlm_prev": None}
            hyp = {"score": 0.0, "yseq": [y]}
        if lpz is not None:
            ctc_prefix_score = CTCPrefixScore(lpz.detach().numpy(), 0, self.eos, numpy)
            hyp["ctc_state_prev"] = ctc_prefix_score.initial_state()
            hyp["ctc_score_prev"] = 0.0
            if ctc_weight != 1.0:
                # pre-pruning based on attention scores
                ctc_beam = min(lpz.shape[-1], int(beam * CTC_SCORING_RATIO))
                ctc_beam = lpz.shape[-1]
        hyps = [hyp]
        ended_hyps = []

        import six

        traced_decoder = None
        for i in six.moves.range(maxlen):
            logging.debug("position " + str(i))

            hyps_best_kept = []
            for hyp in hyps:
                vy[0] = hyp["yseq"][i]

                # get nbest local scores and their ids
                ys_mask = subsequent_mask(i + 1).unsqueeze(0)
                ys = torch.tensor(hyp["yseq"]).unsqueeze(0)
                # FIXME: jit does not match non-jit result
                if use_jit:
                    if traced_decoder is None:
                        traced_decoder = torch.jit.trace(
                            self.decoder.forward_one_step, (ys, ys_mask, enc_output)
                    local_att_scores = traced_decoder(ys, ys_mask, enc_output)[0]
                    local_att_scores = self.decoder.forward_one_step(
                        ys, ys_mask, enc_output

                if rnnlm:
                    rnnlm_state, local_lm_scores = rnnlm.predict(hyp["rnnlm_prev"], vy)
                    local_scores = (
                        local_att_scores + recog_args.lm_weight * local_lm_scores
                    local_scores = local_att_scores

                if lpz is not None:
                    local_best_scores, local_best_ids = torch.topk(
                        local_att_scores, ctc_beam, dim=1
                    ctc_scores, ctc_states = ctc_prefix_score(
                        hyp["yseq"], local_best_ids[0], hyp["ctc_state_prev"]
                    local_scores = (1.0 - ctc_weight) * local_att_scores[
                        :, local_best_ids[0]
                    ] + ctc_weight * torch.from_numpy(
                        ctc_scores - hyp["ctc_score_prev"]
                    if rnnlm:
                        local_scores += (
                            recog_args.lm_weight * local_lm_scores[:, local_best_ids[0]]
                    local_best_scores, joint_best_ids = torch.topk(
                        local_scores, beam, dim=1
                    local_best_ids = local_best_ids[:, joint_best_ids[0]]
                    local_best_scores, local_best_ids = torch.topk(
                        local_scores, beam, dim=1

                for j in six.moves.range(beam):
                    new_hyp = {}
                    new_hyp["score"] = hyp["score"] + float(local_best_scores[0, j])
                    new_hyp["yseq"] = [0] * (1 + len(hyp["yseq"]))
                    new_hyp["yseq"][: len(hyp["yseq"])] = hyp["yseq"]
                    new_hyp["yseq"][len(hyp["yseq"])] = int(local_best_ids[0, j])
                    if rnnlm:
                        new_hyp["rnnlm_prev"] = rnnlm_state
                    if lpz is not None:
                        new_hyp["ctc_state_prev"] = ctc_states[joint_best_ids[0, j]]
                        new_hyp["ctc_score_prev"] = ctc_scores[joint_best_ids[0, j]]
                    # will be (2 x beam) hyps at most

                hyps_best_kept = sorted(
                    hyps_best_kept, key=lambda x: x["score"], reverse=True

            # sort and get nbest
            hyps = hyps_best_kept
            logging.debug("number of pruned hypothes: " + str(len(hyps)))
            if char_list is not None:
                    "best hypo: "
                    + "".join([char_list[int(x)] for x in hyps[0]["yseq"][1:]])

            # add eos in the final loop to avoid that there are no ended hyps
            if i == maxlen - 1:
                logging.info("adding <eos> in the last postion in the loop")
                for hyp in hyps:

            # add ended hypothes to a final list, and removed them from current hypothes
            # (this will be a probmlem, number of hyps < beam)
            remained_hyps = []
            for hyp in hyps:
                if hyp["yseq"][-1] == self.eos:
                    # only store the sequence that has more than minlen outputs
                    # also add penalty
                    if len(hyp["yseq"]) > minlen:
                        hyp["score"] += (i + 1) * penalty
                        if rnnlm:  # Word LM needs to add final <eos> score
                            hyp["score"] += recog_args.lm_weight * rnnlm.final(

            # end detection
            if end_detect(ended_hyps, i) and recog_args.maxlenratio == 0.0:
                logging.info("end detected at %d", i)

            hyps = remained_hyps
            if len(hyps) > 0:
                logging.debug("remeined hypothes: " + str(len(hyps)))
                logging.info("no hypothesis. Finish decoding.")

            if char_list is not None:
                for hyp in hyps:
                        "hypo: " + "".join([char_list[int(x)] for x in hyp["yseq"][1:]])

            logging.debug("number of ended hypothes: " + str(len(ended_hyps)))

        nbest_hyps = sorted(ended_hyps, key=lambda x: x["score"], reverse=True)[
            : min(len(ended_hyps), recog_args.nbest)

        # check number of hypotheis
        if len(nbest_hyps) == 0:
                "there is no N-best results, perform recognition "
                "again with smaller minlenratio."
            # should copy becasuse Namespace will be overwritten globally
            recog_args = Namespace(**vars(recog_args))
            recog_args.minlenratio = max(0.0, recog_args.minlenratio - 0.1)
            return self.recognize(x, recog_args, char_list, rnnlm)

        logging.info("total log probability: " + str(nbest_hyps[0]["score"]))
            "normalized log probability: "
            + str(nbest_hyps[0]["score"] / len(nbest_hyps[0]["yseq"]))
        return nbest_hyps
コード例 #16
    def recognize_beam(self, h, lpz, recog_args, char_list, rnnlm=None, strm_idx=0):
        """beam search implementation

        :param torch.Tensor h: encoder hidden state (T, eprojs)
        :param torch.Tensor lpz: ctc log softmax output (T, odim)
        :param Namespace recog_args: argument Namespace containing options
        :param char_list: list of character strings
        :param torch.nn.Module rnnlm: language module
        :param int strm_idx: stream index for speaker parallel attention in multi-speaker case
        :return: N-best decoding results
        :rtype: list of dicts
        logging.info('input lengths: ' + str(h.size(0)))
        att_idx = min(strm_idx, len(self.att) - 1)
        # initialization
        c_list = [self.zero_state(h.unsqueeze(0))]
        z_list = [self.zero_state(h.unsqueeze(0))]
        for _ in six.moves.range(1, self.dlayers):
        a = None
        self.att[att_idx].reset()  # reset pre-computation of h

        # search parms
        beam = recog_args.beam_size
        penalty = recog_args.penalty
        ctc_weight = recog_args.ctc_weight

        # preprate sos
        y = self.sos
        vy = h.new_zeros(1).long()

        if recog_args.maxlenratio == 0:
            maxlen = h.shape[0]
            # maxlen >= 1
            maxlen = max(1, int(recog_args.maxlenratio * h.size(0)))
        minlen = int(recog_args.minlenratio * h.size(0))
        logging.info('max output length: ' + str(maxlen))
        logging.info('min output length: ' + str(minlen))

        # initialize hypothesis
        if rnnlm:
            hyp = {'score': 0.0, 'yseq': [y], 'c_prev': c_list,
                   'z_prev': z_list, 'a_prev': a, 'rnnlm_prev': None}
            hyp = {'score': 0.0, 'yseq': [y], 'c_prev': c_list, 'z_prev': z_list, 'a_prev': a}
        if lpz is not None:
            ctc_prefix_score = CTCPrefixScore(lpz.detach().numpy(), 0, self.eos, np)
            hyp['ctc_state_prev'] = ctc_prefix_score.initial_state()
            hyp['ctc_score_prev'] = 0.0
            if ctc_weight != 1.0:
                # pre-pruning based on attention scores
                ctc_beam = min(lpz.shape[-1], int(beam * CTC_SCORING_RATIO))
                ctc_beam = lpz.shape[-1]
        hyps = [hyp]
        ended_hyps = []

        for i in six.moves.range(maxlen):
            logging.debug('position ' + str(i))

            hyps_best_kept = []
            for hyp in hyps:
                vy[0] = hyp['yseq'][i]
                ey = self.dropout_emb(self.embed(vy))  # utt list (1) x zdim
                att_c, att_w = self.att[att_idx](h.unsqueeze(0), [h.size(0)],
                                                 self.dropout_dec[0](hyp['z_prev'][0]), hyp['a_prev'])
                ey = torch.cat((ey, att_c), dim=1)  # utt(1) x (zdim + hdim)
                z_list, c_list = self.rnn_forward(ey, z_list, c_list, hyp['z_prev'], hyp['c_prev'])

                # get nbest local scores and their ids
                local_att_scores = F.log_softmax(self.output(self.dropout_dec[-1](z_list[-1])), dim=1)
                if rnnlm:
                    rnnlm_state, local_lm_scores = rnnlm.predict(hyp['rnnlm_prev'], vy)
                    local_scores = local_att_scores + recog_args.lm_weight * local_lm_scores
                    local_scores = local_att_scores

                if lpz is not None:
                    local_best_scores, local_best_ids = torch.topk(
                        local_att_scores, ctc_beam, dim=1)
                    ctc_scores, ctc_states = ctc_prefix_score(
                        hyp['yseq'], local_best_ids[0], hyp['ctc_state_prev'])
                    local_scores = \
                        (1.0 - ctc_weight) * local_att_scores[:, local_best_ids[0]] \
                        + ctc_weight * torch.from_numpy(ctc_scores - hyp['ctc_score_prev'])
                    if rnnlm:
                        local_scores += recog_args.lm_weight * local_lm_scores[:, local_best_ids[0]]
                    local_best_scores, joint_best_ids = torch.topk(local_scores, beam, dim=1)
                    local_best_ids = local_best_ids[:, joint_best_ids[0]]
                    local_best_scores, local_best_ids = torch.topk(local_scores, beam, dim=1)

                for j in six.moves.range(beam):
                    new_hyp = {}
                    # [:] is needed!
                    new_hyp['z_prev'] = z_list[:]
                    new_hyp['c_prev'] = c_list[:]
                    new_hyp['a_prev'] = att_w[:]
                    new_hyp['score'] = hyp['score'] + local_best_scores[0, j]
                    new_hyp['yseq'] = [0] * (1 + len(hyp['yseq']))
                    new_hyp['yseq'][:len(hyp['yseq'])] = hyp['yseq']
                    new_hyp['yseq'][len(hyp['yseq'])] = int(local_best_ids[0, j])
                    if rnnlm:
                        new_hyp['rnnlm_prev'] = rnnlm_state
                    if lpz is not None:
                        new_hyp['ctc_state_prev'] = ctc_states[joint_best_ids[0, j]]
                        new_hyp['ctc_score_prev'] = ctc_scores[joint_best_ids[0, j]]
                    # will be (2 x beam) hyps at most

                hyps_best_kept = sorted(
                    hyps_best_kept, key=lambda x: x['score'], reverse=True)[:beam]

            # sort and get nbest
            hyps = hyps_best_kept
            logging.debug('number of pruned hypotheses: ' + str(len(hyps)))
                'best hypo: ' + ''.join([char_list[int(x)] for x in hyps[0]['yseq'][1:]]))

            # add eos in the final loop to avoid that there are no ended hyps
            if i == maxlen - 1:
                logging.info('adding <eos> in the last position in the loop')
                for hyp in hyps:

            # add ended hypotheses to a final list, and removed them from current hypotheses
            # (this will be a problem, number of hyps < beam)
            remained_hyps = []
            for hyp in hyps:
                if hyp['yseq'][-1] == self.eos:
                    # only store the sequence that has more than minlen outputs
                    # also add penalty
                    if len(hyp['yseq']) > minlen:
                        hyp['score'] += (i + 1) * penalty
                        if rnnlm:  # Word LM needs to add final <eos> score
                            hyp['score'] += recog_args.lm_weight * rnnlm.final(

            # end detection
            if end_detect(ended_hyps, i) and recog_args.maxlenratio == 0.0:
                logging.info('end detected at %d', i)

            hyps = remained_hyps
            if len(hyps) > 0:
                logging.debug('remaining hypotheses: ' + str(len(hyps)))
                logging.info('no hypothesis. Finish decoding.')

            for hyp in hyps:
                    'hypo: ' + ''.join([char_list[int(x)] for x in hyp['yseq'][1:]]))

            logging.debug('number of ended hypotheses: ' + str(len(ended_hyps)))

        nbest_hyps = sorted(
            ended_hyps, key=lambda x: x['score'], reverse=True)[:min(len(ended_hyps), recog_args.nbest)]

        # check number of hypotheses
        if len(nbest_hyps) == 0:
            logging.warning('there is no N-best results, perform recognition again with smaller minlenratio.')
            # should copy because Namespace will be overwritten globally
            recog_args = Namespace(**vars(recog_args))
            recog_args.minlenratio = max(0.0, recog_args.minlenratio - 0.1)
            return self.recognize_beam(h, lpz, recog_args, char_list, rnnlm)

        logging.info('total log probability: ' + str(nbest_hyps[0]['score']))
        logging.info('normalized log probability: ' + str(nbest_hyps[0]['score'] / len(nbest_hyps[0]['yseq'])))

        # remove sos
        return nbest_hyps
コード例 #17
    def recognize(self,
        """Recognize input speech.

        :param ndnarray x: input acoustic feature (B, T, D) or (T, D)
        :param Namespace recog_args: argment Namespace contraining options
        :param list char_list: list of characters
        :param torch.nn.Module rnnlm: language model module
        :return: N-best decoding results
        :rtype: list
        enc_output = self.encode(x).unsqueeze(0)
        if recog_args.ctc_weight > 0.0:
            lpz = self.ctc.log_softmax(enc_output)
            lpz = lpz.squeeze(0)
            lpz = None

        h = enc_output.squeeze(0)

        logging.info('input lengths: ' + str(h.size(0)))
        # search parms
        beam = recog_args.beam_size
        penalty = recog_args.penalty
        ctc_weight = recog_args.ctc_weight

        # preprare sos
        y = self.sos
        vy = h.new_zeros(1).long()

        if recog_args.maxlenratio == 0:
            maxlen = h.shape[0]
            # maxlen >= 1
            maxlen = max(1, int(recog_args.maxlenratio * h.size(0)))
        minlen = int(recog_args.minlenratio * h.size(0))
        logging.info('max output length: ' + str(maxlen))
        logging.info('min output length: ' + str(minlen))

        # initialize hypothesis
        if rnnlm:
            hyp = {'score': 0.0, 'yseq': [y], 'rnnlm_prev': None}
            hyp = {'score': 0.0, 'yseq': [y]}
        if lpz is not None:
            import numpy

            from espnet.nets.ctc_prefix_score import CTCPrefixScore

            ctc_prefix_score = CTCPrefixScore(lpz.cpu().detach().numpy(), 0,
                                              self.eos, numpy)
            hyp['ctc_state_prev'] = ctc_prefix_score.initial_state()
            hyp['ctc_score_prev'] = 0.0
            if ctc_weight != 1.0:
                # pre-pruning based on attention scores
                from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.rnn.decoders import CTC_SCORING_RATIO
                ctc_beam = min(lpz.shape[-1], int(beam * CTC_SCORING_RATIO))
                ctc_beam = lpz.shape[-1]
        hyps = [hyp]
        ended_hyps = []

        import six
        traced_decoder = None
        for i in six.moves.range(maxlen):
            logging.debug('position ' + str(i))

            hyps_best_kept = []
            for hyp in hyps:
                vy[0] = hyp['yseq'][i]

                # get nbest local scores and their ids
                ys_mask = subsequent_mask(i + 1).unsqueeze(0).cuda()
                ys = torch.tensor(hyp['yseq']).unsqueeze(0).cuda()
                # FIXME: jit does not match non-jit result
                if use_jit:
                    if traced_decoder is None:
                        traced_decoder = torch.jit.trace(
                            (ys, ys_mask, enc_output))
                    local_att_scores = traced_decoder(ys, ys_mask,
                    local_att_scores = self.decoder.forward_one_step(
                        ys, ys_mask, enc_output)[0]

                if rnnlm:
                    rnnlm_state, local_lm_scores = rnnlm.predict(
                        hyp['rnnlm_prev'], vy)
                    local_scores = local_att_scores + recog_args.lm_weight * local_lm_scores
                    local_scores = local_att_scores

                if lpz is not None:
                    local_best_scores, local_best_ids = torch.topk(
                        local_att_scores, ctc_beam, dim=1)
                    ctc_scores, ctc_states = ctc_prefix_score(
                        hyp['yseq'], local_best_ids[0].cpu(),
                    local_scores = \
                        (1.0 - ctc_weight) * local_att_scores[:, local_best_ids[0]].cpu() \
                        + ctc_weight * torch.from_numpy(ctc_scores - hyp['ctc_score_prev'])
                    if rnnlm:
                        local_scores += recog_args.lm_weight * local_lm_scores[:, local_best_ids[
                    local_best_scores, joint_best_ids = torch.topk(
                        local_scores, beam, dim=1)
                    local_best_ids = local_best_ids[:, joint_best_ids[0]]
                    local_best_scores, local_best_ids = torch.topk(
                        local_scores, beam, dim=1)

                for j in six.moves.range(beam):
                    new_hyp = {}
                    new_hyp['score'] = hyp['score'] + float(
                        local_best_scores[0, j])
                    new_hyp['yseq'] = [0] * (1 + len(hyp['yseq']))
                    new_hyp['yseq'][:len(hyp['yseq'])] = hyp['yseq']
                    new_hyp['yseq'][len(hyp['yseq'])] = int(local_best_ids[0,
                    if rnnlm:
                        new_hyp['rnnlm_prev'] = rnnlm_state
                    if lpz is not None:
                        new_hyp['ctc_state_prev'] = ctc_states[joint_best_ids[
                            0, j]]
                        new_hyp['ctc_score_prev'] = ctc_scores[joint_best_ids[
                            0, j]]
                    # will be (2 x beam) hyps at most

                hyps_best_kept = sorted(hyps_best_kept,
                                        key=lambda x: x['score'],

            # sort and get nbest
            hyps = hyps_best_kept
            logging.debug('number of pruned hypothes: ' + str(len(hyps)))
            if char_list is not None:
                    'best hypo: ' +
                    ''.join([char_list[int(x)] for x in hyps[0]['yseq'][1:]]))

            # add eos in the final loop to avoid that there are no ended hyps
            if i == maxlen - 1:
                logging.info('adding <eos> in the last postion in the loop')
                for hyp in hyps:

            # add ended hypothes to a final list, and removed them from current hypothes
            # (this will be a probmlem, number of hyps < beam)
            remained_hyps = []
            for hyp in hyps:
                if hyp['yseq'][-1] == self.eos:
                    # only store the sequence that has more than minlen outputs
                    # also add penalty
                    if len(hyp['yseq']) > minlen:
                        hyp['score'] += (i + 1) * penalty
                        if rnnlm:  # Word LM needs to add final <eos> score
                            hyp['score'] += recog_args.lm_weight * rnnlm.final(

            # end detection
            from espnet.nets.e2e_asr_common import end_detect
            if end_detect(ended_hyps, i) and recog_args.maxlenratio == 0.0:
                logging.info('end detected at %d', i)

            hyps = remained_hyps
            if len(hyps) > 0:
                logging.debug('remeined hypothes: ' + str(len(hyps)))
                logging.info('no hypothesis. Finish decoding.')

            if char_list is not None:
                for hyp in hyps:
                        'hypo: ' +
                        ''.join([char_list[int(x)] for x in hyp['yseq'][1:]]))

            logging.debug('number of ended hypothes: ' + str(len(ended_hyps)))

        nbest_hyps = sorted(
            ended_hyps, key=lambda x: x['score'],
            reverse=True)[:min(len(ended_hyps), recog_args.nbest)]

        # check number of hypotheis
        if len(nbest_hyps) == 0:
                'there is no N-best results, perform recognition again with smaller minlenratio.'
            # should copy becasuse Namespace will be overwritten globally
            recog_args = Namespace(**vars(recog_args))
            recog_args.minlenratio = max(0.0, recog_args.minlenratio - 0.1)
            return self.recognize(x, recog_args, char_list, rnnlm)

        logging.info('total log probability: ' + str(nbest_hyps[0]['score']))
        logging.info('normalized log probability: ' +
                     str(nbest_hyps[0]['score'] / len(nbest_hyps[0]['yseq'])))
        return nbest_hyps
コード例 #18
    def process_one_block(self, h, is_final, maxlen, maxlenratio):
        """Recognize one block."""
        # extend states for ctc
        self.extend(h, self.running_hyps)
        while self.process_idx < maxlen:
            logging.debug("position " + str(self.process_idx))
            best = self.search(self.running_hyps, h)

            if self.process_idx == maxlen - 1:
                # end decoding
                self.running_hyps = self.post_process(self.process_idx, maxlen,
                                                      maxlenratio, best,
            n_batch = best.yseq.shape[0]
            local_ended_hyps = []
            is_local_eos = best.yseq[torch.arange(n_batch),
                                     best.length - 1] == self.eos
            prev_repeat = False
            for i in range(is_local_eos.shape[0]):
                if is_local_eos[i]:
                    hyp = self._select(best, i)
                # NOTE(tsunoo): check repetitions here
                # This is a implicit implementation of
                # Eq (11) in https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.14941
                # A flag prev_repeat is used instead of using set
                # NOTE(fujihara): I made it possible to turned off
                # the below lines using disable_repetition_detection flag,
                # because this criteria is too sensitive that the beam
                # search starts only after the entire inputs are available.
                # Empirically, this flag didn't affect the performance.
                elif (not self.disable_repetition_detection and not prev_repeat
                      and best.yseq[i, -1] in best.yseq[i, :-1]
                      and not is_final):
                    prev_repeat = True
            if prev_repeat:
                logging.info("Detected repetition.")

            if (is_final and maxlenratio == 0.0 and end_detect(
                [lh.asdict() for lh in self.ended_hyps], self.process_idx)):
                logging.info(f"end detected at {self.process_idx}")
                return self.assemble_hyps(self.ended_hyps)

            if len(local_ended_hyps) > 0 and not is_final:
                logging.info("Detected hyp(s) reaching EOS in this block.")

            self.prev_hyps = self.running_hyps
            self.running_hyps = self.post_process(self.process_idx, maxlen,
                                                  maxlenratio, best,

            if is_final:
                for hyp in local_ended_hyps:

            if len(self.running_hyps) == 0:
                logging.info("no hypothesis. Finish decoding.")
                return self.assemble_hyps(self.ended_hyps)
                logging.debug(f"remained hypotheses: {len(self.running_hyps)}")
            # increment number
            self.process_idx += 1

        if is_final:
            return self.assemble_hyps(self.ended_hyps)
            for hyp in self.ended_hyps:
            rets = self.assemble_hyps(local_ended_hyps)

            if self.process_idx > 1 and len(self.prev_hyps) > 0:
                self.running_hyps = self.prev_hyps
                self.process_idx -= 1
                self.prev_hyps = []

            # N-best results
            return rets