コード例 #1
ファイル: lj-demo.py プロジェクト: ijancigova/espresso
def main_loop():
    global energies, plt1_x_data, plt1_y_data, plt2_x_data, plt2_y_data, old_pressure


    # make sure the parameters are valid
    # not sure if this is necessary after using limit_range
    if controls.volume == 0:
        controls.volume = controls.min_vol
    if controls.number_of_particles == 0:
        controls.number_of_particles = 1
    if controls.pressure == 0:
        controls.pressure = controls.min_press

    pressure = analyze.pressure(system)

    # update the parameters set in the GUI
    system.thermostat.set_langevin(kT=controls.temperature, gamma=1.0)
    if controls.ensemble == 'NPT':
        # reset Vkappa when target pressure has changed
        if old_pressure != controls.pressure:
            analyze.Vkappa(system, 'reset')
            old_pressure = controls.pressure
        newVkappa = analyze.Vkappa(system, 'read')['Vk1']
        newVkappa = newVkappa if newVkappa > 0. else 4.0/(NPTGamma0*NPTGamma0*NPTInitPistonMass)
        pistonMass = limit_range(4.0/(NPTGamma0*NPTGamma0*newVkappa), NPTMinPistonMass, NPTMaxPistonMass)
        integrate.set_integrator_isotropic_npt(controls.pressure, pistonMass, cubic_box=True)
        controls.volume = system.box_l[0]**3.

        controls.pressure = pressure['total']
        new_box = numpy.ones(3) * controls.volume**(1./3.)
        if numpy.any(numpy.array(system.box_l) != new_box):
            for i in range(system.n_part):
                system.part[i].pos *= new_box / system.box_l[0]
        system.box_l = new_box

    new_part = controls.number_of_particles
    if new_part > system.n_part:
        for i in range(system.n_part, new_part):
            system.part.add(id=i, pos=numpy.random.random(3) * system.box_l)
    elif new_part < system.n_part:
        for i in range(new_part, system.n_part):
    # There should be no gaps in particle numbers
    assert system.n_part == system.max_part + 1
    plt1_x_data = plot1.get_xdata()
    plt1_y_data = plot1.get_ydata()
    plt2_x_data = plot2.get_xdata()
    plt2_y_data = plot2.get_ydata()
    plt1_x_data = numpy.append(plt1_x_data[-plot_max_data_len+1:], system.time)
    if show_real_system_temperature:
        plt1_y_data = numpy.append(plt1_y_data[-plot_max_data_len+1:], 2./(3. * system.n_part)*analyze.energy(system)["ideal"])
        plt1_y_data = numpy.append(plt1_y_data[-plot_max_data_len+1:], system.temperature)
    plt2_x_data = numpy.append(plt2_x_data[-plot_max_data_len+1:], system.time)
    plt2_y_data = numpy.append(plt2_y_data[-plot_max_data_len+1:], pressure['total'])
コード例 #2
ファイル: lj-demo.py プロジェクト: ijancigova/espresso
# #   Increase LJ cap
#     lj_cap = lj_cap + 10
#     system.non_bonded_inter.set_force_cap(lj_cap)
#     mayavi.update()

#      Integration                                          #

# remove force capping
#lj_cap = 0
# system.non_bonded_inter.set_force_cap(lj_cap)

# get initial observables
pressure = analyze.pressure(system)
temperature = system.temperature

# TODO: this is some terrible polynomial fit, replace it with a better expression
# equation of state
pyplot.title("Phase diagram")
pyplot.xlim(0.5, 2.0)
pyplot.ylim(5e-5, 2e1)
xx = numpy.linspace(0.5, 0.7, 200)
pyplot.plot(xx, -6.726 * xx**4 + 16.92 * xx**3 -
            15.85 * xx**2 + 6.563 * xx - 1.015, 'k-')
xx = numpy.linspace(0.7, 1.3, 600)