コード例 #1
# Interaction parameters (repulsive Lennard Jones)

lj_eps = 1.0
lj_sig = 1.0
lj_cut = 1.12246
lj_cap = 20

# Integration parameters
system = espressomd.System()
system.time_step = 0.01
system.skin = 0.4
#es._espressoHandle.Tcl_Eval('thermostat langevin 1.0 1.0')
thermostat.Thermostat().setLangevin(1.0, 1.0)

# warmup integration (with capped LJ potential)
warm_steps = 100
warm_n_times = 30
# do the warmup until the particles have at least the distance min__dist
min_dist = 0.9

# integration
int_steps = 1000
int_n_times = 10

#  Setup System                                             #
コード例 #2
ファイル: p3m.py プロジェクト: PedroASanchez/espresso

wca_eps = 10.0
wca_sig = 1.0
wca_cap = 20

# Integration parameters
system = espressomd.System(box_l=[box_l] * 3)
#system.seed = system.cell_system.get_state()['n_nodes'] * [1234]

system.time_step = 0.01
system.cell_system.skin = 0.4
thermostat.Thermostat().set_langevin(1.0, 1.0, seed=42)

# warmup integration (with capped LJ potential)
warm_steps = 100
warm_n_times = 30
# do the warmup until the particles have at least the distance min_dist
min_dist = 0.7

# integration
int_steps = 1000
int_n_times = 10

#  Setup System                                             #
コード例 #3
for i in xrange(n_part):
    #posx, posy, posz = box_l*numpy.random.random(3)
    q *= -1
    ptype = 1 - ptype
    system.part.add(id=i, type=ptype, pos=numpy.random.random(3)
                    * system.box_l, q=q)

# Simulation parameters
system.time_step = 0.01
system.skin = 0.3

# Thermostat
temp = 1.
gamma = 1.
thermostat.Thermostat().set_langevin(kT=temp, gamma=gamma)

# Lennard-Jones interactions
lj_sig = 1.
lj_eps = 1.
lj_cut = 2.**(1. / 6.)
system.non_bonded_inter[0, 0].lennard_jones.set_params(
    epsilon=lj_eps, sigma=lj_sig, cutoff=lj_cut, shift="auto")
system.non_bonded_inter[1, 0].lennard_jones.set_params(
    epsilon=lj_eps, sigma=lj_sig, cutoff=lj_cut, shift="auto")
system.non_bonded_inter[1, 1].lennard_jones.set_params(
    epsilon=lj_eps, sigma=lj_sig, cutoff=lj_cut, shift="auto")

# Check if electrostatics method is clear...
if method not in implemented_methods:
    print("Please select an electrostatics method in the script.")