コード例 #1
ファイル: mappings.py プロジェクト: svn2github/Escript
    def __init__(self, domain, z0=None, k0=None, dk=None, beta=None):
        set up mapping

        :param domain: domain of the mapping
        :type domain: ``Domain``
        :param z0: depth weighting offset. If not present no depth scaling is applied.
        :type z0: scalar
        :param k0: reference density, defaults to 0
        :type k0: scalar
        :param dk: susceptibility scale, defaults to 1
        :type dk: scalar
        :param beta: depth weighting exponent, defaults to 2
        :type beta: ``float``
        if k0 is None:
            k0 = 0.0
        if beta is None:
            beta = 2.0
        if dk is None:
            dk = 1.0
        self.domain = domain

        if z0 is not None:
            DIM = self.domain.getDim()
            l_z = boundingBoxEdgeLengths(domain)[DIM - 1]
            a = dk * (clip(z0 - domain.getX()[DIM - 1], minval=0) / l_z) ** (beta / 2)
            a = dk
        super(SusceptibilityMapping, self).__init__(a=a, p0=k0)
コード例 #2
ファイル: mappings.py プロジェクト: svn2github/Escript
    def __init__(self, domain, z0=None, rho0=None, drho=None, beta=None):
        initializes the mapping

        :param domain: domain of the mapping
        :type domain: ``Domain``
        :param z0: depth weighting offset. If not present no depth scaling is applied.
        :type z0: scalar
        :param rho0: reference density, defaults to 0
        :type rho0: scalar
        :param drho: density scale. By default density of granite = 2750kg/m**3 is used.
        :type drho: scalar
        :param beta: depth weighting exponent, defaults to 2
        :type beta: ``float``
        if rho0 is None:
            rho0 = 0.0
        if drho is None:
            drho = 2750 * U.kg / U.m ** 3
        if beta is None:
            beta = 2.0

        self.domain = domain
        if z0 is not None:
            DIM = self.domain.getDim()
            l_z = boundingBoxEdgeLengths(domain)[DIM - 1]
            a = drho * (clip(z0 - domain.getX()[DIM - 1], minval=0) / l_z) ** (beta / 2)
            a = drho
        super(DensityMapping, self).__init__(a=a, p0=rho0)
コード例 #3
ファイル: mappings.py プロジェクト: aishugang/esys-escript
    def __init__(self, domain, z0=None, k0=None, dk=None, beta=None):
        set up mapping

        :param domain: domain of the mapping
        :type domain: ``Domain``
        :param z0: depth weighting offset. If not present no depth scaling is applied.
        :type z0: scalar
        :param k0: reference density, defaults to 0
        :type k0: scalar
        :param dk: susceptibility scale, defaults to 1
        :type dk: scalar
        :param beta: depth weighting exponent, defaults to 2
        :type beta: ``float``
        if k0 is None: k0 = 0.
        if beta is None: beta = 2.
        if dk is None: dk = 1.
        self.domain = domain

        if z0 is not None:
            DIM = self.domain.getDim()
            l_z = boundingBoxEdgeLengths(domain)[DIM - 1]
            a = dk * (clip(z0 - domain.getX()[DIM - 1], minval=0) /
                      l_z)**(beta / 2)
            a = dk
        super(SusceptibilityMapping, self).__init__(a=a, p0=k0)
コード例 #4
ファイル: mappings.py プロジェクト: aishugang/esys-escript
    def __init__(self, domain, z0=None, rho0=None, drho=None, beta=None):
        initializes the mapping

        :param domain: domain of the mapping
        :type domain: ``Domain``
        :param z0: depth weighting offset. If not present no depth scaling is applied.
        :type z0: scalar
        :param rho0: reference density, defaults to 0
        :type rho0: scalar
        :param drho: density scale. By default density of granite = 2750kg/m**3 is used.
        :type drho: scalar
        :param beta: depth weighting exponent, defaults to 2
        :type beta: ``float``
        if rho0 is None: rho0 = 0.
        if drho is None: drho = 2750 * U.kg / U.m**3
        if beta is None: beta = 2.

        self.domain = domain
        if z0 is not None:
            DIM = self.domain.getDim()
            l_z = boundingBoxEdgeLengths(domain)[DIM - 1]
            a = drho * (clip(z0 - domain.getX()[DIM - 1], minval=0) /
                        l_z)**(beta / 2)
            a = drho
        super(DensityMapping, self).__init__(a=a, p0=rho0)
コード例 #5
    def __init__(self,

        :param domain: domain
        :type domain: `Domain`
        :param numLevelSets: number of level sets
        :type numLevelSets: ``int``
        :param w0: weighting factor for the m**2 term. If not set zero is assumed.
        :type w0: ``Scalar`` if ``numLevelSets`` == 1 or `Data` object of shape
                  (``numLevelSets`` ,) if ``numLevelSets`` > 1
        :param w1: weighting factor for the grad(m_i) terms. If not set zero is assumed
        :type w1: ``Vector`` if ``numLevelSets`` == 1 or `Data` object of shape
                  (``numLevelSets`` , DIM) if ``numLevelSets`` > 1
        :param wc: weighting factor for the cross gradient terms. If not set
                   zero is assumed. Used for the case if ``numLevelSets`` > 1
                   only. Only values ``wc[l,k]`` in the lower triangle (l<k)
                   are used.
        :type wc: `Data` object of shape (``numLevelSets`` , ``numLevelSets``)
        :param location_of_set_m: marks location of zero values of the level
                                  set function ``m`` by a positive entry.
        :type location_of_set_m: ``Scalar`` if ``numLevelSets`` == 1 or `Data`
                object of shape (``numLevelSets`` ,) if ``numLevelSets`` > 1
        :param useDiagonalHessianApproximation: if True cross gradient terms
                    between level set components are ignored when calculating
                    approximations of the inverse of the Hessian Operator.
                    This can speed-up the calculation of the inverse but may
                    lead to an increase of the number of iteration steps in the
        :type useDiagonalHessianApproximation: ``bool``
        :param tol: tolerance when solving the PDE for the inverse of the
                    Hessian Operator
        :type tol: positive ``float``

        :param coordinates: defines coordinate system to be used
        :type coordinates: ReferenceSystem` or `SpatialCoordinateTransformation`
        :param scale: weighting factor for level set function variation terms.
                      If not set one is used.
        :type scale: ``Scalar`` if ``numLevelSets`` == 1 or `Data` object of
                     shape (``numLevelSets`` ,) if ``numLevelSets`` > 1
        :param scale_c: scale for the cross gradient terms. If not set
                   one is assumed. Used for the case if ``numLevelSets`` > 1
                   only. Only values ``scale_c[l,k]`` in the lower triangle
                   (l<k) are used.
        :type scale_c: `Data` object of shape (``numLevelSets``,``numLevelSets``)

        if w0 is None and w1 is None:
            raise ValueError("Values for w0 or for w1 must be given.")
        if wc is None and numLevelSets > 1:
            raise ValueError("Values for wc must be given.")

        self.__pre_input = None
        self.__pre_args = None
        self.logger = logging.getLogger('inv.%s' % self.__class__.__name__)
        self.__domain = domain
        DIM = self.__domain.getDim()
        self.__numLevelSets = numLevelSets
        self.__trafo = makeTransformation(domain, coordinates)
        self.__pde = linearPDEs.LinearPDE(self.__domain,
        except linearPDEs.IllegalCoefficientValue:
            raise ValueError(
                "Unable to set location of fixed level set function.")

        # =========== check the shape of the scales: ========================
        if scale is None:
            if numLevelSets == 1:
                scale = 1.
                scale = np.ones((numLevelSets, ))
            scale = np.asarray(scale)
            if numLevelSets == 1:
                if scale.shape == ():
                    if not scale > 0:
                        raise ValueError("Value for scale must be positive.")
                    raise ValueError("Unexpected shape %s for scale." %
                if scale.shape is (numLevelSets, ):
                    if not min(scale) > 0:
                        raise ValueError(
                            "All values for scale must be positive.")
                    raise ValueError("Unexpected shape %s for scale." %

        if scale_c is None or numLevelSets < 2:
            scale_c = np.ones((numLevelSets, numLevelSets))
            scale_c = np.asarray(scale_c)
            if scale_c.shape == (numLevelSets, numLevelSets):
                if not all([[scale_c[l, k] > 0. for l in range(k)]
                            for k in range(1, numLevelSets)]):
                    raise ValueError(
                        "All values in the lower triangle of scale_c must be positive."
                raise ValueError("Unexpected shape %s for scale." %
        # ===== check the shape of the weights: =============================
        if w0 is not None:
            w0 = escript.interpolate(
                w0, self.__pde.getFunctionSpaceForCoefficient('D'))
            s0 = w0.getShape()
            if numLevelSets == 1:
                if not s0 == ():
                    raise ValueError("Unexpected shape %s for weight w0." %
                                     (s0, ))
                if not s0 == (numLevelSets, ):
                    raise ValueError("Unexpected shape %s for weight w0." %
                                     (s0, ))
            if not self.__trafo.isCartesian():
                w0 *= self.__trafo.getVolumeFactor()
        if not w1 is None:
            w1 = escript.interpolate(
                w1, self.__pde.getFunctionSpaceForCoefficient('A'))
            s1 = w1.getShape()
            if numLevelSets == 1:
                if not s1 == (DIM, ):
                    raise ValueError("Unexpected shape %s for weight w1." %
                                     (s1, ))
                if not s1 == (numLevelSets, DIM):
                    raise ValueError("Unexpected shape %s for weight w1." %
                                     (s1, ))
            if not self.__trafo.isCartesian():
                f = self.__trafo.getScalingFactors(
                )**2 * self.__trafo.getVolumeFactor()
                if numLevelSets == 1:
                    w1 *= f
                    for i in range(numLevelSets):
                        w1[i, :] *= f

        if numLevelSets == 1:
            wc = None
            wc = escript.interpolate(
                wc, self.__pde.getFunctionSpaceForCoefficient('A'))
            sc = wc.getShape()
            if not sc == (numLevelSets, numLevelSets):
                raise ValueError("Unexpected shape %s for weight wc." % (sc, ))
            if not self.__trafo.isCartesian():
                raise ValueError(
                    "Non-cartesian coordinates for cross-gradient term is not supported yet."
        # ============= now we rescale weights: =============================
        L2s = np.asarray(escript.boundingBoxEdgeLengths(domain))**2
        L4 = 1 / np.sum(1 / L2s)**2
        if numLevelSets == 1:
            A = 0
            if w0 is not None:
                A = escript.integrate(w0)
            if w1 is not None:
                A += escript.integrate(inner(w1, 1 / L2s))
            if A > 0:
                f = scale / A
                if w0 is not None:
                    w0 *= f
                if w1 is not None:
                    w1 *= f
                raise ValueError("Non-positive weighting factor detected.")
        else:  # numLevelSets > 1
            for k in range(numLevelSets):
                A = 0
                if w0 is not None:
                    A = escript.integrate(w0[k])
                if w1 is not None:
                    A += escript.integrate(inner(w1[k, :], 1 / L2s))
                if A > 0:
                    f = scale[k] / A
                    if w0 is not None:
                        w0[k] *= f
                    if w1 is not None:
                        w1[k, :] *= f
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Non-positive weighting factor for level set component %d detected."
                        % k)

                # and now the cross-gradient:
                if wc is not None:
                    for l in range(k):
                        A = escript.integrate(wc[l, k]) / L4
                        if A > 0:
                            f = scale_c[l, k] / A
                            wc[l, k] *= f
#                       else:
#                           raise ValueError("Non-positive weighting factor for cross-gradient level set components %d and %d detected."%(l,k))

        self.__w0 = w0
        self.__w1 = w1
        self.__wc = wc

        self.__pde_is_set = False
        if self.__numLevelSets > 1:
            self.__useDiagonalHessianApproximation = useDiagonalHessianApproximation
            self.__useDiagonalHessianApproximation = True
        self._update_Hessian = True

        self.__num_tradeoff_factors = numLevelSets + (
            (numLevelSets - 1) * numLevelSets) // 2
        self.__vol_d = escript.vol(self.__domain)
コード例 #6
    def __init__(

        :param domain: domain
        :type domain: `Domain`
        :param numLevelSets: number of level sets
        :type numLevelSets: ``int``
        :param w0: weighting factor for the m**2 term. If not set zero is assumed.
        :type w0: ``Scalar`` if ``numLevelSets`` == 1 or `Data` object of shape
                  (``numLevelSets`` ,) if ``numLevelSets`` > 1
        :param w1: weighting factor for the grad(m_i) terms. If not set zero is assumed
        :type w1: ``Vector`` if ``numLevelSets`` == 1 or `Data` object of shape
                  (``numLevelSets`` , DIM) if ``numLevelSets`` > 1
        :param wc: weighting factor for the cross gradient terms. If not set
                   zero is assumed. Used for the case if ``numLevelSets`` > 1
                   only. Only values ``wc[l,k]`` in the lower triangle (l<k)
                   are used.
        :type wc: `Data` object of shape (``numLevelSets`` , ``numLevelSets``)
        :param location_of_set_m: marks location of zero values of the level
                                  set function ``m`` by a positive entry.
        :type location_of_set_m: ``Scalar`` if ``numLevelSets`` == 1 or `Data`
                object of shape (``numLevelSets`` ,) if ``numLevelSets`` > 1
        :param useDiagonalHessianApproximation: if True cross gradient terms
                    between level set components are ignored when calculating
                    approximations of the inverse of the Hessian Operator.
                    This can speed-up the calculation of the inverse but may
                    lead to an increase of the number of iteration steps in the
        :type useDiagonalHessianApproximation: ``bool``
        :param tol: tolerance when solving the PDE for the inverse of the
                    Hessian Operator
        :type tol: positive ``float``

        :param coordinates: defines coordinate system to be used
        :type coordinates: ReferenceSystem` or `SpatialCoordinateTransformation`
        :param scale: weighting factor for level set function variation terms.
                      If not set one is used.
        :type scale: ``Scalar`` if ``numLevelSets`` == 1 or `Data` object of
                     shape (``numLevelSets`` ,) if ``numLevelSets`` > 1
        :param scale_c: scale for the cross gradient terms. If not set
                   one is assumed. Used for the case if ``numLevelSets`` > 1
                   only. Only values ``scale_c[l,k]`` in the lower triangle
                   (l<k) are used.
        :type scale_c: `Data` object of shape (``numLevelSets``,``numLevelSets``)

        if w0 is None and w1 is None:
            raise ValueError("Values for w0 or for w1 must be given.")
        if wc is None and numLevelSets > 1:
            raise ValueError("Values for wc must be given.")

        self.__pre_input = None
        self.__pre_args = None
        self.logger = logging.getLogger("inv.%s" % self.__class__.__name__)
        self.__domain = domain
        DIM = self.__domain.getDim()
        self.__numLevelSets = numLevelSets
        self.__trafo = makeTransformation(domain, coordinates)
        self.__pde = LinearPDE(self.__domain, numEquations=self.__numLevelSets, numSolutions=self.__numLevelSets)
        self.__pde.setValue(A=self.__pde.createCoefficient("A"), D=self.__pde.createCoefficient("D"))
        except IllegalCoefficientValue:
            raise ValueError("Unable to set location of fixed level set function.")

        # =========== check the shape of the scales: ========================
        if scale is None:
            if numLevelSets == 1:
                scale = 1.0
                scale = np.ones((numLevelSets,))
            scale = np.asarray(scale)
            if numLevelSets == 1:
                if scale.shape == ():
                    if not scale > 0:
                        raise ValueError("Value for scale must be positive.")
                    raise ValueError("Unexpected shape %s for scale." % scale.shape)
                if scale.shape is (numLevelSets,):
                    if not min(scale) > 0:
                        raise ValueError("All values for scale must be positive.")
                    raise ValueError("Unexpected shape %s for scale." % scale.shape)

        if scale_c is None or numLevelSets < 2:
            scale_c = np.ones((numLevelSets, numLevelSets))
            scale_c = np.asarray(scale_c)
            if scale_c.shape == (numLevelSets, numLevelSets):
                if not all([[scale_c[l, k] > 0.0 for l in range(k)] for k in range(1, numLevelSets)]):
                    raise ValueError("All values in the lower triangle of scale_c must be positive.")
                raise ValueError("Unexpected shape %s for scale." % scale_c.shape)
        # ===== check the shape of the weights: =============================
        if w0 is not None:
            w0 = interpolate(w0, self.__pde.getFunctionSpaceForCoefficient("D"))
            s0 = w0.getShape()
            if numLevelSets == 1:
                if not s0 == ():
                    raise ValueError("Unexpected shape %s for weight w0." % (s0,))
                if not s0 == (numLevelSets,):
                    raise ValueError("Unexpected shape %s for weight w0." % (s0,))
            if not self.__trafo.isCartesian():
                w0 *= self.__trafo.getVolumeFactor()
        if not w1 is None:
            w1 = interpolate(w1, self.__pde.getFunctionSpaceForCoefficient("A"))
            s1 = w1.getShape()
            if numLevelSets == 1:
                if not s1 == (DIM,):
                    raise ValueError("Unexpected shape %s for weight w1." % (s1,))
                if not s1 == (numLevelSets, DIM):
                    raise ValueError("Unexpected shape %s for weight w1." % (s1,))
            if not self.__trafo.isCartesian():
                f = self.__trafo.getScalingFactors() ** 2 * self.__trafo.getVolumeFactor()
                if numLevelSets == 1:
                    w1 *= f
                    for i in range(numLevelSets):
                        w1[i, :] *= f

        if numLevelSets == 1:
            wc = None
            wc = interpolate(wc, self.__pde.getFunctionSpaceForCoefficient("A"))
            sc = wc.getShape()
            if not sc == (numLevelSets, numLevelSets):
                raise ValueError("Unexpected shape %s for weight wc." % (sc,))
            if not self.__trafo.isCartesian():
                raise ValueError("Non-cartesian coordinates for cross-gradient term is not supported yet.")
        # ============= now we rescale weights: =============================
        L2s = np.asarray(boundingBoxEdgeLengths(domain)) ** 2
        L4 = 1 / np.sum(1 / L2s) ** 2
        if numLevelSets == 1:
            A = 0
            if w0 is not None:
                A = integrate(w0)
            if w1 is not None:
                A += integrate(inner(w1, 1 / L2s))
            if A > 0:
                f = scale / A
                if w0 is not None:
                    w0 *= f
                if w1 is not None:
                    w1 *= f
                raise ValueError("Non-positive weighting factor detected.")
        else:  # numLevelSets > 1
            for k in range(numLevelSets):
                A = 0
                if w0 is not None:
                    A = integrate(w0[k])
                if w1 is not None:
                    A += integrate(inner(w1[k, :], 1 / L2s))
                if A > 0:
                    f = scale[k] / A
                    if w0 is not None:
                        w0[k] *= f
                    if w1 is not None:
                        w1[k, :] *= f
                    raise ValueError("Non-positive weighting factor for level set component %d detected." % k)

                # and now the cross-gradient:
                if wc is not None:
                    for l in range(k):
                        A = integrate(wc[l, k]) / L4
                        if A > 0:
                            f = scale_c[l, k] / A
                            wc[l, k] *= f
        #                       else:
        #                           raise ValueError("Non-positive weighting factor for cross-gradient level set components %d and %d detected."%(l,k))

        self.__w0 = w0
        self.__w1 = w1
        self.__wc = wc

        self.__pde_is_set = False
        if self.__numLevelSets > 1:
            self.__useDiagonalHessianApproximation = useDiagonalHessianApproximation
            self.__useDiagonalHessianApproximation = True
        self._update_Hessian = True

        self.__num_tradeoff_factors = numLevelSets + ((numLevelSets - 1) * numLevelSets) // 2
        self.__vol_d = vol(self.__domain)
コード例 #7
    def __init__(self,
        initializes a new forward model with acoustic wave form inversion.

        :param domain: domain of the model
        :type domain: `Domain`
        :param w: weighting factors
        :type w: ``Scalar``
        :param data: real and imaginary part of data
        :type data: ``escript.Data`` of shape (2,)
        :param F: real and imaginary part of source given at Dirac points,
                  on surface or at volume.
        :type F: ``escript.Data`` of shape (2,)
        :param coordinates: defines coordinate system to be used (not supported yet)
        :type coordinates: `ReferenceSystem` or `SpatialCoordinateTransformation`
        :param tol: tolerance of underlying PDE
        :type tol: positive ``float``
        :param saveMemory: if true stiffness matrix is deleted after solution
                           of PDE to minimize memory requests. This will
                           require more compute time as the matrix needs to be
        :type saveMemory: ``bool``
        :param scaleF: if true source F is scaled to minimize defect.
        :type scaleF: ``bool``
        :param fixAtBottom: if true pressure is fixed to zero at the bottom of
                            the domain
        :type fixAtBottom: ``bool``
        super(AcousticWaveForm, self).__init__()
        self.__trafo = edc.makeTransformation(domain, coordinates)
        if not self.getCoordinateTransformation().isCartesian():
            raise ValueError(
                "Non-Cartesian Coordinates are not supported yet.")
        if not isinstance(data, escript.Data):
            raise ValueError("data must be an escript.Data object.")
        if not data.getFunctionSpace() == escript.FunctionOnBoundary(domain):
            raise ValueError("data must be defined on boundary")
        if not data.getShape() == (2, ):
            raise ValueError(
                "data must have shape (2,) (real and imaginary part).")
        if w is None:
            w = 1.
        if not isinstance(w, escript.Data):
            w = escript.Data(w, escript.FunctionOnBoundary(domain))
            if not w.getFunctionSpace() == escript.FunctionOnBoundary(domain):
                raise ValueError("Weights must be defined on boundary.")
            if not w.getShape() == ():
                raise ValueError("Weights must be scalar.")

        self.__domain = domain
        self.__omega = omega
        self.__weight = w
        self.__data = data
        self.scaleF = scaleF
        if scaleF:
            A = escript.integrate(self.__weight *
            if A > 0:
                self.__data *= 1. / escript.sqrt(A)

        self.__BX = escript.boundingBox(domain)
        self.edge_lengths = np.asarray(escript.boundingBoxEdgeLengths(domain))

        if not isinstance(F, escript.Data):
            F = escript.interpolate(F, escript.DiracDeltaFunctions(domain))
        if not F.getShape() == (2, ):
            raise ValueError(
                "Source must have shape (2,) (real and imaginary part).")

        self.__F = escript.Data()
        self.__f = escript.Data()
        self.__f_dirac = escript.Data()

        if F.getFunctionSpace() == escript.DiracDeltaFunctions(domain):
            self.__f_dirac = F
        elif F.getFunctionSpace() == escript.FunctionOnBoundary(domain):
            self.__f = F
            self.__F = F
        self.__tol = tol
        self.__fixAtBottom = fixAtBottom
        self.__pde = None
        if not saveMemory:
            self.__pde = self.setUpPDE()