コード例 #1
def concatenateRow(*args):
    if len(args) == 1:
        return args[0]

    if len(args) > 2:
        return concatenateRow(args[0], concatenateRow(*args[1:]))

    lshape = util.getShape(args[0])
    rshape = util.getShape(args[1])
    if len(lshape) == 0:
        if len(rshape) == 0:
            shape = (2, )
            res = numpy.zeros(shape, dtype=object)
            res[0] = args[0]
            res[1] = args[1]
        elif len(rshape) == 1:
            shape = (rshape[0] + 1, )
            res = numpy.zeros(shape, dtype=object)
            res[0] = args[0]
            res[1:] = args[1]
    elif len(lshape) == 1:
        if len(rshape) == 1:
            shape = (2, ) + lshape
            res = numpy.zeros(shape, dtype=object)
            res[0] = args[0]
            res[1] = args[1]
            shape = (rshape[0] + 1, ) + lshape
            res = numpy.zeros(shape, dtype=object)
            res[0] = args[0]
            res[1:] = args[1]
        if len(rshape) == 1:
            shape = (lshape[0] + 1, ) + lshape[1:]
            res = numpy.zeros(shape, dtype=object)
            res[:lshape[0]] = args[0]
            res[lshape[0]] = args[1]
            shape = (lshape[0] + rshape[0], ) + lshape[1:]
            res = numpy.zeros(shape, dtype=object)
            res[:lshape[0]] = args[0]
            res[lshape[0]:] = args[1]

    subs = args[0].getDataSubstitutions().copy()
    dim = args[1].getDim() if args[0].getDim() < 0 else args[0].getDim()
    return symb.Symbol(res, dim=dim, subs=subs)
コード例 #2
    def createCoefficient(self, name):
        Creates a new coefficient ``name`` as Symbol

        :param name: name of the coefficient requested
        :type name: ``string``
        :return: the value of the coefficient
        :rtype: `Symbol` or `Data` (for name = "q")
        :raise IllegalCoefficient: if ``name`` is not a coefficient of the PDE
        if name == "q":
            return self._lpde.createCoefficient("q")
            s = self.getShapeOfCoefficient(name)
            return symb.Symbol(name, s, dim=self.dim)
コード例 #3
    def getSolution(self, **subs):
        Returns the solution of the PDE.

        :param subs: Substitutions for all symbols used in the coefficients
                     including the initial value for the unknown *u*.
        :return: the solution
        :rtype: `Data`
        # get the initial value for the iteration process

        # collect components of unknown in u_syms
        u_syms = []
        simple_u = False
        for i in numpy.ndindex(self._unknown.getShape()):
        if len(set(u_syms)) == 1: simple_u = True
        e = symb.Evaluator(self._unknown)
        for sym in u_syms:
            if not sym in subs:
                raise KeyError("Initial value for '%s' missing." % sym)
            if not isinstance(subs[sym], Data):
                subs[sym] = Data(subs[sym],
            e.subs(**{sym: subs[sym]})
        ui = e.evaluate()

        # modify ui so it meets the constraints:
        q = self._lpde.getCoefficient("q")
        if not q.isEmpty():
            if hasattr(self, "_r"):
                r = self._r
                if symb.isSymbol(r):
                    r = symb.Evaluator(r).evaluate(**subs)
                elif not isinstance(r, Data):
                    r = Data(r, self._lpde.getFunctionSpaceForSolution())
                elif r.isEmpty():
                    r = 0
                r = 0
            ui = q * r + (1 - q) * ui

        # separate symbolic expressions from other coefficients
        constants = {}
        expressions = {}
        for n, e in sorted(self._set_coeffs.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]):
            if symb.isSymbol(e):
                expressions[n] = e
                constants[n] = e
        # set constant PDE values now
        self._lpde.getSolverOptions().setVerbosity(self._debug > self.DEBUG1)
        # perform Newton iterations until error is small enough or
        # maximum number of iterations reached
        n = 0
        omega = 1.  # relaxation factor
        use_simplified_Newton = False
        defect_norm = None
        delta_norm = None
        converged = False

        if simple_u:
            subs[u_syms[0]] = ui
            for i in range(len(u_syms)):
                subs[u_syms[i]] = ui[i]

        while not converged:
            if n > self._iteration_steps_max:
                raise iteration_steps_maxReached(
                    "maximum number of iteration steps reached, giving up.")
            self.trace1(5 * "=" + " iteration step %d " % n + 5 * "=")
            # calculate the correction delta_u
            if n == 0:
                self._updateLinearPDE(expressions, subs, **constants)
                defect_norm = self._getDefectNorm(
                LINTOL = 0.1
                if not use_simplified_Newton:
                    self._updateMatrix(expressions, subs)
                if q_u is None:
                    LINTOL = 0.1 * min(qtol / defect_norm)
                    LINTOL = 0.1 * max(q_u**2, min(qtol / defect_norm))
                LINTOL = max(1e-4, min(LINTOL, 0.1))
            self.trace1("PDE is solved with rel. tolerance = %e" % LINTOL)
            delta_u = self._lpde.getSolution()

            #check for reduced defect:
            omega = min(2 * omega, 1.)  # raise omega
            defect_reduced = False
            ui_old = ui
            while not defect_reduced:
                ui = ui_old - delta_u * omega
                if simple_u:
                    subs[u_syms[0]] = ui
                    for i in range(len(u_syms)):
                        subs[u_syms[i]] = ui[i]
                self._updateRHS(expressions, subs, **constants)
                new_defect_norm = self._getDefectNorm(
                defect_reduced = False
                for i in range(len(new_defect_norm)):
                    if new_defect_norm[i] < defect_norm[i]:
                        defect_reduced = True

                #print new_defect_norm
                #q_defect=max(self._getSafeRatio(new_defect_norm, defect_norm))
                # if defect_norm==0 and new_defect_norm!=0
                # this will be util.DBLE_MAX
                #self.trace1("Defect reduction = %e with relaxation factor %e."%(q_defect, omega))
                if not defect_reduced:
                    omega *= 0.5
                    if omega < self._omega_min:
                        raise DivergenceDetected(
                            "Underrelaxtion failed to reduce defect, giving up."
            self.trace1("Defect reduction with relaxation factor %e." %
                        (omega, ))
            delta_norm, delta_norm_old = self._getSolutionNorm(
                delta_u) * omega, delta_norm
            defect_norm, defect_norm_old = new_defect_norm, defect_norm
            u_norm = self._getSolutionNorm(ui, atol=self._atol)
            # set the tolerance on equation level:
            qtol = self._getSafeRatio(defect_norm_old * u_norm * self._rtol,
            # if defect_norm_old==0 and defect_norm_old!=0 this will be util.DBLE_MAX
            #    -> the ordering of the equations is not appropriate.
            # if defect_norm_old==0 and defect_norm_old==0  this is zero so
            # convergence can happen for defect_norm==0 only.
            if not max(qtol) < util.DBLE_MAX:
                raise InadmissiblePDEOrdering(
                    "Review ordering of PDE equations.")
            # check stopping criteria
            if not delta_norm_old is None:
                q_u = max(self._getSafeRatio(delta_norm, delta_norm_old))
                # if delta_norm_old==0 and delta_norm!=0
                # this will be util.DBLE_MAX
                if q_u <= self._quadratic_convergence_limit and not omega < 1.:
                    quadratic_convergence = True
                        "Quadratic convergence detected (rate %e <= %e)" %
                        (q_u, self._quadratic_convergence_limit))

                    converged = all(
                        [defect_norm[i] <= qtol[i] for i in range(len(qtol))])

                        "No quadratic convergence detected (rate %e > %e, omega=%e)"
                        % (q_u, self._quadratic_convergence_limit, omega))
                    quadratic_convergence = False
                    converged = False
                q_u = None
                converged = False
                quadratic_convergence = False
            if self._debug > self.DEBUG0:
                for i in range(len(u_norm)):
                        "Component %s: u: %e, du: %e, defect: %e, qtol: %e" %
                        (i, u_norm[i], delta_norm[i], defect_norm[i], qtol[i]))
                if converged: self.trace1("Iteration has converged.")
            # Can we switch to simplified Newton?
            if quadratic_convergence:
                q_defect = max(self._getSafeRatio(defect_norm,
                if q_defect < self._simplified_newton_limit:
                    use_simplified_Newton = True
                        "Simplified Newton-Raphson is applied (rate %e < %e)."
                        % (q_defect, self._simplified_newton_limit))
            n += 1
        self.trace1(5 * "=" +
                    " Newton-Raphson iteration completed after %d steps " % n +
                    5 * "=")
        return ui