コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, host, is_secure=True, port=None, debug=0, path='/'):
        :param host: The host to connection to

        :keyword str aws_access_key_id: AWS Access Key ID
        :keyword str aws_secret_access_key: AWS Secret Access Key

        :type is_secure: boolean
        :param is_secure: Whether the connection is over SSL

        self.access_key = cfg.get('Default', 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY')
        self.secret_key = cfg.get('Default', 'AWS_SECRET_KEY')

        # default number of retries value
        self.num_retries = 6

        self.is_secure = is_secure

        if port:
            self.port = port
            self.port = PORTS[is_secure]

        # catch and retry on certain exceptions from httplib
        self.http_exceptions = (httplib.HTTPException, socket.error,
                                socket.gaierror, httplib.BadStatusLine)

        if is_secure:
            self.protocol = 'https'
            self.protocol = 'http'

        self.host = host
        self.path = path
        # if the value passed in for debug
        if not isinstance(debug, (int, long)):
            debug = 0
        self.debug = cfg.get_int('Default', 'debug', debug)
        self.host_header = None

        # Set default socket time out as suggested:
        # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazonswf/latest/apireference/
        # API_PollForActivityTask.html
        self.http_connection_kwargs = {
            'timeout': cfg.get_int('HTTPConnection', 'http_socket_timeout', 70)

        self._connection = (self.host, self.port, self.is_secure)

        self.auth_handler = auth.get_auth_handler(host, cfg,
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self, host, is_secure=True, port=None, debug=0, path='/'):
        :param host: The host to connection to

        :keyword str aws_access_key_id: AWS Access Key ID
        :keyword str aws_secret_access_key: AWS Secret Access Key

        :type is_secure: boolean
        :param is_secure: Whether the connection is over SSL

        self.access_key = cfg.get('Default', 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY')
        self.secret_key = cfg.get('Default', 'AWS_SECRET_KEY')

        # default number of retries value
        self.num_retries = 6

        self.is_secure = is_secure

        if port:
            self.port = port
            self.port = PORTS[is_secure]

        # catch and retry on certain exceptions from httplib
        self.http_exceptions = (httplib.HTTPException, socket.error,
                                socket.gaierror, httplib.BadStatusLine)

        if is_secure:
            self.protocol = 'https'
            self.protocol = 'http'

        self.host = host
        self.path = path
        # if the value passed in for debug
        if not isinstance(debug, (int, long)):
            debug = 0
        self.debug = cfg.get_int('Default', 'debug', debug)
        self.host_header = None

        # Set default socket time out as suggested:
        # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazonswf/latest/apireference/
        # API_PollForActivityTask.html
        self.http_connection_kwargs = {'timeout': cfg.get_int(
            'HTTPConnection', 'http_socket_timeout', 70)}

        self._connection = (self.host, self.port, self.is_secure)

        self.auth_handler = auth.get_auth_handler(
            host, cfg, self._target_aws_service())
コード例 #3
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: Phoenix1708/AgileRouting
def get_expected_num_logs():
    Function to return the number of ELB access log expected.
    (For code re-usability)
    measurement_interval = cfg.get_int('Default', 'measurement_interval', 10)

    print_message('Measurement interval: %s' % measurement_interval)

    logging_time = cfg.get_int('s3', 'log_emitting_time', 5)
    expected_logs_to_obtain = math.floor(measurement_interval / logging_time)

    return expected_logs_to_obtain
コード例 #4
class Key(object):
    Represents a key object (metadata) in an S3 bucket.

    DefaultContentType = 'application/octet-stream'

    BufferSize = cfg.get_int('s3', 'key_buffer_size', 8192)

    def __init__(self, bucket=None, name=None):
        self.bucket = bucket
        self.name = name
        self.content_type = self.DefaultContentType
        self.entity_tag = None
        self.last_modified = None
        self.accept_ranges = None
        self.response = None
        self.size = None

    def __repr__(self):
        if self.bucket:
            return '<Key: %s,%s>' % (self.bucket.name, self.name)
            return '<Key: None,%s>' % self.name

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def next(self):
        Make Key object iterable such that large content can be
        read pieces by pieces depends on buffer size
        data = self.response.read(self.BufferSize)
        if not data:
            raise StopIteration
        return data

    def get_contents_to_file(self, fp):

        data_size = 0

            for content_fragment in self:
                data_size += len(content_fragment)

        except IOError, e:
            if e.errno == errno.ENOSPC:
                raise S3Exception('Out of space for saving file '
                                  '%s' % fp.name)

        if self.size is None:
            self.size = data_size

コード例 #5
from __future__ import division
import os
import time

from connection.s3_connection import S3Connection
from etc.configuration import cfg
from utilities.multi_threading import ThreadingManager
from utilities.utils import print_message, get_expected_num_logs, \
    get_next_nth_elb_log_time, get_available_clients, station_metadata_map

log_polling_interval = cfg.get_int('s3', 'log_polling_interval', 60)

log_file_dir = os.getcwd() + '/data_parser/s3/elb_access_logs/'

class DataAccumulatorManager(ThreadingManager):
    Class that manage all thread that reading data from logs
    def __init__(self):
        self.data_sum = 0
        self.client_sent = dict()
        self.client_receive = dict()
        self.available_client = get_available_clients()

        self.client_ips_name_pair = dict()
        for client_name in self.available_client:
                {station_metadata_map['ip'][client_name]: client_name})
            # initialisation
コード例 #6
def main():

    # line counter for reading csparql logs of each service station
    line_counters = dict()

    # bucket and ELB info for getting access log from S3
    elb_buckets_dict = dict()
    elb_regions = get_station_region()
    elb_buckets = get_elb_buckets_map()
    for station, region in elb_regions.iteritems():
        elb_region_str = '%s:%s' % (station, region)
            {elb_region_str: unicode(elb_buckets[station])})

    stations = get_available_stations()
    for station in stations:
        line_counters.update({station: 0})

    log_base_dir = time.strftime("%Y_%m%d_%H%M")
    total_num_users = cfg.get_int('Default', 'total_num_users')

    # Get all available client region
    available_clients = get_available_clients()

    # counter = 0  # For testing
    while True:

        # Processing csparql log and ELB access log simultaneously by 2 threads

        # Start csparql log paring first since ELB access log has delay
        # emitting the log file

        # First we need to calculate how much time to wait before retrieving
        # csparql logs. i.e how long the actual measurement time is. Since S3
        # only emit log at 5, 10, 15 etc. minute of the hour, we can only
        # measure the time that measurement start until the last expected log
        # omission time which is not the actual time that log being obtained
        # since there is delay
        measurement_interval = calculate_waiting_time()

        # no need to wait until log actually being obtained
        measurement_interval -= 300

        # Measuring latency between each client region and service station
        latency_manager = ThreadingManager()
            para=[available_clients, stations, measurement_interval])

        server_log_processor = ThreadingManager()
                                            log_base_dir, line_counters,

        # Begin gathering info of the amount of data
        # transferred through each service station
        data_counting_task = ThreadingManager()

        latency_results_dict = latency_manager.collect_results().get()

        # collecting csparql log first since its processing will complete first
        # while elb data might has delay
        server_metrics_queue = server_log_processor.collect_results()
        (station_metric_list, total_request) = server_metrics_queue.get()
        line_counters = server_metrics_queue.get()

        print_message('Service station logs processing finished\n')

        # collecting elb data now
        elb_data_queue = data_counting_task.collect_results()
        data_in, data_out = elb_data_queue.get()
        """ Preparing optimisation parameters """
        # Calculate The "average amount of data involved in each request" for
        # each service station and the "total number of requests"

        # These 2 dictionary stores the average data send and received per
        # request sent and received by *each service station* from *each
        # client*. The length of the dictionary should be equals to the
        # number of clients (regions)

        # <Client_name: <Station: data_in_per_req>>
        avg_data_in_per_reqs = dict()
        # <Client_name: <Station: data_out_per_req>>
        avg_data_out_per_reqs = dict()

        # initialise
        for cli_name in available_clients:
            avg_data_in_per_reqs.update({cli_name: {}})
            avg_data_out_per_reqs.update({cli_name: {}})

        # requests arrival rate and service rate of each service station
        arrival_rates = dict()
        service_rates = dict()

        for station_metric in station_metric_list:
            # getting metric
            station_name = station_metric.station_name
            arrival_rate = station_metric.arrival_rate
            service_rate = station_metric.service_rate

            requests = station_metric.total_requests

            print '\nTotal requests for station %s: %s' \
                  % (station_name, requests)

                metric_record_file, '\nTotal requests for station %s: %s' %
                (station_name, requests))

            # arrival_rate and service_rate
            arrival_rates.update({station_name: arrival_rate})
            service_rates.update({station_name: service_rate})

            response_time = \
                math.pow(service_rate, -1) / (1 - math.pow(service_rate, -1) *
            print '[Debug] predicted current response time of service station ' \
                  '\'%s\': %s' % (station_name, response_time)

                '[Debug] predicted currentresponse time of service '
                'station \'%s\': %s' % (station_name, response_time))

        # TODO: calculate total requests for each client
        # TODO: if c-sparql could record the source of each requests
        # TODO: things would be much more easier
        total_request_per_client = dict()
        data_in_sum = 0
        client_data_in_sum = dict()

        for a_client in available_clients:
            client_data_in_sum.update({a_client: 0})

        for station_name in stations:
            d_in = data_in.get(station_name)
            for c, sent_data in d_in.iteritems():
                # calculate total data sent by each client
                # and the total data sent by all client
                client_data_in_sum[c] += sent_data
                data_in_sum += sent_data

        # calculate total amount of requests sent by each client
        for ac in available_clients:
            t_request = math.ceil(total_request *
                                  (client_data_in_sum[ac] / data_in_sum))
            t_request = int(t_request)

            # build this so that it could be used by calculating out data
            total_request_per_client.update({ac: t_request})

        for station_name in stations:
            d_in = data_in.get(station_name)

            for c, sent_data in d_in.iteritems():
                t_request = total_request_per_client[c]
                # convert the amount of data to GB
                sent_data = float(sent_data / math.pow(1024, 3))
                avg_data_in_per_req = sent_data / t_request
                    {station_name: avg_data_in_per_req})

        for station_name in stations:
            d_out = data_out.get(station_name)

            for c1, received_data in d_out.iteritems():
                t_request = total_request_per_client[c1]
                received_data = float(received_data / math.pow(1024, 3))
                avg_data_out_per_req = received_data / t_request
                    {station_name: avg_data_out_per_req})

        # For testing purpose
        info_str = \
            '\n[Debug] total_request: %s\n' \
            '[Debug] avg_data_in_per_reqs: %s\n' \
            '[Debug] avg_data_out_per_reqs: %s\n' \
            '[Debug] arrival_rates: %s\n' \
            '[Debug] service_rates: %s\n' \
            % (total_request,
               arrival_rates, service_rates)

        print info_str
        log_info(metric_record_file, info_str)

        # TODO: Get elb price from config
        # ELB pricing
        elb_prices = [0.008, 0.008]

        # optimise for each client...
        # do optimisation for each client in a new threads
        optimiser = ThreadingManager()
        for client in available_clients:
                                      avg_data_out_per_reqs, client,
                                      elb_prices, latency_results_dict,
                                      measurement_interval, service_rates,
                                      stations, total_request_per_client

        # synchronising threads

        # it takes up to 60 mins for Route 53 record changes to take effect
コード例 #7
    def _make_request(self, request, retry_handler=None):
        executing the HTTP request and retry request in case of
        temporary connection failure

        response = None
        body = None
        e = None   # exception to raise if any "unretriable"

        num_retries = cfg.get_int('HTTPConnection', 'num_retries',

        connection = self.new_http_connection(request.host, request.port)
        counter = 0
        while counter <= num_retries:
            # Use binary exponential back-off to avoid traffic congestion
            max_retry_delay = cfg.get('HTTPConnection', 'max_retry_delay', 60)
            wait_time = min(random.random() * (2 ** counter), max_retry_delay)

                # sign the request with AWS access key
                # add host to header except requests made to s3
                if 's3' not in self._target_aws_service():

                request.start_time = datetime.now()

                connection.request(request.method, request.path,
                                   request.body, request.headers)
                response = connection.getresponse()

                location = response.getheader('location')

                if request.method == 'HEAD' and \
                        getattr(response, 'chunked', False):
                    response.chunked = 0

                # checking response code - check 400 first
                if callable(retry_handler):
                    status = retry_handler(response, counter)
                    if status:
                        msg, counter = status
                        if msg:

                if response.status in [500, 502, 503, 504]:
                    msg = 'HTTP response: %s\nRe-attempting in %3.1f ' \
                          'seconds' % response.status, wait_time
                    # response has to be consumed
                    body = response.read()

                elif response.status < 300 or response.status >= 400 or \
                        not location:
                    # close the connection if it is set
                    # to be closed by the other end
                    conn_header_value = response.getheader('connection')
                    if conn_header_value == 'close':

                    return response

            except PleaseRetryException, e:
                log.debug('encountered a retry exception: %s' % e)
                connection = self.new_http_connection(request.host,
                response = e.response
            except self.http_exceptions, e:
                log.debug('encountered %s exception, reconnecting'
                          % e.__class__.__name__)
                connection = self.new_http_connection(request.host,
コード例 #8
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: Phoenix1708/AgileRouting
def main():

    # line counter for reading csparql logs of each service station
    line_counters = dict()

    # bucket and ELB info for getting access log from S3
    elb_buckets_dict = dict()
    elb_regions = get_station_region()
    elb_buckets = get_elb_buckets_map()
    for station, region in elb_regions.iteritems():
        elb_region_str = '%s:%s' % (station, region)
        elb_buckets_dict.update({elb_region_str: unicode(elb_buckets[station])})

    stations = get_available_stations()
    for station in stations:
        line_counters.update({station: 0})

    log_base_dir = time.strftime("%Y_%m%d_%H%M")
    total_num_users = cfg.get_int('Default', 'total_num_users')

    # Get all available client region
    available_clients = get_available_clients()

    # counter = 0  # For testing
    while True:

        # Processing csparql log and ELB access log simultaneously by 2 threads

        # Start csparql log paring first since ELB access log has delay
        # emitting the log file

        # First we need to calculate how much time to wait before retrieving
        # csparql logs. i.e how long the actual measurement time is. Since S3
        # only emit log at 5, 10, 15 etc. minute of the hour, we can only
        # measure the time that measurement start until the last expected log
        # omission time which is not the actual time that log being obtained
        # since there is delay
        measurement_interval = calculate_waiting_time()

        # no need to wait until log actually being obtained
        measurement_interval -= 300

        # Measuring latency between each client region and service station
        latency_manager = ThreadingManager()
            para=[available_clients, stations, measurement_interval]

        server_log_processor = ThreadingManager()
            para=[log_base_dir, line_counters, total_num_users,

        # Begin gathering info of the amount of data
        # transferred through each service station
        data_counting_task = ThreadingManager()

        latency_results_dict = latency_manager.collect_results().get()

        # collecting csparql log first since its processing will complete first
        # while elb data might has delay
        server_metrics_queue = server_log_processor.collect_results()
        (station_metric_list, total_request) = server_metrics_queue.get()
        line_counters = server_metrics_queue.get()

        print_message('Service station logs processing finished\n')

        # collecting elb data now
        elb_data_queue = data_counting_task.collect_results()
        data_in, data_out = elb_data_queue.get()

        """ Preparing optimisation parameters """
        # Calculate The "average amount of data involved in each request" for
        # each service station and the "total number of requests"

        # These 2 dictionary stores the average data send and received per
        # request sent and received by *each service station* from *each
        # client*. The length of the dictionary should be equals to the
        # number of clients (regions)

        # <Client_name: <Station: data_in_per_req>>
        avg_data_in_per_reqs = dict()
        # <Client_name: <Station: data_out_per_req>>
        avg_data_out_per_reqs = dict()

        # initialise
        for cli_name in available_clients:
            avg_data_in_per_reqs.update({cli_name: {}})
            avg_data_out_per_reqs.update({cli_name: {}})

        # requests arrival rate and service rate of each service station
        arrival_rates = dict()
        service_rates = dict()

        for station_metric in station_metric_list:
            # getting metric
            station_name = station_metric.station_name
            arrival_rate = station_metric.arrival_rate
            service_rate = station_metric.service_rate

            requests = station_metric.total_requests

            print '\nTotal requests for station %s: %s' \
                  % (station_name, requests)

                     '\nTotal requests for station %s: %s'
                     % (station_name, requests))

            # arrival_rate and service_rate
            arrival_rates.update({station_name: arrival_rate})
            service_rates.update({station_name: service_rate})

            response_time = \
                math.pow(service_rate, -1) / (1 - math.pow(service_rate, -1) *
            print '[Debug] predicted current response time of service station ' \
                  '\'%s\': %s' % (station_name, response_time)

                     '[Debug] predicted currentresponse time of service '
                     'station \'%s\': %s' % (station_name, response_time))

        # TODO: calculate total requests for each client
        # TODO: if c-sparql could record the source of each requests
        # TODO: things would be much more easier
        total_request_per_client = dict()
        data_in_sum = 0
        client_data_in_sum = dict()

        for a_client in available_clients:
            client_data_in_sum.update({a_client: 0})

        for station_name in stations:
            d_in = data_in.get(station_name)
            for c, sent_data in d_in.iteritems():
                # calculate total data sent by each client
                # and the total data sent by all client
                client_data_in_sum[c] += sent_data
                data_in_sum += sent_data

        # calculate total amount of requests sent by each client
        for ac in available_clients:
            t_request = math.ceil(
                total_request * (client_data_in_sum[ac] / data_in_sum))
            t_request = int(t_request)

            # build this so that it could be used by calculating out data
            total_request_per_client.update({ac: t_request})

        for station_name in stations:
            d_in = data_in.get(station_name)

            for c, sent_data in d_in.iteritems():
                t_request = total_request_per_client[c]
                # convert the amount of data to GB
                sent_data = float(sent_data / math.pow(1024, 3))
                avg_data_in_per_req = sent_data / t_request
                    {station_name: avg_data_in_per_req})

        for station_name in stations:
            d_out = data_out.get(station_name)

            for c1, received_data in d_out.iteritems():
                t_request = total_request_per_client[c1]
                received_data = float(received_data / math.pow(1024, 3))
                avg_data_out_per_req = received_data / t_request
                    {station_name: avg_data_out_per_req})

        # For testing purpose
        info_str = \
            '\n[Debug] total_request: %s\n' \
            '[Debug] avg_data_in_per_reqs: %s\n' \
            '[Debug] avg_data_out_per_reqs: %s\n' \
            '[Debug] arrival_rates: %s\n' \
            '[Debug] service_rates: %s\n' \
            % (total_request,
               arrival_rates, service_rates)

        print info_str
        log_info(metric_record_file, info_str)

        # TODO: Get elb price from config
        # ELB pricing
        elb_prices = [0.008, 0.008]

        # optimise for each client...
        # do optimisation for each client in a new threads
        optimiser = ThreadingManager()
        for client in available_clients:
                      avg_data_out_per_reqs, client,
                      elb_prices, latency_results_dict,
                      measurement_interval, service_rates,
                      stations, total_request_per_client]

        # synchronising threads

        # it takes up to 60 mins for Route 53 record changes to take effect
コード例 #9
    def _make_request(self, request, retry_handler=None):
        executing the HTTP request and retry request in case of
        temporary connection failure

        response = None
        body = None
        e = None  # exception to raise if any "unretriable"

        num_retries = cfg.get_int('HTTPConnection', 'num_retries',

        connection = self.new_http_connection(request.host, request.port)
        counter = 0
        while counter <= num_retries:
            # Use binary exponential back-off to avoid traffic congestion
            max_retry_delay = cfg.get('HTTPConnection', 'max_retry_delay', 60)
            wait_time = min(random.random() * (2**counter), max_retry_delay)

                # sign the request with AWS access key
                # add host to header except requests made to s3
                if 's3' not in self._target_aws_service():

                request.start_time = datetime.now()

                connection.request(request.method, request.path, request.body,
                response = connection.getresponse()

                location = response.getheader('location')

                if request.method == 'HEAD' and \
                        getattr(response, 'chunked', False):
                    response.chunked = 0

                # checking response code - check 400 first
                if callable(retry_handler):
                    status = retry_handler(response, counter)
                    if status:
                        msg, counter = status
                        if msg:

                if response.status in [500, 502, 503, 504]:
                    msg = 'HTTP response: %s\nRe-attempting in %3.1f ' \
                          'seconds' % response.status, wait_time
                    # response has to be consumed
                    body = response.read()

                elif response.status < 300 or response.status >= 400 or \
                        not location:
                    # close the connection if it is set
                    # to be closed by the other end
                    conn_header_value = response.getheader('connection')
                    if conn_header_value == 'close':

                    return response

            except PleaseRetryException, e:
                log.debug('encountered a retry exception: %s' % e)
                connection = self.new_http_connection(request.host,
                response = e.response
            except self.http_exceptions, e:
                log.debug('encountered %s exception, reconnecting' %
                connection = self.new_http_connection(request.host,
コード例 #10
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: Phoenix1708/AgileRouting
def get_next_nth_elb_log_time(n, last_expected_time):
    Get the next minutes e.g 5 or 10 or 15 that the S3 will emit ELB access
    log. It can also get the time of next nth log base on current time


    current_time = datetime.utcnow()

    print_message('Current UTC Time: %s'
                  % '-'.join([str(current_time.year),
                              str('%02d' % current_time.month),
                              str('%02d' % current_time.day),
                              str('%02d' % current_time.hour),
                              str('%02d' % current_time.minute)]))

    # [year, month, day, hour, minute] = \
    #     current_time.year, current_time.month, current_time.day, \
    #     current_time.hour, current_time.minute
    # print_message('Current UTC Time: %s' % '-'.join([str(year),
    #                                                  str('%02d' % month),
    #                                                  str('%02d' % day),
    #                                                  str('%02d' % hour),
    #                                                  str('%02d' % minute)]))

    # Calculate the next expected log file emitted by S3.
    # With 5 minute logging interval, logs are emitted every 5 minutes
    # at each hour, hence the ceiling of the division of current minute
    # with 5 (minutes) should be the next expected minute at which a new
    # log will be emitted

    logging_interval = cfg.get_int('s3', 'log_emitting_time', 60)

    if not last_expected_time:
        interval_covered = math.ceil(current_time.minute / logging_interval)
        reminder = current_time.minute % logging_interval

        time_delta = \
            logging_interval * interval_covered + logging_interval * (n - 1) -\

        next_expected_time = current_time + timedelta(minutes=time_delta)

        # next_expected_minute = \
        #     logging_interval * interval_covered + logging_interval * (n - 1)

        # it the current minute is happen to be a logging time
        # i.e 5, 10, 15 etc.
        if reminder == 0:
            time_delta = n * logging_interval
            next_expected_time = current_time + timedelta(minutes=time_delta)
            # next_expected_minute = minute + n * logging_interval
        min_delta = n * logging_interval
        next_expected_time = last_expected_time + timedelta(minutes=min_delta)

        # next_expected_minute = \
        #     last_expected_minutes + n * logging_interval

        # .seconds // 60) % 60

    # (timespot - lasttime).days * 24 * 60 * 60 + (timespot - lasttime).seconds
    # 10863
    # timedelta(seconds=10863)

    if next_expected_time < current_time:
        t_delta = current_time - next_expected_time
        over_due_sec = t_delta.days * 24 * 60 * 60 + t_delta.seconds

        if over_due_sec <= logging_interval * 60:
            waiting_td = \
                next_expected_time + timedelta(seconds=logging_interval * 60) \
                - current_time

            max_waiting_time = \
                waiting_td.days * 24 * 60 * 60 + waiting_td.seconds
            max_waiting_time = 0
            print_message('[Fatal!] Waiting for too long\n'
                          'Current expected logging time %s\n'
                          'Current time: %s'
                          % (next_expected_time, current_time))

    elif next_expected_time > current_time:
        waiting_td = next_expected_time - current_time
        max_waiting_time = waiting_td.days * 24 * 60 * 60 + \
                           waiting_td.seconds + logging_interval * 60
        max_waiting_time = logging_interval * 60

    print_message('Next expected time (UTC) %s'
                  % '-'.join([str(next_expected_time.year),
                              str('%02d' % next_expected_time.month),
                              str('%02d' % next_expected_time.day),
                              str('%02d' % next_expected_time.hour),
                              str('%02d' % next_expected_time.minute)]))

    # if next_expected_logging_minute < minute:
    #     max_waiting_minutes = \
    #         60 - minute + next_expected_logging_minute + logging_interval
    # else:
    #     max_waiting_minutes = \
    #         next_expected_logging_minute - minute + logging_interval

    print_message('[Debug]: max_waiting_minutes: %s' % (max_waiting_time / 60))

    return next_expected_time, max_waiting_time