def checkbatteryinfotable(dbname: str, tablename: str): """ 检查设备的电池信息数据表是否已经构建,设置相应的ini值避免重复打开关闭数据库文件进行检查 """ if not (batteryinfocreated := getcfpoptionvalue('everhard', str(getdeviceid()), 'batteryinfodb')): print(batteryinfocreated) csql = f"create table if not exists {tablename} (appendtime int PRIMARY KEY, percentage int, temperature float)" ifnotcreate(tablename, csql, dbname) setcfpoptionvalue('everhard', str(getdeviceid()), 'batteryinfodb', str(True)) logstr = f"数据表{tablename}在数据库{dbname}中构建成功"
def checkphoneinfotable(dbname: str): """ 检查联系人和短信数据表是否已经构建,设置相应的ini值避免重复打开关闭数据库文件进行检查 """ # 联系人数据表检查构建 if not (phonecontactdb := getcfpoptionvalue('everpim', str(getdeviceid()), 'phonecontacttable')): tablename = "phone" print(phonecontactdb, tablename) csql = f"create table if not exists {tablename} (number str PRIMARY KEY not null unique on conflict ignore, name str, appendtime datetime)" ifnotcreate(tablename, csql, dbname) setcfpoptionvalue('everpim', str(getdeviceid()), 'phonecontacttable', str(True)) logstr = f"数据表{tablename}在数据库{dbname}中构建成功"
def phonesms2db(): """ 手机短信数据入库 """ if not (phonecontactdb := getcfpoptionvalue('everpim', str(getdeviceid()), 'smsfirstrun')): readnum = 50000
def foot2show(df4dis): """ 展示足迹 """ namestr = 'everloc' if (device_id := getcfpoptionvalue(namestr, namestr, 'device_id')) is None: device_id = getdeviceid() setcfpoptionvalue(namestr, namestr, 'device_id', device_id)
def getdelta(): """ 从网络配置笔记中获取时间间隔(用于判断宕机时间,逻辑上不完全准确,取经验值) """ if (delta := getinivaluefromnote('freemem', getdeviceid())) is not None: print(delta) delta = [int(x) for x in delta.split(',')] deltatime = pd.Timedelta(minutes=delta[0], seconds=delta[1])
def chuli_datasource(): """ 展示足迹 """ namestr = 'everloc' if (device_id := str(getcfpoptionvalue(namestr, namestr, 'device_id'))) is None: device_id = getdeviceid() setcfpoptionvalue(namestr, namestr, 'device_id', device_id)
def add_friend(msg): # 如何不是指定的数据分析中心和主账户,则不打招呼 thisid = getdeviceid() houseid = getinivaluefromnote('webchat', 'datahouse') mainaccount = getinivaluefromnote('webchat', 'mainaccount') helloword1 = getinivaluefromnote('webchat', 'helloword1') helloword2 = getinivaluefromnote('webchat', 'helloword2') men_wc = getcfpoptionvalue('everwebchat', get_host_uuid(), 'host_nickname') if (thisid != str(houseid) or (men_wc != mainaccount)): print(f"不是数据分析中心也不是主账号【{mainaccount}】,不用打招呼哟") return msg.user.verify() msg.user.send(f'Nice to meet you!\n{helloword1}\n{helloword2}') writefmmsg2txtandmaybeevernotetoo(msg)
def log2notes(): namestr = 'everlog' device_id = getdeviceid() token = getcfpoptionvalue('everwork', 'evernote', 'token') # if not (logguid := getcfpoptionvalue(namestr, device_id, 'logguid')): note_store = get_notestore() parentnotebook = note_store.getNotebook( '4524187f-c131-4d7d-b6cc-a1af20474a7f') evernoteapijiayi() note = ttypes.Note() note.title = f'服务器_{device_id}_日志信息' notelog = makenote(token, note_store, note.title, notebody='', parentnotebook=parentnotebook) logguid = notelog.guid setcfpoptionvalue(namestr, device_id, 'logguid', logguid)
def iprecord(): """ 获取本机ip """ device_id = getdeviceid() ip = wifi = wifiid = tun = None ethlst = get_ip4alleth() print(ethlst) if platform.system() == 'Windows': ip = ethlst[0][1] cmd = 'netsh wlan show interfaces' rrr = os.popen(cmd) rrrinfo = rrr.readlines() print(rrrinfo) for line in rrrinfo: if line.find('BSSID') >= 0: wifi = line.split(':', 1)[1].strip() continue if line.find('SSID') >= 0: wifiid = line.split(':', 1)[1].strip() continue return ip, wifi, wifiid, tun, device_id for ethinfo in ethlst: name, ipinner = ethinfo if name.startswith('tun'): tun = ipinner continue if name.startswith('wlan'): wifiinfo = termux_wifi_connectioninfo() print(wifiinfo) wifi = wifiinfo['ssid'] if wifi.find('unknown ssid') >= 0: logstr = f'WIFI处于假连状态:{wifi}\t{ipinner}' log.warning(logstr) wifi = None continue wifiid = wifiinfo['bssid'] ip = ipinner return ip, wifi, wifiid, tun, device_id
检查联系人和短信数据表是否已经构建,设置相应的ini值避免重复打开关闭数据库文件进行检查 """ # 联系人数据表检查构建 if not (phonecontactdb := getcfpoptionvalue('everpim', str(getdeviceid()), 'phonecontacttable')): tablename = "phone" print(phonecontactdb, tablename) csql = f"create table if not exists {tablename} (number str PRIMARY KEY not null unique on conflict ignore, name str, appendtime datetime)" ifnotcreate(tablename, csql, dbname) setcfpoptionvalue('everpim', str(getdeviceid()), 'phonecontacttable', str(True)) logstr = f"数据表{tablename}在数据库{dbname}中构建成功" # 短信数据表检查构建 if not (phonecontactdb := getcfpoptionvalue('everpim', str(getdeviceid()), 'phonesmstable')): tablename = "sms" print(phonecontactdb, tablename) # smsdfdone.columns = ['sent', 'sender', 'number', 'time', 'content', 'smsuuid'] csql = f"create table if not exists {tablename} (type str,sent bool, name str, number str, time datetime, content str,smsuuid str PRIMARY KEY not null unique on conflict ignore)" ifnotcreate(tablename, csql, dbname) setcfpoptionvalue('everpim', str(getdeviceid()), 'phonesmstable', str(True)) logstr = f"数据表{tablename}在数据库{dbname}中构建成功" # 联系人描述数据表检查构建 if not (phonecontactdb := getcfpoptionvalue('everpim', str(getdeviceid()), 'phonectdesctable')): tablename = "ctdesc"
from func.sysfunc import set_timeout, after_timeout, not_IPython # %% @set_timeout(240, after_timeout) @timethis def foot2record(): """ 记录位置数据(经纬度等) """ namestr = 'everloc' if (device_id := getcfpoptionvalue(namestr, namestr, 'device_id')): device_id = str(device_id) else: device_id = getdeviceid() setcfpoptionvalue(namestr, namestr, 'device_id', device_id) txtfilename = str(dirmainpath / 'data' / 'ifttt' / f'location_{device_id}.txt') print(txtfilename) itemread = readfromtxt(txtfilename) numlimit = 5 # 显示项目数 print(itemread[:numlimit]) tlst = [ 'datetime', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'altitude', 'accuracy', 'bearing', 'speed', 'elapsedMs', 'provider' ] locinfo = termux_location() print(locinfo) nowstr ='%F %T')
def show2evernote(imglst): deviceid = getdeviceid() guid = getinivaluefromnote('freemem', f'free_{deviceid}') print(guid) if (device_name := getinivaluefromnote('device', deviceid)) is None: device_name = deviceid
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # --- # jupyter: # jupytext: # formats: ipynb,py:light # text_representation: # extension: .py # format_name: light # format_version: '1.5' # jupytext_version: 1.3.1 # kernelspec: # display_name: Python 3 # language: python # name: python3 # --- # # 印象笔记 # + import pathmagic with pathmagic.context(): from func.evernttest import findnotebookfromevernote, findnotefromnotebook from func.configpr import getcfpoptionvalue from etc.getid import getdeviceid nbdf = findnotebookfromevernote() ipnbguid = getcfpoptionvalue('everip', getdeviceid(), 'ipnbguid') ipnbguid # -
if (ulst := splitmjurlfromtext(msgtxt)) and (len(ulst) > 0): if getinivaluefromnote("game", "forceupdateexcel"): descstr = '' for sp in ulst: tmpurl, tmpdescstr = geturlcontentwrite2excel(men_wc, sp) descstr += tmpdescstr else: descstr = updateurllst(men_wc, ulst) outstr = f"【Text】信息中发现新的火界麻将战绩网页链接并处理:\t{descstr}" # itchat.send_msg(sendernick + outstr) makemsg2write(innermsg, outstr) makemsg2write(innermsg, msgtxt) # 如何不是指定的数据分析中心,则不进行语义分析 thisid = getdeviceid() # print(f"type:{type(thisid)}\t{thisid}") houseid = getinivaluefromnote('webchat', 'datahouse') mainaccount = getinivaluefromnote('webchat', 'mainaccount') # print(f"type:{type(houseid)}\t{houseid}") men_wc = getcfpoptionvalue('everwebchat', get_host_uuid(), 'host_nickname') if (thisid != str(houseid) or (men_wc != mainaccount)): print(f"不是数据分析中心也不是主账号【{mainaccount}】,指令咱不管哦") return # 根据口令显示火界麻将战绩综合统计结果 if msg['Text'].startswith('火界麻将战果统计') or msg['Text'].startswith('麻果'):"根据口令显示火界麻将战绩综合统计结果") msgtxt = msg['Text'] recentday = "" if msgtxt.find('日') != -1:
tablename="phone" checkphoneinfotable(dbname) conn = lite.connect(dbname) recordctdf_back = pd.read_sql(f"select * from {tablename}", con=conn) conn.close() # - ctdonedf = recordctdf_back ctdonedf droptablefromdb(dbname, 'phone', confirm=True) # 联系人数据表检查构建 if not (phonecontactdb := getcfpoptionvalue('everpim', str(getdeviceid()), 'phonecontacttable')) or True: tablename = "phone" print(phonecontactdb, tablename) csql = f"create table if not exists {tablename} (number str PRIMARY KEY not null unique on conflict ignore, name str, appendtime datetime)" ifnotcreate(tablename, csql, dbname) setcfpoptionvalue('everpim', str(getdeviceid()), 'phonecontacttable', str(True)) logstr = f"数据表{tablename}在数据库{dbname}中构建成功" dbname dbname = touchfilepath2depth(getdirmain() / "data" / "db" / f"phonecontact_{getdeviceid()}.db") tablename="phone" conn = lite.connect(dbname) ctdonedf.to_sql(tablename, con=conn, if_exists="append", index=False) conn.close()
def huojieds2note(): huojieguid = getinivaluefromnote('game', 'guid') notecontent = getnotecontent(huojieguid) try: neirong = notecontent.find('pre').text print(neirong) nrlst = neirong.split('\n') print(nrlst) jushufromnote = int(nrlst[0].split(":")[1]) except Exception as e: print(e) jushufromnote = 0 print(jushufromnote) musedatapath = getdirmain() / 'data' / 'muse' tlst = [ musedatapath / pt for pt in os.listdir(musedatapath) if (pt.endswith('xlsx') or pt.endswith('xls')) ] print(tlst) df = pd.DataFrame() for datafile in tlst: countbefore = df.shape[0] df = df.append(pd.read_excel(datafile))"{os.path.basename(datafile)}\t{df.shape[0] - countbefore}") df = df.drop_duplicates().sort_values('time', ascending=False) jushufromhost = df.shape[0] // 4"主机本地数据文件有效局数为:\t{jushufromhost}") if jushufromnote != jushufromhost: datamainpath = musedatapath / 'huojiemain.xlsx' touchfilepath2depth(datamainpath) reslst = getnoteresource(huojieguid) targetbinlst = [ x[1] for x in reslst if x[0] == os.path.basename(datamainpath) ] if len(targetbinlst) != 0: huojiefromnotepath = musedatapath / 'huojiemainfromnote.xlsx' f = open(huojiefromnotepath, 'wb') f.write(targetbinlst[0]) f.close()"本地数据局数为:{jushufromhost}") df = df.append(pd.read_excel(huojiefromnotepath)) df = df.drop_duplicates().sort_values('time', ascending=False) jushufromhost = df.shape[0] // 4"添加网络数据后的总局数为:{jushufromhost}") df.to_excel(datamainpath, index=False) timemin = df['time'].min() timemax = df['time'].max() deviceid = getdeviceid() if (device_name := getinivaluefromnote('device', deviceid)) is None: device_name = deviceid updatereslst2note( [datamainpath], huojieguid, neirong= f'局数:{jushufromhost}\n时间跨度:{timemin}至{timemax}\n主机名称:{device_name}', filenameonly=True)