def test_insert_duplicate_raises(mock_get_pk_field): mock_get_pk_field.return_value = Column('id') etcd_client = mock.Mock() # = tree = SQLTree() # {"query_type": "INSERT", # "db": null, # "query": # "insert into bar(id, name) values(1, 'aaa')", # "table": "bar", # "expressions": [], # "success": true, # "fields": {"id": "1", "name": "aaa"}, # "order": {"direction": "ASC", "by": null}, # "limit": null, # "where": null, # "options": {}} tree.table = 'bar' tree.fields = {"id": "1", "name": "aaa"} with pytest.raises(IntegrityError): # noinspection PyTypeChecker insert(etcd_client, tree, 'foo')
def test_create_table_raises_error(): etcd_client = mock.Mock() # Database is not selected with pytest.raises(OperationalError): create_table(etcd_client, SQLTree()) # primary key must be defined tree = SQLTree() tree.fields = {u'id': {u'options': {u'nullable': True}, u'type': u'INT'}} with pytest.raises(ProgrammingError): create_table(etcd_client, tree, db='foo') # primary key must be not NULL-able tree.fields = { u'id': { u'options': { u'primary': True, u'nullable': True }, u'type': u'INT' } } with pytest.raises(ProgrammingError): create_table(etcd_client, tree, db='foo') # table exists etcd_client.mkdir.side_effect = EtcdNodeExist tree.fields = { u'id': { u'options': { u'primary': True, u'nullable': False }, u'type': u'INT' } } with pytest.raises(OperationalError): create_table(etcd_client, tree, db='foo')
def test_insert(mock_get_pk_field): mock_get_pk_field.return_value = Column('id') etcd_client = mock.Mock() = EtcdKeyNotFound tree = SQLTree() tree.table = 'bar' tree.fields = {"id": "1", "name": "aaa"} # noinspection PyTypeChecker insert(etcd_client, tree, 'foo') etcd_client.write.assert_called_once_with('/foo/bar/1', json.dumps(tree.fields))
def test_create_table(mock_mkdir, mock_write, cursor): tree = SQLTree() tree.db = 'foo' tree.table = 'bar' tree.fields = { 'id': { 'type': 'INT', 'options': { 'nullable': False, 'primary': True } } } cursor._execute_create_table(tree) mock_mkdir.assert_called_once_with('/foo/bar') mock_write.assert_called_once_with('/foo/bar/_fields', json.dumps(tree.fields))
def test_create(): etcd_client = mock.Mock() tree = SQLTree() tree.fields = { u'id': { u'options': { u'primary': True, u'nullable': False }, u'type': u'INT' } } tree.table = 'bar' create_table(etcd_client, tree, db='foo') etcd_client.mkdir.assert_called_once_with('/foo/bar') etcd_client.write.assert_called_once_with('/foo/bar/_fields', json.dumps(tree.fields))
def test_create_raises_on_db_doesnt_exist(): etcd_client = mock.Mock() = EtcdKeyNotFound tree = SQLTree() tree.fields = { u'id': { u'options': { u'primary': True, u'nullable': False }, u'type': u'INT' } } tree.table = 'bar' with pytest.raises(OperationalError): create_table(etcd_client, tree, db='foo')'/foo') tree_values = { u'db': None, u'expressions': [], u'fields': { u'id': { u'options': { u'nullable': True }, u'type': u'INT' } }, u'limit': None, u'options': {}, u'order': { u'by': None, u'direction': u'ASC' }, u'query': u'create table bar (id int)', u'query_type': u'CREATE_TABLE', u'success': True, u'table': u'bar', u'where': None }