コード例 #1
    def check_sum(self):
        '''ensure that the sum of weights of literals is equal to the objective (debug purpose).'''
        p1, p2, p3 = math.log(etcetera.jointProbability(self.literals)), sum([
            v.obj for v in self.solver.gm.getVars() if v.X > 0.5
        ]), self.solver.gm.objVal

        if abs(p1 - p2) >= 1e-6 or abs(p2 - p3) >= 1e-6:
            print self.solver.gm.Status
            logging.info("  FATAL ERROR: %f, %f, %f" %
                         (math.exp(p1), math.exp(p2), math.exp(p3)))
            return False

        return True
コード例 #2
def incremental1(obs, kb, maxdepth, n, w, b, skolemize=True):
    # n = n-best
    # w = window size
    # b = beam of running candidate interpretations
    indexed_kb = abduction.index_by_consequent_predicate(kb)
    previous = []  # proofs of the previous
    while len(obs) > 0:
        window = obs[0:w]
        obs = obs[w:]
        listoflists = [
            abduction.and_or_leaflists([ob], indexed_kb, maxdepth)
            for ob in window
        if len(previous) > 0:
        pr2beat = 0.0
        nbest = []  # solutions
        nbestPr = []  # probabilities
        for u in itertools.product(*listoflists):
            u = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(u))
            if etcetera.bestCaseProbability(u) > pr2beat:
                for solution in abduction.crunch(u):
                    jpr = etcetera.jointProbability(solution)
                    if jpr > pr2beat:
                        insertAt = bisect.bisect_left(nbestPr, jpr)
                        nbest.insert(insertAt, solution)
                        nbestPr.insert(insertAt, jpr)
                        if len(nbest) > b:
                            pr2beat = nbestPr[0]  # only if full
        nbest.reverse()  # [0] is now highest
        previous = nbest
    if skolemize:
        return [unify.skolemize(r)
                for r in previous[0:n]]  # only skolemize nbest
        return previous[0:n]
コード例 #3
def incremental2(obs, kb, maxdepth, n, w, b, skolemize=True):
    # n = n-best
    # w = window size
    # b = beam of running candidate interpretations
    iteration = 1  # count for skolem constants
    indexed_kb = abduction.index_by_consequent_predicate(kb)
    previous = []  # proofs of the previous
    remaining = obs[:]  # obs yet to be interpretated

    # first, interpret the first window as normal
    window = remaining[0:w]
    remaining = remaining[w:]
    listoflists = [
        abduction.and_or_leaflists([ob], indexed_kb, maxdepth) for ob in window
    pr2beat = 0.0
    nbest = []  # solutions
    nbestPr = []  # probabilities
    for u in itertools.product(*listoflists):
        u = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(u))
        if etcetera.bestCaseProbability(u) > pr2beat:
            for solution in abduction.crunch(u):
                jpr = etcetera.jointProbability(solution)
                if jpr > pr2beat:
                    insertAt = bisect.bisect_left(nbestPr, jpr)
                    nbest.insert(insertAt, solution)
                    nbestPr.insert(insertAt, jpr)
                    if len(nbest) > b:
                        pr2beat = nbestPr[0]  # only if full
    nbest.reverse()  # [0] is now highest
    previous = nbest
    pre = "$" + str(iteration) + ":"
    previous = [unify.skolemize(r, prefix=pre)
                for r in previous]  # skolemize the past (required)

    # next, interpret remaining windows in a special way
    while len(remaining) > 0:
        iteration += 1
        window = remaining[0:w]
        remaining = remaining[w:]
        pr2beat = 0.0
        nbest = []  # solutions
        nbestPr = []  # probabilities
        for previousSolution in previous:
            previousSolutionJpr = etcetera.jointProbability(previousSolution)
            context = getContext(previousSolution, obs, kb)
            listoflists = [
                contextual_and_or_leaflists([ob], indexed_kb, maxdepth,
                                            context) for ob in window

            for u in itertools.product(*listoflists):
                u = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(u))
                if etcetera.bestCaseProbability(
                        u) * previousSolutionJpr > pr2beat:
                    for solution in abduction.crunch(u):
                        jpr = etcetera.jointProbability(
                            solution) * previousSolutionJpr
                        if jpr > pr2beat:
                            insertAt = bisect.bisect_left(nbestPr, jpr)
                                         previousSolution + solution)  # joined
                            nbestPr.insert(insertAt, jpr)
                            if len(nbest) > b:
                                pr2beat = nbestPr[0]  # only if full
        nbest.reverse()  # [0] is now highest
        previous = nbest
        pre = "$" + str(iteration) + ":"
        previous = [unify.skolemize(r, prefix=pre)
                    for r in previous]  # skolemize the past (required)
    return previous[0:n]
コード例 #4
    if args.ilp:
        import etcetera_ilp

        # import may take a while.
        time_start = time.time()
        solutions = etcetera_ilp.nbest_ilp(obs, indexed_kb, args.depth,
                                           args.nbest, args.ilp_verbose,
                                           not args.ilp_no_relreason,

        solutions = etcetera.nbest(obs, kb, indexed_kb, args.depth, args.nbest)

logging.info(str(len(solutions)) + " solutions.")
logging.info("It took %.2f sec to find the solutions." %
             (time.time() - time_start))

if args.graph:
    solution = solutions[args.solution - 1]
    print(forward.graph(solution, forward.forward(solution, kb), targets=obs),
    for solution in solutions:
        print("; prob=%s\n%s" %
              (etcetera.jointProbability(solution), parse.display(solution)),

# To do: enable skolemize as an option