コード例 #1
            node.add_face(profileFace, 1, position = "aligned")
    # Add the color bar (kind of hacked in from matplotlib since there is no convenient way to get it from ETE)
    # I could generate this in situ... for now I just have a file I like and run with it.
    # This doesn't match exactlty becuase I don't have the time or motivation now to mess with QT to do it.
    # It should be pretty close though...
    from ete3 import ImgFace
    imgloc = os.path.join(locateRootDirectory(), "src", "internal", "Colormap.png")
    F1 = faces.TextFace("Minimum: %1.1f" %(matrix_min), ftype="Times", fsize=32 )
    F2 = faces.ImgFace(imgloc)
    F3 = faces.TextFace("%1.1f : Maximum" %(matrix_max), ftype="Times", fsize=32 )
    ts.legend.add_face(F1, 0)
    ts.legend.add_face(F2, 1)
    ts.legend.add_face(F3, 2)
    # Put it on the Bottom-left
    ts.legend_position = 3

if options.textfile is not None:
    fid = open(options.textfile, "r")
    # Our formatting requirements are the same as ETE's, which are:
    # 1: Tab delimited,
    # 2: #names in first row followed by titles,
    # 3: Node names in the first column followed by all the other data
    title_row = fid.readline().strip("\r\n").split("\t")
    n_titles = len(title_row)
    for idx, title in enumerate(title_row[1:]):
        coltitle = TextFace("    " + str(title) + "    ", ftype="Times", fsize=int(options.fontsize*1.2), fstyle = 'Bold')
        coltitle.hz_align = True
        # Organism name has column 0
        ts.aligned_header.add_face(coltitle, column=idx+1)
    for line in fid: