コード例 #1
                                  path_sequence + row[2])
                        print("Output {} done .".format(row[2]))
            except IOError:
                print("Error impossible to open {}".format(row[2]))
                with open("impossible_opening.txt", "a") as nothing_open:
                    nothing_open.write(row[2] + "\n")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print("JGI ID to NCBI ID taxonomy !")

    # Download the latest taxonomic database from the NCBI.
    ncbi = NCBITaxa()

        version = ncbi._NCBITaxa__get_db_version()
        print("version :", version)
    except Exception:
        version = None

    # Get all parameters.
    CSV_FILE, PATH_SEQUENCE = arguments()
    print("csv :", CSV_FILE)

    # Name of output csv.
    output_csv = "output_fungi_csv.csv"

    # Complete de csv file with ncbi taxonomic id.
    add_ncbi_id_taxonym_in_csv(csv_file=CSV_FILE, output_csv_name=output_csv)

    # Change the fasta file with the kraken instruction |kraken:taxon| and good ncbi id.