def setup(f, host, port, add_dev_code, contract_dir, gas, gas_price, private_key): with open(f) as data_file: instructions = json.load(data_file) json_rpc = EthJsonRpc(host, port) coinbase = json_rpc.eth_coinbase()["result"] if private_key: print "Your address for your private key: {}".format( privtoaddr(private_key.decode('hex')).encode('hex')) else: print "Your coinbase: {}".format(coinbase) for instruction in instructions: print 'Your balance: {} Wei'.format( int(json_rpc.eth_getBalance(coinbase)['result'], 16)) if instruction["type"] == "deployment": deploy_code( json_rpc, coinbase, instruction["file"], instruction["constructorParams"] if "constructorParams" in instruction else None, instruction["addresses"] if "addresses" in instruction else None, add_dev_code == "true", contract_dir, int(gas), int(gas_price), private_key) elif instruction["type"] == "transaction": do_transaction(json_rpc, coinbase, instruction["contract"], instruction["name"], instruction["params"], int(gas), int(gas_price), private_key) elif instruction["type"] == "assertion": do_assertion(json_rpc, instruction["contract"], instruction["name"], instruction["params"], instruction["return"]) for contract_name, contract_address in addresses.iteritems(): print 'Contract {} was created at address {}.'.format( contract_name, contract_address)
tx = '0x27191ea9e8228c98bc4418fa60843540937b0c615b2db5e828756800f533f8cd' print(c.eth_getTransactionReceipt(tx)) b = (246294, '0x3d596ca3c7b344419567957b41b2132bb339d365b6b6b3b6a7645e5444914a16') index = 0 print(c.eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex(b[1], index)) for x in ['earliest', 'latest', 'pending', b[0]]: print(c.eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex(b[0], index)) ################################################################################ print('*' * 80) addr = '0x1dcb8d1f0fcc8cbc8c2d76528e877f915e299fbe' for x in ['earliest', 'latest', 'pending', 150000]: print(c.eth_getBalance(addr, x)) addr = '0x407d73d8a49eeb85d32cf465507dd71d507100c1' for x in ['earliest', 'latest', 'pending', 2]: print(c.eth_getStorageAt(addr, 0, x)) ################################################################################ print('*' * 80) hash_rate = 1000000 client_id = '0x59daa26581d0acd1fce254fb7e85952f4c09d0915afd33d3886cd914bc7d283c' print(c.eth_submitHashrate(hash_rate, client_id)) digest = c.web3_sha3('') print(digest) # keccak-256, not sha3-256
#! /bin/env python #pip install ethjsonrpc from ethjsonrpc import EthJsonRpc c = EthJsonRpc('', 8545) print c.web3_clientVersion() accounts = c.eth_accounts() print c.eth_getBalance(address=accounts[0])
OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ''' #!flask/bin/python from flask import Flask, jsonify, abort, request, make_response, url_for from ethjsonrpc import EthJsonRpc import time import datetime c = EthJsonRpc('', 8101) contract_addr = "0xdd44F726FDd682c20857e9CD37F0dA8bf78518D7" stationID = [123] balance = c.eth_getBalance(contract_addr) print "Starting Balance = " + str(balance) app = Flask(__name__, static_url_path="") #curl -i http://localhost:5000/api/stationstate/123 @app.route('/api/stationstate/<int:id>', methods=['GET']) def getStationState(id): result =, 'getStationState(uint256)', [id], ['bool']) return jsonify(result) #curl -i http://localhost:5000/api/station/123 @app.route('/api/station/<int:id>', methods=['GET']) def getStation(id):
from ethjsonrpc.utils import wei_to_ether, ether_to_wei c = EthJsonRpc('', 8545) from_address = "0x90b983390bef91b17f3a2f2d7eb9121c1214fc6b" to_address = "0x16Ba1a0e4F6bA1E9B614ae8C25d101eA7441A0a1" print c.net_version() print c.web3_clientVersion() print c.eth_gasPrice() print c.eth_blockNumber() print wei_to_ether(c.eth_getBalance(from_address)) print wei_to_ether(c.eth_getBalance(to_address)) # print c.web3_toWei(0.01, "ether") amount = int(ether_to_wei(0.001)) print type(amount) print amount print hex(amount) print c.transfer(from_address, to_address, amount)
class EthDeploy: def __init__(self, protocol, host, port, gas, gas_price, contract_dir, optimize, account, private_key_path): # establish rpc connection self.json_rpc = EthJsonRpc(protocol=protocol, host=host, port=port) self._from = None self.private_key = None # set sending account if account: self._from = self.add_0x(account) elif private_key_path: with open(private_key_path, 'r') as private_key_file: self.private_key = self._from = self.add_0x( encode(privtoaddr(decode(self.private_key, 'hex')), 'hex')) else: accounts = self.json_rpc.eth_accounts()['result'] if len(accounts) == 0: raise ValueError('No account unlocked') self._from = self.add_0x(accounts[0]) # account address in right format if not self.is_address(self._from): raise ValueError('Account address is wrong') self.optimize = optimize self.contract_dir = contract_dir self.gas = gas self.gas_price = gas_price # references dict maps labels to addresses self.references = {} # abis dict maps addresses to abis self.abis = {} # total consumed gas self.total_gas = 0 self.log('Instructions are sent from address: {}'.format(self._from)) balance = self.hex2int( self.json_rpc.eth_getBalance(self._from)['result']) self.log('Address balance: {} Ether / {} Wei'.format( balance / 10.0**18, balance)) def is_address(self, string): return len(self.add_0x(string)) == 42 @staticmethod def hex2int(_hex): return int(_hex, 16) @staticmethod def add_0x(string): if not string.startswith('0x'): return '0x' + string return string @staticmethod def strip_0x(string): if string.startswith('0x'): return string[2:] return string @staticmethod def log(string): def format_reference(self, string): return self.add_0x(string) if self.is_address(string) else string def log_transaction_receipt(self, transaction_receipt): gas_used = self.hex2int(transaction_receipt['gasUsed']) self.total_gas += gas_used self.log( 'Transaction receipt: {} block number, {} gas used, {} cumulative gas used' .format(self.hex2int(transaction_receipt['blockNumber']), gas_used, self.hex2int(transaction_receipt['cumulativeGasUsed']))) def get_transaction_receipt(self, transaction_hash): return self.json_rpc.eth_getTransactionReceipt( transaction_hash)['result'] def wait_for_transaction_receipt(self, transaction_hash): while self.get_transaction_receipt(transaction_hash) is None: self.log( 'Waiting for transaction receipt {}'.format(transaction_hash)) time.sleep(5) return self.get_transaction_receipt(transaction_hash) def replace_references(self, a): if isinstance(a, list): return [self.replace_references(i) for i in a] else: return self.references[a] if isinstance( a, basestring) and a in self.references else a def get_nonce(self): transaction_count = self.json_rpc.eth_getTransactionCount( self._from, default_block='pending')['result'] return self.hex2int(self.strip_0x(transaction_count)) def get_raw_transaction(self, to='', value=0, data=''): nonce = self.get_nonce() tx = Transaction(nonce, self.gas_price, self.gas, to, value, decode(data, 'hex')) tx.sign(decode(self.private_key, 'hex')) return self.add_0x(encode(rlp.encode(tx), 'hex')) def compile_code(self, path): # create list of valid paths absolute_path = self.contract_dir if self.contract_dir.startswith( '/') else '{}/{}'.format(os.getcwd(), self.contract_dir) sub_dirs = [x[0] for x in os.walk(absolute_path)] extra_args = ' '.join( ['{}={}'.format(d.split('/')[-1], d) for d in sub_dirs]) # compile code combined = _solidity.compile_last_contract(path, libraries=self.references, combined='bin,abi', optimize=self.optimize, extra_args=extra_args) bytecode = combined['bin_hex'] abi = combined['abi'] return bytecode, abi def deploy(self, _from, file_path, libraries, value, params, label): # replace library placeholders if libraries: for library_name, library_address in libraries.items(): self.references[library_name] = self.replace_references( self.strip_0x(library_address)) if self.contract_dir: file_path = '{}/{}'.format(self.contract_dir, file_path) bytecode, abi = self.compile_code(file_path) if not label: label = file_path.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] if params: translator = ContractTranslator(abi) # replace constructor placeholders params = [self.replace_references(p) for p in params] bytecode += encode(translator.encode_constructor_arguments(params), 'hex') # deploy contract self.log('Deployment transaction for {} sent'.format( label if label else 'unknown')) tx_response = None if self.private_key: raw_tx = self.get_raw_transaction(value=value, data=bytecode) while tx_response is None or 'error' in tx_response: if tx_response and 'error' in tx_response: self.log('Deploy failed with error {}'.format( tx_response['error']['message'])) time.sleep(5) tx_response = self.json_rpc.eth_sendRawTransaction(raw_tx) else: while tx_response is None or 'error' in tx_response: if tx_response and 'error' in tx_response: self.log('Deploy failed with error {}'.format( tx_response['error']['message'])) time.sleep(5) tx_response = self.json_rpc.eth_sendTransaction( self.add_0x(_from if _from else self._from), value=value, data=self.add_0x(bytecode), gas=self.gas, gas_price=self.gas_price) transaction_receipt = self.wait_for_transaction_receipt( self.add_0x(tx_response['result'])) contract_address = self.strip_0x( transaction_receipt['contractAddress']) self.references[label] = contract_address self.abis[contract_address] = abi self.log('Contract {} created at address {}'.format( label if label else 'unknown', self.add_0x(contract_address))) self.log_transaction_receipt(transaction_receipt) def send_transaction(self, _from, to, value, name, params, abi): reference = to to = self.replace_references(to) data = '' if name or abi: if not name: name = abi['name'] abi = self.abis[to] if to in self.abis else [abi] translator = ContractTranslator(abi) data = encode( translator.encode(name, self.replace_references(params)), "hex") self.log('Transaction to {}{} sent'.format( self.format_reference(reference), ' calling {} function'.format(name) if name else '')) tx_response = None if self.private_key: raw_tx = self.get_raw_transaction(to=to, value=value, data=data) while tx_response is None or 'error' in tx_response: if tx_response and 'error' in tx_response: self.log('Transaction failed with error {}'.format( tx_response['error']['message'])) time.sleep(5) tx_response = self.json_rpc.eth_sendRawTransaction(raw_tx) else: while tx_response is None or 'error' in tx_response: if tx_response and 'error' in tx_response: self.log('Transaction failed with error {}'.format( tx_response['error']['message'])) time.sleep(5) tx_response = self.json_rpc.eth_sendTransaction( self.add_0x(_from if _from else self._from), to_address=self.add_0x(to), value=value, data=self.add_0x(data), gas=self.gas, gas_price=self.gas_price) transaction_hash = tx_response['result'] transaction_receipt = self.wait_for_transaction_receipt( self.add_0x(transaction_hash)) self.log('Transaction to {}{} successful'.format( self.format_reference(reference), ' calling {} function'.format(name) if name else '')) self.log_transaction_receipt(transaction_receipt) def call(self, _from, to, value, name, params, label, assertion, abi): reference = to to = self.replace_references(to) if not name: name = abi['name'] abi = self.abis[to] if to in self.abis else [abi] translator = ContractTranslator(abi) data = encode(translator.encode(name, self.replace_references(params)), 'hex') response = self.json_rpc.eth_call( self.add_0x(to), from_address=self.add_0x(_from if _from else self._from), value=value, data=self.add_0x(data), gas=self.gas, gas_price=self.gas_price) result = translator.decode( name, decode(self.strip_0x(response['result']), 'hex')) result = result if len(result) > 1 else result[0] if label: self.references[label] = result if assertion: expected_result = self.replace_references(assertion) if isinstance(expected_result, int) or isinstance( expected_result, long): assert result == expected_result else: assert result.lower() == self.strip_0x(expected_result.lower()) self.log('Assertion of {} at {} successful'.format( name, self.format_reference(reference))) else: self.log('Call to {} calling function {} successful'.format( self.format_reference(reference), name)) def process(self, f): # read instructions file with open(f, 'r') as instructions_file: instructions = json.load(instructions_file) for i in instructions: if i['type'] == 'abi': for address in i['addresses']: self.abis[self.strip_0x(address)] = i['abi'] if i['type'] == 'deployment': self.deploy(i['from'] if 'from' in i else None, i['file'] if 'file' in i else None, i['libraries'] if 'libraries' in i else None, i['value'] if 'value' in i else 0, i['params'] if 'params' in i else (), i['label'] if 'label' in i else None) elif i["type"] == "transaction": self.send_transaction( i['from'] if 'from' in i else None, i['to'] if 'to' in i else None, i['value'] if 'value' in i else 0, i['name'] if 'name' in i else None, i['params'] if 'params' in i else (), i['abi'] if 'abi' in i else None, ) elif i["type"] == "call": i['from'] if 'from' in i else None, i['to'] if 'to' in i else None, i['value'] if 'value' in i else 0, i['name'] if 'name' in i else None, i['params'] if 'params' in i else (), i['label'] if 'label' in i else None, i['assertion'] if 'assertion' in i else None, i['abi'] if 'abi' in i else None, ) self.log('-' * 96) self.log('Summary: {} gas used, {} Ether / {} Wei spent on gas'.format( self.total_gas, self.total_gas * self.gas_price / 10.0**18, self.total_gas * self.gas_price)) for reference, value in self.references.items(): self.log('{} references {}'.format( reference, self.add_0x(value) if isinstance(value, unicode) else value)) self.log('-' * 96)
class Deploy: def __init__(self, protocol, host, port, add_dev_code, verify_code, contract_dir, gas, gas_price, private_key): self.pp = PreProcessor() self.s = t.state() self.s.block.number = 1150000 # Homestead t.gas_limit = int(gas) self.json_rpc = EthJsonRpc(protocol=protocol, host=host, port=port) if private_key: self.user_address = '0x' + privtoaddr( private_key.decode('hex')).encode('hex') else: self.user_address = self.json_rpc.eth_coinbase()["result"] self.add_dev_code = add_dev_code == 'true' self.verify_code = verify_code == 'true' self.contract_dir = contract_dir self.gas = int(gas) self.gas_price = int(gas_price) self.private_key = private_key self.contract_addresses = {} self.contract_abis = {} def wait_for_transaction_receipt(self, transaction_hash): while self.json_rpc.eth_getTransactionReceipt( transaction_hash)['result'] is None: 'Waiting for transaction receipt {}'.format(transaction_hash)) time.sleep(5) def replace_address(self, a): return self.contract_addresses[a] if isinstance( a, basestring) and a in self.contract_addresses else a def get_nonce(self): return int( self.json_rpc.eth_getTransactionCount( self.user_address)["result"][2:], 16) def get_raw_transaction(self, data, contract_address=''): nonce = self.get_nonce() tx = Transaction(nonce, self.gas_price, self.gas, contract_address, 0, data.decode('hex')) tx.sign(self.private_key.decode('hex')) return rlp.encode(tx).encode('hex') def code_is_valid(self, contract_address, compiled_code): deployed_code = self.json_rpc.eth_getCode(contract_address)["result"] locally_deployed_code_address = self.s.evm( compiled_code.decode("hex")).encode("hex") locally_deployed_code = self.s.block.get_code( locally_deployed_code_address).encode("hex") return deployed_code == "0x" + locally_deployed_code @staticmethod def compile_code(code, language): combined = languages[language].combined(code) compiled_code = combined[-1][1]["bin_hex"] abi = combined[-1][1]["abi"] return compiled_code, abi @staticmethod def replace_library_placeholders(bytecode, addresses): if addresses: for library_name, library_address in addresses.iteritems(): bytecode = bytecode.replace( "__{}{}".format(library_name, "_" * (38 - len(library_name))), library_address[2:]) return bytecode def deploy_code(self, file_path, params, addresses): if addresses: addresses = dict([(k, self.replace_address(v)) for k, v in addresses.iteritems()]) language = "solidity" if file_path.endswith(".sol") else "serpent" code = self.pp.process(file_path, add_dev_code=self.add_dev_code, contract_dir=self.contract_dir, addresses=addresses) # compile code bytecode, abi = self.compile_code(code, language) # replace library placeholders bytecode = self.replace_library_placeholders(bytecode, addresses) if params: translator = ContractTranslator(abi) # replace constructor placeholders params = [self.replace_address(p) for p in params] bytecode += translator.encode_constructor_arguments(params).encode( "hex") 'Try to create contract with length {} based on code in file: {}'. format(len(bytecode), file_path)) if self.private_key: raw_tx = self.get_raw_transaction(bytecode) tx_response = self.json_rpc.eth_sendRawTransaction("0x" + raw_tx) while "error" in tx_response:'Deploy failed with error {}. Retry!'.format( tx_response['error'])) time.sleep(5) tx_response = self.json_rpc.eth_sendRawTransaction("0x" + raw_tx) else: tx_response = self.json_rpc.eth_sendTransaction( self.user_address, data=bytecode, gas=self.gas, gas_price=self.gas_price) while "error" in tx_response:'Deploy failed with error {}. Retry!'.format( tx_response['error'])) time.sleep(5) tx_response = self.json_rpc.eth_sendTransaction( self.user_address, data=bytecode, gas=self.gas, gas_price=self.gas_price) transaction_hash = tx_response['result'] self.wait_for_transaction_receipt(transaction_hash) contract_address = self.json_rpc.eth_getTransactionReceipt( transaction_hash)["result"]["contractAddress"] # Verify deployed code with locally deployed code if self.verify_code and not self.code_is_valid(contract_address, bytecode):'Deploy of {} failed. Retry!'.format(file_path)) self.deploy_code(file_path, params, addresses) contract_name = file_path.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] self.contract_addresses[contract_name] = contract_address self.contract_abis[contract_name] = abi'Contract {} was created at address {}.'.format( file_path, contract_address)) def send_transaction(self, contract, name, params): contract_address = self.replace_address(contract) contract_abi = self.contract_abis[contract] translator = ContractTranslator(contract_abi) data = translator.encode(name, [self.replace_address(p) for p in params]).encode("hex")'Try to send {} transaction to contract {}.'.format( name, contract)) if self.private_key: raw_tx = self.get_raw_transaction(data, contract_address) tx_response = self.json_rpc.eth_sendRawTransaction("0x" + raw_tx) while 'error' in tx_response:'Transaction failed with error {}. Retry!'.format( tx_response['error'])) time.sleep(5) tx_response = self.json_rpc.eth_sendRawTransaction("0x" + raw_tx) else: tx_response = self.json_rpc.eth_sendTransaction( self.user_address, to_address=contract_address, data=data, gas=self.gas, gas_price=self.gas_price) while 'error' in tx_response:'Transaction failed with error {}. Retry!'.format( tx_response['error'])) time.sleep(5) tx_response = self.json_rpc.eth_sendTransaction( self.user_address, to_address=contract_address, data=data, gas=self.gas, gas_price=self.gas_price) transaction_hash = tx_response['result'] self.wait_for_transaction_receipt(transaction_hash)'Transaction {} for contract {} completed.'.format( name, contract)) def assert_call(self, contract, name, params, return_value): contract_address = self.replace_address(contract) return_value = self.replace_address(return_value) contract_abi = self.contract_abis[contract] translator = ContractTranslator(contract_abi) data = translator.encode(name, [self.replace_address(p) for p in params]).encode("hex")'Try to assert return value of {} in contract {}.'.format( name, contract)) bc_return_val = self.json_rpc.eth_call(to_address=contract_address, data=data)["result"] result_decoded = translator.decode(name, bc_return_val[2:].decode("hex")) result_decoded = result_decoded if len( result_decoded) > 1 else result_decoded[0] assert result_decoded == return_value 'Assertion successful for return value of {} in contract {}.'. format(name, contract)) def process(self, f): with open(f) as data_file: instructions = json.load(data_file)'Your address: {}'.format(self.user_address)) for instruction in instructions:'Your balance: {} Wei'.format( int( self.json_rpc.eth_getBalance( self.user_address)['result'], 16))) if instruction["type"] == "deployment": self.deploy_code( instruction["file"], instruction["params"] if "params" in instruction else None, instruction["addresses"] if "addresses" in instruction else None, ) elif instruction["type"] == "transaction": self.send_transaction( instruction["contract"], instruction["name"], instruction["params"] if "params" in instruction else [], ) elif instruction["type"] == "assertion": self.assert_call( instruction["contract"], instruction["name"], instruction["params"] if "params" in instruction else [], instruction["return"]) for contract_name, contract_address in self.contract_addresses.iteritems( ):'Contract {} was created at address {}.'.format( contract_name, contract_address))
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO ## Import GPIO library ## Use board pin numbering GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) ## Setup GPIO Pin 7 to OUT GPIO.setup(7, GPIO.OUT) # Connect to Blockchain network c = EthJsonRpc('', 8101) # Device account address to watch account_to_watch = "0x0cafd203ca406bb39985d0f70d55b44b78d756eb" # Get balance in the device account balance = c.eth_getBalance(account_to_watch) print "Starting Balance = " + str(balance) # Switch is off initially onStatus=False GPIO.output(7,False) ## Turn off GPIO pin 7 while True: newbalance = c.eth_getBalance(account_to_watch) if onStatus==True: nowTime = timeElapsed = nowTime - onTime #print "Switch ON, Elapsed Time: " + str(timeElapsed.seconds) if timeElapsed.seconds >= 60: print "Switching OFF" onStatus=False
s = rpcaddr.split(":") netaddr = s[0] port = int(s[1]) else: netaddr = rpcaddr port = ETH_PORT return (netaddr, port) if __name__ == "__main__": # parse arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='.') parser.add_argument("rpcaddr", help="RPC address of an ethereum node", default="") parser.add_argument("-w", "--wallet", help="etherbase/wallet address", default="0") args = parser.parse_args() netaddr, port = parseRpcAddr(args.rpcaddr) eth_client = EthJsonRpc(netaddr, port) if args.wallet == "0": wallet = eth_client.eth_coinbase() else: wallet = args.wallet balance = eth_client.eth_getBalance(wallet) print balance
print c.eth_getTransactionReceipt(tx) b = (246294, '0x3d596ca3c7b344419567957b41b2132bb339d365b6b6b3b6a7645e5444914a16') index = 0 print c.eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex(b[1], index) for x in ['earliest', 'latest', 'pending', b[0]]: print c.eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex(b[0], index) ################################################################################ print '*' * 80 addr = '0x1dcb8d1f0fcc8cbc8c2d76528e877f915e299fbe' for x in ['earliest', 'latest', 'pending', 150000]: print c.eth_getBalance(addr, x) addr = '0x407d73d8a49eeb85d32cf465507dd71d507100c1' for x in ['earliest', 'latest', 'pending', 2]: print c.eth_getStorageAt(addr, 0, x) ################################################################################ print '*' * 80 hash_rate = 1000000 client_id = '0x59daa26581d0acd1fce254fb7e85952f4c09d0915afd33d3886cd914bc7d283c' print c.eth_submitHashrate(hash_rate, client_id) digest = c.web3_sha3('') print digest # keccak-256, not sha3-256
tx = '0x27191ea9e8228c98bc4418fa60843540937b0c615b2db5e828756800f533f8cd' print c.eth_getTransactionReceipt(tx) b = (246294, '0x3d596ca3c7b344419567957b41b2132bb339d365b6b6b3b6a7645e5444914a16') index = 0 print c.eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex(b[1], index) for x in ['earliest', 'latest', 'pending', b[0]]: print c.eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex(b[0], index) ################################################################################ print '*' * 80 addr = '0x1dcb8d1f0fcc8cbc8c2d76528e877f915e299fbe' for x in ['earliest', 'latest', 'pending', 150000]: print c.eth_getBalance(addr, x) addr = '0x407d73d8a49eeb85d32cf465507dd71d507100c1' for x in ['earliest', 'latest', 'pending', 2]: print c.eth_getStorageAt(addr, 0, x) ################################################################################ print '*' * 80 hash_rate = 1000000 client_id = '0x59daa26581d0acd1fce254fb7e85952f4c09d0915afd33d3886cd914bc7d283c' print c.eth_submitHashrate(hash_rate, client_id) digest = c.web3_sha3('') print digest # keccak-256, not sha3-256
from ethjsonrpc import EthJsonRpc c = EthJsonRpc('', 8545) print(c.eth_gasPrice()) addr_list = c.eth_accounts() print(addr_list) print(c.eth_getBalance(addr_list[0], 'latest')) print(c.eth_getBalance(addr_list[1], 'latest')) print(c.eth_getTransactionCount (addr_list[0], 'latest')) #c.eth_sendTransaction(addr_list[0], addr_list[1], 30400, c.eth_gasPrice(), 1000000, 0) #print(c.db_putString('testDB', 'myKey', 'myString')) #print(c.db_getString('testDB', 'myKey'))
print(geth_client.eth_getTransactionReceipt(tx)) b = (246294, '0x3d596ca3c7b344419567957b41b2132bb339d365b6b6b3b6a7645e5444914a16') index = 0 print(geth_client.eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex(b[1], index)) for x in ['earliest', 'latest', 'pending', b[0]]: print(geth_client.eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex(b[0], index)) ################################################################################ print('*' * 80) addr = '0x1dcb8d1f0fcc8cbc8c2d76528e877f915e299fbe' for x in ['earliest', 'latest', 'pending', 150000]: print(geth_client.eth_getBalance(addr, x)) addr = '0x407d73d8a49eeb85d32cf465507dd71d507100c1' for x in ['earliest', 'latest', 'pending', 2]: print(geth_client.eth_getStorageAt(addr, 0, x)) ################################################################################ print('*' * 80) hash_rate = 1000000 client_id = '0x59daa26581d0acd1fce254fb7e85952f4c09d0915afd33d3886cd914bc7d283c' print(geth_client.eth_submitHashrate(hash_rate, client_id)) digest = geth_client.web3_sha3('') print(digest) # keccak-256, not sha3-256