コード例 #1
 def testRisk_TwoImages(self):
     risk = Risk()
     risk.type = "top5"
     risk.title = "Can your windows be locked?"
     risk.problem_description = "Not all your windows can be locked"
     risk.description = "<p>Locking windows is critical.</p>"
     risk.legal_reference = None
     risk.show_notapplicable = False
     risk.image = MockImage("hot stuff here")
     risk.caption = "Image caption 1"
     risk.image2 = MockImage("hot stuff here")
     risk.caption2 = "Image caption 2"
     root = self.root()
     view = ExportSurvey(None, None)
     view.include_images = True
     view.exportRisk(root, risk)
         safe_nativestring(etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True)),
         '<root xmlns="http://xml.simplon.biz/euphorie/survey/1.0">\n'
         '  <risk type="top5">\n'
         "    <title>Can your windows be locked?</title>\n"
         "    <problem-description>Not all your windows can be locked"
         "    <description>&lt;p&gt;Locking windows is critical."
         "    <show-not-applicable>false</show-not-applicable>\n"
         '    <image caption="Image caption 1">aG90IHN0dWZmIGhlcmU=\n'
         '    <image caption="Image caption 2">aG90IHN0dWZmIGhlcmU=\n'
         "  </risk>\n"
コード例 #2
 def testRisk_CalculatedEvaluation(self):
     risk = Risk()
     risk.type = "risk"
     risk.title = "Can your windows be locked?"
     risk.problem_description = "Not all your windows can be locked"
     risk.description = "<p>Locking windows is critical.</p>"
     risk.legal_reference = None
     risk.show_notapplicable = True
     risk.evaluation_method = "calculated"
     risk.default_probability = 1
     risk.default_frequency = 4
     risk.default_effect = 0
     root = self.root()
     view = ExportSurvey(None, None)
     view.exportRisk(root, risk)
         safe_nativestring(etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True)),
         '<root xmlns="http://xml.simplon.biz/euphorie/survey/1.0">\n'
         '  <risk type="risk">\n'
         "    <title>Can your windows be locked?</title>\n"
         "    <problem-description>Not all your windows can be "
         "    <description>&lt;p&gt;Locking windows is critical."
         "    <show-not-applicable>true</show-not-applicable>\n"
         '    <evaluation-method default-probability="small" '
         "  </risk>\n"
コード例 #3
 def testRisk_Minimal(self):
     risk = Risk()
     risk.type = "top5"
     risk.title = "Can your windows be locked?"
     risk.problem_description = "Not all your windows can be locked"
     risk.description = "<p>Locking windows is critical.</p>"
     risk.legal_reference = None
     risk.show_notapplicable = False
     root = self.root()
     view = ExportSurvey(None, None)
     node = view.exportRisk(root, risk)
     self.assertTrue(node in root)
         safe_nativestring(etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True)),
         '<root xmlns="http://xml.simplon.biz/euphorie/survey/1.0">\n'
         '  <risk type="top5">\n'
         "    <title>Can your windows be locked?</title>\n"
         "    <problem-description>Not all your windows can be locked"
         "    <description>&lt;p&gt;Locking windows is "
         "    <show-not-applicable>false</show-not-applicable>\n"
         "  </risk>\n"
コード例 #4
 def testRisk_WithSolution(self):
     risk = Risk()
     risk.type = "top5"
     risk.title = "Can your windows be locked?"
     risk.problem_description = "Not all your windows can be locked"
     risk.description = "<p>Locking windows is critical.</p>"
     risk.legal_reference = None
     risk.show_notapplicable = False
     solution = Solution()
     solution.description = "<p>Test description</p>"
     solution.action = "Sample action plan"
     solution.requirements = None
     risk._setOb("1", solution)
     root = self.root()
     view = ExportSurvey(None, None)
     view.exportRisk(root, risk)
         safe_nativestring(etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True)),
         '<root xmlns="http://xml.simplon.biz/euphorie/survey/1.0">\n'
         '  <risk type="top5">\n'
         "    <title>Can your windows be locked?</title>\n"
         "    <problem-description>Not all your windows can be locked"
         "    <description>&lt;p&gt;Locking windows is critical."
         "    <show-not-applicable>false</show-not-applicable>\n"
         "    <solutions>\n"
         "      <solution>\n"
         "        <description>&lt;p&gt;Test description&lt;/p&gt;"
         "        <action>Sample action plan</action>\n"
         "      </solution>\n"
         "    </solutions>\n"
         "  </risk>\n"