コード例 #1
ファイル: newton.py プロジェクト: jonyzp/parallelGames
def newton(x0, tol, iteration):
    if (iteration < 0 or tol <= 0):
        eprint("the iterations and tolerance must be positive")

        fx = f(x0, funcion)
        dfx = f(x0, derivada)
        cont = 0
        error = tol + 1
        print "-----------||------------||-------------||--------------"
        print "  X              f(x)          f'(x)            Error  "
        print x0, "  |   ", fx, "  |  ", dfx, "  |   ", error, "  |   "

        #If the stop parameters haven't been broken here we can calculate where is the root
        while (error > tol and fx != 0 and dfx != 0 and cont < iteration):
            x1 = x0 - fx / dfx
            fx = f(x1, funcion)
            dfx = f(x1, derivada)
            error = abs(x1 - x0)
            x0 = x1
            cont = cont + 1
            print x0, "  |   ", fx, "  |  ", dfx, "  |   ", error, "  |   "

        #Here we show the root or the aproximation if the given point's not a root
        if (fx == 0):
            print(x0, "is root")
        elif (error < tol):
            print(x0, " is an aproximation to a root with tolerance ", tol)
        elif (dfx == 0):
            print(x0, " maybe a multiple root")
            eprint("failed in the ", iteration, " iteration")
コード例 #2
def puntoFijo(Xm, tolerancia, iteraciones):
    if (iteraciones < 0 or tolerancia < 0):
        eprint("el numero de iteraciones y tolerancia deben de ser positivos")
        print "-----------||------------||-------------||--------------"
        print "  X              G(x)          f(x)            Error  "
        FXm = f(Xm, funcion)
        print Xm, "  |                |  ", FXm, "  |              |   "
        cont = 0
        error = tolerancia + 1

        #If the stop parameters haven't been broken here we can calculate where is the root
        while (FXm != 0 and cont <= iteraciones and error > tolerancia):
            GXm = f(Xm, funcionG)
            FXm = f(Xm, funcion)
            error = (GXm - Xm) / GXm
            Xm = GXm
            cont += 1
            print Xm, "  |   ", GXm, "  |  ", FXm, "  |   ", error, "  |   "

        #Here we show the root or the aproximation if the given point's not a root
        if (FXm == 0):
            print(Xm, "es una raiz")
        elif (error <= tolerancia):
            print("la raiz obtenida con un grado de tolerancia", tolerancia,
                  " de error es", Xm)
            eprint("El calculo excedio el numero de iteraciones esperadas",
コード例 #3
def incrementalSearch(x0, delta, iter):
    if (delta == 0):
        eprint("Delta no puede ser cero")
    if (iter <= 0):
        eprint("Las iteraciones no pueden cer menores o iguales a cero")
    fx0 = f(x0, funcion)
    if (fx0 == 0):
        print(x0 + " es raiz")
        x1 = x0 + delta
        contador = 1
        fx1 = f(x1, funcion)
        print "-----------||------------"
        print "  X              f(x)    "
        print x0, "  |   ", fx0, "  |  "
        print x1, "  |   ", fx1, "  |  "

        #If the stop parameters haven't been broken here we can calculate the interval
        while (fx0 * fx1 > 0 and contador <= iter):
            x0 = x1
            fx0 = fx1
            x1 = x0 + delta
            fx1 = f(x1, funcion)
            contador += 1
            print x1, "  |   ", fx1, "  |  "

        #Here we can show the interval that has a posible root
        if (fx1 == 0):
            print(x1, " es la raiz")
        elif (fx0 * fx1 < 0):
            print("Hay raiz entre ", x0, " y ", x1)

            eprint("Fracaso en ", iter, " numero iteraciones")
コード例 #4
ファイル: biseccion.py プロジェクト: jonyzp/parallelGames
def biseccion(Xinferior, Xsuperior, tolerancia, iteraciones):

    if(tolerancia <0 or iteraciones < 0) :
        eprint("La tolerancia o las iteraciones no pueden ser menores que cero")
        funcionXinferior = f(Xinferior,funcion)
        funcionXsuperior = f(Xsuperior,funcion)
        if (funcionXinferior == 0) :
            print(Xinferior," es raiz.")
        elif(funcionXsuperior == 0):
            print(Xsuperior," es raiz.")
        elif(funcionXinferior*funcionXsuperior < 0):
            xm = (Xinferior+Xsuperior)/2
            funcionXm = f(xm,funcion)
            contador = 1
            errorAbs = tolerancia+1

            print "-------------||------------||-------------||--------------||------------"
            print "  Xinferior     Xsuperior       Xmedio       f(Xmedio)        Error  "
            print Xinferior ,"  |   ",  Xsuperior,"  |  " ,  xm,"  |   ",    funcionXm,"  |   ",   errorAbs,"  |   "

            #If the stop parameters haven't been broken here we can calculate where is the root
            while(errorAbs > tolerancia and funcionXm !=0 and contador <= iteraciones) :
                if(funcionXinferior * funcionXm < 0) :
                    Xsuperior = xm
                    funcionXsuperior = funcionXm
                    Xinferior = xm
                    funcionXinferior = funcionXm
                xaux = xm
                xm = (Xinferior + Xsuperior)/2
                funcionXm = f(xm,funcion)
                errorAbs = abs(xm - xaux)
                contador = contador + 1
                print Xinferior ,"  |   ",  Xsuperior,"  |  " ,  xm,"  |   ",    funcionXm,"  |   ",   errorAbs,"  |   "

            #Here we show the root or the aproximation if is not an exact root between the interval
            if(funcionXm == 0):
                print ("Xm es raiz.","%.50f"%xm)
            elif(errorAbs < tolerancia):
                print (xm, "es aproximacion a una raiz con tolerancia de:", tolerancia)
                eprint ("Fracaso en iteraciones ", iteraciones)
            eprint ("Intervalo inadecuado")
コード例 #5
def raicesMultiples(Xo, tol, nIter):
    fx = f(Xo, funcion)
    dfx = f(Xo, derivada)
    ddfx = f(Xo, segundaderivada)
    count = 0
    error = tol + 1
    den = (dfx * dfx) - (fx * ddfx)
    print "-----------||------------||-------------||-------------||--------------"
    print "  X              f(x)          f'(x)        f''(x)            Error  "
    print Xo, "  |   ", fx, "  |  ", dfx, "  |   ", error, "  |   "

    #If the stop parameters haven't been broken here we can calculate where is the root
    while fx != 0 and error > tol and den != 0 and count < nIter:
        Xi = Xo - (fx * dfx) / den
        error = abs(Xi - Xo)
        Xo = Xi
        fx = f(Xo, funcion)
        dfx = f(Xo, derivada)
        ddfx = f(Xo, segundaderivada)
        den = (dfx * dfx) - (fx * ddfx)
        count += 1
        print Xo, "  |   ", fx, "  |  ", dfx, "  |   ", error, "  |   "

    #Here we show the root or the aproximation if the given point's not a root
    if (fx == 0):
        print Xi, " is a root"
    elif (error <= tol):
        print Xi, " is an approximation with ", tol, " tolerance"
    elif (dfx == 0):
        print "there are possible multiple roots at ", Xi
        eprint("failure after N iterations")
コード例 #6
def secanteMethod(x0, x1, tol, iter):
    y0 = f(x0, funcion)
    #Here we ask if the point is a root
    if y0 == 0:
        print "X0 is root"
        y1 = f(x1, funcion)
        count = 0
        error = tol + 1
        Den = y1 - y0
        print "-------------||------------||-------------"
        print "  Xn             f(Xn)         Error  "
        print x0, "  |   ", y0, "  |  ", "  |   "
        print x1, "  |   ", y1, "  |  ", "  |   "

        #If the stop parameters haven't been broken here we can calculate where is the root
        while error > tol and y1 != 0 and Den != 0 and count < iter:
            Xaux = x1 - ((y1 * (x1 - x0)) / Den)
            error = abs((Xaux - x1) / Xaux)
            x0 = x1
            y0 = y1
            x1 = Xaux
            y1 = f(x1, funcion)
            Den = y1 - y0
            count += 1
        print x1, "  |   ", y1, "  |  ", error, "  |   "

        #Here we show the root or the aproximation if is not an exact root between the interval
        if y1 == 0:
            print x1, " es root"
        elif error < tol:
            print x1, " is an approximate root with tolerance: ", tol
        elif Den == 0:
            print "Might be a multiple root"
            eprint("Failed in ", iter, " iterations")