def optimize(model, sampler, train, valid): """ Optimize the model. TODO: implement early-stopping :param model: model to optimize :param sampler: mini-batch sampler :param train: train user-item matrix :param valid: validation user-item matrix :return: None """ sess = tf.Session() saver = tf.train.Saver() # 用于保存变量 save_dir = 'checkpoints/' # 保存目录 save_path = os.path.join(save_dir, 'model2') # if model.feature_projection is not None: # # initialize item embedding with feature projection #, model.feature_projection)) # sample some users to calculate recall validation valid_users = numpy.random.choice(list(set(valid.nonzero()[0])), size=1000, replace=False) while True: # create evaluator on validation set validation_recall = RecallEvaluator(model, train, valid) # compute recall on validate set valid_recalls = [] # compute recall in chunks to utilize speedup provided by Tensorflow for user_chunk in toolz.partition_all(100, valid_users): valid_recalls.extend([validation_recall.eval(sess, user_chunk)]) print("\nRecall on (sampled) validation set: {}".format( numpy.mean(valid_recalls))) # TODO: early stopping based on validation recall # train model losses = [] # run n mini-batches for _ in tqdm(range(EVALUATION_EVERY_N_BATCHES), desc="Optimizing..."): user_pos, neg = sampler.next_batch() _, loss = (model.optimize, model.loss), { model.user_positive_items_pairs: user_pos, model.negative_samples: neg }) losses.append(loss) print("\nTraining loss {}".format(numpy.mean(losses))), save_path=save_path)
def optimize(model, sampler, train, test, args): """ Optimize the model. TODO: implement early-stopping :param model: model to optimize :param sampler: mini-batch sampler :param train: train user-item matrix :param valid: validation user-item matrix :return: None """ config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True) config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True sess = tf.Session(config=config) #sess.graph.finalize() if model.feature_projection is not None: # initialize item embedding with feature projection, model.feature_projection)) # all test users to calculate recall validation test_users = numpy.asarray(list(set(test.nonzero()[0])), dtype=numpy.int32) testresult = RecallEvaluator(model, train, test) epoch = 0 tempbest = 0 while True: print('\nepochs:{}'.format(epoch)) epoch += 1 # TODO: early stopping based on validation recall # train model losses = [] feature_losses = [] # run n mini-batches for _ in tqdm(range(args.eva_batches), desc="Optimizing..."): user_pos, neg = sampler.next_batch() _, loss, feature_loss = (model.optimize, model.loss, model.feature_loss), { model.user_positive_items_pairs: user_pos, model.negative_samples: neg }) feature_losses.append(feature_loss),'my-model') # compute recall,ndcg,hr,pr on test set test_recalls, test_ndcg, test_hr, test_pr = [], [], [], [] for user_chunk in toolz.partition_all(100, test_users): recalls, ndcgs, hit_ratios, precisions = testresult.eval( sess, user_chunk) test_recalls.extend(recalls) test_ndcg.extend(ndcgs) test_hr.extend(hit_ratios) test_pr.extend(precisions) print("\nresult on test set: ndcg:{},recall:{},hr:{},pr:{}".format( sum(test_ndcg) / float(len(test_ndcg)), sum(test_recalls) / float(len(test_recalls)), sum(test_hr) / float(len(test_hr)), sum(test_pr) / float(len(test_pr))))
def xnmt_evaluate(args): """"Returns the eval score (e.g. BLEU) of the hyp sents using reference trg sents """ cols = args.evaluator.split("|") eval_type = cols[0] eval_param = {} if len(cols) == 1 else { key: value for key, value in [param.split("=") for param in cols[1].split()] } hyp_postprocess = lambda line: line.split() ref_postprocess = lambda line: line.split() if eval_type == "bleu": ngram = int(eval_param.get("ngram", 4)) evaluator = BLEUEvaluator(ngram=int(ngram)) elif eval_type == "wer": evaluator = WEREvaluator() elif eval_type == "cer": evaluator = CEREvaluator() elif eval_type == "recall": nbest = int(eval_param.get("nbest", 5)) hyp_postprocess = lambda x: ast.literal_eval(x) ref_postprocess = lambda x: int(x) evaluator = RecallEvaluator(nbest=int(nbest)) else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown evaluation metric {}".format(eval_type)) ref_corpus = read_data(args.ref_file, post_process=ref_postprocess) hyp_corpus = read_data(args.hyp_file, post_process=hyp_postprocess) len_before = len(hyp_corpus) ref_corpus, hyp_corpus = zip( *filter(lambda x: NO_DECODING_ATTEMPTED not in x[1], zip(ref_corpus, hyp_corpus))) if len(ref_corpus) < len_before: print("> ignoring %s out of %s test sentences." % (len_before - len(ref_corpus), len_before)) eval_score = evaluator.evaluate(ref_corpus, hyp_corpus) return eval_score
def optimize(model, rating_sampler, social_sampler, train, valid, test): """ Optimize the model. :param model: model to optimize :param rating_sampler: mini-batch sampler for rating part :param social_sampler: mini-batch sampler for social part :param train: train user-item matrix :param valid: validation user-item matrix :param test: test user-item matrix :return: None """ config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True sess = tf.Session(config=config) # sample some users to calculate recall validation valid_users = list(set(valid.nonzero()[0])) test_users = list(set(test.nonzero()[0])) best_val_hr_list = None best_val_ndcg_list = None test_hrs = None test_ndcgs = None best_val_ndcg_20 = -1 epoch_count = 0 endure_count = 0 if manifold_name == 'Euclidean': num_user_chunck = 1000 else: num_user_chunck = 100 while True: epoch_count += 1 endure_count += 1 start = time.time() # create evaluator on validation set validation_recall = RecallEvaluator(model, train, valid) # compute hr and ndcg on validate set valid_hrs = [[], [], [], [], [], []] valid_ndcgs = [[], [], [], [], [], []] for user_chunk in toolz.partition_all(num_user_chunck, valid_users): hrs_1, hrs_5, hrs_10, hrs_15, hrs_20, hrs_50, ndcgs_1, ndcgs_5, ndcgs_10, ndcgs_15, ndcgs_20, ndcgs_50 = validation_recall.eval( sess, user_chunk) valid_hrs[0].extend(hrs_1) valid_hrs[1].extend(hrs_5) valid_hrs[2].extend(hrs_10) valid_hrs[3].extend(hrs_15) valid_hrs[4].extend(hrs_20) valid_hrs[5].extend(hrs_50) valid_ndcgs[0].extend(ndcgs_1) valid_ndcgs[1].extend(ndcgs_5) valid_ndcgs[2].extend(ndcgs_10) valid_ndcgs[3].extend(ndcgs_15) valid_ndcgs[4].extend(ndcgs_20) valid_ndcgs[5].extend(ndcgs_50) valid_hrs[0] = numpy.mean(valid_hrs[0]) valid_hrs[1] = numpy.mean(valid_hrs[1]) valid_hrs[2] = numpy.mean(valid_hrs[2]) valid_hrs[3] = numpy.mean(valid_hrs[3]) valid_hrs[4] = numpy.mean(valid_hrs[4]) valid_hrs[5] = numpy.mean(valid_hrs[5]) valid_ndcgs[0] = numpy.mean(valid_ndcgs[0]) valid_ndcgs[1] = numpy.mean(valid_ndcgs[1]) valid_ndcgs[2] = numpy.mean(valid_ndcgs[2]) valid_ndcgs[3] = numpy.mean(valid_ndcgs[3]) valid_ndcgs[4] = numpy.mean(valid_ndcgs[4]) valid_ndcgs[5] = numpy.mean(valid_ndcgs[5]) val_ndcg_20 = valid_ndcgs[-2] if val_ndcg_20 > best_val_ndcg_20: endure_count = 0 best_val_ndcg_20 = val_ndcg_20 best_val_hr_list = valid_hrs best_val_ndcg_list = valid_ndcgs test_hrs = [[], [], [], [], [], []] test_ndcgs = [[], [], [], [], [], []] test_recall = RecallEvaluator(model, train, test) for user_chunk in toolz.partition_all(num_user_chunck, test_users): hrs_1, hrs_5, hrs_10, hrs_15, hrs_20, hrs_50, ndcgs_1, ndcgs_5, ndcgs_10, ndcgs_15, ndcgs_20, ndcgs_50 = test_recall.eval( sess, user_chunk) test_hrs[0].extend(hrs_1) test_hrs[1].extend(hrs_5) test_hrs[2].extend(hrs_10) test_hrs[3].extend(hrs_15) test_hrs[4].extend(hrs_20) test_hrs[5].extend(hrs_50) test_ndcgs[0].extend(ndcgs_1) test_ndcgs[1].extend(ndcgs_5) test_ndcgs[2].extend(ndcgs_10) test_ndcgs[3].extend(ndcgs_15) test_ndcgs[4].extend(ndcgs_20) test_ndcgs[5].extend(ndcgs_50) test_hrs[0] = numpy.mean(test_hrs[0]) test_hrs[1] = numpy.mean(test_hrs[1]) test_hrs[2] = numpy.mean(test_hrs[2]) test_hrs[3] = numpy.mean(test_hrs[3]) test_hrs[4] = numpy.mean(test_hrs[4]) test_hrs[5] = numpy.mean(test_hrs[5]) test_ndcgs[0] = numpy.mean(test_ndcgs[0]) test_ndcgs[1] = numpy.mean(test_ndcgs[1]) test_ndcgs[2] = numpy.mean(test_ndcgs[2]) test_ndcgs[3] = numpy.mean(test_ndcgs[3]) test_ndcgs[4] = numpy.mean(test_ndcgs[4]) test_ndcgs[5] = numpy.mean(test_ndcgs[5]) else: if endure_count >= 10: break print( "\n[Epoch %d] val HR: [%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f], val NDCG: [%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f], best val HR: [%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f]" ", best val NDCG: [%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f], test HR: [%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f], test NDCG: [%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f]" % (epoch_count, valid_hrs[0], valid_hrs[1], valid_hrs[2], valid_hrs[3], valid_hrs[4], valid_hrs[5], valid_ndcgs[0], valid_ndcgs[1], valid_ndcgs[2], valid_ndcgs[3], valid_ndcgs[4], valid_ndcgs[5], best_val_hr_list[0], best_val_hr_list[1], best_val_hr_list[2], best_val_hr_list[3], best_val_hr_list[4], best_val_hr_list[5], best_val_ndcg_list[0], best_val_ndcg_list[1], best_val_ndcg_list[2], best_val_ndcg_list[3], best_val_ndcg_list[4], best_val_ndcg_list[5], test_hrs[0], test_hrs[1], test_hrs[2], test_hrs[3], test_hrs[4], test_hrs[5], test_ndcgs[0], test_ndcgs[1], test_ndcgs[2], test_ndcgs[3], test_ndcgs[4], test_ndcgs[5])) # train model losses = [] # run n mini-batches time1 = time.time() for _ in range(EVALUATION_EVERY_N_BATCHES): user_pos, neg = rating_sampler.next_batch() social_pos, social_neg = social_sampler.next_batch() _, loss = (model.optimize, model.loss), { model.user_positive_items_pairs: user_pos, model.negative_samples: neg, model.positive_social_pairs: social_pos, model.negative_social_samples: social_neg }) losses.append(loss) end = time.time() print('time1:', time1 - start, ' time2:', end - time1) print("\nTraining loss {} finisded in {}s".format( numpy.mean(losses), end - start)) print( "\nFinished. Best val HR: [%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f]" ", best val NDCG: [%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f], test HR: [%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f], test NDCG: [%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f]" % (best_val_hr_list[0], best_val_hr_list[1], best_val_hr_list[2], best_val_hr_list[3], best_val_hr_list[4], best_val_hr_list[5], best_val_ndcg_list[0], best_val_ndcg_list[1], best_val_ndcg_list[2], best_val_ndcg_list[3], best_val_ndcg_list[4], best_val_ndcg_list[5], test_hrs[0], test_hrs[1], test_hrs[2], test_hrs[3], test_hrs[4], test_hrs[5], test_ndcgs[0], test_ndcgs[1], test_ndcgs[2], test_ndcgs[3], test_ndcgs[4], test_ndcgs[5])) # hyp_user_embeddings, hyp_item_embeddings = # pkl.dump(hyp_user_embeddings, open(), 'wb')) # pkl.dump(hyp_item_embeddings, open(), 'wb')) # print('Embeddings Saved.') rating_sampler.close() social_sampler.close()
def optimize(model, sampler, train, valid, test): """ Optimize the model. TODO: implement early-stopping :param model: model to optimize :param sampler: mini-batch sampler :param train: train user-item matrix :param valid: validation user-item matrix :return: None """ sess = tf.Session() if model.feature_projection is not None: # initialize item embedding with feature projection, model.feature_projection)) valid_users = list(set(valid.nonzero()[0])) stop_num = 10 t_stop_num = 0 stop_threshold = 0.005 pre_recall = 0 k_Mat = [5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50] r_recalls = np.zeros([1, 6]) r_precisions = np.zeros([1, 6]) while True: # create evaluator on validation set validation_recall = RecallEvaluator(model, train, valid) valid_recalls, valid_precisions = validation_recall.eval( sess, valid_users, 50) # TODO: early stopping based on validation recall # train model losses = [] # run n mini-batches for _ in tqdm(range(EVALUATION_EVERY_N_BATCHES), desc="Optimizing..."): user_pos, neg = sampler.next_batch() _, loss = (model.optimize, model.loss), { model.user_positive_items_pairs: user_pos, model.negative_samples: neg }) losses.append(loss) if abs(np.mean(valid_recalls) - pre_recall) < stop_threshold: t_stop_num = t_stop_num + 1 else: t_stop_num = 0 pre_recall = np.mean(valid_recalls) if t_stop_num > stop_num: # performance evaluation based on test set test_recall = RecallEvaluator(model, train, test) test_users = list(set(test.nonzero()[0])) r_aupr = test_recall.eval_val(sess, test_users, test) for num_k in range(1, 7): k = k_Mat[num_k - 1] print("k = ", k, "\n") test_recall_r, test_precision_r = test_recall.eval( sess, test_users, k) print("\nRecall on (sampled) test set: {}".format( np.mean(test_recall_r))) print("\nPrecision on (sampled) test set: {}".format( np.mean(test_precision_r))) r_recalls[:, num_k - 1] = np.mean(test_recall_r) r_precisions[:, num_k - 1] = np.mean(test_precision_r) break sess.close() return r_recalls, r_precisions, r_aupr
def optimize(model, sampler, train, valid, total_batch): init = tf.global_variables_initializer() sess = tf.Session() saver = tf.train.Saver(), os.path.join(model_saving_path, model_name)) # Sample users to calculate recall validation validation_users = set(list(set(valid.nonzero()[0]))) #validation_users = np.random.choice(list(set(valid.nonzero()[0])),size = len(valid_users),replace = False) # early-stopping k1, k2 = 30, 50 epoch = 0 Recall = RecallEvaluator(model=model, train_user_item_matrix=train, test_user_item_matrix=valid) while True: # Trian model Loss = [] for i in tqdm(range(total_batch), desc="Training..."): user_item_pairs, neg_item = sampler.next_batch() _, loss = (model.optimize, model.loss), { model.user_item_pos_pairs: user_item_pairs, model.neg_items: neg_item }) Loss.append(loss) print("epoch :{} loss : {}".format(epoch, np.mean(Loss))) epoch += 1 recalls_k1, precisions_k1, ndcgs_k1 = [], [], [] recalls_k2, precisions_k2, ndcgs_k2 = [], [], [] _maps, _mrrs, _aucs = [], [], [] #validation_users = np.random.choice(list(set(valid.nonzero()[0])),size = VALID_USERS_NUMBERS, # replace = False) for users_chunk in toolz.partition_all(100, validation_users): precision_k1, recall_k1, ndcg_k1 = Recall.precision_recall_ndcg_k( sess=sess, users=users_chunk, k=k1) precisions_k1.extend(precision_k1) recalls_k1.extend(recall_k1) ndcgs_k1.extend(ndcg_k1) precision_k2, recall_k2, ndcg_k2 = Recall.precision_recall_ndcg_k( sess=sess, users=users_chunk, k=k2) precisions_k2.extend(precision_k2) recalls_k2.extend(recall_k2) ndcgs_k2.extend(ndcg_k2) _map, _mrr, _auc, _ = Recall.map_mrr_auc_ndcg(sess=sess, users=users_chunk) _maps.extend(_map) _mrrs.extend(_mrr) _aucs.extend(_auc) print("+" * 20) print("P@" + str(k1) + ": {}".format(np.mean(precisions_k1))) print("R@" + str(k1) + ": {}".format(np.mean(recalls_k1))) print("NDCG@" + str(k1) + ": {}".format(np.mean(ndcgs_k1))) print("-" * 20) print("P@" + str(k2) + ": {}".format(np.mean(precisions_k2))) print("R@" + str(k2) + ": {}".format(np.mean(recalls_k2))) print("NDCG@" + str(k2) + ": {}".format(np.mean(ndcgs_k2))) print("-" * 20) print("MAP: {}".format(np.mean(_maps))) print("MRR: {}".format(np.mean(_mrrs))) print("AUC: {}".format(np.mean(_aucs))) print("+" * 20), os.path.join(model_saving_path, model_name)) sess.close()
def optimize(model, sampler, train, valid, test, args, item_neighbors, user_neighbors, early_stopping_n=5): """ Optimize the model. DONETODO: implement early-stopping :param model: model to optimize :param sampler: mini-batch sampler :param train: train user-item matrix :param valid: validation user-item matrix :return: None """ config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True) config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True sess = tf.Session(config=config) if model.feature_projection is not None: # initialize item embedding with feature projection, model.feature_projection)) # all test users to calculate recall validation valid_users = numpy.asarray(list(set(valid.nonzero()[0])), dtype=numpy.int32) test_users = numpy.asarray(list(set(test.nonzero()[0])), dtype=numpy.int32) validresult = RecallEvaluator(model, train, valid) testresult = RecallEvaluator(model, train, test) # 这里较为特殊 # 每若干批数据训练后,进行一次评估,则记为一轮训练 # 这是延续cml和maml的历史设计 # cml为了提升速度,使用多进程并行地 # 在训练集中取每一批数据 # 所以难以界定何时便利了所有训练集数据 # 并且cml使用的并行采样,抛弃最后构不成一批的数据 # 不能按照传统的方式定义一轮训练 epoch = 0 # 用于early stopping的计数 fail_cnt = 0 # best_ndcg=-100.0 best_recall = -100.0 # best_hr=-100.0 # best_pr=-100.0 saver = tf.train.Saver() while True: print('\nepochs:{}'.format(epoch), file=outputfile) epoch += 1 # train model losses = [] # run n mini-batches for _ in tqdm(range(args.eva_batches), desc="Optimizing..."): user_pos, neg = sampler.next_batch() # print("get next batch",datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")[:-3]) # (N+N*W, 1) all_item_ids = numpy.concatenate( (user_pos[:, 1], numpy.reshape(neg, (-1))), axis=0) # print("concat all item",datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")[:-3]) # 首先去随机数用于后面采样定位 # 实验中所用的数据集中,用户物品数量都在1000000以内 # 足够覆盖每一个邻居 # 若在使用个别更大的数据集,可以相应调大数值 all_item_neis_id_ranindex = numpy.random.randint( 1000000, size=all_item_ids.shape[0]) # 取模后访问列表的元素, # 这种实现方式是尝试的多种采样方法中最快的 # 可以在几毫秒或几十毫秒内完成采样 # 而其他方法则较慢 # 采样用户邻居时,可以先转换为numpy的array,可以使用列表进行索引 # 但是实际效果很慢,不如一个个取数 # 最后输入到tensorflow中 # (N+N*W, 1) all_item_neis_id_sample = [ item_neighbors[i][ranindex % len(item_neighbors[i])] for i, ranindex in zip(all_item_ids, all_item_neis_id_ranindex) ] # assert len(all_item_neis_id_sample)==all_item_ids.shape[0] # print("sample all item nei done",datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")[:-3]) # assert len(all_item_neis_id_sample[0])==1 # (N+N*W, 1) user_ids = numpy.concatenate( (user_pos[:, 0], numpy.tile(numpy.expand_dims(user_pos[:, 0], 1), (1, args.num_neg)).flatten()), axis=0) user_neis_id_ranindex = numpy.random.randint( 1000000, size=user_ids.shape[0]) # (N+N*W, 1) user_neis_id_sample = [ user_neighbors[i][ranindex % len(user_neighbors[i])] for i, ranindex in zip(all_item_ids, user_neis_id_ranindex) ] # print("sample user nei done",datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")[:-3]) # assert len(user_neis_id_sample[0])==1 # raise NotImplementedError _, loss = (model.optimize, model.loss), { model.user_positive_items_pairs: user_pos, model.negative_samples: neg, model.all_item_neis_id_sample: all_item_neis_id_sample, model.user_neis_id_sample: user_neis_id_sample, }) losses.append(loss) # 训练中的日志同时记录到标准输出和文件中 print("\nTrain loss: {}".format(numpy.mean(losses)), file=outputfile) print("\nTrain loss: {}".format(numpy.mean(losses))) # 在验证集进行评估,仅使用recall # 其他指标为maml遗留,在评估过程中直接置零,不再计算,减少计算用时 valid_recalls, valid_ndcg, valid_hr, valid_pr = [], [], [], [] for user_chunk in toolz.partition_all(100, valid_users): recalls, ndcgs, hit_ratios, precisions = validresult.eval( sess, user_chunk, item_neighbors, user_neighbors) valid_recalls.extend(recalls) valid_ndcg.extend(ndcgs) valid_hr.extend(hit_ratios) valid_pr.extend(precisions) ndcg_mean = numpy.mean(valid_ndcg) recall_mean = numpy.mean(valid_recalls) hr_mean = numpy.mean(valid_hr) pr_mean = numpy.mean(valid_pr) print("\nresult on valid set: recall:{}".format(recall_mean), file=outputfile) print("\nresult on valid set: recall:{}".format(recall_mean)) # 看是否在验证集上过拟合,如果在指定轮数后 # 在验证集仍未有提升,则触发提前终止 # 实验中指定的是10轮 # 每次取得最佳效果后保存模型 # 供后续在测试集上还原 if recall_mean <= best_recall: fail_cnt += 1 else: # best_ndcg=ndcg_mean best_recall = recall_mean # best_hr=hr_mean # best_pr=pr_mean fail_cnt = 0 sess, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "models_{:%Y%m%d_%H%M%S}/".format(nowdate), Filename + "_model.ckpt")) print("Best result!", file=outputfile) print("Best result!") # print(saver.last_checkpoints[-1]) outputfile.flush() if fail_cnt >= early_stopping_n: break # 还原最佳的模型 # 在测试集进行评估 # saver.restore(sess, saver.last_checkpoints[-1]) ckpt_state = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state("./models_20200604_000541") with open("test_pred.txt", 'w') as ftest: saver.restore(sess, ckpt_state.model_checkpoint_path) test_recalls, test_ndcg, test_hr, test_pr = [], [], [], [] for user_chunk in toolz.partition_all(100, test_users): recalls, ndcgs, hit_ratios, precisions = testresult.eval( sess, user_chunk, item_neighbors, user_neighbors, ftest=ftest) test_recalls.extend(recalls) test_ndcg.extend(ndcgs) test_hr.extend(hit_ratios) test_pr.extend(precisions) ndcg_mean = numpy.mean(test_ndcg) recall_mean = numpy.mean(test_recalls) hr_mean = numpy.mean(test_hr) pr_mean = numpy.mean(test_pr) print("\nresult on test set: recall:{}".format(recall_mean), file=outputfile) print("\nresult on test set: recall:{}".format(recall_mean))
def optimize(model, sampler, train, valid, test, train_exp_neg, valid_exp_neg, test_exp_neg, epochs=10): """ Optimize the model. TODO: implement early-stopping :param model: model to optimize :param sampler: mini-batch sampler :param train: train user-item matrix :param valid: validation user-item matrix :param epochs: amount of epochs to run :return: None """ merged_summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all() with tf.Session() as sess: #if model.feature_projection is not None: # initialize item embedding with feature projection #, model.feature_projection)) # sample some users to calculate recall validation test_users = numpy.random.choice(list(set(test.nonzero()[0])), size=1000, replace=False) #Variouse sections which would be needed for tensorboard are commented #The reason is that they don't work on the cluster # Initiate summary writer and give unique log dir to all #logs=str(os.getcwd())+'/train' users_name = "_not_named" #users_name=raw_input("Enter a name for this runs log:") #log_dir=logs+"/iters_"+str(epochs*EVALUATION_EVERY_N_BATCHES)+"_time_"+str(" ","_")+"__"+str(users_name) #if not os.path.exists(log_dir): # os.makedirs(log_dir) # copy the metadata #copyfile(logs+"/projector_config.pbtxt", log_dir+"/projector_config.pbtxt") #create statistics of the run #stat_file=open(log_dir+'/stat_file.dat', 'w+') #train_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(log_dir, # graph=tf.get_default_graph()) #saver = tf.train.Saver() # init history to plot with matplot history = dict() history["Recall"] = [] history["Prec"] = [] history["NIT5"] = [] history["NIT10"] = [] for x in tqdm(xrange(epochs), desc='Epochs running...'): # create evaluator on validation set validation_recall = RecallEvaluator(model, train, test, train_exp_neg, test_exp_neg) # compute recall on validate set valid_recalls = [] valid_precision_at_len_test = [] exp_neg_items_in_top_k = [] exp_neg_items_in_top_5 = [] exp_neg_items_in_top_10 = [] # compute recall in chunks to utilize speedup provided by Tensorflow for user_chunk in toolz.partition_all(100, test_users): val_recall, val_precision_at_len_test, exp_neg_in_top_5, exp_neg_in_top_10 = validation_recall.eval( sess, user_chunk, k=50) valid_recalls.extend([val_recall]) exp_neg_items_in_top_5.extend([exp_neg_in_top_5]) exp_neg_items_in_top_10.extend([exp_neg_in_top_10]) valid_precision_at_len_test.extend([val_precision_at_len_test]) flatten = lambda l: [item for sublist in l for item in sublist] his_rec, hist_prec, his_nit5, hist_nit10 = log_eval_stats_binned( flatten(valid_recalls), flatten(valid_precision_at_len_test), flatten(exp_neg_items_in_top_k), flatten(exp_neg_items_in_top_5), flatten(exp_neg_items_in_top_10)) history["Recall"] += [his_rec] history["Prec"] += [hist_prec] history["NIT5"] += [his_nit5] history["NIT10"] += [hist_nit10] #NITK_summary=tf.summary.scalar("NITK", numpy.mean(exp_neg_items_in_top_k)) # TODO: early stopping based on validation recall # train model losses = [] model.merged_summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all() #train_writer.add_summary(model.merged_summary_op, x) # run n mini-batches for i in tqdm(range(EVALUATION_EVERY_N_BATCHES), desc="Optimizing..."): user_pos, neg, user_exp_neg, pos_neg_pairs = sampler.next_batch( ) _, loss, summary = (model.optimize, model.loss, model.merged_summary_op), { model.user_positive_items_pairs: user_pos, model.negative_samples: neg, model.user_exp_neg_items_pairs: user_exp_neg, model.pos_neg_pairs: pos_neg_pairs }) #train_writer.add_summary(summary, i + (x * EVALUATION_EVERY_N_BATCHES)), os.path.join(log_dir, "model.ckpt"), i + (x * EVALUATION_EVERY_N_BATCHES)) losses.append(loss) print "\nEpoch:" + str(x), print("\nTraining loss {}".format(numpy.mean(losses))) print(10 * "\n") print("Training has ended!") print(10 * "\n") #calculate recall on test set validation_recall = RecallEvaluator(model, train, valid, train_exp_neg, valid_exp_neg) valid_users = numpy.random.choice( list(set(valid.nonzero()[0])), size=int(len(list(set(valid.nonzero()[0])))), replace=False) printValForAll(valid_users, validation_recall, sess, k=10, nI1=1, nI2=5) printValForAll(valid_users, validation_recall, sess, k=20, nI1=10, nI2=20) printValForAll(valid_users, validation_recall, sess, k=50, nI1=30, nI2=40) printValForAll(valid_users, validation_recall, sess, k=75, nI1=50, nI2=60) printValForAll(valid_users, validation_recall, sess, k=100, nI1=70, nI2=80) #print 5*"\n" #stat_file.writelines("Val_recall at 50 on test set:{}".format(numpy.mean(val_recall))+"\n") #stat_file.writelines("NIT5 on test set:{}".format(numpy.mean(exp_neg_in_top_5))+"\n") #stat_file.writelines("NIT10 test set:{}".format(numpy.mean(exp_neg_in_top_10))+"\n") #stat_file.writelines("Precision at 50 test set: {}".format(numpy.mean(val_precision_at_len_test))+"\n") # print "Starting tsne" # print model.item_embeddings # tsne.tsne(model.item_embeddings, no_dims=2, initial_dims=100, perplexity=30.0) print "Starting summary:" # plot the current run #and ma a file pp = PdfPages('LastRunCMLEN_' + "" + '.pdf') plt.figure(1) plt.xlabel('Epochs, each epoch is iterations: ' + str(EVALUATION_EVERY_N_BATCHES)) plt.title('Recall') plt.plot(history["Recall"]) pp.savefig() plt.figure(2) plt.xlabel('Epochs, each epoch is iterations: ' + str(EVALUATION_EVERY_N_BATCHES)) plt.title('Precision') plt.plot(history["Prec"]) pp.savefig() plt.figure(3) plt.xlabel('Epochs, each epoch is iterations: ' + str(EVALUATION_EVERY_N_BATCHES)) plt.title('NIT5') plt.plot(history["NIT5"]) pp.savefig() plt.figure(4) plt.xlabel('Epochs, each epoch is iterations: ' + str(EVALUATION_EVERY_N_BATCHES)) plt.title('NIT50') plt.plot(history["NIT10"]) pp.savefig() # End the session pp.close() sess.close() sampler.close() #try: # os.system("tensorboard --logdir="+logs) # "Started tensorboard" #except: # print "Sth with your log dir is wrong" return