コード例 #1
    def testdirectorConfig(self):
        """Test the configuration set and machinery
        test_config = """
        disabled = 'no'
        disabled = 'no'
        disabled = 'no'

            order = 1
            cat = swipe
            agent = myswipe

            order = 0
            cat = swipe
            agent = myswipe
        # Reset and Check that no setup done is caught:
        self.assertRaises(config.ConfigNotSetup, config.get_cfg)

        # Check we don't get and problems with files...
        c = config.get_cfg()
        # This should only contain 5 as the agents should be part of 
        # the agency.agents member:
        self.assertEquals(len(c.cfg), 3)
        # This is the default order in which the objects should be recovered:
        self.assertEquals(c.cfg[0].name, 'director')
        self.assertEquals(c.cfg[0].order, 0)
        self.assertEquals(c.cfg[1].name, 'broker')
        self.assertEquals(c.cfg[1].order, 1)
        self.assertEquals(c.cfg[2].name, 'agency')
        self.assertEquals(c.cfg[2].order, 2)
        # Check the agents are present:
        agents = c.cfg[2].agents
        self.assertEquals(len(agents), 2)
        # Check the default ordering of the recovered agents:
        self.assertEquals(agents[0].name, 'bat')
        self.assertEquals(agents[0].order, 0)
        self.assertEquals(agents[1].name, 'aardvark')
        self.assertEquals(agents[1].order, 1)
コード例 #2
    def testdirectorConfigByNameRecovery(self):
        """Test that I can get named config objects from the global configuration.
        test_config = """
        disabled = 'no'
        disabled = 'no'
        disabled = 'no'

            order = 1
            cat = swipe
            agent = myswipe

            order = 0
            cat = swipe
            agent = myswipe
        c = config.get_cfg()
        self.assertEquals(c.director is None, False)
        self.assertEquals(c.broker is None, False)
        self.assertEquals(c.agency is None, False)
        self.assertEquals(c.webadmin is None, True)
        # This is the default order in which the objects should be recovered:
        self.assertEquals(c.director.name, 'director')
        self.assertEquals(c.director.order, 0)
        # Check the agents are present:
        agents = c.agency.agents
        self.assertEquals(len(agents), 2)
        # Check the default ordering of the recovered agents:
        self.assertEquals(agents[0].name, 'bat')
        self.assertEquals(agents[0].order, 0)
        self.assertEquals(agents[1].name, 'aardvark')
        self.assertEquals(agents[1].order, 1)
コード例 #3
    def testAgentControllerImport(self):
        """Test I can import Agent or Controller classes using the import_module
        p = tempfile.mkdtemp()
            # Create an agent inside a package so I can then test 
            # the absolute import on which the system is based.
            # mypackage.myagent
            mypkg = os.path.join(p,'mypackage')
            f = os.path.join(mypkg, '__init__.py')
            fd = open(f, 'wb')
            # Create an agent module that import_module should find and load.
            f = os.path.join(mypkg, 'myagent.py')
            fd = open(f, 'wb')

class Agent(object):
            # This shouldn't create any import exceptions: 
            class Obj:
                type = 'agent'
                agent = 'mypackage.myagent'
            config.import_module(Obj.type, Obj())
            # Try this from configuration file:
            test_config = """
            order = 1
            disabled = 'no'
            order = 2
            cat = 'misc'
            agent = 'mypackage.myagent'
            disabled = 'yes'
            order = 3
            cat = 'misc'
            agent = 'mypackage.myagent'
            bob = '1234'
            port = 59876
            c = config.get_cfg()
            objs = config.load_agents(c.cfg)

            # The agency will be in position 1 (order 1). There should be
            # two agents present, even though the second one is disabled.
            self.assertEquals(len(objs[1].agents), 2)
            # Check the config section is stored as part of the config 
            # attribute:
            a = objs[1].agents[1]
            self.assertEquals(a.config['disabled'], 'yes')
            self.assertEquals(a.config['order'], '3')
            self.assertEquals(a.config['cat'], 'misc')
            self.assertEquals(a.config['agent'], 'mypackage.myagent')
            self.assertEquals(a.config['bob'], '1234')
            self.assertEquals(a.config['port'], '59876')
            m = __import__('mypackage.myagent', fromlist=['mypackage',])
            self.assertEquals(isinstance(objs[1].agents[0].mod, m.Agent), True, "Agent not recovered correctly!")
            # The disabled agent should not be imported.
            m = __import__('mypackage.myagent', fromlist=['mypackage',])
            self.assertEquals(objs[1].agents[1].mod, None, "Agent was imported when it should not have been!")
            # try updating the config_objs and recheck that the change has been stored.
            c = config.get_cfg()
            self.assertEquals(isinstance(objs[1].agents[0].mod, m.Agent), True, "Agent not stored+updated correctly!")
            self.assertEquals(isinstance(c.agency.agents[0].mod, m.Agent), True, "Agent not stored+updated correctly!")
            # Create an controller module that import_module should find and load.
            f = os.path.join(mypkg, 'mycontroller.py')
            fd = open(f, 'wb')

class Controller(object):
            # This shouldn't create any import exceptions: 
            class Obj:
                type = 'controller'
                controller = 'mypackage.mycontroller'
            config.import_module(Obj.type, Obj())
            # Try this from configuration file:
            test_config = """

            order = 1
            disabled = 'yes'
            order = 2
            controller = 'mypackage.mycontroller'
            c = config.get_cfg()
            self.assertEquals(len(c.cfg), 3)
            objs = config.load_controllers(c.cfg)
            msg = """
            Inital config != result from load_controllers
            loaded objs:
            """ % (c.cfg, objs)
            self.assertEquals(len(objs), 3, msg)
            m = __import__('mypackage.mycontroller', fromlist=['mypackage',])
            # The supercontroller will be in this position:
            self.assertEquals(isinstance(objs[2].mod, m.Controller), True, "Controller not recovered correctly!")

            # try updating the config_objs and recheck that the change has been stored.
            c = config.get_cfg()
            self.assertEquals(len(objs), 3)
            m = __import__('mypackage.mycontroller', fromlist=['mypackage',])
            self.assertEquals(isinstance(objs[2].mod, m.Controller), True, "Controller not recovered correctly!")