def exitAll(self, timeout=10): """ Called to tell the director to shutdown stopped ALL controllers and child processes. :param timeout: This is the amount of time (in seconds) used to wait for the director to respond. If a response isn't received within this then SignalTimeout will be raised. Event Dispatched: EVT_DIRECTOR_EXIT_ALL """ sig = messenger.EVT("EVT_DIRECTOR_EXIT_ALL") self.log.warn("exitAll: (request sig id %s) shutdown signal received!" % sig.uid) try: rc = messenger.send_await(sig, timeout=timeout) except messenger.EventTimeout: raise SignalTimeout("exitAll: Director presence check failed! Is it running?") else: self.log.debug("exitAll: (request sig id %s) shutting down." % sig.uid) rc = rc['data'] return rc
def ping(self, timeout=10, testing=None): """ Called to check if the director is actually there and responding, otherwise we could be waiting forever for nothing to happen. :param timeout: This is the amount of time (in seconds) used to wait for the director to respond. If a response isn't received within this then SignalTimeout will be raised. Event Dispatched: EVT_DIRECTOR_PING """ token = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.log.debug("ping: waiting for director with token '%s'." % (token)) sig = messenger.EVT("EVT_DIRECTOR_PING") if testing: # use the unittest's EVT_DIRECTOR_PING instead. sig = testing try: rc = messenger.send_await(sig, token, timeout=timeout) rtoken = rc['data']['data'] if token != rtoken: self.log.warn("ping: received ping token '%s' is different to '%s'" % (token, rtoken)) else: self.log.debug("ping: received correct ping from director." % ()) except messenger.EventTimeout: raise SignalTimeout("Director presence check failed! Is it running?")
def controllerStop(self, name, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): """ Called to tell a controller to stop running. :param name: This will contain the name of the controller to be started. This name is the same name as that in the configuration section. :param timeout: This is the amount of time (in seconds) used to wait for the director to respond. If a response isn't received within this then SignalTimeout will be raised. :returns: See SignalReceiver controllerStop. Event Dispatched: EVT_DIRECTOR_CTRLSTOP """ sig = messenger.EVT("EVT_DIRECTOR_CTRLSTOP") try: self.log.debug("controllerStop: (request sig id %s) stopping controller." % sig.uid) rc = messenger.send_await(sig, name, timeout=timeout) except messenger.EventTimeout: self.log.error("controllerStop: (request sig id %s) event timeout!" % sig.uid) raise SignalTimeout("Director communication timeout (%s)s! Is it running?" % timeout) else: self.log.debug("controllerStop: (reply for sig id %s) stop called ok." % sig.uid) rc = rc['data'] return rc
def configuration(self, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): """ Called to return the director configuration. :param timeout: This is the amount of time (in seconds) used to wait for the director to respond. If a response isn't received within this then SignalTimeout will be raised. :returns: See SignalReceiver configuration. Event Dispatched: EVT_DIRECTOR_CONFIGURATION """ sig = messenger.EVT("EVT_DIRECTOR_CONFIGURATION") try: self.log.debug("configuration: (request sig id %s) getting director configuration." % sig.uid) rc = messenger.send_await(sig, timeout=timeout) except messenger.EventTimeout: self.log.error("configuration: (request sig id %s) event timeout!" % sig.uid) raise SignalTimeout("Director communication timeout (%s)s! Is it running?" % timeout) else: self.log.debug("configuration: (reply for sig id %s) configuration recovered ok." % sig.uid) rc = rc['data'] return rc
def xmlrpc_viewpoint_shutdown(self): """Broadcasts a EVT_VIEWPOINT_SHUTDOWN message if anyone is listening they will react. """ self.log.debug("xmlrpc_shutdown: sending EVT_VIEWPOINT_SHUTDOWN to the director.") messenger.send(messenger.EVT('EVT_VIEWPOINT_SHUTDOWN'), {}) self.log.debug("xmlrpc_shutdown: sent EVT_SHUTDOWN OK.") return 0
def xmlrpc_viewpoint_startup(self): """Broadcasts a EVT_VIEWPOINT_STARTUP message if anyone is listening they will react. """ self.log.debug("xmlrpc_startup: sending EVT_VIEWPOINT_STARTUP to the director.") messenger.send(messenger.EVT('EVT_VIEWPOINT_STARTUP'), {}) self.log.debug("xmlrpc_startup: sent EVT_VIEWPOINT_STARTUP OK.") return 0
def viewpointQuit(self): """ Called to instruct the viewpoint to close and exit normally. This method sends the VIEWPOINT_QUIT event. """ evt = messenger.EVT("VIEWPOINT_QUIT") self.log.debug("viewpointQuit: instructing viewpoint to quit.") resp = messenger.eventutils.send_await(evt) return resp
def getBrowserUri(self): """Called to recover where the viewpoint browser is looking currently. This method sends the VIEWPOINT_GET_URI event and returns its response. """ evt = messenger.EVT("VIEWPOINT_GET_URI") resp = messenger.eventutils.send_await(evt)"getBrowserUri: returned '%s'." % (resp)) return resp
def setBrowserUri(self, uri): """Called to the viewpoint browser which URI to load. This method sends the VIEWPOINT_SET_URI event along with the new_uri and returns its response. """ evt = messenger.EVT("VIEWPOINT_SET_URI") self.log.debug("setBrowserUri: sending new uri '%s'." % (uri)) resp = messenger.eventutils.send_await(evt, dict(uri=uri))"setBrowserUri: returned '%s'." % (resp)) return resp
def replaceContent(self, content_id, content): """Called to replace content inside the viewpoint browser with the given content fragment. This method sends the VIEWPOINT_REPLACE event along with the content_id & content returning its response. """ evt = messenger.EVT("VIEWPOINT_REPLACE") self.log.debug("replaceContent: replacing content_id '%s'." % (content_id)) resp = messenger.eventutils.send_await( evt, dict(content_id=content_id, content=content))"replaceContent: returned '%s'." % (resp)) return resp
def setup(self): """ Called to set up the signal handlers which subscribe to all the events this class currently supports. """ # Register a quick event to check if the director is present # and responding on the message bus. dispatcher.connect( self.signalPing, signal=messenger.EVT("EVT_DIRECTOR_PING") ) dispatcher.connect( self.signalControllerState, signal=messenger.EVT("EVT_DIRECTOR_CTRLSTATE") ) dispatcher.connect( self.signalControllerStart, signal=messenger.EVT("EVT_DIRECTOR_CTRLSTART") ) dispatcher.connect( self.signalControllerStop, signal=messenger.EVT("EVT_DIRECTOR_CTRLSTOP") ) dispatcher.connect( self.signalControllerReload, signal=messenger.EVT("EVT_DIRECTOR_CTRLRELOAD") ) dispatcher.connect( self.signalConfiguration, signal=messenger.EVT("EVT_DIRECTOR_CONFIGURATION") ) # Register messenger hook for shutdown() dispatcher.connect( self.signalExit, signal=messenger.EVT("EVT_DIRECTOR_EXIT_ALL") )"signalSetup: signals set up ok.")
def xmlrpc_dispatch(self, reply_evt, data): """Dispatch the given data as a reply event. """ self.log.debug("xmlrpc_dispatch: sending reply event '%s' with data '%s'" % (reply_evt, data)) if self.testing: self.log.debug("xmlrpc_dispatch: Send disabled in testing mode.") else: reply = messenger.EVT(reply_evt) #This would require the waiting source to reply confirming receipt: #self.log.debug("xmlrpc_dispatch: sending, waiting for confirmation receipt.") # messenger.send_await(reply, data) # This will just send without waiting. self.log.debug("xmlrpc_dispatch: sending (no reply looked for)") messenger.send(reply, data) self.log.debug("xmlrpc_dispatch: sending (no reply looked for - SENT OK") return 0
def controllerReload(self, name, new_config, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): """ Called to tell a controller reload and use the new configuration. This will stop it if its running, tear it down and replace it with whatever the new_config contains. :param name: This will contain the name of the controller to be started. This name is the same name as that in the configuration section. :param new_config: This is any valid controller configuration :param timeout: This is the amount of time (in seconds) used to wait for the director to respond. If a response isn't received within this then SignalTimeout will be raised. :returns: See SignalReceiver controllerReload. Event Dispatched: EVT_DIRECTOR_CTRLRELOAD """ sig = messenger.EVT("EVT_DIRECTOR_CTRLRELOAD") try: self.log.debug("controllerReload: (request sig id %s) calling reload." % sig.uid) rc = messenger.send_await(sig, [name, new_config], timeout=timeout) except messenger.EventTimeout: self.log.error("controllerReload: (request sig id %s) event timeout!" % sig.uid) raise SignalTimeout("Director communication timeout (%s)s! Is it running?" % timeout) else: self.log.debug("controllerReload: (reply for sig id %s) reload called ok." % sig.uid) rc = rc['data'] return rc
def sendexit(data): self.log.debug("xmlrpc_exitall: sending EVT_DIRECTOR_EXIT_ALL to the director.") messenger.send(messenger.EVT('EVT_DIRECTOR_EXIT_ALL'), {}) self.log.debug("xmlrpc_exitall: sent EVT_DIRECTOR_EXIT_ALL OK.")