def get_vector_estimate(provider, bbox, srs="4326"): """ :param provider: The DataProvider to test :param bbox: The bounding box of the request :param srs: The SRS of the bounding box :return: (estimate in mbs, object w/ metadata about how it was generated) """ # TODO tile_grid params should be serialized on all_stats object tile_grid = ek_stats.get_default_tile_grid() req_bbox = mapproxy_grid.grid_bbox(bbox, mapproxy_srs.SRS(srs), tile_grid.srs) req_area = ek_stats.get_area_bbox(req_bbox) # Compute estimate size_per_km, method = ek_stats.query( provider.slug, field=Stats.Fields.SIZE, statistic_name=Stats.MEAN, bbox=bbox, bbox_srs=srs, gap_fill_thresh=0.1, default_value=0, ) method["size_per_km"] = size_per_km return req_area * size_per_km, method
def get_raster_tile_grid_size_estimate(provider, bbox, srs="4326", with_clipping=True, min_zoom=None, max_zoom=None): """ :param provider: The DataProvider to test :param bbox: The bounding box of the request :param srs: The SRS of the bounding box :param with_clipping: see get_total_num_pixels :return: (estimate in mbs, object w/ metadata about how it was generated) """ # TODO: Both total_pixels and query intersect the tile grid, can save time if we do it once for both tile_grid = ek_stats.get_provider_grid(provider, min_zoom, max_zoom) total_pixels = ek_stats.get_total_num_pixels(tile_grid, bbox, srs, with_clipping) mpp, method = ek_stats.query( provider.slug, field=Stats.Fields.MPP, statistic_name=Stats.MEAN, bbox=bbox, bbox_srs=srs, gap_fill_thresh=0.1, default_value=0.00000006, ) method["mpp"] = mpp method["with_clipping"] = with_clipping # max acceptable is expected maximum number of bytes for the specified amount of pixels # pixels * <pixels per byte> / <bytes per MB> max_acceptable = total_pixels * 3 / 1e6 estimate = total_pixels * mpp return estimate if estimate < max_acceptable else max_acceptable, method
def get_raster_tile_grid_size_estimate(provider, bbox, srs='4326', with_clipping=True): """ :param provider: The DataProvider to test :param bbox: The bounding box of the request :param srs: The SRS of the bounding box :param with_clipping: see get_total_num_pixels :return: (estimate in mbs, object w/ metadata about how it was generated) """ # TODO: Both total_pixels and query intersect the tile grid, can save time if we do it once for both tile_grid = ek_stats.get_provider_grid(provider) total_pixels = ek_stats.get_total_num_pixels(tile_grid, bbox, srs, with_clipping) mpp, method = ek_stats.query(, 'mpp', 'mean', bbox, srs, grouping='provider_name', gap_fill_thresh=0.1, default_value=0.00000006) method['mpp'] = mpp method['with_clipping'] = with_clipping return total_pixels * mpp, method
def get_vector_estimate(provider, bbox, srs='4326'): """ :param provider: The DataProvider to test :param bbox: The bounding box of the request :param srs: The SRS of the bounding box :return: (estimate in mbs, object w/ metadata about how it was generated) """ # TODO tile_grid params should be serialized on all_stats object tile_grid = ek_stats.get_default_tile_grid() req_bbox = mapproxy_grid.grid_bbox(bbox, mapproxy_srs.SRS(srs), tile_grid.srs) req_area = ek_stats.get_area_bbox(req_bbox) # Compute estimate size_per_km, method = ek_stats.query( provider.export_provider_type.type_name, 'size', 'mean', bbox, srs, grouping='provider_type', gap_fill_thresh=0.1, default_value=0) method['size_per_km'] = size_per_km return req_area * size_per_km, method
def get_vector_estimate(provider, bbox, srs='4326'): """ :param provider: The DataProvider to test :param bbox: The bounding box of the request :param srs: The SRS of the bounding box :return: (estimate in mbs, object w/ metadata about how it was generated) """ # TODO tile_grid params should be serialized on all_stats object tile_grid = ek_stats.get_default_tile_grid() req_bbox = mapproxy_grid.grid_bbox(bbox, mapproxy_srs.SRS(srs), tile_grid.srs) req_area = ek_stats.get_area_bbox(req_bbox) # Compute estimate size_per_km, method = ek_stats.query(provider.export_provider_type.type_name, 'size', 'mean', bbox, srs, grouping='provider_type', gap_fill_thresh=0.1, default_value=0) method['size_per_km'] = size_per_km return req_area * size_per_km, method
def get_time_estimate(provider, bbox, bbox_srs="4326"): """ :param provider: The DataProvider to test :param bbox: The bounding box of the request :param bbox_srs: The SRS of the bounding box :return: (estimate in seconds, object w/ metadata about how it was generated) """ duration_per_unit_area, method = ek_stats.query( provider.slug, field=Stats.Fields.DURATION, statistic_name=Stats.MEAN, bbox=bbox, bbox_srs=bbox_srs, gap_fill_thresh=0.1, default_value=0, ) area = get_area_bbox(bbox) estimate = area * duration_per_unit_area # If the estimate is more than a day, return a day and one second, we will use this on the front end. max_acceptable = 60 * 60 * 24 # Hard capping time estimates to one day (in seconds) return estimate if estimate < max_acceptable else max_acceptable + 1, method