コード例 #1
def pool_initializer():
    global worker_app
    worker_app = SuffixTreeApplicationWithCassandra()
コード例 #2
    def check_words(self, is_sorted=False, is_reversed=False):
        # Split the long string into separate strings, and make some IDs.
        words = list([w for w in LONG_TEXT[:100].split(' ') if w])

        print("Adding words: {}".format(words))

        # Avoid adding the same string twice (or a prefix of a previous string).
        #  - because it's a current problem unless we append string IDs, which makes things too slow
        # words = set(words)
        # words = [w for w in words if 0 != sum([x.startswith(w) for x in words if x != w])]

        assert words

        # Make a string ID for each string.
        strings = {}
        for string in words:
            string_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
            strings[string_id] = string

        # Create a new suffix tree.
        self.app = SuffixTreeApplicationWithCassandra()
        st = self.app.register_new_suffix_tree()
        assert st.id in self.app.suffix_tree_repo

        # Close the app, so the pool doesn't inherit it.

        # Start the pool.
        pool = Pool(initializer=pool_initializer, processes=1)

        words = [[s, sid, st.id] for sid, s in strings.items() if s]

        if is_sorted:
            words = sorted(words)
        if is_reversed:
            words = reversed(words)

        results = pool.map(add_string_to_suffix_tree, words)
        for result in results:
            if isinstance(result, Exception):
                raise result

        # Creat the app again.
        self.app = SuffixTreeApplicationWithCassandra()

        errors = []

        # Check the suffix tree returns string ID for all substrings of string.
        for string_id, string in strings.items():
            # Check all prefixes and suffixes.
            substrings = sorted(list(get_all_substrings(string)))
            print("Checking for all substrings of string '{}': {}".format(
                repr(string), " ".join([repr(s) for s in substrings])))
            for substring in substrings:
                results = self.app.find_string_ids(substring, st.id)
                if string_id not in results:
                    msg = "Not found: substring '{}' from string '{}'".format(
                        repr(substring), repr(string))

        # Check for errors.
        self.assertFalse(errors, "\n".join(errors))