def __init__(self, version, interface, gateway_ip, gateway_mac, netmask): super().__init__() self.prompt = '({}Main{}) >>> '.format(IO.Style.BRIGHT, IO.Style.RESET_ALL) self.parser.add_subparser('clear', self._clear_handler) hosts_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('hosts', self._hosts_handler) hosts_parser.add_flag('--force', 'force') scan_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('scan', self._scan_handler) scan_parser.add_parameterized_flag('--range', 'iprange') limit_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('limit', self._limit_handler) limit_parser.add_parameter('id') limit_parser.add_parameter('rate') limit_parser.add_flag('--upload', 'upload') limit_parser.add_flag('--download', 'download') block_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('block', self._block_handler) block_parser.add_parameter('id') block_parser.add_flag('--upload', 'upload') block_parser.add_flag('--download', 'download') free_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('free', self._free_handler) free_parser.add_parameter('id') add_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('add', self._add_handler) add_parser.add_parameter('ip') add_parser.add_parameterized_flag('--mac', 'mac') self.parser.add_subparser('help', self._help_handler) self.parser.add_subparser('?', self._help_handler) self.parser.add_subparser('quit', self._quit_handler) self.parser.add_subparser('exit', self._quit_handler) self.version = version # application version self.interface = interface # specified IPv4 interface self.gateway_ip = gateway_ip self.gateway_mac = gateway_mac self.netmask = netmask # range of IP address calculated from gateway IP and netmask self.iprange = list( netaddr.IPNetwork('{}/{}'.format(self.gateway_ip, self.netmask))) self.host_scanner = HostScanner(self.interface, self.iprange) self.arp_spoofer = ARPSpoofer(self.interface, self.gateway_ip, self.gateway_mac) self.limiter = Limiter(self.interface) # holds discovered hosts self.hosts = [] self._print_help_reminder() # start the spoof thread self.arp_spoofer.start()
class MainMenu(CommandMenu): def __init__(self, version, interface, gateway_ip, gateway_mac, netmask): super().__init__() self.prompt = '({}Main{}) >>> '.format(IO.Style.BRIGHT, IO.Style.RESET_ALL) self.parser.add_subparser('hosts', self._hosts_handler) self.parser.add_subparser('clear', self._clear_handler) scan_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('scan', self._scan_handler) scan_parser.add_parameterized_flag('--range', 'iprange') limit_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('limit', self._limit_handler) limit_parser.add_parameter('id') limit_parser.add_parameter('rate') block_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('block', self._block_handler) block_parser.add_parameter('id') free_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('free', self._free_handler) free_parser.add_parameter('id') add_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('add', self._add_handler) add_parser.add_parameter('ip') add_parser.add_parameterized_flag('--mac', 'mac') self.parser.add_subparser('help', self._help_handler) self.parser.add_subparser('?', self._help_handler) self.parser.add_subparser('quit', self._quit_handler) self.parser.add_subparser('exit', self._quit_handler) self.version = version # application version self.interface = interface # specified IPv4 interface self.gateway_ip = gateway_ip self.gateway_mac = gateway_mac self.netmask = netmask # range of IP address calculated from gateway IP and netmask self.iprange = list( netaddr.IPNetwork('{}/{}'.format(self.gateway_ip, self.netmask))) self.host_scanner = HostScanner(self.interface, self.iprange) self.arp_spoofer = ARPSpoofer(self.interface, self.gateway_ip, self.gateway_mac) self.limiter = Limiter(self.interface) # holds discovered hosts self.hosts = [] self._print_help_reminder() # start the spoof thread self.arp_spoofer.start() def interrupt_handler(self, ctrl_c=True): if ctrl_c: IO.spacer() IO.ok('cleaning up... stand by...') self.arp_spoofer.stop() for host in self.hosts: self._free_host(host) def _scan_handler(self, args): """ Handles 'scan' command-line argument (Re)scans for hosts on the network """ if args.iprange: try: if '-' in args.iprange: iprange = list( netaddr.iter_iprange(*args.iprange.split('-'))) else: iprange = list(netaddr.IPNetwork(args.iprange)) except netaddr.core.AddrFormatError: IO.error('ip range invalid.') return else: iprange = None for host in self.hosts: self._free_host(host) IO.spacer() self.hosts = self.host_scanner.scan(iprange) IO.ok('{}{}{} hosts discovered.'.format(IO.Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, len(self.hosts), IO.Style.RESET_ALL)) IO.spacer() def _hosts_handler(self, args): """ Handles 'hosts' command-line argument Displays discovered hosts """ table_data = [[ '{}ID{}'.format(IO.Style.BRIGHT, IO.Style.RESET_ALL), '{}IP-Address{}'.format(IO.Style.BRIGHT, IO.Style.RESET_ALL), '{}MAC-Address{}'.format(IO.Style.BRIGHT, IO.Style.RESET_ALL), '{}Hostname{}'.format(IO.Style.BRIGHT, IO.Style.RESET_ALL), '{}Status{}'.format(IO.Style.BRIGHT, IO.Style.RESET_ALL) ]] for i, host in enumerate(self.hosts): table_data.append([ '{}{}{}'.format(IO.Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, i, IO.Style.RESET_ALL), host.ip, host.mac, if is not None else '', host.pretty_status() ]) table = SingleTable(table_data, 'Hosts') if not table.ok: IO.error( 'table does not fit terminal. resize or decrease font size.') return IO.spacer() IO.print(table.table) IO.spacer() def _limit_handler(self, args): """ Handles 'limit' command-line argument Limits bandwith of host to specified rate """ hosts = self._get_hosts_by_ids( rate = args.rate if hosts is not None and len(hosts) > 0: for host in hosts: if not host.spoofed: self.arp_spoofer.add(host) if netutils.validate_netrate_string(rate): self.limiter.limit(host, rate) else: IO.error('limit rate is invalid.') return IO.ok('{}{}{} limited{} to {}.'.format(IO.Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, host.ip, IO.Fore.LIGHTRED_EX, IO.Style.RESET_ALL, rate)) def _block_handler(self, args): """ Handles 'block' command-line argument Blocks internet communication for host """ hosts = self._get_hosts_by_ids( if hosts is not None and len(hosts) > 0: for host in hosts: if not host.spoofed: self.arp_spoofer.add(host) self.limiter.block(host) IO.ok('{}{}{} blocked{}.'.format(IO.Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, host.ip, IO.Fore.RED, IO.Style.RESET_ALL)) def _free_handler(self, args): """ Handles 'free' command-line argument Frees the host from all limitations """ hosts = self._get_hosts_by_ids( if hosts is not None and len(hosts) > 0: for host in hosts: self._free_host(host) def _add_handler(self, args): """ Handles 'add' command-line argument Adds custom host to host list """ ip = args.ip if not netutils.validate_ip_address(ip): IO.error('invalid ip address.') return if args.mac: mac = args.mac if not netutils.validate_mac_address(mac): IO.error('invalid mac address.') return else: mac = netutils.get_mac_by_ip(self.interface, ip) if mac is None: IO.error( 'unable to resolve mac address. specify manually (--mac).') return name = None try: host_info = socket.gethostbyaddr(ip) name = None if host_info is None else host_info[0] except socket.herror: pass host = Host(ip, mac, name) if host in self.hosts: IO.error('host does already exist.') return self.hosts.append(host) IO.ok('host added.') def _clear_handler(self, args): """ Handler for the 'clear' command-line argument Clears the terminal window and re-prints the banner """ IO.clear() IO.print(get_main_banner(self.version)) self._print_help_reminder() def _help_handler(self, args): """ Handles 'help' command-line argument Prints help message including commands and usage """ spaces = ' ' * 30 IO.print(""" {y}scan (--range [IP range]){r}{}scans for online hosts on your network. {s}required to find the hosts you want to limit. {b}{s}e.g.: scan {s} scan --range {s} scan --range{r} {y}hosts{r}{}lists all scanned hosts. {s}contains host information, including IDs. {y}limit [ID1,ID2,...] [rate]{r}{}limits bandwith of host(s) (uload/dload). {b}{s}e.g.: limit 4 100kbit {s} limit 2,3,4 1gbit {s} limit all 200kbit{r} {y}block [ID1,ID2,...]{r}{}blocks internet access of host(s). {b}{s}e.g.: block 3,2 {s} block all{r} {y}free [ID1,ID2,...]{r}{}unlimits/unblocks host(s). {b}{s}e.g.: free 3 {s} free all{r} {y}add [IP] (--mac [MAC]){r}{}adds custom host to host list. {s}mac resolved automatically. {b}{s}e.g.: add {s} add --mac 1c:fc:bc:2d:a6:37{r} {y}clear{r}{}clears the terminal window. {y}quit{r}{}quits the application. """.format(spaces[len('scan (--range [IP range])'):], spaces[len('hosts'):], spaces[len('limit [ID1,ID2,...] [rate]'):], spaces[len('block [ID1,ID2,...]'):], spaces[len('free [ID1,ID2,...]'):], spaces[len('add [IP] (--mac [MAC])'):], spaces[len('clear'):], spaces[len('quit'):], y=IO.Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, r=IO.Style.RESET_ALL, b=IO.Style.BRIGHT, s=spaces)) def _quit_handler(self, args): self.interrupt_handler(False) self.stop() def _print_help_reminder(self): IO.print( 'type {Y}help{R} or {Y}?{R} to show command information.'.format( Y=IO.Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, R=IO.Style.RESET_ALL)) def _get_hosts_by_ids(self, ids_string): if ids_string == 'all': return self.hosts.copy() try: ids = [int(x) for x in ids_string.split(',')] except ValueError: IO.error('\'{}\' are invalid IDs.'.format(ids_string)) return hosts = [] for id_ in ids: if len(self.hosts) == 0 or id_ not in range(len(self.hosts)): IO.error('no host with id {}{}{}.'.format( IO.Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, id_, IO.Style.RESET_ALL)) return if self.hosts[id_] not in hosts: hosts.append(self.hosts[id_]) return hosts def _free_host(self, host): """ Stops ARP spoofing and unlimits host """ if host.spoofed: self.arp_spoofer.remove(host) self.limiter.unlimit(host) IO.ok('{}{}{} freed.'.format(IO.Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, host.ip, IO.Style.RESET_ALL))
class MainMenu(CommandMenu): def __init__(self, version, interface, gateway_ip, gateway_mac, netmask): super().__init__() self.prompt = '({}Main{}) >>> '.format(IO.Style.BRIGHT, IO.Style.RESET_ALL) self.parser.add_subparser('scan', self._scan_handler) self.parser.add_subparser('hosts', self._hosts_handler) self.parser.add_subparser('clear', self._clear_handler) limit_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('limit', self._limit_handler) limit_parser.add_parameter('id') limit_parser.add_parameter('rate') block_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('block', self._block_handler) block_parser.add_parameter('id') free_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('free', self._free_handler) free_parser.add_parameter('id') self.parser.add_subparser('help', self._help_handler) self.parser.add_subparser('?', self._help_handler) self.version = version # application version self.interface = interface # specified IPv4 interface self.gateway_ip = gateway_ip self.gateway_mac = gateway_mac self.netmask = netmask # range of IP address calculated from gateway IP and netmask self.iprange = [ str(x) for x in netaddr.IPNetwork('{}/{}'.format( self.gateway_ip, self.netmask)) ] self.host_scanner = HostScanner(self.interface, self.iprange) self.arp_spoofer = ARPSpoofer(self.interface, self.gateway_ip, self.gateway_mac) self.limiter = Limiter(self.interface) # holds discovered hosts self.hosts = [] self._print_help_reminder() # start the spoof thread self.arp_spoofer.start() def interrupt_handler(self): IO.spacer() IO.ok('cleaning up... stand by...') self.arp_spoofer.stop() for host in self.hosts: self._free_host(host) def _scan_handler(self, args): """ Handles 'scan' command-line argument (Re)scans for hosts on the network """ for host in self.hosts: self._free_host(host) IO.spacer() self.hosts = self.host_scanner.scan() IO.ok('{}{}{} hosts discovered.'.format(IO.Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, len(self.hosts), IO.Style.RESET_ALL)) IO.spacer() def _hosts_handler(self, args): """ Handles 'hosts' command-line argument Displays discovered hosts """ table_data = [[ '{}ID{}'.format(IO.Style.BRIGHT, IO.Style.RESET_ALL), '{}IP-Address{}'.format(IO.Style.BRIGHT, IO.Style.RESET_ALL), '{}MAC-Address{}'.format(IO.Style.BRIGHT, IO.Style.RESET_ALL), '{}Hostname{}'.format(IO.Style.BRIGHT, IO.Style.RESET_ALL), '{}Status{}'.format(IO.Style.BRIGHT, IO.Style.RESET_ALL) ]] for i, host in enumerate(self.hosts): table_data.append([ '{}{}{}'.format(IO.Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, i, IO.Style.RESET_ALL), host.ip, host.mac, if is not None else '', host.pretty_status() ]) table = SingleTable(table_data, 'Hosts') if not table.ok: IO.error( 'table does not fit terminal. resize or decrease font size.') return IO.spacer() IO.print(table.table) IO.spacer() def _limit_handler(self, args): """ Handles 'limit' command-line argument Limits bandwith of host to specified rate """ host = self._get_host_by_id( rate = args.rate if host is not None: if not host.spoofed: self.arp_spoofer.add(host) if netutils.validate_netrate_string(rate): self.limiter.limit(host, rate) else: IO.error('limit rate is invalid.') return IO.ok('{}{}{} limited{} to {}.'.format(IO.Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, host.ip, IO.Fore.LIGHTRED_EX, IO.Style.RESET_ALL, rate)) def _block_handler(self, args): """ Handles 'block' command-line argument Blocks internet communication for host """ host = self._get_host_by_id( if host is not None: if not host.spoofed: self.arp_spoofer.add(host) self.limiter.block(host) IO.ok('{}{}{} blocked{}.'.format(IO.Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, host.ip, IO.Fore.RED, IO.Style.RESET_ALL)) def _free_handler(self, args): """ Handles 'free' command-line argument Frees the host from all limitations """ host = self._get_host_by_id( if host is not None: self._free_host(host) def _clear_handler(self, args): """ Handler for the 'clear' command-line argument Clears the terminal window and re-prints the banner """ IO.clear() IO.print(get_main_banner(self.version)) self._print_help_reminder() def _help_handler(self, args): """ Handles 'help' command-line argument Prints help message including commands and usage """ spaces = ' ' * 20 IO.print(""" {y}scan{r}{}scans for online hosts on your network. {s}required to find the hosts you want to limit. {y}hosts{r}{}lists all scanned hosts. {s}contains host information, including IDs. {y}limit [ID] [rate]{r}{}limits bandwith of host (uload/dload). {b}{s}e.g.: limit 4 100kbit {s} limit 2 1gbit {s} limit 5 500tbit{r} {y}block [ID]{r}{}blocks internet access of host. {b}{s}e.g.: block 3{r} {y}free [ID]{r}{}unlimits/unblocks host. {b}{s}e.g.: free 3{r} {y}clear{r}{}clears the terminal window. """.format(spaces[len('scan'):], spaces[len('hosts'):], spaces[len('limit [ID] [rate]'):], spaces[len('block [ID]'):], spaces[len('free [ID]'):], spaces[len('clear'):], y=IO.Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, r=IO.Style.RESET_ALL, b=IO.Style.BRIGHT, s=spaces)) def _print_help_reminder(self): IO.print( 'type {Y}help{R} or {Y}?{R} to show command information.'.format( Y=IO.Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, R=IO.Style.RESET_ALL)) def _get_host_by_id(self, id_): try: identifier = int(id_) except ValueError: IO.error('identifier is not an integer.') return if len(self.hosts) == 0 or identifier not in range(len(self.hosts)): IO.error('no host with id {}{}{}.'.format(IO.Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, identifier, IO.Style.RESET_ALL)) return return self.hosts[identifier] def _free_host(self, host): """ Stops ARP spoofing and unlimits host """ if host.spoofed: self.arp_spoofer.remove(host) self.limiter.unlimit(host) IO.ok('{}{}{} freed.'.format(IO.Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, host.ip, IO.Style.RESET_ALL))
class MainMenu(CommandMenu): def __init__(self, version, interface, gateway_ip, gateway_mac, netmask): super().__init__() self.prompt = '({}Main{}) >>> '.format(IO.Style.BRIGHT, IO.Style.RESET_ALL) self.parser.add_subparser('clear', self._clear_handler) hosts_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('hosts', self._hosts_handler) hosts_parser.add_flag('--force', 'force') scan_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('scan', self._scan_handler) scan_parser.add_parameterized_flag('--range', 'iprange') limit_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('limit', self._limit_handler) limit_parser.add_parameter('id') limit_parser.add_parameter('rate') limit_parser.add_flag('--upload', 'upload') limit_parser.add_flag('--download', 'download') block_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('block', self._block_handler) block_parser.add_parameter('id') block_parser.add_flag('--upload', 'upload') block_parser.add_flag('--download', 'download') free_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('free', self._free_handler) free_parser.add_parameter('id') add_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('add', self._add_handler) add_parser.add_parameter('ip') add_parser.add_parameterized_flag('--mac', 'mac') monitor_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('monitor', self._monitor_handler) monitor_parser.add_parameterized_flag('--interval', 'interval') self.parser.add_subparser('help', self._help_handler) self.parser.add_subparser('?', self._help_handler) self.parser.add_subparser('quit', self._quit_handler) self.parser.add_subparser('exit', self._quit_handler) self.version = version # application version self.interface = interface # specified IPv4 interface self.gateway_ip = gateway_ip self.gateway_mac = gateway_mac self.netmask = netmask # range of IP address calculated from gateway IP and netmask self.iprange = list( netaddr.IPNetwork('{}/{}'.format(self.gateway_ip, self.netmask))) self.host_scanner = HostScanner(self.interface, self.iprange) self.arp_spoofer = ARPSpoofer(self.interface, self.gateway_ip, self.gateway_mac) self.limiter = Limiter(self.interface) self.bandwidth_monitor = BandwidthMonitor(self.interface, 1) # holds discovered hosts self.hosts = [] self._print_help_reminder() # start the spoof thread self.arp_spoofer.start() # start the bandwidth monitor thread self.bandwidth_monitor.start() def interrupt_handler(self, ctrl_c=True): if ctrl_c: IO.spacer() IO.ok('cleaning up... stand by...') self.arp_spoofer.stop() self.bandwidth_monitor.stop() for host in self.hosts: self._free_host(host) def _scan_handler(self, args): """ Handles 'scan' command-line argument (Re)scans for hosts on the network """ if args.iprange: try: if '-' in args.iprange: iprange = list( netaddr.iter_iprange(*args.iprange.split('-'))) else: iprange = list(netaddr.IPNetwork(args.iprange)) except netaddr.core.AddrFormatError: IO.error('ip range invalid.') return else: iprange = None for host in self.hosts: self._free_host(host) IO.spacer() self.hosts = self.host_scanner.scan(iprange) IO.ok('{}{}{} hosts discovered.'.format(IO.Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, len(self.hosts), IO.Style.RESET_ALL)) IO.spacer() def _hosts_handler(self, args): """ Handles 'hosts' command-line argument Displays discovered hosts """ table_data = [[ '{}ID{}'.format(IO.Style.BRIGHT, IO.Style.RESET_ALL), '{}IP-Address{}'.format(IO.Style.BRIGHT, IO.Style.RESET_ALL), '{}MAC-Address{}'.format(IO.Style.BRIGHT, IO.Style.RESET_ALL), '{}Hostname{}'.format(IO.Style.BRIGHT, IO.Style.RESET_ALL), '{}Status{}'.format(IO.Style.BRIGHT, IO.Style.RESET_ALL) ]] for i, host in enumerate(self.hosts): table_data.append([ '{}{}{}'.format(IO.Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, i, IO.Style.RESET_ALL), host.ip, host.mac,, host.pretty_status() ]) table = SingleTable(table_data, 'Hosts') if not args.force and not table.ok: IO.error( 'table does not fit terminal. resize or decrease font size. you can also force the display (--force).' ) return IO.spacer() IO.print(table.table) IO.spacer() def _limit_handler(self, args): """ Handles 'limit' command-line argument Limits bandwith of host to specified rate """ hosts = self._get_hosts_by_ids( try: rate = BitRate.from_rate_string(args.rate) except Exception: IO.error('limit rate is invalid.') return direction = self._parse_direction_args(args) if hosts is not None and len(hosts) > 0: for host in hosts: if not host.spoofed: self.arp_spoofer.add(host) self.limiter.limit(host, direction, rate) self.bandwidth_monitor.add(host) IO.ok('{}{}{r} {} {}limited{r} to {}.'.format( IO.Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, host.ip, Direction.pretty_direction(direction), IO.Fore.LIGHTRED_EX, rate, r=IO.Style.RESET_ALL)) def _block_handler(self, args): """ Handles 'block' command-line argument Blocks internet communication for host """ hosts = self._get_hosts_by_ids( direction = self._parse_direction_args(args) if hosts is not None and len(hosts) > 0: for host in hosts: if not host.spoofed: self.arp_spoofer.add(host) self.limiter.block(host, direction) self.bandwidth_monitor.add(host) IO.ok('{}{}{r} {} {}blocked{r}.'.format( IO.Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, host.ip, Direction.pretty_direction(direction), IO.Fore.RED, r=IO.Style.RESET_ALL)) def _free_handler(self, args): """ Handles 'free' command-line argument Frees the host from all limitations """ hosts = self._get_hosts_by_ids( if hosts is not None and len(hosts) > 0: for host in hosts: self._free_host(host) def _add_handler(self, args): """ Handles 'add' command-line argument Adds custom host to host list """ ip = args.ip if not netutils.validate_ip_address(ip): IO.error('invalid ip address.') return if args.mac: mac = args.mac if not netutils.validate_mac_address(mac): IO.error('invalid mac address.') return else: mac = netutils.get_mac_by_ip(self.interface, ip) if mac is None: IO.error( 'unable to resolve mac address. specify manually (--mac).') return name = None try: host_info = socket.gethostbyaddr(ip) name = None if host_info is None else host_info[0] except socket.herror: pass host = Host(ip, mac, name) if host in self.hosts: IO.error('host does already exist.') return self.hosts.append(host) IO.ok('host added.') def _monitor_handler(self, args): """ Handles 'monitor' command-line argument Monitors hosts bandwidth usage """ def get_bandwidth_results(): return [ x for x in [(y, self.bandwidth_monitor.get(y)) for y in self.hosts] if x[1] is not None ] def display(stdscr, interval): host_results = get_bandwidth_results() hname_max_len = max([len(x[0].name) for x in host_results]) header_off = [('ID', 5), ('IP-Address', 18), ('Hostname', hname_max_len + 2), ('Current (per s)', 20), ('Total', 16), ('Packets', 0)] y_rst = 1 x_rst = 2 while True: y_off = y_rst x_off = x_rst stdscr.clear() for header in header_off: stdscr.addstr(y_off, x_off, header[0]) x_off += header[1] y_off += 2 x_off = x_rst for i, (host, result) in enumerate(host_results): result_data = [ str(i), host.ip,, '{}↑ {}↓'.format(result.upload_rate, result.download_rate), '{}↑ {}↓'.format(result.upload_total_size, result.download_total_size), '{}↑ {}↓'.format(result.upload_total_count, result.download_total_count) ] for j, string in enumerate(result_data): stdscr.addstr(y_off, x_off, string) x_off += header_off[j][1] y_off += 1 x_off = x_rst y_off += 2 stdscr.addstr(y_off, x_off, 'press \'ctrl+c\' to exit.') try: stdscr.refresh() time.sleep(interval) host_results = get_bandwidth_results() except KeyboardInterrupt: return interval = 0.5 # in s if args.interval: if not args.interval.isdigit(): IO.error('invalid interval.') return interval = int(args.interval) / 1000 # from ms to s if len(get_bandwidth_results()) == 0: IO.error('no hosts to be monitored.') return try: curses.wrapper(display, interval) except curses.error: IO.error('monitor error occurred. maybe terminal too small?') def _clear_handler(self, args): """ Handler for the 'clear' command-line argument Clears the terminal window and re-prints the banner """ IO.clear() IO.print(get_main_banner(self.version)) self._print_help_reminder() def _help_handler(self, args): """ Handles 'help' command-line argument Prints help message including commands and usage """ spaces = ' ' * 35 IO.print(""" {y}scan (--range [IP range]){r}{}scans for online hosts on your network. {s}required to find the hosts you want to limit. {b}{s}e.g.: scan {s} scan --range {s} scan --range{r} {y}hosts (--force){r}{}lists all scanned hosts. {s}contains host information, including IDs. {y}limit [ID1,ID2,...] [rate]{r}{}limits bandwith of host(s) (uload/dload). {y} (--upload) (--download){r}{}{b}e.g.: limit 4 100kbit {s} limit 2,3,4 1gbit --download {s} limit all 200kbit --upload{r} {y}block [ID1,ID2,...]{r}{}blocks internet access of host(s). {y} (--upload) (--download){r}{}{b}e.g.: block 3,2 {s} block all --upload{r} {y}free [ID1,ID2,...]{r}{}unlimits/unblocks host(s). {b}{s}e.g.: free 3 {s} free all{r} {y}add [IP] (--mac [MAC]){r}{}adds custom host to host list. {s}mac resolved automatically. {b}{s}e.g.: add {s} add --mac 1c:fc:bc:2d:a6:37{r} {y}monitor (--interval [time in ms]){r}{}monitors bandwidth usage of limited hosts. {b}{s}e.g.: monitor --interval 600{r} {y}clear{r}{}clears the terminal window. {y}quit{r}{}quits the application. """.format(spaces[len('scan (--range [IP range])'):], spaces[len('hosts (--force)'):], spaces[len('limit [ID1,ID2,...] [rate]'):], spaces[len(' (--upload) (--download)'):], spaces[len('block [ID1,ID2,...]'):], spaces[len(' (--upload) (--download)'):], spaces[len('free [ID1,ID2,...]'):], spaces[len('add [IP] (--mac [MAC])'):], spaces[len('monitor (--interval [time in ms])'):], spaces[len('clear'):], spaces[len('quit'):], y=IO.Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, r=IO.Style.RESET_ALL, b=IO.Style.BRIGHT, s=spaces)) def _quit_handler(self, args): self.interrupt_handler(False) self.stop() def _print_help_reminder(self): IO.print( 'type {Y}help{R} or {Y}?{R} to show command information.'.format( Y=IO.Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, R=IO.Style.RESET_ALL)) def _get_hosts_by_ids(self, ids_string): if ids_string == 'all': return self.hosts.copy() ids = ids_string.split(',') hosts = set() for id_ in ids: is_mac = netutils.validate_mac_address(id_) is_ip = netutils.validate_ip_address(id_) is_id_ = id_.isdigit() if not is_mac and not is_ip and not is_id_: IO.error('invalid identifier(s): \'{}\'.'.format(ids_string)) return if is_mac or is_ip: found = False for host in self.hosts: if host.mac == id_.lower() or host.ip == id_: found = True hosts.add(host) break if not found: IO.error('no host matching {}{}{}.'.format( IO.Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, id_, IO.Style.RESET_ALL)) return else: id_ = int(id_) if len(self.hosts) == 0 or id_ not in range(len(self.hosts)): IO.error('no host with id {}{}{}.'.format( IO.Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, id_, IO.Style.RESET_ALL)) return hosts.add(self.hosts[id_]) return hosts def _parse_direction_args(self, args): direction = Direction.NONE if args.upload: direction |= Direction.OUTGOING if direction |= Direction.INCOMING return Direction.BOTH if direction == Direction.NONE else direction def _free_host(self, host): """ Stops ARP spoofing and unlimits host """ if host.spoofed: self.arp_spoofer.remove(host) self.limiter.unlimit(host, Direction.BOTH) self.bandwidth_monitor.remove(host) IO.ok('{}{}{} freed.'.format(IO.Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, host.ip, IO.Style.RESET_ALL))
def __init__(self, version, interface, gateway_ip, gateway_mac, netmask): super().__init__() self.prompt = '({}Main{}) >>> '.format(IO.Style.BRIGHT, IO.Style.RESET_ALL) self.parser.add_subparser('clear', self._clear_handler) hosts_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('hosts', self._hosts_handler) hosts_parser.add_flag('--force', 'force') scan_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('scan', self._scan_handler) scan_parser.add_parameterized_flag('--range', 'iprange') limit_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('limit', self._limit_handler) limit_parser.add_parameter('id') limit_parser.add_parameter('rate') limit_parser.add_flag('--upload', 'upload') limit_parser.add_flag('--download', 'download') block_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('block', self._block_handler) block_parser.add_parameter('id') block_parser.add_flag('--upload', 'upload') block_parser.add_flag('--download', 'download') free_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('free', self._free_handler) free_parser.add_parameter('id') add_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('add', self._add_handler) add_parser.add_parameter('ip') add_parser.add_parameterized_flag('--mac', 'mac') remove_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('remove', self._remove_handler) remove_parser.add_parameter('id') monitor_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('monitor', self._monitor_handler) monitor_parser.add_parameterized_flag('--interval', 'interval') analyze_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('analyze', self._analyze_handler) analyze_parser.add_parameter('id') analyze_parser.add_parameterized_flag('--duration', 'duration') watch_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('watch', self._watch_handler) watch_add_parser = watch_parser.add_subparser('add', self._watch_add_handler) watch_add_parser.add_parameter('id') watch_remove_parser = watch_parser.add_subparser( 'remove', self._watch_remove_handler) watch_remove_parser.add_parameter('id') watch_set_parser = watch_parser.add_subparser('set', self._watch_set_handler) watch_set_parser.add_parameter('attribute') watch_set_parser.add_parameter('value') auto_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('auto', self._auto_handler) auto_parser.add_parameter('maximum') auto_parser.add_parameter('rate') auto_parser.add_parameterized_flag('--interval', 'interval') self.parser.add_subparser('help', self._help_handler) self.parser.add_subparser('?', self._help_handler) self.parser.add_subparser('quit', self._quit_handler) self.parser.add_subparser('exit', self._quit_handler) self.version = version # application version self.interface = interface # specified IPv4 interface self.gateway_ip = gateway_ip self.gateway_mac = gateway_mac self.netmask = netmask # range of IP address calculated from gateway IP and netmask self.iprange = list( netaddr.IPNetwork('{}/{}'.format(self.gateway_ip, self.netmask))) self.host_scanner = HostScanner(self.interface, self.iprange) self.arp_spoofer = ARPSpoofer(self.interface, self.gateway_ip, self.gateway_mac) self.limiter = Limiter(self.interface) self.bandwidth_monitor = BandwidthMonitor(self.interface, 1) self.host_watcher = HostWatcher(self.host_scanner, self._reconnect_callback) # holds discovered hosts self.hosts = [] self.hosts_lock = threading.Lock() self._print_help_reminder() # start the spoof thread self.arp_spoofer.start() # start the bandwidth monitor thread self.bandwidth_monitor.start() # start the host watch thread self.host_watcher.start()
class MainMenu(CommandMenu): def __init__(self, version, interface, gateway_ip, gateway_mac, netmask): super().__init__() self.prompt = '({}Main{}) >>> '.format(IO.Style.BRIGHT, IO.Style.RESET_ALL) self.parser.add_subparser('clear', self._clear_handler) hosts_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('hosts', self._hosts_handler) hosts_parser.add_flag('--force', 'force') scan_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('scan', self._scan_handler) scan_parser.add_parameterized_flag('--range', 'iprange') limit_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('limit', self._limit_handler) limit_parser.add_parameter('id') limit_parser.add_parameter('rate') limit_parser.add_flag('--upload', 'upload') limit_parser.add_flag('--download', 'download') block_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('block', self._block_handler) block_parser.add_parameter('id') block_parser.add_flag('--upload', 'upload') block_parser.add_flag('--download', 'download') free_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('free', self._free_handler) free_parser.add_parameter('id') add_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('add', self._add_handler) add_parser.add_parameter('ip') add_parser.add_parameterized_flag('--mac', 'mac') remove_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('remove', self._remove_handler) remove_parser.add_parameter('id') monitor_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('monitor', self._monitor_handler) monitor_parser.add_parameterized_flag('--interval', 'interval') analyze_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('analyze', self._analyze_handler) analyze_parser.add_parameter('id') analyze_parser.add_parameterized_flag('--duration', 'duration') watch_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('watch', self._watch_handler) watch_add_parser = watch_parser.add_subparser('add', self._watch_add_handler) watch_add_parser.add_parameter('id') watch_remove_parser = watch_parser.add_subparser( 'remove', self._watch_remove_handler) watch_remove_parser.add_parameter('id') watch_set_parser = watch_parser.add_subparser('set', self._watch_set_handler) watch_set_parser.add_parameter('attribute') watch_set_parser.add_parameter('value') auto_parser = self.parser.add_subparser('auto', self._auto_handler) auto_parser.add_parameter('maximum') auto_parser.add_parameter('rate') auto_parser.add_parameterized_flag('--interval', 'interval') self.parser.add_subparser('help', self._help_handler) self.parser.add_subparser('?', self._help_handler) self.parser.add_subparser('quit', self._quit_handler) self.parser.add_subparser('exit', self._quit_handler) self.version = version # application version self.interface = interface # specified IPv4 interface self.gateway_ip = gateway_ip self.gateway_mac = gateway_mac self.netmask = netmask # range of IP address calculated from gateway IP and netmask self.iprange = list( netaddr.IPNetwork('{}/{}'.format(self.gateway_ip, self.netmask))) self.host_scanner = HostScanner(self.interface, self.iprange) self.arp_spoofer = ARPSpoofer(self.interface, self.gateway_ip, self.gateway_mac) self.limiter = Limiter(self.interface) self.bandwidth_monitor = BandwidthMonitor(self.interface, 1) self.host_watcher = HostWatcher(self.host_scanner, self._reconnect_callback) # holds discovered hosts self.hosts = [] self.hosts_lock = threading.Lock() self._print_help_reminder() # start the spoof thread self.arp_spoofer.start() # start the bandwidth monitor thread self.bandwidth_monitor.start() # start the host watch thread self.host_watcher.start() def interrupt_handler(self, ctrl_c=True): if ctrl_c: IO.spacer() IO.ok('cleaning up... stand by...') self.arp_spoofer.stop() self.bandwidth_monitor.stop() for host in self.hosts: self._free_host(host) def _auto_handler(self, args): def get_bandwidth_results(): with self.hosts_lock: return [ x for x in [(y, self.bandwidth_monitor.get(y)) for y in self.hosts] if x[1] is not None ] def display(stdscr, interval): host_results = get_bandwidth_results() hname_max_len = max([len(x[0].name) for x in host_results]) header_off = [('ID', 5), ('IP address', 18), ('Hostname', hname_max_len + 2), ('Status', 8), ('Current (per s)', 20), ('Total', 16), ('Packets', 0)] y_rst = 1 x_rst = 2 while True: y_off = y_rst x_off = x_rst stdscr.clear() for header in header_off: stdscr.addstr(y_off, x_off, header[0]) x_off += header[1] y_off += 2 x_off = x_rst for host, result in host_results: if not and int( ValueConverter.byte_to_bit( result.download_total_size.value) ) > max_bit.rate: IO.discord("""``` IP: {} MAC: {} NAME: {} Dilimit menjadi {} karena melebihi batas maksimum {}``` """.format(host.ip, host.mac,, rate, max_bit)) self.limiter.limit(host, 3, rate) result_data = [ str(self._get_host_id(host)), host.ip,, "Limited" if else "Free", '{}↑ {}↓'.format(result.upload_rate, result.download_rate), '{}↑ {}↓'.format(result.upload_total_size, result.download_total_size), '{}↑ {}↓'.format(result.upload_total_count, result.download_total_count) ] for j, string in enumerate(result_data): stdscr.addstr(y_off, x_off, string) x_off += header_off[j][1] y_off += 1 x_off = x_rst y_off += 2 stdscr.addstr(y_off, x_off, 'press \'ctrl+c\' to exit.') try: stdscr.refresh() time.sleep(interval) host_results = get_bandwidth_results() except KeyboardInterrupt: IO.discord("Monitoring dihentikan...") for host in hosts: self._free_host(host) return hosts = self._get_hosts_by_ids("all") if hosts is not None and len(hosts) > 0: for host in hosts: self._free_host(host) self.arp_spoofer.add(host) self.bandwidth_monitor.add(host) self.host_watcher.add(host) else: IO.error("no hosts to be monitored") return try: max_bit = BitRate.from_rate_string(args.maximum) rate = BitRate.from_rate_string(args.rate) except Exception: IO.error('maximum bit is invalid.') return interval = 0.5 # in s if args.interval: if not args.interval.isdigit(): IO.error('invalid interval.') return interval = int(args.interval) / 1000 # from ms to s try: IO.discord( "Melakukan monitoring pada sistem...\nLimit host menjadi **{}** jika melebihi batas maksimum **{}**" .format(args.rate, args.maximum)) curses.wrapper(display, interval) except curses.error: IO.error('monitor error occurred. maybe terminal too small?') def _scan_handler(self, args): """ Handles 'scan' command-line argument (Re)scans for hosts on the network """ if args.iprange: iprange = self._parse_iprange(args.iprange) if iprange is None: IO.error('invalid ip range.') return else: iprange = None with self.hosts_lock: for host in self.hosts: self._free_host(host) IO.spacer() IO.discord("Scanning...") hosts = self.host_scanner.scan(iprange) hosts = [host for host in hosts if host not in self.hosts] self.hosts_lock.acquire() self.hosts += hosts self.hosts_lock.release() IO.ok('{}{}{} hosts discovered.'.format(IO.Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, len(hosts), IO.Style.RESET_ALL)) IO.spacer() IO.discord("{} hosts terdeteksi".format(len(hosts))) def _hosts_handler(self, args): """ Handles 'hosts' command-line argument Displays discovered hosts """ table_data = [[ '{}ID{}'.format(IO.Style.BRIGHT, IO.Style.RESET_ALL), '{}IP address{}'.format(IO.Style.BRIGHT, IO.Style.RESET_ALL), '{}MAC address{}'.format(IO.Style.BRIGHT, IO.Style.RESET_ALL), '{}Hostname{}'.format(IO.Style.BRIGHT, IO.Style.RESET_ALL), '{}Status{}'.format(IO.Style.BRIGHT, IO.Style.RESET_ALL) ]] with self.hosts_lock: for host in self.hosts: table_data.append([ '{}{}{}'.format(IO.Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, self._get_host_id(host, lock=False), IO.Style.RESET_ALL), host.ip, host.mac,, host.pretty_status() ]) table = SingleTable(table_data, 'Hosts') if not args.force and not table.ok: IO.error( 'table does not fit terminal. resize or decrease font size. you can also force the display (--force).' ) return IO.spacer() IO.print(table.table) IO.spacer() def _limit_handler(self, args): """ Handles 'limit' command-line argument Limits bandwith of host to specified rate """ hosts = self._get_hosts_by_ids( if hosts is None or len(hosts) == 0: return try: rate = BitRate.from_rate_string(args.rate) except Exception: IO.error('limit rate is invalid.') return direction = self._parse_direction_args(args) discordText = "```" for host in hosts: self.arp_spoofer.add(host) self.limiter.limit(host, direction, rate) self.bandwidth_monitor.add(host) IO.ok('{}{}{r} {} {}limited{r} to {}.'.format( IO.Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, host.ip, Direction.pretty_direction(direction), IO.Fore.LIGHTRED_EX, rate, r=IO.Style.RESET_ALL)) discordText += '{} pada IP {} dilimit menjadi {}\n'.format( Direction.pretty_direction(direction), host.ip, rate) discordText += '```' IO.discord(discordText) def _block_handler(self, args): """ Handles 'block' command-line argument Blocks internet communication for host """ hosts = self._get_hosts_by_ids( direction = self._parse_direction_args(args) discordText = "```" if hosts is not None and len(hosts) > 0: for host in hosts: if not host.spoofed: self.arp_spoofer.add(host) self.limiter.block(host, direction) self.bandwidth_monitor.add(host) IO.ok('{}{}{r} {} {}blocked{r}.'.format( IO.Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, host.ip, Direction.pretty_direction(direction), IO.Fore.RED, r=IO.Style.RESET_ALL)) discordText += '{} pada IP {} diblokir\n'.format( Direction.pretty_direction(direction), host.ip) discordText += '```' if hosts is not None and len(hosts) > 0: IO.discord(discordText) def _free_handler(self, args): """ Handles 'free' command-line argument Frees the host from all limitations """ hosts = self._get_hosts_by_ids( discordText = "```" if hosts is not None and len(hosts) > 0: for host in hosts: self._free_host(host) discordText += 'IP {} dibebaskan dari limitasi\n'.format( host.ip) discordText += "```" if hosts is not None and len(hosts) > 0: IO.discord(discordText) def _remove_handler(self, args): hosts = self._get_hosts_by_ids( discordText = "```" if hosts is not None and len(hosts) > 0: for host in hosts: self._free_host(host) discordText += 'IP {} dihapus dari list\n'.format(host.ip) self.hosts = [host for host in self.hosts if host not in hosts] discordText += "```" if hosts is not None and len(hosts) > 0: IO.discord(discordText) def _add_handler(self, args): """ Handles 'add' command-line argument Adds custom host to host list """ ip = args.ip if not netutils.validate_ip_address(ip): IO.error('invalid ip address.') return if args.mac: mac = args.mac if not netutils.validate_mac_address(mac): IO.error('invalid mac address.') return else: mac = netutils.get_mac_by_ip(self.interface, ip) if mac is None: IO.error( 'unable to resolve mac address. specify manually (--mac).') return name = None try: host_info = socket.gethostbyaddr(ip) name = None if host_info is None else host_info[0] except socket.herror: pass host = Host(ip, mac, name) with self.hosts_lock: if host in self.hosts: IO.error('host does already exist.') return self.hosts.append(host) IO.ok('host added.') IO.discord(""" ``` IP: {} MAC: {} NAME: {} Berhasil ditambahkan ``` """.format(host.ip, host.mac, def _monitor_handler(self, args): """ Handles 'monitor' command-line argument Monitors hosts bandwidth usage """ def get_bandwidth_results(): with self.hosts_lock: return [ x for x in [(y, self.bandwidth_monitor.get(y)) for y in self.hosts] if x[1] is not None ] def display(stdscr, interval): host_results = get_bandwidth_results() hname_max_len = max([len(x[0].name) for x in host_results]) header_off = [('ID', 5), ('IP address', 18), ('Hostname', hname_max_len + 2), ('Current (per s)', 20), ('Total', 16), ('Packets', 0)] y_rst = 1 x_rst = 2 while True: y_off = y_rst x_off = x_rst stdscr.clear() for header in header_off: stdscr.addstr(y_off, x_off, header[0]) x_off += header[1] y_off += 2 x_off = x_rst for host, result in host_results: result_data = [ str(self._get_host_id(host)), host.ip,, '{}↑ {}↓'.format(result.upload_rate, result.download_rate), '{}↑ {}↓'.format(result.upload_total_size, result.download_total_size), '{}↑ {}↓'.format(result.upload_total_count, result.download_total_count) ] for j, string in enumerate(result_data): stdscr.addstr(y_off, x_off, string) x_off += header_off[j][1] y_off += 1 x_off = x_rst y_off += 2 stdscr.addstr(y_off, x_off, 'press \'ctrl+c\' to exit.') try: stdscr.refresh() time.sleep(interval) host_results = get_bandwidth_results() except KeyboardInterrupt: return interval = 0.5 # in s if args.interval: if not args.interval.isdigit(): IO.error('invalid interval.') return interval = int(args.interval) / 1000 # from ms to s if len(get_bandwidth_results()) == 0: IO.error('no hosts to be monitored.') return try: curses.wrapper(display, interval) except curses.error: IO.error('monitor error occurred. maybe terminal too small?') def _analyze_handler(self, args): hosts = self._get_hosts_by_ids( if hosts is None or len(hosts) == 0: IO.error('no hosts to be analyzed.') return duration = 30 # in s if args.duration: if not args.duration.isdigit(): IO.error('invalid duration.') return duration = int(args.duration) hosts_to_be_freed = set() host_values = {} for host in hosts: if not host.spoofed: hosts_to_be_freed.add(host) self.arp_spoofer.add(host) self.bandwidth_monitor.add(host) host_result = self.bandwidth_monitor.get(host) host_values[host] = {} host_values[host]['prev'] = (host_result.upload_total_size, host_result.download_total_size) IO.ok('analyzing traffic for {}s.'.format(duration)) time.sleep(duration) error_occurred = False for host in hosts: host_result = self.bandwidth_monitor.get(host) if host_result is None: # host reconnected during analysis IO.error('host reconnected during analysis.') error_occurred = True else: host_values[host]['current'] = ( host_result.upload_total_size, host_result.download_total_size) IO.ok('cleaning up...') for host in hosts_to_be_freed: self._free_host(host) if error_occurred: return upload_chart = BarChart(max_bar_length=29) download_chart = BarChart(max_bar_length=29) for host in hosts: upload_value = host_values[host]['current'][0] - host_values[host][ 'prev'][0] download_value = host_values[host]['current'][1] - host_values[ host]['prev'][1] prefix = '{}{}{} ({}, {})'.format(IO.Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, self._get_host_id(host), IO.Style.RESET_ALL, host.ip, upload_chart.add_value(upload_value.value, prefix, upload_value) download_chart.add_value(download_value.value, prefix, download_value) upload_table = SingleTable([[upload_chart.get()]], 'Upload') download_table = SingleTable([[download_chart.get()]], 'Download') upload_table.inner_heading_row_border = False download_table.inner_heading_row_border = False IO.spacer() IO.print(upload_table.table) IO.print(download_table.table) IO.spacer() def _watch_handler(self, args): if len(args) == 0: watch_table_data = [[ '{}ID{}'.format(IO.Style.BRIGHT, IO.Style.RESET_ALL), '{}IP address{}'.format(IO.Style.BRIGHT, IO.Style.RESET_ALL), '{}MAC address{}'.format(IO.Style.BRIGHT, IO.Style.RESET_ALL) ]] set_table_data = [[ '{}Attribute{}'.format(IO.Style.BRIGHT, IO.Style.RESET_ALL), '{}Value{}'.format(IO.Style.BRIGHT, IO.Style.RESET_ALL) ]] hist_table_data = [[ '{}ID{}'.format(IO.Style.BRIGHT, IO.Style.RESET_ALL), '{}Old IP address{}'.format(IO.Style.BRIGHT, IO.Style.RESET_ALL), '{}New IP address{}'.format(IO.Style.BRIGHT, IO.Style.RESET_ALL), '{}Time{}'.format(IO.Style.BRIGHT, IO.Style.RESET_ALL) ]] iprange = self.host_watcher.iprange interval = self.host_watcher.interval set_table_data.append([ '{}range{}'.format(IO.Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, IO.Style.RESET_ALL), '{} addresses'.format(len(iprange)) if iprange is not None else 'default' ]) set_table_data.append([ '{}interval{}'.format(IO.Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, IO.Style.RESET_ALL), '{}s'.format(interval) ]) for host in self.host_watcher.hosts: watch_table_data.append([ '{}{}{}'.format(IO.Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, self._get_host_id(host), IO.Style.RESET_ALL), host.ip, host.mac ]) for recon in self.host_watcher.log_list: hist_table_data.append([ recon['old'].mac, recon['old'].ip, recon['new'].ip, recon['time'] ]) watch_table = SingleTable(watch_table_data, "Watchlist") set_table = SingleTable(set_table_data, "Settings") hist_table = SingleTable(hist_table_data, 'Reconnection History') IO.spacer() IO.print(watch_table.table) IO.spacer() IO.print(set_table.table) IO.spacer() IO.print(hist_table.table) IO.spacer() def _watch_add_handler(self, args): """ Handles 'watch add' command-line argument Adds host to the reconnection watch list """ hosts = self._get_hosts_by_ids( if hosts is None or len(hosts) == 0: return for host in hosts: self.host_watcher.add(host) def _watch_remove_handler(self, args): """ Handles 'watch remove' command-line argument Removes host from the reconnection watch list """ hosts = self._get_hosts_by_ids( if hosts is None or len(hosts) == 0: return for host in hosts: self.host_watcher.remove(host) def _watch_set_handler(self, args): """ Handles 'watch set' command-line argument Modifies settings of the reconnection reconnection watcher """ if args.attribute.lower() in ('range', 'iprange', 'ip_range'): iprange = self._parse_iprange(args.value) if iprange is not None: self.host_watcher.iprange = iprange else: IO.error('invalid ip range.') elif args.attribute.lower() in ('interval'): if args.value.isdigit(): self.host_watcher.interval = int(args.value) else: IO.error('invalid interval.') else: IO.error('{}{}{} is an invalid settings attribute.'.format( IO.Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, args.attribute, IO.Style.RESET_ALL)) def _reconnect_callback(self, old_host, new_host): """ Callback that is called when a watched host reconnects Method will run in a separate thread """ with self.hosts_lock: if old_host in self.hosts: self.hosts[self.hosts.index(old_host)] = new_host else: return self.arp_spoofer.remove(old_host, restore=False) self.arp_spoofer.add(new_host) self.host_watcher.remove(old_host) self.host_watcher.add(new_host) self.limiter.replace(old_host, new_host) self.bandwidth_monitor.replace(old_host, new_host) def _clear_handler(self, args): """ Handler for the 'clear' command-line argument Clears the terminal window and re-prints the banner """ IO.clear() IO.print(get_main_banner(self.version)) self._print_help_reminder() def _help_handler(self, args): """ Handles 'help' command-line argument Prints help message including commands and usage """ spaces = ' ' * 35 IO.print(""" {y}scan (--range [IP range]){r}{}scans for online hosts on your network. {s}required to find the hosts you want to limit. {b}{s}e.g.: scan {s} scan --range {s} scan --range{r} {y}hosts (--force){r}{}lists all scanned hosts. {s}contains host information, including IDs. {y}auto [usage] [rate]{r}{}Limit bandwidth if host(s) {y} (--interval [time in ms]){r}{}reached maximum usage {b}{s}e.g.: auto 1gbit 1mbit {s} auto 500mbit 200kbit --interval 600{r} {y}limit [ID1,ID2,...] [rate]{r}{}limits bandwith of host(s) (uload/dload). {y} (--upload) (--download){r}{}{b}e.g.: limit 4 100kbit {s} limit 2,3,4 1gbit --download {s} limit all 200kbit --upload{r} {y}block [ID1,ID2,...]{r}{}blocks internet access of host(s). {y} (--upload) (--download){r}{}{b}e.g.: block 3,2 {s} block all --upload{r} {y}free [ID1,ID2,...]{r}{}unlimits/unblocks host(s). {b}{s}e.g.: free 3 {s} free all{r} {y}add [IP] (--mac [MAC]){r}{}adds custom host to host list. {s}mac resolved automatically. {b}{s}e.g.: add {s} add --mac 1c:fc:bc:2d:a6:37{r} {y}remove [ID1,ID2,...]{r}{}remove host(s) from list. {b}{s}e.g.: remove 0,1 {s} remove all{r} {y}monitor (--interval [time in ms]){r}{}monitors bandwidth usage of limited host(s). {b}{s}e.g.: monitor --interval 600{r} {y}analyze [ID1,ID2,...]{r}{}analyzes traffic of host(s) without limiting {y} (--duration [time in s]){r}{}to determine who uses how much bandwidth. {b}{s}e.g.: analyze 2,3 --duration 120{r} {y}watch{r}{}detects host reconnects with different IP. {y}watch add [ID1,ID2,...]{r}{}adds host to the reconnection watchlist. {b}{s}e.g.: watch add 3,4{r} {y}watch remove [ID1,ID2,...]{r}{}removes host from the reconnection watchlist. {b}{s}e.g.: watch remove all{r} {y}watch set [attr] [value]{r}{}changes reconnect watch settings. {b}{s}e.g.: watch set interval 120{r} {y}clear{r}{}clears the terminal window. {y}quit{r}{}quits the application. """.format(spaces[len('scan (--range [IP range])'):], spaces[len('hosts (--force)'):], spaces[len('auto [usage] [rate]'):], spaces[len(' (--interval [time in ms])'):], spaces[len('limit [ID1,ID2,...] [rate]'):], spaces[len(' (--upload) (--download)'):], spaces[len('block [ID1,ID2,...]'):], spaces[len(' (--upload) (--download)'):], spaces[len('free [ID1,ID2,...]'):], spaces[len('add [IP] (--mac [MAC])'):], spaces[len('remove [ID1,ID2,...]'):], spaces[len('monitor (--interval [time in ms])'):], spaces[len('analyze [ID1,ID2,...]'):], spaces[len(' (--duration [time in s])'):], spaces[len('watch'):], spaces[len('watch add [ID1,ID2,...]'):], spaces[len('watch remove [ID1,ID2,...]'):], spaces[len('watch set [attr] [value]'):], spaces[len('clear'):], spaces[len('quit'):], y=IO.Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, r=IO.Style.RESET_ALL, b=IO.Style.BRIGHT, s=spaces)) def _quit_handler(self, args): self.interrupt_handler(False) self.stop() def _get_host_id(self, host, lock=True): ret = None if lock: self.hosts_lock.acquire() for i, host_ in enumerate(self.hosts): if host_ == host: ret = i break if lock: self.hosts_lock.release() return ret def _print_help_reminder(self): IO.print( 'type {Y}help{R} or {Y}?{R} to show command information.'.format( Y=IO.Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, R=IO.Style.RESET_ALL)) def _get_hosts_by_ids(self, ids_string): if ids_string == 'all': with self.hosts_lock: return self.hosts.copy() ids = ids_string.split(',') hosts = set() with self.hosts_lock: for id_ in ids: is_mac = netutils.validate_mac_address(id_) is_ip = netutils.validate_ip_address(id_) is_id_ = id_.isdigit() if not is_mac and not is_ip and not is_id_: IO.error( 'invalid identifier(s): \'{}\'.'.format(ids_string)) return if is_mac or is_ip: found = False for host in self.hosts: if host.mac == id_.lower() or host.ip == id_: found = True hosts.add(host) break if not found: IO.error('no host matching {}{}{}.'.format( IO.Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, id_, IO.Style.RESET_ALL)) return else: id_ = int(id_) if len(self.hosts) == 0 or id_ not in range(len( self.hosts)): IO.error('no host with id {}{}{}.'.format( IO.Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, id_, IO.Style.RESET_ALL)) return hosts.add(self.hosts[id_]) return hosts def _parse_direction_args(self, args): direction = Direction.NONE if args.upload: direction |= Direction.OUTGOING if direction |= Direction.INCOMING return Direction.BOTH if direction == Direction.NONE else direction def _parse_iprange(self, range): try: if '-' in range: return list(netaddr.iter_iprange(*range.split('-'))) else: return list(netaddr.IPNetwork(range)) except netaddr.core.AddrFormatError: return def _free_host(self, host): """ Stops ARP spoofing and unlimits host """ if host.spoofed: self.arp_spoofer.remove(host) self.limiter.unlimit(host, Direction.BOTH) self.bandwidth_monitor.remove(host) self.host_watcher.remove(host)