コード例 #1
def convert_g(g, g_key, class_name):
    Converts a gb or gp to a CardPlay
    :param g:gb or gp
    :type gp: PYJSON
    :param g_key: string representing key
    in PYJSON
    :type g_key: String
    :param class_name: constructor of cardplay
    :type class_name: Nat Nat -> CardPlay
    :return: the corresponding CardPlay
    :rtype: CardPlay
    [key, species_index, card_index] = g
    if key != g_key:
        raise ConvertPyJSONError("Wrong key")

    if not (is_natural(species_index) and is_natural(card_index)):
        raise ConvertPyJSONError("expected a natural number")

    return class_name(card_index, species_index)
コード例 #2
def convert_from_pj_fat_choice(py_json):
    Convert the given py_json into a PlayerFeedVegetarian
    :param py_json: the PyJSON to convert
    :type py_json: PyJSON
    :return: the equivalent PlayerFeedVegetarian
    :rtype: PlayerFeedVegetarian
    [species_index, fat_to_store] = py_json
    if not is_natural_plus(fat_to_store):
        raise ConvertPyJSONError("Error Converting Fat Tissue Choice")
    return PlayerStoreFat(species_index, fat_to_store)
コード例 #3
def convert_rt(rt):
    Converts a rt to a CardPlay
    :param rt: An RT represents a trait replacement
    for a species board. Specifically, [b, i, j]
    specifies that board b’s i’s trait card is replaced
    with the j’s card from the player’s card sequence.
    :type rt: PYJSON
    :return: CardPlay
    if not is_list_of_nat(rt) and len(rt) == 3:
        raise ConvertPyJSONError('Error decoding RT')
    [species_index, replaced_card_index , new_card_index] = rt
    return ReplaceCards(new_card_index, species_index, replaced_card_index)
コード例 #4
def convert_bt(bt):
    Converts a bt to a CardPlay
    :param bt: A BT represents a species board
    addition to the right of the existing sequence
    of boards for the corresponding player.
    Specifically, [i, j, ..., k] uses the first of
    the player’s cards (i) to "pay" for the
    new board and uses the remaining (up to three)
    cards (j, ..., k) as traits.
    :type bt: PYJSON
    :return: CardPlay
    if not is_list_of_nat(bt) and 1 <= len(bt) <= 4:
        raise ConvertPyJSONError('Expected a list of natural numbers')
    exchanged_card = bt[0]

    return ExchangeForSpecies(exchanged_card, bt[1:])
コード例 #5
def convert_from_pj_feeding_choice(py_json):
    Converts the given PyJSON into a PlayerFeedingChoice
    :param py_json: the PyJSON to convert
    :type py_json: PyJSON
    :return: the equivalent PlayerFeedingChoice
    :rtype: PlayerFeedingChoice
    if py_json is False:
        return PlayerForgoAttack()
    elif is_natural(py_json):
        return convert_from_pj_veg_choice(py_json)
    elif is_list_of_nat(py_json):
        if len(py_json) == 2:
            return convert_from_pj_fat_choice(py_json)
        elif len(py_json) == 3:
            return convert_from_pj_carn_choice(py_json)
    raise ConvertPyJSONError("Error converting player feeding choice")
コード例 #6
def convert_from_pj_state(pj_state):
    Converts the given PyJSON State to the player state, watering hole
    and other player states
    :param pj_state: The PyJSON State
    :type pj_state: PyJSON State
    :return: (watering_hole, other_players, own_player)
    :rtype: (Nat, [PlayerState, ...], PlayerState)
    if not (isinstance(pj_state, list) and len(pj_state) == 5):
        raise ConvertPyJSONError("Cannot convert Action4")

    [pj_food, pj_species, pj_hand, wh, other_lob] = pj_state

    species_list = convert_from_pj_los(pj_species)
    hand = convert_from_pj_loc(pj_hand)

    own_player_state = PlayerState(1, species_list, pj_food, hand)
    other_player_states = convert_lob_to_lop(other_lob)

    return wh, other_player_states, own_player_state
コード例 #7
def convert_new_action4(action4):
    Converts an action4 pyjson in to
    a card index and a list of cardplays
    :param action4: Every natural number in an Action4
    represent an index into a sequence of species
    boards or cards. The first natural number
    specifies the card that a player is turning into food.
    :type action4: PYJSON
    :return: [idx, locp] where idx is the index of the food card and locp is
    the list of CardPlays
    :rtype: [Nat, [CardPlay, ...]]
    if not(isinstance(action4, list) and len(action4) == 5):
        raise ConvertPyJSONError("Cannot convert Action4")
    [card_index, logp, logb, lobt, lort] = action4

    exchange_for_species = [convert_bt(bt) for bt in lobt]
    exchange_pop = [new_convert_gp(gp) for gp in logp]
    exchange_body = [new_convert_gb(gb) for gb in logb]
    replace_cards = [convert_rt(rt) for rt in lort]

    return [card_index,
            exchange_for_species + exchange_pop + exchange_body + replace_cards]