コード例 #1
    def is_valid(self,
        # override super class function to redefine what constitutes a valid individuals
        for name, details in self.genotype.to_phenotype_mapping.items():
            if np.isnan(details["state"]).any():
                return False
            if name == "material":
                state = details["state"]
                # Discarding the robot if it doesn't have at least a given percentage of non-empty voxels
                if np.sum(state > 0) < np.product(
                        self.genotype.orig_size_xyz) * min_percent_full:
                    return False

                # Discarding the robot if it doesn't have at least a given percentage of tissues (materials 1 and 2)
                if count_occurrences(
                    [1, 2]) < np.sum(state > 0) * min_percent_tissue:
                    return False

                # Discarding the robot if it doesn't have at least one bone (material 2)
                if count_occurrences(state, [2]) == 0:
                    return False

                # Discarding the robot if it doesn't have at least a given percentage of muscles (materials 3 and 4)
                if count_occurrences(
                    [3, 4]) < np.sum(state > 0) * min_percent_muscle:
                    return False

        return True
コード例 #2
 def is_valid(self,
     # override super class function to redefine what constitutes a valid individuals
     for name, details in self.genotype.to_phenotype_mapping.items():
         if np.isnan(details["state"]).any():
             return False
         if name == "material":
             state = details["state"]
             # Discarding the robot if it doesn't have at least a given percentage of non-empty voxels
             if np.sum(state > 0) < np.product(
                     self.genotype.orig_size_xyz) * min_percent_full:
                 return False
             # Discarding the robot if it doesn't have at least a given percentage of muscles (materials 3 and 4)
             if count_occurrences(state, [3, 4]) < np.product(
                     self.genotype.orig_size_xyz) * min_percent_muscle:
                 return False
             # daniel: Discarding the robot if it is completely filled (trivial solution?)
             if np.sum(state > 0) > np.product(
                     self.genotype.orig_size_xyz) * max_percent_full:
                 return False
     return True