コード例 #1
ファイル: moveutils.py プロジェクト: Froggg/endless-war
async def one_eye_dm(id_user = None, id_server = None, poi = None):
    poi_obj = poi_static.id_to_poi.get(poi)
    client = ewutils.get_client()
    server = client.get_guild(id_server)

    server = client.get_guild(str(id_server))

    server = client.get_guild(int(id_server))

    id_player = EwPlayer(id_user=id_user, id_server=id_server)

    if poi_obj.pvp:
            recipients = bknd_core.execute_sql_query(
                "SELECT {id_user} FROM mutations WHERE {id_server} = %s AND {mutation} = %s and {data} = %s".format(
                ), (
            for recipient in recipients:
                member = server.get_member(int(recipient[0]))
                mutation = EwMutation(id_server=id_server, id_user=recipient[0], id_mutation=ewcfg.mutation_id_oneeyeopen)
                mutation.data = ""
                await fe_utils.send_message(client, member, fe_utils.formatMessage(member, "{} is stirring...".format(id_player.display_name)))

            ewutils.logMsg("Failed to do OEO notificaitons for {}.".format(id_user))
コード例 #2
async def preserve(cmd):
    user_data = EwUser(member=cmd.message.author)
    mutations = user_data.get_mutations()
    item_search = ewutils.flattenTokenListToString(cmd.tokens[1:])

    item_sought = bknd_item.find_item(item_search=item_search, id_user=cmd.message.author.id, id_server=cmd.guild.id if cmd.guild is not None else None)

    if item_sought:
        item_obj = EwItem(id_item=item_sought.get('id_item'))

        if item_obj.item_props.get('preserved') == None:
            preserve_id = 0
            preserve_id = int(item_obj.item_props.get('preserved'))

        if ewcfg.mutation_id_rigormortis not in mutations:
            response = "You can't just preserve something by saying you're going to. Everything ends eventually."
            return await fe_utils.send_message(cmd.client, cmd.message.channel, fe_utils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))
        elif item_obj.soulbound == True:
            response = "This thing's bound to your soul. There's no need to preserve it twice."
            return await fe_utils.send_message(cmd.client, cmd.message.channel, fe_utils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))
        elif preserve_id == int(user_data.id_user):
            response = "Didn't you already preserve this? You're so paranoid."
            return await fe_utils.send_message(cmd.client, cmd.message.channel, fe_utils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))
        elif item_obj.item_props.get('preserved') == "nopreserve":
            response = "You shove it into your body but it just won't fit for some reason. That phrasing was completely intentional, by the way."
            return await fe_utils.send_message(cmd.client, cmd.message.channel, fe_utils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))

            rigor = EwMutation(id_user=cmd.message.author.id, id_server=cmd.message.guild.id, id_mutation=ewcfg.mutation_id_rigormortis)

            if rigor.data.isdigit() == False:
                num = 0
                num = int(rigor.data)

            if num >= 5:
                response = "Your body's dried up, it's lost its ability to preserve objects."
                response = "You take the {} and embrace it with all your might. As you squeeze, it slowly but surely begins to phase inside your body. That won't get stolen anytime soon!".format(item_sought.get('name'))
                num += 1
                rigor.data = str(num)
                item_obj.item_props['preserved'] = user_data.id_user
            return await fe_utils.send_message(cmd.client, cmd.message.channel, fe_utils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))
        response = "Preserve what?"
        return await fe_utils.send_message(cmd.client, cmd.message.channel, fe_utils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))
コード例 #3
async def track_oneeyeopen(cmd):
    user_data = EwUser(id_user=cmd.message.author.id, id_server=cmd.message.guild.id)
    if cmd.mentions_count > 0:
        target_data = EwUser(member=cmd.mentions[0])
    mutations = user_data.get_mutations()

    if ewcfg.mutation_id_oneeyeopen not in mutations:
        response = "No can do. Your third eye is feeling pretty flaccid today."
    elif cmd.mentions_count == 0:
        response = "Who are you tracking?"
    elif cmd.mentions_count > 1:
        response = "Nice try, but you're not the NSA. Limit your espionage to one poor sap."
    elif cmd.mentions[0] == cmd.message.author:
        response = "You set your third eye to track yourself. However, you are too uncomfortable with your body to keep it there. Better try something else."
        response = "Your third eye slips out of your forehead and wanders its way to {}'s location. Just a matter of time...".format(cmd.mentions[0].display_name)
        mutation_data = EwMutation(id_user=user_data.id_user, id_server=user_data.id_server, id_mutation=ewcfg.mutation_id_oneeyeopen)
        mutation_data.data = target_data.id_user

    return await fe_utils.send_message(cmd.client, cmd.message.channel, fe_utils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))
コード例 #4
async def tracker(cmd):
    user_data = EwUser(member=cmd.message.author)
    mutations = user_data.get_mutations()

    if ewcfg.mutation_id_oneeyeopen not in mutations:
        response = "Your third eye is tucked snugly into your forehead. Actually, who are you fooling? You don't have a third eye. What, are you stupid?"
        mutation = EwMutation(id_server=cmd.message.guild.id, id_user=cmd.message.author.id, id_mutation=ewcfg.mutation_id_oneeyeopen)
        if mutation.data == "":
            response = "Your third eye isn't tracking anyone right now."
            target = EwPlayer(id_server=cmd.message.guild.id, id_user=mutation.data)
            response = "You're tracking {} right now. LOL, they're lookin pretty dumb over there.".format(target.display_name)

    return await fe_utils.send_message(cmd.client, cmd.message.channel, fe_utils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))
コード例 #5
async def slap(cmd):
    if ewutils.channel_name_is_poi(cmd.message.channel.name) == False:
        return await fe_utils.send_message(cmd.client, cmd.message.channel, fe_utils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, "You must {} in a zone's channel.".format(cmd.tokens[0])))

    time_now = int(time.time())
    user_data = EwUser(member=cmd.message.author)

    user_poi = poi_static.id_to_poi.get(user_data.poi)

    target_data = -1

    mutations = user_data.get_mutations()
    resp_cont = EwResponseContainer(id_server=cmd.guild.id)

    if cmd.tokens_count < 3:
        response = "You'll need to specify who and where you're slapping. Try !slap <target> <location>."
        return await fe_utils.send_message(cmd.client, cmd.message.channel, fe_utils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))

    dest_poi = cmd.tokens[2].lower()
    dest_poi_obj = poi_static.id_to_poi.get(dest_poi)

    response = ""

    if cmd.mentions_count == 0:
        response = "Who are you slapping?"
    elif cmd.mentions_count > 1:
        response = "Nobody's that good at slapping. Do it to one person at a time."
        target_data = EwUser(member=cmd.mentions[0])

    if response != "":
        return await fe_utils.send_message(cmd.client, cmd.message.channel, fe_utils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))

    if target_data.poi != user_data.poi:
        response = "Not right now. You can't slap what you can't see."
    elif user_data.id_user == target_data.id_user:
        response = "Stop hitting yourself."
    elif ewutils.active_restrictions.get(target_data.id_user) != None and ewutils.active_restrictions.get(target_data.id_user) > 0:
        response = "They're in the middle of something, be patient."
    elif target_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_corpse:
        response = "You give {} a good whack. They're a ghost though, so your hand passes straight through.".format(cmd.mentions[0].display_name)
    elif ewcfg.mutation_id_ditchslap not in mutations:
        response = "You wind up your good arm and tacoom {} hard in the {}. The air gets knocked out of them but they stay firmly in place.".format(cmd.mentions[0].display_name, random.choice(['face', 'face', 'face', 'ass']))
        mutation_data = EwMutation(id_mutation=ewcfg.mutation_id_ditchslap, id_user=cmd.message.author.id, id_server=cmd.message.guild.id)

        if len(mutation_data.data) > 0:
            time_lastuse = int(mutation_data.data)
            time_lastuse = 0

        if dest_poi_obj.id_poi not in user_poi.neighbors.keys():
            response = "You can't hit them that far."
        elif move_utils.inaccessible(user_data=target_data, poi=dest_poi_obj):
            response = "That place is locked up good. You can't get a good launch angle to send them there."
        # elif time_lastuse + 180 * 60 > time_now:
        # response = "Your arm is spent from the last time you obliterated someone. Try again in {} minutes.".format(math.ceil((time_lastuse + 180*60 - time_now)/60))
        elif user_data.faction != target_data.faction:
            response = "You try to slap {}, but they realize what you're doing and jump back. Welp, back to the drawing board.".format(cmd.mentions[0].display_name)
        elif user_poi.id_poi in [ewcfg.poi_id_rowdyroughhouse, ewcfg.poi_id_copkilltown] or user_poi.is_apartment:
            response = "They're currently in their room. You'd have to carry {} out of it to slap them, which would be gay.".format(cmd.mentions[0].display_name)
        elif ewcfg.status_slapped_id in target_data.getStatusEffects():
            response = "Don't turn this into domestic abuse now. Can't you see they're still reeling from the last time?"
        elif (ewutils.clenched.get(target_data.id_user) == None or ewutils.clenched.get(target_data.id_user) == 0) and (user_poi.is_subzone or user_poi.is_district):
            response = "You wind up your slappin' hand and take a swing, but {} is all relaxed and you can't get a good angle. They end up flying into the wall. Better not touch people who aren't prepared to get hit...".format(cmd.mentions[0].display_name)
            response = "You wind up your slap. This one's gonna hurt. Steady as she goes...WHAM! {} is sent flying helplessly into {}!".format(cmd.mentions[0].display_name, dest_poi_obj.str_name)
            dm_response = "WHAP! {} smacked you into {}!".format(cmd.message.author.display_name, dest_poi_obj.str_name)
            target_response = "**CRAAAAAAAAAAAASH!** You arrive in {}!".format(dest_poi_obj.str_name)
            ewutils.moves_active[cmd.message.author.id] = 0
            target_data.poi = dest_poi_obj.id_poi
            user_data.time_lastenter = int(time.time())

            mutation_data.data = str(time_now)

            if target_data.poi == ewcfg.poi_id_thesewers:
                target_response += " But you hit your head really hard! Your precious little dome explodes into bits and pieces and you die!"


            await ewrolemgr.updateRoles(client=ewutils.get_client(), member=cmd.mentions[0], new_poi=target_data.poi)

            await user_data.move_inhabitants(id_poi=dest_poi_obj.id_poi)

            await prank_utils.activate_trap_items(dest_poi_obj.id_poi, user_data.id_server, target_data.id_user)

            await fe_utils.send_message(cmd.client, cmd.mentions[0], fe_utils.formatMessage(cmd.mentions[0], dm_response))
            await fe_utils.send_message(cmd.client, fe_utils.get_channel(server=cmd.mentions[0].guild, channel_name=dest_poi_obj.channel), fe_utils.formatMessage(cmd.mentions[0], target_response))

    return await fe_utils.send_message(cmd.client, cmd.message.channel, fe_utils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))
コード例 #6
async def devour(cmd):
    user_data = EwUser(member=cmd.message.author)
    item_search = ewutils.flattenTokenListToString(cmd.tokens[1:])
    item_sought = bknd_item.find_item(id_server=cmd.message.guild.id, id_user=cmd.message.author.id, item_search=item_search)
    mutations = user_data.get_mutations()
    is_brick = 0
    time_now = int(time.time())
    mutation_data = EwMutation(id_user=user_data.id_user, id_server=user_data.id_server, id_mutation=ewcfg.mutation_id_trashmouth)

    if len(mutation_data.data) > 0:
        time_lastuse = int(mutation_data.data)
        time_lastuse = 0

    if ewcfg.mutation_id_trashmouth not in mutations:
        response = "Wait, what? Quit trying to put everything in your mouth."
    elif item_sought:
        item_obj = EwItem(id_item=item_sought.get('id_item'))
        if time_lastuse + 60 > time_now:
            response = "You're still picking stuff out of your teeth from the last weird shit you ate. Try again in {} seconds.".format(time_lastuse + 60 - time_now)
        elif (item_obj.item_type not in [ewcfg.it_cosmetic, ewcfg.it_furniture, ewcfg.it_food] and item_obj.item_props.get('id_item') != 'slimepoudrin') or item_obj.item_props.get('id_cosmetic') == 'soul':
            response = "You swallow the {} whole, but after realizing this might be a mistake, you cough it back up.".format(item_sought.get('name'))
        elif item_obj.soulbound == True:
            response = "You attempt to consume the {}, but you realize it's soulbound and that you were about to eat your own existnece. Your life flashes before your eyes, so you decide to stop.".format(item_sought.get('name'))

            str_eat = "You unhinge your gaping maw and shove the {} right down, no chewing or anything. It's about as nutritious as you'd expect.".format(item_sought.get('name'))

            if item_obj.item_type == ewcfg.it_cosmetic:
                recover_hunger = 100
            elif item_obj.item_type == ewcfg.it_furniture:
                furn = static_items.furniture_map.get(item_obj.item_props.get('id_furniture'))
                acquisition = None
                if furn is not None:
                    acquisition = furn.acquisition
                    if furn.id_furniture == 'brick':
                        is_brick = 1
                        recover_hunger = 50
                        response = str_eat
                    elif acquisition != ewcfg.acquisition_bazaar:
                        recover_hunger = 100
                    elif furn.price < 500:
                        recover_hunger = 0
                    elif furn.price < 5000:
                        recover_hunger = 50
                    elif furn.price < 1000000:
                        recover_hunger = 320
                        recover_hunger = 16000
                    # This only happens in the case of propstanded items, so we just set it to the lowest possible
                    recover_hunger = 50
            elif item_obj.item_type == ewcfg.it_food:
                if item_obj.item_props.get('perishable') != None:
                    perishable_status = item_obj.item_props.get('perishable')
                    if perishable_status == 'true' or perishable_status == '1':
                        item_is_non_perishable = False
                        item_is_non_perishable = True
                    item_is_non_perishable = False

                user_has_spoiled_appetite = ewcfg.mutation_id_spoiledappetite in mutations
                item_has_expired = float(getattr(item_obj, "time_expir", 0)) < time.time()

                if item_has_expired and not (user_has_spoiled_appetite or item_is_non_perishable):
                    response = "You realize that the {} you were trying to eat is already spoiled. Ugh, not eating that.".format(item_sought.get('name'))
                    return await fe_utils.send_message(cmd.client, cmd.message.channel, fe_utils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))
                # ewitem.item_drop(food_item.id_item)

                recover_hunger = item_obj.item_props.get('recover_hunger')

                recover_hunger = 100

            item_obj.item_props = {
                'id_food': "convertedfood",
                'food_name': "",
                'food_desc': "",
                'recover_hunger': recover_hunger,
                'inebriation': 0,
                'str_eat': str_eat,
                'time_expir': time.time() + ewcfg.std_food_expir,
                'time_fridged': 0,
                'perishable': True,
            if item_obj.item_type != ewcfg.it_food:
                mutation_data.data = '{}'.format(time_now)
            if is_brick == 0:
                response = user_data.eat(item_obj)
    elif item_search == "":
        response = "Devour what?"
        response = "Are you sure you have that item?"
    return await fe_utils.send_message(cmd.client, cmd.message.channel, fe_utils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))
コード例 #7
async def chemo(cmd):
    user_data = EwUser(member=cmd.message.author)

    if cmd.message.channel.name != ewcfg.channel_clinicofslimoplasty:
        response = "Chemotherapy doesn't just grow on trees. You'll need to go to the clinic in Crookline to get some."
        return await fe_utils.send_message(cmd.client, cmd.message.channel, fe_utils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))

    elif user_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_corpse:
        response = '"You get out of here. We don\'t serve your kind." \n\n Auntie Dusttrap threatingly flails a jar of cole slaw at you. Looks like you need a body to operate on one.'
        return await fe_utils.send_message(cmd.client, cmd.message.channel, fe_utils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))

    mutations = user_data.get_mutations()
    if len(mutations) == 0:
        response = '"I can chemo you all day long, sonny. You\'re not getting any cleaner than you are."'
        return await fe_utils.send_message(cmd.client, cmd.message.channel, fe_utils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))
    elif len(cmd.tokens) <= 1:
        response = '"Are you into chemo for the thrill, boy? You have to tell me what you want taken out."'
        return await fe_utils.send_message(cmd.client, cmd.message.channel, fe_utils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))
    elif cmd.tokens[1] == "all":
        finalprice = 0

        for mutation in mutations:
            finalprice += static_mutations.mutations_map.get(mutation).tier * 5000

        if finalprice > user_data.slimes:
            response = '"We\'re not selling gumballs here. It\'s chemotherapy. It\'ll cost at least {:,} slime, ya idjit!"'.format(finalprice)
            return await fe_utils.send_message(cmd.client, cmd.message.channel, fe_utils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))
            response = "\"Sure you got the slime for that, whelp? It's {:,}.\"\n**Accept** or **refuse?**".format(finalprice)
            await fe_utils.send_message(cmd.client, cmd.message.channel, fe_utils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))
                accepted = False
                message = await cmd.client.wait_for('message', timeout=30, check=lambda message: message.author == cmd.message.author and message.content.lower() in [ewcfg.cmd_accept, ewcfg.cmd_refuse])

                if message != None:
                    if message.content.lower() == ewcfg.cmd_accept:
                        accepted = True
                    if message.content.lower() == ewcfg.cmd_refuse:
                        accepted = False

            except Exception as e:
                accepted = False

            if not accepted:
                response = "\"Tch. Knew you weren't good for it.\""

                for mutation in mutations:

                    price = static_mutations.mutations_map.get(mutation).tier * 5000
                    user_data.change_slimes(n=-price, source=ewcfg.source_spending)

                    mutation_obj = EwMutation(id_mutation=mutation, id_user=user_data.id_user, id_server=cmd.message.guild.id)
                    if mutation_obj.artificial == 0:
                                "DELETE FROM mutations WHERE {id_server} = %s AND {id_user} = %s AND {mutation} = %s".format(
                                ), (
                            ewutils.logMsg("Failed to clear mutations for user {}.".format(user_data.id_user))
                response = '"Everything, eh? All right then. This might hurt a lottle!" Auntie Dusttrap takes a specialized shop vac and sucks the slime out of you. While you\'re reeling in slimeless existential dread, she runs it through a filtration process that gets rid of the carcinogens that cause mutation. She grabs the now purified canister and haphazardly dumps it back into you. You feel pure, energized, and ready to dirty up your slime some more!'
            return await fe_utils.send_message(cmd.client, cmd.message.channel, fe_utils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))
        target_name = ewutils.flattenTokenListToString(cmd.tokens[1:])
        target = ewutils.get_mutation_alias(target_name)
        mutation_obj = EwMutation(id_mutation=target, id_user=user_data.id_user, id_server=cmd.message.guild.id)

        if target == 0:
            response = '"I don\'t know what kind of gold-rush era disease that is, but I have no idea how to take it out of you."'
            return await fe_utils.send_message(cmd.client, cmd.message.channel, fe_utils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))
        elif target not in mutations:
            response = '"Oy vey, another hypochondriac. You don\'t have that mutation, so I can\'t remove it."'
            return await fe_utils.send_message(cmd.client, cmd.message.channel, fe_utils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))
        elif static_mutations.mutations_map.get(target).tier * 5000 > user_data.slimes:
            response = '"We\'re not selling gumballs here. It\'s chemotherapy. It\'ll cost at least {} slime, ya idjit!"'.format(static_mutations.mutations_map.get(target).tier * 5000)
            return await fe_utils.send_message(cmd.client, cmd.message.channel, fe_utils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))
        elif mutation_obj.artificial == 1:
            response = '"Hey, didn\'t I do that to ya? Well no refunds!"\n\nGuess you can\'t get rid of artificial mutations with chemo.'
            return await fe_utils.send_message(cmd.client, cmd.message.channel, fe_utils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))
            price = static_mutations.mutations_map.get(target).tier * 5000
            user_data.change_slimes(n=-price, source=ewcfg.source_spending)

                bknd_core.execute_sql_query("DELETE FROM mutations WHERE {id_server} = %s AND {id_user} = %s AND {mutation} = %s".format(
                ), (
                ewutils.logMsg("Failed to clear mutations for user {}.".format(user_data.id_user))
            response = '"Alright, dearie, let\'s get you purged." You enter a dingy looking operating room, with slime strewn all over the floor. Dr. Dusttrap pulls out a needle the size of your bicep and injects into odd places on your body. After a few minutes of this, you get fatigued and go under.\n\n You wake up and {} is gone. Nice! \nMutation Levels Added:{}/{}'.format(
                static_mutations.mutations_map.get(target).str_name, user_data.get_mutation_level(), min(user_data.slimelevel, 50))
            await fe_utils.send_message(cmd.client, cmd.message.channel, fe_utils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))