コード例 #1
	def decay_capture_points(self):
		resp_cont_decay = ewutils.EwResponseContainer(client = ewutils.get_client(), id_server = self.id_server)
		if self.capture_points > 0:
				#and self.time_unlock == 0:

			neighbors = ewcfg.poi_neighbors[self.name]
			all_neighbors_friendly = self.all_neighbors_friendly()

			decay = -math.ceil(ewcfg.limit_influence_a / (ewcfg.ticks_per_day * ewcfg.decay_modifier))
			#decay = -math.ceil(ewcfg.max_capture_points_a / (ewcfg.ticks_per_day * ewcfg.decay_modifier))

			slimeoids = ewutils.get_slimeoids_in_poi(poi = self.name, id_server = self.id_server, sltype = ewcfg.sltype_nega)
			nega_present = len(slimeoids) > 0

			poi = ewcfg.id_to_poi.get(self.name)
			father_poi = ewcfg.id_to_poi.get(poi.father_district)
			num_districts = len(ewutils.get_street_list(poi.father_district))

			if nega_present:
				decay *= 1.5
			if self.capture_points + (decay * 3) > (ewcfg.limit_influence[father_poi.property_class])/num_districts:
				decay *= 3

			if self.controlling_faction == "" or (not self.all_neighbors_friendly() and self.capture_points > ewcfg.limit_influence[father_poi.property_class]/num_districts) or nega_present:  # don't decay if the district is completely surrounded by districts controlled by the same faction
				# reduces the capture progress at a rate with which it arrives at 0 after 1 in-game day
				#if (self.capture_points + int(decay) < ewcfg.min_influence[self.property_class] and self.capture_points >= ewcfg.min_influence[self.property_class]) and not nega_present and self.controlling_faction != "":
				#	responses = self.change_capture_points(self.capture_points - ewcfg.min_influence[self.property_class], ewcfg.actor_decay)
				responses = self.change_capture_points(int(decay), ewcfg.actor_decay)

		#if self.capture_points < 0:
		#	self.capture_points = 0

		if self.capture_points <= 0:
			if self.controlling_faction != "":  # if it was owned by a faction

				message = "The {faction} have lost control over {district} because of sheer negligence.".format(
					faction = self.controlling_faction,
					district = ewcfg.id_to_poi[self.name].str_name
				channels = [ewcfg.id_to_poi[self.name].channel] + ewcfg.hideout_channels
				for ch in channels:
					resp_cont_decay.add_channel_response(channel = ch, response = message)
			responses = self.change_ownership("", ewcfg.actor_decay)
			self.capturing_faction = ""
		return resp_cont_decay
コード例 #2
ファイル: ewdistrict.py プロジェクト: Mordnilap/endless-war
	def all_streets_taken(self):
		street_name_list = ewutils.get_street_list(self.name)
		if self.name == ewcfg.poi_id_rowdyroughhouse:
			return ewcfg.faction_rowdys
		elif self.name == ewcfg.poi_id_copkilltown:
			return ewcfg.faction_killers

		faction_list = []
		for name in street_name_list:
			district_data = EwDistrict(id_server=self.id_server, district=name)
		if len(faction_list) > 0 and all(faction == faction_list[0] for faction in faction_list):
			return faction_list[0]
			return ""
コード例 #3
async def capture_progress(cmd):
	user_data = EwUser(member = cmd.message.author)
	response = ""

	poi = ewcfg.id_to_poi.get(user_data.poi)
	response += "**{}**: ".format(poi.str_name)

	if not user_data.poi in ewcfg.capturable_districts:
		response += "This zone cannot be captured."
		if poi.is_district == True:
			response += " To take this district, you need to enter into the streets."
			district_data = EwDistrict(district=user_data.poi, id_server=user_data.id_server)
			if district_data.all_streets_taken() != "":
				response += " {} have a stranglehold over this entire district.".format(district_data.all_streets_taken().capitalize())

		return await ewutils.send_message(cmd.client, cmd.message.channel, ewutils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))

	district_data = EwDistrict(id_server=user_data.id_server, district=poi.father_district)
	street_data = EwDistrict(id_server=user_data.id_server, district=user_data.poi)

	if street_data.controlling_faction != "":
		response += "{} control this street. ".format(street_data.controlling_faction.capitalize())
	elif street_data.capturing_faction != "" and street_data.cap_side != street_data.capturing_faction:
		response += "{} are de-capturing this street. ".format(street_data.capturing_faction.capitalize())
	elif street_data.capturing_faction != "":
		response += "{} are capturing this street. ".format(street_data.capturing_faction.capitalize())
		response += "Nobody has staked a claim to this street yet. ".format(street_data.controlling_faction.capitalize())

	num_streets = len(ewutils.get_street_list(poi.father_district))
	response += "\n\n**Current influence: {:,}**\nMinimum influence: {:,}\nMaximum influence: {:,}\nPercentage to maximum influence: {:,}%".format(abs(street_data.capture_points), int(ewcfg.min_influence[district_data.property_class]/num_streets), int(ewcfg.limit_influence[district_data.property_class]/num_streets), round((abs(street_data.capture_points) * 100/(ewcfg.limit_influence[district_data.property_class]/num_streets)), 1))

	if district_data.all_streets_taken() != "":
		response += "\n{} have a stranglehold over this entire district.".format(

	#if district_data.time_unlock > 0:

		#response += "\nThis district cannot be captured currently. It will unlock in {}.".format(ewutils.formatNiceTime(seconds = district_data.time_unlock, round_to_minutes = True))
	return await ewutils.send_message(cmd.client, cmd.message.channel, ewutils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))
コード例 #4
async def give_kingpins_slime_and_decay_capture_points(id_server):
	resp_cont_decay_loop = ewutils.EwResponseContainer(client = ewutils.get_client(), id_server = id_server)

	for kingpin_role in [ewcfg.role_rowdyfucker, ewcfg.role_copkiller]:
		kingpin = ewutils.find_kingpin(id_server = id_server, kingpin_role = kingpin_role)

		if kingpin is not None:
			total_slimegain = 0
			for id_district in ewcfg.capturable_districts:

				district = EwDistrict(id_server = id_server, district = id_district)

				# if the kingpin is controlling this district give the kingpin slime based on the district's property class
				if district.controlling_faction == (ewcfg.faction_killers if kingpin.faction == ewcfg.faction_killers else ewcfg.faction_rowdys):
					poi = ewcfg.id_to_poi.get(id_district)
					num_streets = len(ewutils.get_street_list(poi.father_district))
					father_district = EwDistrict(district=poi.father_district)

					slimegain = ewcfg.district_control_slime_yields[district.property_class]/num_streets

					# increase slimeyields by 10 percent per friendly neighbor
					friendly_mod = 1 + 0.1 * district.get_number_of_friendly_neighbors()
					total_slimegain += slimegain * friendly_mod

			kingpin.change_slimes(n = total_slimegain)

			ewutils.logMsg(kingpin_role + " just received %d" % total_slimegain + " slime for their captured districts.")

	# Decay capture points.
	for id_district in ewcfg.capturable_districts:
		district = EwDistrict(id_server = id_server, district = id_district)

		responses =  district.decay_capture_points()
コード例 #5
	def change_capture_points(self, progress, actor, num_lock = 0):  # actor can either be a faction or "decay"
		street_poi = ewcfg.id_to_poi.get(self.name)
		district_poi = ewcfg.id_to_poi.get(street_poi.father_district)
		num_districts = len(ewutils.get_street_list(street_poi.father_district))

		max_capture = ewcfg.limit_influence[district_poi.property_class]/num_districts
		progress_percent_before = int(self.capture_points / max_capture * 100)

		self.capture_points += progress

		resp_cont_change_cp = ewutils.EwResponseContainer(client = ewutils.get_client(), id_server = self.id_server)

		# ensures that the value doesn't exceed the bounds
		if self.capture_points < 0:
			self.capture_points = 0

		if self.cap_side == "" and actor != ewcfg.actor_decay:
			self.cap_side = actor
		if self.capture_points <= 0:
			self.cap_side = ""
			self.controlling_faction = ""

		#elif self.capture_points > self.max_capture_points:
		#	self.capture_points = self.max_capture_points
		#where we're going we don't need roads

		progress_percent_after = int(self.capture_points / max_capture * 100)

		#if num_lock > 0 \
		#and self.capture_points == max_capture \
		#and progress > 0 \
		#and self.property_class in ewcfg.capture_locks \
		#and self.time_unlock == 0:
		#	base_time_unlock = ewcfg.capture_locks.get(self.property_class)
		#	responses = self.change_capture_lock(base_time_unlock + (num_lock - 1) * ewcfg.capture_lock_per_gangster)
		#	resp_cont_change_cp.add_response_container(responses)

		if actor != ewcfg.actor_decay:
			self.capturing_faction = actor

		if self.controlling_faction == "" and progress > 0 and self.cap_side == actor and self.capture_points + progress > (ewcfg.min_influence[district_poi.property_class]/num_districts):
			self.controlling_faction = actor

		# display a message if it's reached a certain amount
		if (progress_percent_after // ewcfg.capture_milestone) != (progress_percent_before // ewcfg.capture_milestone):  # if a progress milestone was reached
			if progress > 0:  # if it was a positive change
				if ewcfg.capture_milestone <= progress_percent_after < ewcfg.capture_milestone * 2:  # if its the first milestone
					message = "{faction} have started capturing {district}. Current progress: {progress}%".format(
						faction = self.capturing_faction.capitalize(),
						district = ewcfg.id_to_poi[self.name].str_name,
						progress = progress_percent_after
					channels = [ewcfg.id_to_poi[self.name].channel]

					for ch in channels:
						resp_cont_change_cp.add_channel_response(channel = ch, response = message)
					# alert both factions of significant capture progress
					if progress_percent_after >= 30 > progress_percent_before:  # if the milestone of 30% was just reached
						message = "{faction} are capturing {district}.".format(
							faction = self.capturing_faction.capitalize(),
							district = ewcfg.id_to_poi[self.name].str_name,
							progress = progress_percent_after
						if self.controlling_faction == ewcfg.faction_rowdys:
							channels = [ewcfg.channel_rowdyroughhouse]
						elif self.controlling_faction == ewcfg.faction_killers:
							channels = [ewcfg.channel_copkilltown]
							channels = ewcfg.hideout_channels

						for ch in channels:
							resp_cont_change_cp.add_channel_response(channel = ch, response = message)

					if self.controlling_faction != actor:  # if it's not already owned by that faction
						message = "{faction} continue to capture {district}. Current progress: {progress}%".format(
							faction = self.capturing_faction.capitalize(),
							district = ewcfg.id_to_poi[self.name].str_name,
							progress = progress_percent_after
						channels = [ewcfg.id_to_poi[self.name].channel]
						for ch in channels:
							resp_cont_change_cp.add_channel_response(channel = ch, response = message)
						message = "{faction} are renewing their grasp on {district}. Current control level: {progress}%".format(
							faction = self.capturing_faction.capitalize(),
							district = ewcfg.id_to_poi[self.name].str_name,
							progress = progress_percent_after
						channels = [ewcfg.id_to_poi[self.name].channel]
						for ch in channels:
							resp_cont_change_cp.add_channel_response(channel = ch, response = message)
			else:  # if it was a negative change
				if self.controlling_faction != "":  # if the district is owned by a faction
					if progress_percent_after < 50 <= progress_percent_before:
						message = "{faction}' control of {district} is slipping.".format(
							faction = self.controlling_faction.capitalize(),
							district = ewcfg.id_to_poi[self.name].str_name,
							progress = progress_percent_after
						channels = ewcfg.hideout_channels
						for ch in channels:
							resp_cont_change_cp.add_channel_response(channel = ch, response = message)

					elif progress_percent_after < 75 <= progress_percent_before and actor != ewcfg.actor_decay:
						message = "{faction} are de-capturing {district}.".format(
							faction = actor.capitalize(),
							district = ewcfg.id_to_poi[self.name].str_name,
							progress = progress_percent_after
						channels = ewcfg.hideout_channels
						for ch in channels:
							resp_cont_change_cp.add_channel_response(channel = ch, response = message)

					message = "{faction}' control of {district} has decreased. Remaining control level: {progress}%".format(
						faction = self.controlling_faction.capitalize(),
						district = ewcfg.id_to_poi[self.name].str_name,
						progress = progress_percent_after
					channels = [ewcfg.id_to_poi[self.name].channel]
					for ch in channels:
						resp_cont_change_cp.add_channel_response(channel = ch, response = message)
				else:  # if it's an uncontrolled district
					message = "{faction}' capture progress of {district} has decreased. Remaining progress: {progress}%".format(
						faction = self.capturing_faction.capitalize(),
						district = ewcfg.id_to_poi[self.name].str_name,
						progress = progress_percent_after
					channels = [ewcfg.id_to_poi[self.name].channel]
					for ch in channels:
						resp_cont_change_cp.add_channel_response(channel = ch, response = message)

		if progress < 0 and self.capture_points == 0:
			self.capturing_faction = ""

		# if capture_points is at its maximum value (or above), assign the district to the capturing faction
		#if self.capture_points > max_capture:
		#	responses = self.change_ownership(self.capturing_faction, actor)
		#	resp_cont_change_cp.add_response_container(responses)

		# if the district has decayed or been de-captured and it wasn't neutral anyway, make it neutral
		#elif self.capture_points == 0 and self.controlling_faction != "":
		#	responses = self.change_ownership("", actor)
		#	resp_cont_change_cp.add_response_container(responses)
		return resp_cont_change_cp