def interlock(l): for i in l: x = y = '' if (len(i)%2 == 0): for j in range(len(i)): if j%2 == 0: x += i[j] else: y += i[j] if (ex_10_11.bisect(l, x) != -1) and (ex_10_11.bisect(l, y) != -1): print x, y, i
def interlock3(l): for i in l: x = y = z = '' if (len(i)%3 == 0): for j in range(len(i)): if j%3 == 0: x += i[j] elif j%3 == 1: y += i[j] else: z += i[j] if (ex_10_11.bisect(l, x) != -1) and (ex_10_11.bisect(l, y) != -1) and (ex_10_11.bisect(l, z) != -1): print x, y, z, i
def reverse_pair(l): c = 0 for i in l: s = i[::-1] if ex_10_11.bisect(l, s) != -1: c += 1 print i, s print c