コード例 #1
def main():
    """Given a dashboard title, search all dashboards to retrieve its id and use
    it to render the dashboard's pdf.

    Examples of how to use this:
    $ python download_dashboard_pdf.py "A Test Dashboard"
    $ python download_dashboard_pdf.py "A Test Dashboard" '{"filter1": "value1, value2", "filter2": "value3"}'
    $ python download_dashboard_pdf.py "A Test Dashboard" {} "single_column"
    dashboard_title = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else ""
    filters = json.loads(sys.argv[2]) if len(sys.argv) > 2 else None
    pdf_style = sys.argv[3] if len(sys.argv) > 3 else "tiled"
    pdf_width = int(sys.argv[4]) if len(sys.argv) > 4 else 545
    pdf_height = int(sys.argv[5]) if len(sys.argv) > 5 else 842

    if not dashboard_title:
        raise exceptions.ArgumentError(
                Please provide: <dashboard_title> [<dashboard_filters>] [<dashboard_style>] [<pdf_width>] [<pdf_height>]
                    dashboard_style defaults to "tiled"
                    pdf_width defaults to 545
                    pdf_height defaults to 842"""

    dashboard = cast(models.Dashboard, get_dashboard(dashboard_title))
    download_dashboard(dashboard, pdf_style, pdf_width, pdf_height, filters)
コード例 #2
def main() -> None:
    """Given a look id, obtain the query behind it and run it with the desired
     filter values.

    https://docs.looker.com/reference/api-and-integration/api-reference/v3.1/query#implementation_notes_9  # noqa: B950
    shows an example of how filters are defined in the posted body. To set the
    same filter in this example, the script needs to be run as follows:

    $ python run_look_with_filters.py 5 category.name socks
    look_id = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else ""
    filter_args = iter(sys.argv[2:])
    filters: Dict[str, str] = {}

    if not (look_id and len(sys.argv[2:]) > 0 and len(sys.argv[2:]) % 2 == 0):
        raise exceptions.ArgumentError(
            "Please provide: <lookId> <filter_1> <filter_value_1> "
            "<filter_2> <filter_value_2> ..."

    for filter_name in filter_args:
        filters[filter_name] = next(filter_args)

    query = get_look_query(int(look_id))
    results = run_query_with_filter(query, filters)

    print(f"Query results with filters={filters}:\n{results}", end="\n\n")
コード例 #3
def main():
    """Given a connection, obtain its supported tests and run them. Example:

    $ python test_connection.py thelook
    connection_name = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else ""

    if not connection_name:
        raise exceptions.ArgumentError("Please provide a connection name")
    elif connection_name in ["looker", "looker__internal__analytics"]:
        raise exceptions.ArgumentError(
            f"Connection '{connection_name}' is internal and cannot be tested."

    connection = get_connections(connection_name)

    results = test_connection(connection)

    output_results(cast(str, connection.name), results)
コード例 #4
def main():
    """Given a dashboard title, get the ids of all dashboards with matching titles
    and move them to trash.

    $ python soft_delete_dashboard.py "An Unused Dashboard"

    dashboard_title = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else ""

    if not dashboard_title:
        raise exceptions.ArgumentError("Please provide: <dashboardTitle>")

    dashboards = get_dashboards(dashboard_title)
コード例 #5
def get_channel_data(api_key: str,
                     user_name: str = None,
                     channel_id: str = None) -> Dict:
	Get the ID for the uploads playlist for a given channel. 
	Either the legacy user name or channel id must be supplied. 
	If both are supplied, the channel_id takes precedence.
		api_key (str): YouTube API key
		user_name (str, optional): channel user name
		channel_id (str, optional): channel id
		dict: Chanel metadata
		ArgumentError: Required arguments not provided
		HTTPError: YouTube API get request returned an http error

    ret = dict()
    base_url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels'

    #init params
    params = dict()
    params['key'] = api_key
    params['part'] = 'snippet,contentDetails'
    if channel_id is not None:
        params['id'] = channel_id
    elif user_name is not None:
        params['forUsername'] = user_name
        raise exceptions.ArgumentError('user_name or channel_id required!')

    #make get request and return data
    response = requests.get(base_url, params)
    dat = response.json()['items'][0]
    ret['uploads_playlistId'] = dat['contentDetails']['relatedPlaylists'][
    for d in CHANEL_INFO_KEYS:
        if d in dat['snippet'].keys():
            ret[d] = dat['snippet'][d]
            ret[d] = 'NA'

    return ret
コード例 #6
def main():
    """Given a look title, find the corresponding look id and use
    it to render its image.

    $ python download_look.py "A good look" 1024 768 png
    look_title = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else ""
    image_width = int(sys.argv[2]) if len(sys.argv) > 2 else 545
    image_height = int(sys.argv[3]) if len(sys.argv) > 3 else 842
    image_format = sys.argv[4] if len(sys.argv) > 4 else "png"

    if not look_title:
        raise exceptions.ArgumentError(
                Please provide: <lookTitle> [<img_width>] [<img_height>] [<img_format>]
                    img_width defaults to 545
                    img_height defaults to 842
                    img_format defaults to 'png'"""))

    look = get_look(look_title)
    download_look(look, image_format, image_width, image_height)
コード例 #7
def handle():
    parses the system argluments

    parses the given system arguments and proceeds with the program depending
    on what was given
    OBS! --log can always be passed but --view and --schedule can not be passed at the same time

    :return: None

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description="Logs and views a systems cpu temperature.")
    parser.add_argument("--log", action="store_true")

    parser.add_argument("--schedule", action="store_true")
                        help="valid values 'cron', 'interval'",
    parser.add_argument("--year", "--years", type=int)
    parser.add_argument("--month", "--months", type=int)
    parser.add_argument("--week", "--weeks", type=int)
    parser.add_argument("--day", "--days", type=int)
    parser.add_argument("--hour", "--hours", type=int)
    parser.add_argument("--minute", "--minutes", type=int)
    parser.add_argument("--second", "--seconds", type=int)
        help="If system is unavaileble to execute at desired run time "
        "how long in seconds is it allow to execute past set time.")
    parser.add_argument("--view", action="store_true")
                        help="The hostname of the client to draw data about.")
                        help="temperature or cpu_usage")
    parser.add_argument("--this_session", action="store_true")
                        help="Date to start draw data from.")
                        help="Date to end draw data from.")
    parser.add_argument("--core", action="store_true")

    args = parser.parse_args()
    if args.log or args.schedule or args.view:
        if args.log:
        if args.schedule:
            if args.view:
                raise exceptions.ArgumentError(
                    "Can not handle both --view and --schedule at the same time."
        elif args.view:
            if args.schedule:
                raise exceptions.ArgumentError(
                    "Can not handle both --view and --schedule at the same time."
        raise exceptions.NothingToDo(
            "Need to add '--log', '--view' or '--schedule' to args")