コード例 #1
ファイル: inventory.py プロジェクト: mbr0wn/pybombs
 def get_prop(self,pkg,prop):
     if(not self.has(pkg)):
         raise exceptions.NameError("package has no inv entry" + str((pkg,prop)));
     if(not self.contents[pkg].has_key(prop)):
         raise exceptions.NameError("package in inv does not have prop" + str((pkg,prop)));
     return self.contents[pkg][prop];
コード例 #2
 def set_prop(self, pkg, prop, val):
     if (not self.has(pkg)):
         raise exceptions.NameError("package has no inv entry" +
                                    str((pkg, prop)))
     self.contents[pkg][prop] = val
コード例 #3
def getEffect(name):
    This function finds the appropriate effect in the post-processing chain
    ch = chain()
    for e in ch:
        if e.name == name:
            return e

    raise exceptions.NameError(name)
    return None
コード例 #4
ファイル: MultiPlotWidget.py プロジェクト: robertsj/poropy
 def __getattr__(self, attr):  ## implicitly wrap methods from plotItem
     if hasattr(self.mPlotItem, attr):
         m = getattr(self.mPlotItem, attr)
         if hasattr(m, '__call__'):
             return m
     raise exceptions.NameError(attr)
コード例 #5
    def save_data(self):
        if os.path.exists(self.output_dir) == False:
        imgH = self.img_height
        imgW = self.img_width
        imgChannel = self.img_channel
        batch_num = self.batch_num 
        pixelNum=imgH * imgW

        print "test data pattern: %s" % self.test_pattern
        if self.test_img_list:
            print 'test image list file: %s' % self.test_img_list
            list_file = open(self.test_img_list,'r')
            img_files = list_file.readlines()
            img_files =[f[:-1] if f[-1]=='\n' else f for f in img_files]
            img_files = [os.path.join(self.test_dir,f) for f in img_files]
            for dirname,subdirnames,filenames in os.walk(self.test_dir):
                img_files += [os.path.join(dirname,f) for f in filenames if fnmatch.fnmatch(f, self.test_pattern) ]
#             img_files = [f for f in os.listdir(self.test_dir) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.test_dir, f)) and fnmatch.fnmatch(f, self.test_pattern)]
            list_file_path = os.path.join(self.test_dir,'img_list.txt')
            # write relative path
            for f in img_files:
#             list_file.writelines(img_files)
            print 'find %d images' % len(img_files)
        print img_files[:10]
        # img_files=[f for f in os.listdir(self.test_dir) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.test_dir,f))]
        if self.test_label_file:
            pickle(os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'val_batches.meta'), test_meta, True)
        imgN = len(img_files)
        print "find %d images" % imgN
        if self.test_label_file:
            labelFile = open(self.test_label_file, "r")
        imgIdx = 0

        for i in range(batch_num):
            bstart = time.clock()
            if i < (batch_num - 1):
                batchSize = imgN / batch_num
                batchSize = imgN - (batch_num - 1) * (imgN / batch_num)
            print "%d th batch out of %d batches has %d images" % (i, batch_num, batchSize)
            # On exit, batchData has shape (imgSize, batchSize)
            batchData = np.zeros((imgChannel, imgH, imgW, batchSize), dtype=np.uint8)
            batchDataView= np.swapaxes(batchData,0,3)
            if self.test_label_file:
                batchLabel = np.zeros((batchSize), dtype=np.float32)
            for j in range(batchSize):
                if j % 1000 == 0:
                    print "progress %3.2f" % (float(100 * j) / float(batchSize))
                imgFile = img_files[imgIdx]
                imgFile = os.path.join(self.test_dir, imgFile)
                    im = misc.imread(imgFile)
                except Exception, e:
                    print "fail to read image: %s" % imgFile
                    print e
                # typically, im.shape=(imgH,imgW,imgChannel)
                if im.shape[0] != imgH or im.shape[1] != imgW:
                    print 'im shape'
                    print im.shape
                    print 'expected image shape: (height,width)=(%d,%d)' % (imgH,imgW)
                    raise ecp.NameError('incorrect image shape')
                if im.shape[2]==3:
                    if imgChannel != 3:
                        raise ecp.NameError('incorrect image color channels')
                elif im.shape[2] == 1:
                    print "a grey image"
                    for k in range(imgChannel):
                    raise ecp.NameError('non-RGB non-L images are not handled')    
                if self.test_label_file:
                    batchLabel[j] = float(labelFile.readline()) - 1 # label ranges from 0 to num_classes-1        
                imgIdx += 1
            batchData=np.reshape(batchData, (imgSize,batchSize))
            batch_dic = {}
            batch_dic['data'] = batchData
            if self.test_label_file:
                batch_dic['labels'] = batchLabel
            print "pickle batch data"
            batchFilePath = os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.batch_fname + '_' + 
                                       str(self.batch_start_index + i))
            print "batchFilePath: %s" % batchFilePath
            pickle(batchFilePath, batch_dic,True)    
            bend = time.clock()
            print "batch elapsed time %f" % (bend - bstart)
コード例 #6
    def save_data(self):
        if os.path.exists(self.output_dir) == False:
        # generate data files and meta data file
        batch_num = self.batch_num
        batch_fname = self.batch_fname
        img_height = self.img_height
        img_width = self.img_width
        img_channel = self.img_channel
        pixelNum = img_height * img_width
        imgSize = pixelNum * img_channel       
        matlab_meta = scipy.io.loadmat(self.input_matlab_meta_data_file)
        synsets = matlab_meta['synsets']
#         costMat = matlab_meta['cost_matrix']  
        synsetsN = len(synsets)      
        print "synsets length:%d" % len(synsets)
        wnID_2_ILSVRSID = {};
        label_2_labelname = [None] * len(synsets)
        for i in range(len(synsets)):
            wnID_2_ILSVRSID[str(synsets[i][0][1][0])] = synsets[i][0][0][0][0]
            label_2_labelname[i] = str(synsets[i][0][2][0])
        # print "wnID_2_ILSVRSID"
        # print wnID_2_ILSVRSID
        wnID = [f for f in os.listdir(self.train_dir) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.train_dir, f))]
        wnNum = len(wnID)
        classSz = np.zeros((wnNum), dtype=np.uint32)  # classes at leaf nodes of semantic tree
        wnID2label = {}
        for i in range(wnNum):
            label = -1;
            for j in range(synsetsN):
                if str(synsets[j][0][1][0]) == wnID[i]:
                    label = j  # label starts from 0
            if label < 0:
                print "wnID %s is not found in synsets " % wnID[i]
                raise ecp.NameError('error')
            wnID2label[wnID[i]] = label
            classSz[i] = synsets[label][0][7][0][0]      
        totalImgN = sum(classSz)
        print 'totally %d images' % totalImgN
        # need to sample a subset of images because main memory can not hold all pixels in training images
        PCA_img_num = self.PCA_img_num
        if PCA_img_num > totalImgN:
            PCA_img_num = totalImgN
        print "use %d images to compute pixelwise PCA" % PCA_img_num
        imgID2Name = [None] * totalImgN
        imgID2Label = np.zeros((totalImgN), dtype=np.float32)
        classMember = [None] * wnNum
        num_image_correct = 1
        imgIdx = 0
        maxLabel = -1
        for i in range(wnNum):
            label = wnID2label[wnID[i]];        
            if label > maxLabel:
                maxLabel = label    
            subDir = wnID[i]
            subDirPath = os.path.join(self.train_dir, subDir)
            imgs = [img for img in os.listdir(subDirPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(subDirPath, img)) and fnmatch.fnmatch(img, self.train_pattern)]
            if classSz[i] != len(imgs):
                print "wnID:%s %d images in folder and %d images from synset" % (wnID[i], len(imgs), classSz[i])
                num_image_correct = 0
            lClsMember = [];
            for j in range(len(imgs)):
                imgID2Name[imgIdx] = os.path.join(subDirPath, imgs[j])
                imgID2Label[imgIdx] = label
                lClsMember += [imgIdx]
                imgIdx = imgIdx + 1
            classMember[i] = lClsMember
        print 'max label : %d' % maxLabel
        if num_image_correct == 0:
            raise ecp.NameError('incorrect training images number')
        batch_size = np.zeros((wnNum, batch_num), dtype=np.uint32)
        for i in range(wnNum):
            batch_size[i][:] = get_batch_size(classSz[i], batch_num)
        # randomly distribute images to batches in a class-wise manner
        for i in range(len(classMember)):
        # dataMean has shape (img_channel,img_height,img_width)
        dataMean = np.zeros((img_channel, img_height, img_width), dtype=np.float64)
        # dataMeanView has shape (img_height, img_width, img_channel)
        dataMeanView = dataMean.swapaxes(0, 2).swapaxes(0, 1)
        for i in range(batch_num):
            batchFileFn = batch_fname + '_' + str(i + self.batch_start_index)
            batchFileFn = os.path.join(self.output_dir, batchFileFn)
            print "%d th batch file name:%s" % (i, batchFileFn)              
            batchImgN = np.sum(batch_size[:, i])
            print "%d images in %d th batch out of %d batches" % (batchImgN, i, batch_num)       
        for i in range(batch_num):
            batchFileFn = batch_fname + '_' + str(i + self.batch_start_index)
            batchFileFn = os.path.join(self.output_dir, batchFileFn)
            print "%d th batch file name:%s" % (i, batchFileFn)
            bstart = time.clock()                
            batchImgN = np.sum(batch_size[:, i])
            print "%d images in %d th batch out of %d batches" % (batchImgN, i, batch_num)
            # On exit, batchData has shape (imgSize, batchImgN)
            batchData = np.zeros((img_channel, img_height, img_width, batchImgN), dtype=np.uint8)
            # batchDataView shape (batchImgN, img_height, img_width, img_channel)
            batchDataView = np.swapaxes(batchData, 0, 3)
            batchLabel = np.zeros(batchImgN, dtype=np.float32)
            batchImgId = []
#             batchImgIdx = 0
            # collect image ids in the batch
            for j in range(wnNum):
                batchClsN = batch_size[j, i]
                startIdx = np.sum(batch_size[j, 0:i])
                batchImgId += classMember[j][startIdx:startIdx + batchClsN]
            assert len(batchImgId) == batchImgN
            # important! shuffle images in the batch so that mini-batch has random class distribution
            for j in range(batchImgN):
                lImgID = batchImgId[j]
                    im = misc.imread(imgID2Name[lImgID])
                except Exception, e:
                    print e
                if im.shape[1] != img_width or im.shape[0] != img_height:
                    raise ecp.NameError('incorrect image size')  
                if im.shape[2] == 3:
                    if img_channel != 3:
                        raise ecp.NameError('incorrect image color channels')
                    batchDataView[j][:][:][:] = im
                    dataMeanView += im
                elif im.mode == "L":
                    print "a grey image"
                    for p in range(img_channel):
                        batchDataView[j][:][:][p] = im
                        dataMeanView[:][:][p] += im                  
                    raise ecp.NameError('non-RGB non-gray images are not handled')
                batchLabel[j] = imgID2Label[lImgID]           
#             for j in range(wnNum):
#                 if j % 200 == 0:
#                     print "progress : %5.4f " % (float(100 * j) / float(wnNum))
# #                 if i < batch_num - 1:
# #                     batchClsN = batchSize[j]
# #                 else:
# #                     batchClsN = lastBatchSize[j]
#                 batchClsN = batch_size[j, i]
#                 # print "batchClsN %d" % batchClsN
#                 startIdx = np.sum(batch_size[j, 0:i])
#                 for k in range(batchClsN):
# #                     lImgID = classMember[j][i * batchSize[j] + k]
#                     lImgID = classMember[j][startIdx + k]
#                     try:
#                         im = misc.imread(imgID2Name[lImgID])
#                     except Exception, e:
#                         print e
#                         sys.exit()                    
#                     # typically, im.shape=(imgH,imgW,imgChannel)
#                     if im.shape[1] != img_width or im.shape[0] != img_height:
#                         raise ecp.NameError('incorrect image size')  
#                     if im.shape[2] == 3:
#                         if img_channel != 3:
#                             raise ecp.NameError('incorrect image color channels')
#                         batchDataView[batchImgIdx][:][:][:] = im
#                         dataMeanView += im
#                     elif im.mode == "L":
#                         print "a grey image"
#                         for p in range(img_channel):
#                             batchDataView[batchImgIdx][:][:][p] = im
#                             dataMeanView[:][:][p] += im                  
#                     else:
#                         raise ecp.NameError('non-RGB non-gray images are not handled')   
#                     batchLabel[batchImgIdx] = imgID2Label[lImgID]
#                     batchImgIdx += 1        
            batchData = np.reshape(batchData, (imgSize, batchImgN))
            batch_dic = {}
            batch_dic['data'] = batchData
            batch_dic['labels'] = batchLabel
                pickle(batchFileFn, batch_dic,True);
            except Exception as inst:
                print "exception occurs"
                print type(inst)
                print inst
            bend = time.clock()
            print 'batch elapsed time:%f' % (bend - bstart)
コード例 #7
    def __init__(self, dirPath, obsNames=None,
                 create=False, refDirPath=None, name=None, ppExePath=None,
                 ppOutputFile='observations.nc', runTime=None, runCode=None,# options for creating new study
                  update=False, # options for updating existing study
                  verbose=False,  **parameters):
        Create an instance of HadCM3 class. Default behaviour is to read from dirPath and prohibit updates.
        :param dirPath -- path to directory where model simulation exists or is to be created
        :param create (optional with default False). If True create new directory and populate it.
            Afterwards the ModelSimulation will be readOnly.
            These options should be specified when creating a new study otherwise they are optional and ignored
            :param refDirPath -- reference directory. Copy all files from here into dirPath
            :param name -- name of the model simulation. If not provided will be taken from dirPath
            :param ppExePath --  path to post proessing executable
            :param ppOutputFile -- File name of output of post processing executable. Default is observations.nc
            :param obsNames -- list of observations to be readin. (see readObs())
            :param runTime -- run time in seconds for UM job. If set to None nothing is changed. 
            :param runCode -- code to be used by Job.
        :param update -- allow updates to the simulation information.
        :param verbose -- provide  verbose output. (See individual methods). Default is False.
        : kwargs -- these are parameter and values. 
        :returns initialised object.

        # no parameters should be provided unless create or update provided
        if len(parameters) >0 and  not (create  or update):
            raise exceptions.ValueError("Provided parameters but not specified create or update")
        # do HadCM3 specific cross checks.

        # should not specifiy ASTART & AINITIAL
        if  'AINITIAL' in parameters and 'ASTART' in parameters:
            raise exceptions.NameError("DO not specify both AINITIAL and ASTART.")
        # and OINITIAL and OSTART
        if  'OINITIAL' in parameters and 'OSTART' in parameters:
            raise exceptions.NameError("DO not specify both OINITIAL and OSTART.")
        # call superclass init
        super(HadCM3, self).__init__(dirPath,
                obsNames=obsNames, create=create, refDirPath=refDirPath, name=name, ppExePath=ppExePath,
                ppOutputFile=ppOutputFile, parameters=parameters,  # options for creating new study
                update=update,  # options for updating existing study

        if create: # want to create model instance so do creation.
            self.fixClimFCG() # fix the ClimFGC
            self.modifySubmit(runTime=runTime, runCode=runCode) # modify the Submit script
            self.modifyScript() # modify the script
            self.createWorkDir(refDirPath)    # create the work dirctory (and fill it in)

        ## Set up namelist mappings
        # easy case all variables in SLBC21 and which just set the values.
        for var in ['VF1','ICE_SIZE', 'ENTCOEF','CT', 'ASYM_LAMBDA', 'CHARNOCK','G0', 'Z0FSEA']:

        # Hard case ones where we have a function to run or perturb multiple variables are more complex.
        # for meta-parameter we register function. Functions should return dict indexed by namelist info.
        # I think these should bs class methods to save computing them every time we create a model.
        # but overhead is likely small
        # TODO: Convert MetaFn and Namelists to class methods.

        self.registerMetaFn('RUNID', runName, verbose=verbose)  # runid
        self.registerMetaFn('KAY_GWAVE', gravityWave, verbose=verbose) # gravity wave
        self.registerMetaFn('ALPHAM',iceAlbedo, verbose=verbose) # ice albedo
        self.registerMetaFn('CW_LAND',cloudWater,verbose=verbose) # CW_LAND
        self.registerMetaFn('RHCRIT',cloudRHcrit,verbose=verbose) # RHCRIT meta-param generates array
        self.registerMetaFn('EACF', cloudEACF, verbose=verbose) # EACF meta-param generates array
        self.registerMetaFn('DYNDIFF', diffusion, verbose=verbose) # Dynamics Diffusion generates lots of arrays
        self.registerMetaFn('RUN_TARGET',runTarget,verbose=verbose) # length of simulation -- modifies several namelist vars
        self.registerMetaFn('START_TIME', startTime, verbose=verbose)  # start_Time for run -- modifies several namelist vars
        self.registerMetaFn("SPHERICAL_ICE",sph_ice,verbose=verbose) # Spherical ice (or not)
        # add AINITIAL, OINITIAL, ASTART & OSTART in inithist
        for var in ['AINITIAL', 'OINITIAL', 'ASTART', 'OSTART']:  # need slightly special code for these variables.
            # ideas tis to use the same basic function which has as argument the parameter. Then use functools.partial to
            # generate function which gets registered.
            fn=functools.partial(initHist_nlcfiles, parameter=var)
            self.registerMetaFn(var, fn, verbose=verbose)
        # got some parameters and either creating or updating -- update namelist.
        if len(parameters) >0 and (create or update):
            self.setReadOnly(False) # allow modification
            self.setParams(parameters,verbose=verbose,fail=True) # apply namelist etc
            # deal with START_TIME -- f90nml.patch  fails... nad f90nml.read doesn't work as it should
            # need a temp files etc -- TODO: If need this functionality again then warp in a subroutine and try and fix f90nml!
            if 'START_TIME' in parameters:
                if f90nml.__version__ != '0.21': # version should be 0.21
                    raise Exception("Can only work with f90nml version 0.21. Version is %s"%(f90nml.__version__))
                # f90nml is .20 then it appears to truncate the array
                # so fill it in, # general problem here is that array length varies in rather arbitrary ways.
                # the only obvious reference point we have is 405 at fixhs[11] -- which means vn4.5 TODO fix this.
                # f90nml (even at vn 0.21) has problems reading in nml in the following format
                # fixhd(12)=xxx -- instead putting the value at posn 0.
                offset=fixhd.index(405)-11 # if 405 not found will trigger an error.
                print "patching fixhd in %s is "%RECONA_FILE,repr(fixhd)
                #all this is done because f90nml seems to remember it starts at some posn.
                recona.write(RECONA_FILE, force=True) # overwrite the existing file

            self.setReadOnly(True) # make it read only