コード例 #1
 def get(self, user: Union[User, Member]) -> List[str]:
     """ Get a corpus from the source of truth by user ID. """
     corpus = cast(List[str], self.bot.redis.hvals(f"corpus:{user.id}"))
     if len(corpus) == 0:
         raise NoDataError(f"No data available for user {user}.")
     return corpus
コード例 #2
    def see_grades(self):
        Returns a string representing all disciplines ordered by their average grades

        Input: -
        Output: string - all disciplines ordered by their average grades
        disciplines_with_grades = self.repository.get_disciplines_with_grades()

        if len(disciplines_with_grades) < 1:
            raise NoDataError("No disciplines with grades to show")

        disciplines_with_grades = sorted(disciplines_with_grades,
                                         key=lambda d: d.value,

        disciplines_to_show = "\nDisciplines with grades in descending order of average grades:"
        count = 1
        for d in disciplines_with_grades:
            disciplines_to_show += "\n" + str(
            ) + ". " + d.discipline_name + " with the average of " + d.get_formated_average(
            count += 1
        return disciplines_to_show
コード例 #3
    def see_best_students(self):
        Returns a string representing all students ordered by their average grades

        Input: -
        Output: string - all students ordered by their average grades
        best_students = self.repository.get_best_students()

        if len(best_students) < 1:
            raise NoDataError("No students with grades to show")

        best_students = sorted(best_students,
                               key=lambda b: b.value,

        students_to_show = "\nBest students in descending order of average grades:"
        count = 1
        for b in best_students:
            students_to_show += "\n" + str(
            ) + ". " + b.student_name + " with the average of " + b.get_formated_average(
            count += 1
        return students_to_show
コード例 #4
    def build_list(self, repository, header = "All students and diciplines"):
        Parses a repository's data into a string to be printed

            Repository - repository to parse
            string - header to show at the beginning of the generated string
        Output: string - the parsed repository
        if repository.is_empty():
            raise NoDataError("No data to show")

        data_string = "\n"
        data_string += header

        if repository.has_students() and repository.has_disciplines():
            data_string += "\n" + generator.generate_chars('-', 121) + "\n|" + generator.generate_chars(' ', 4) + "Students" + generator.generate_chars(' ', 47) + "|" + generator.generate_chars(' ', 4) + "Disciplines" +  generator.generate_chars(' ', 44) + "|\n" + generator.generate_chars('-', 121)
            students_length = len(repository.students.data)
            disciplines_length = len(repository.disciplines.data)
            max_length = max(students_length, disciplines_length)

            for i in range(max_length):
                if i < students_length:
                    student_string = str(repository.students.data[i])
                    data_string += "\n| " + student_string + generator.generate_chars(' ', 57 - len(student_string)) + " | "
                    data_string += "\n|" + generator.generate_chars(' ', 59) + "| "
                if i < disciplines_length:
                    discipline_string = str(repository.disciplines.data[i])
                    data_string += discipline_string + generator.generate_chars(' ', 57 - len(discipline_string)) + " |"
                    data_string += generator.generate_chars(' ', 58) + "|"

            data_string += "\n" + generator.generate_chars('-', 121)
            return data_string

        if repository.has_students():
            data_string += "\n" + generator.generate_chars('-', 60) + "\nStudents\n" + generator.generate_chars('-', 60)

            for student in repository.students.data:
                data_string += "\n" + str(student)

            return data_string

        if repository.has_disciplines():
            data_string += "\n" + generator.generate_chars('-', 60) + "\nDisciplines\n" + generator.generate_chars('-', 60)

            for discipline in repository.disciplines.data:
                data_string += "\n" + str(discipline)

            return data_string
コード例 #5
    async def forget(self,
                     ctx: commands.Context,
                     maybe_user: str = None,
                     *args) -> None:
        """ Make Parrot delete all the data it has about you. """
        if maybe_user is not None:
                userlike = Userlike()
                user = await userlike.convert(ctx, maybe_user)
            except UserNotFoundError:
                for command in self.forget.commands:
                    if command.name == maybe_user:
                        await command(ctx, *args)
            user = ctx.author

        if user != ctx.author and ctx.author.id not in self.bot.owner_ids:
            raise UserPermissionError(
                "You are not allowed to make Parrot forget other users.")

        if not self.bot.corpora.has(user):
            raise NoDataError(f"No data available for user {user}.")

        confirm_code = ctx.message.id

        # Keep track of this confirmation by storing some information about it
        #   in a dict.
        self.pending_confirmations[confirm_code] = {
            "author": ctx.author,
            "corpus_owner": user,

        embed = ParrotEmbed(
            title="Are you sure?",
            f"This will permantently delete the data of {user}.\nTo confirm, paste the following command:\n`{self.bot.command_prefix}forget confirm {confirm_code}`",
            text="Action will be automatically canceled in 1 minute.")

        await ctx.send(embed=embed, reference=ctx.message)

        # Delete the confirmation after 1 minute.
        await asyncio.sleep(60)
            del self.pending_confirmations[confirm_code]
        except KeyError:
コード例 #6
    def see_failing_students(self):
        Returns a string representing the failing students

        Input: -
        Output: string - all failing students
        faillings = self.services.get_failing_students()

        if len(faillings) < 1:
            raise NoDataError("No students failing at one or more disciplines")

        students_to_show = "\nStudents failing:"
        count = 1
        for f in faillings:
            students_to_show += "\n" + str(count) + ". " + f.student_name + " at " + f.discipline_name + " with the average of " + f.get_formated_average()
            count += 1
        return students_to_show
コード例 #7
def download(url: str) -> dict:
    """Download and map raw data"""
    response = requests.get(url)
    ticker = re.findall(r'(?<=http://openinsider.com/screener\?s=)\w+', url)[0]
    soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'lxml')

        table = pd.read_html(str(soup.findAll('table',
                                              {'class': 'tinytable'})))[0]
    except ValueError as e:
        raise ValueError(e.__str__() + f' - {ticker.upper()}')

    if len(table.columns) != 16:  # unable to download error handling
        raise NoDataError(f'Unable to find data for {ticker.upper()}')

    table = table.drop(['X', '1d', '1w', '1m', '6m'], axis=1)
    table.columns = [
        'filingDate', 'startingDate', 'ticker', 'insiderName', 'insiderTitle',
        'tradeType', 'price', 'quantity', 'sharesOwned', 'changeInSharesOwned',

    companyInfo = soup.find('div', {'id': 'subjectDetails'}).text.split(' - ')

    name = soup.find('div', {
        'class': 'h1title'
    }).text.split(' - ')[1].strip().replace("'", "''")
    ticker = soup.find('div', {
        'class': 'h1title'
    }).text.split(' - ')[0].strip().replace("'", "''")
    sector = companyInfo[0].strip().replace("'", "''")
    subSector = companyInfo[1].strip().replace("'", "''")
    industry = companyInfo[2].strip().replace("'", "''")
    cik = re.findall(r'\d+', ''.join(companyInfo))[0]

    company = datacontainer.Company(name, ticker, cik, sector, subSector,
    rawTrades = datacontainer.Trades(table, company)
    return rawTrades
コード例 #8
 def delete_message(self, user: Union[User, Member],
                    message_id: int) -> None:
     """ Delete a message (or list of messages) from a corpus. """
     num_deleted = self.bot.redis.hdel(f"corpus:{user.id}", str(message_id))
     if num_deleted == 0:
         raise NoDataError(f"No data available for user {user}.")
コード例 #9
 def delete(self, user: Union[User, Member]) -> None:
     """ Delete a corpus from the source of truth. """
     num_deleted = self.bot.redis.delete(f"corpus:{user.id}")
     if num_deleted == 0:
         raise NoDataError(f"No data available for user {user}.")