コード例 #1
ファイル: parser.py プロジェクト: ofrades/Missal1962
    def _parse_proper_source(self,
                             partial_path: str,
                             lookup_section=None) -> Proper:
        Read the file and organize the content as a list of dictionaries
        where `[Section]` becomes an `id` key and each line below - an item of a `body` list.
        Resolve references like `@Sancti/02-02:Evangelium`.

        parsed_source: ParsedSource = self._parse_source(
            partial_path, lang, lookup_section)
        proper = Proper(self.proper_id, lang, parsed_source)

        # Reference in Rule section in 'vide' or 'ex' clause - load all sections
        # from the referenced file and get sections that are not explicitly defined in the current proper.
        vide = proper.get_rule('vide')
        if vide:
            if '/' in vide:
                nested_path = self._get_full_path(f'{vide}.txt', lang)
                for subdir in ('Commune', 'Tempora'):
                    nested_path = self._get_full_path(f'{subdir}/{vide}.txt',
                    if nested_path:
            if not nested_path:
                raise ProperNotFound(f'Proper from vide not found {vide}.')
            proper.merge(self._parse_source(nested_path, lang=lang))

        # Moving data from "Comment" section up as direct properties of a Proper object
        parsed_comment: dict = self._parse_comment(
            proper.title = self.translations[lang].TITLES[self.proper_id]
        except KeyError:
            # Handling very rare case when proper's source exists but rank or color in the ID is invalid
            raise ProperNotFound(f"Proper {self.proper_id} not found")
        proper.description = parsed_comment['description']
        proper.additional_info = parsed_comment['additional_info']
        proper.supplements = self.translations[lang].SUPPLEMENTS.get(
            self.proper_id, [])
        proper = self._add_prefaces(proper, lang)
        proper = self._filter_sections(proper)
        proper = self._amend_sections_contents(proper)
        proper = self._translate_section_titles(proper, lang)

        return proper
コード例 #2
 def parse(self) -> Tuple[Proper, Proper]:
     self.translations[self.lang] = TRANSLATION[self.lang]
     self.prefaces[self.lang] = self._parse_source('Ordo/Prefationes.txt', self.lang)
     self.prefaces[LANGUAGE_LATIN] = self._parse_source('Ordo/Prefationes.txt', lang=LANGUAGE_LATIN)
     partial_path = self._get_partial_path()
         proper_vernacular: Proper = self._parse_proper_source(partial_path, self.lang)
         proper_latin: Proper = self._parse_proper_source(partial_path, LANGUAGE_LATIN)
     except FileNotFoundError as e:
         raise ProperNotFound(f'Proper `{e.filename}` not found.')
     return proper_vernacular, proper_latin
コード例 #3
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: ofrades/Missal1962
 def __init__(self,
              id_: str,
              lang: str,
              parsed_source: ParsedSource = None) -> None:
     super(Proper, self).__init__()
     self.id = id_
     self.lang = lang
         _, _, rank, color = id_.split(':')
         self.rank = int(rank)
     except ValueError:
         raise ProperNotFound(f"Proper {id_} not found")
     self.colors = list(color)
     if parsed_source is not None:
         self._container = copy(parsed_source._container)
コード例 #4
    def _parse_source(self, partial_path: str, lang, lookup_section=None) -> ParsedSource:
        Read the file and organize the content as a list of dictionaries
        where `[Section]` becomes an `id` key and each line below - an item of a `body` list.
        Resolve references like `@Sancti/02-02:Evangelium`.
        parsed_source: ParsedSource = ParsedSource()
        section_name: str = None
        concat_line: bool = False
        full_path: str = self._get_full_path(partial_path, lang)
        if not full_path:
            raise ProperNotFound(f'Proper `{partial_path}` not found.')
        with open(full_path) as fh:
            for itr, ln in enumerate(fh):
                ln = ln.strip()

                if section_name is None and ln == '':
                    # Skipping empty lines in the beginning of the file

                if ln.strip() == '!':
                    # Skipping lines containing exclamation mark only

                if section_name is None and REFERENCE_REGEX.match(ln):
                    # reference outside any section as a first non-empty line - load all sections
                    # from the referenced file and continue with the sections from the current one.
                    path_bit, _, _ = REFERENCE_REGEX.findall(ln)[0]
                    # Recursively read referenced file
                    nested_path: str = self._get_full_path(f'{path_bit}.txt', lang) if path_bit else partial_path
                    if not nested_path:
                        raise ProperNotFound(f'Proper `{path_bit}.txt` not found.')
                    parsed_source.merge(self._parse_source(nested_path, lang=lang))

                ln = self._normalize(ln, lang)

                if re.search(SECTION_REGEX, ln):
                    section_name: str = re.sub(SECTION_REGEX, '\\1', ln)

                if not lookup_section or lookup_section == section_name:
                    if re.match(SECTION_REGEX, ln):
                        parsed_source.set_section(section_name, Section(section_name))
                        if REFERENCE_REGEX.match(ln):
                            path_bit, nested_section_name, substitution = REFERENCE_REGEX.findall(ln)[0]
                            if path_bit:
                                # Reference to external file - parse it recursively
                                nested_path: str = self._get_full_path(f'{path_bit}.txt', lang) \
                                    if path_bit else partial_path
                                if not nested_path:
                                    raise ProperNotFound(f'Proper `{path_bit}.txt` not found.')
                                nested_proper: Proper = self._parse_source(
                                    nested_path, lang=lang, lookup_section=nested_section_name)
                                nested_section = nested_proper.get_section(nested_section_name)
                                if nested_section is not None:
                                    log.warning("Section `%s` referenced from `%s` is missing in `%s`",
                                                nested_section_name, full_path, nested_path)
                                # Reference to the other section in current file
                                nested_section_body = parsed_source.get_section(nested_section_name).body

                            # Finally, a regular line...
                            # Line ending with `~` indicates that the next line should be treated as its continuation
                            appendln: str = ln.replace('~', ' ')
                            if section_name not in parsed_source.keys():
                                parsed_source.set_section(section_name, Section(section_name))
                            if concat_line:
                                parsed_source.get_section(section_name).body[-1] += appendln
                            concat_line = True if ln.endswith('~') else False

        parsed_source = self._strip_newlines(parsed_source)
        parsed_source = self._resolve_conditionals(parsed_source)
        return parsed_source