def preLaunch(self): """ Sets ourself up for running Needed for unit tests """ log.debug("preLaunch") self.packageStore = PackageStore() self.ideviceStore = IdeviceStore(self.config) self.ideviceStore.load() # Make it so jelly can load objects from ~/.exe/idevices sys.path.append(self.config.configDir / 'idevices') self.webServer = WebServer(self) # and determine the web server's port before launching the client, so it can use the same port#: self.webServer.find_port()
def preLaunch(self): """ Sets ourself up for running Needed for unit tests """ log.debug("preLaunch") self.ideviceStore = IdeviceStore(self.config) try: self.ideviceStore.load() except: backup = self.config.configDir / 'idevices.backup' if backup.exists(): backup.rmtree() (self.config.configDir / 'idevices').move(backup) self.loadErrors.append( _(u'An error has occurred when loading your Idevice Store. A backup is saved at %s') % backup) self.ideviceStore.load() # Make it so jelly can load objects from ~/.exe/idevices sys.path.append(self.config.configDir/'idevices') self.webServer = WebServer(self, self.packagePath) # and determine the web server's port before launching the client, so it can use the same port#: self.webServer.find_port() # Add missing mime types to Twisted for Windows File.contentTypes.update({ '.odt': 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text', '.odp': 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation', '.ods': 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet', '.docx': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document', '.pptx': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation', '.xlsx': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', '.elp': 'application/zip' })
def preLaunch(self): """ Sets ourself up for running Needed for unit tests """ log.debug("preLaunch") self.packageStore = PackageStore() self.ideviceStore = IdeviceStore(self.config) self.ideviceStore.load() self.webServer = WebServer(self)
def preLaunch(self): """ Sets ourself up for running Needed for unit tests """ log.debug("preLaunch") self.packageStore = PackageStore() self.ideviceStore = IdeviceStore(self.config) self.ideviceStore.load() sys.path.append(self.config.configDir / "idevices") self.webServer = WebServer(self) self.webServer.find_port()
def preLaunch(self): """ Sets ourself up for running Needed for unit tests """ log.debug("preLaunch") self.ideviceStore = IdeviceStore(self.config) try: self.ideviceStore.load() except: backup = self.config.configDir / 'idevices.backup' if backup.exists(): backup.rmtree() (self.config.configDir / 'idevices').move(backup) self.loadErrors.append( _(u'An error has occurred when loading your Idevice Store. A backup is saved at %s') % backup) self.ideviceStore.load() # Make it so jelly can load objects from ~/.exe/idevices sys.path.append(self.config.configDir/'idevices') self.webServer = WebServer(self, self.packagePath) # and determine the web server's port before launching the client, so it can use the same port#: self.webServer.find_port()
def preLaunch(self): """ Sets ourself up for running Needed for unit tests """ log.debug("preLaunch") self.ideviceStore = IdeviceStore(self.config) self.ideviceStore.load() # Make it so jelly can load objects from ~/.exe/idevices sys.path.append(self.config.configDir/'idevices') self.webServer = WebServer(self, self.packagePath) # and determine the web server's port before launching the client, so it can use the same port#: self.webServer.find_port()
def preLaunch(self): """ Sets ourself up for running Needed for unit tests """ log.debug("preLaunch") self.ideviceStore = IdeviceStore(self.config) try: self.ideviceStore.load() except: backup = self.config.configDir / 'idevices.backup' if backup.exists(): backup.rmtree() (self.config.configDir / 'idevices').move(backup) self.loadErrors.append( _(u'An error has occurred when loading your Idevice Store. A backup is saved at %s' ) % backup) self.ideviceStore.load() # Make it so jelly can load objects from ~/.exe/idevices sys.path.append(self.config.configDir / 'idevices') self.webServer = WebServer(self, self.packagePath) # and determine the web server's port before launching the client, so it can use the same port#: self.webServer.find_port() # Add missing mime types to Twisted for Windows File.contentTypes.update({ '.odt': 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text', '.odp': 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation', '.ods': 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet', '.docx': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document', '.pptx': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation', '.xlsx': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet' })
class Application: """ Main application class, pulls together everything and runs it. """ version = 1 def __init__(self): """ Initialize """ self.config = None self.ideviceStore = None self.packagePath = None self.webServer = None self.standalone = False # Used for the ready to run exe self.portable = False # FM: portable mode self.persistNonPersistants = False self.tempWebDir = mkdtemp('.eXe') self.resourceDir=None self.afterUpgradeHandlers = [] self.preferencesShowed = False self.loadErrors = [] assert G.application is None, "You tried to instantiate two Application objects" G.application = self def main(self): """ Main function, starts eXe """ self.processArgs() self.loadConfiguration() installSafeTranslate() self.preLaunch() # preLaunch() has called find_port() to set config.port (the IP port #) self.upgrade() if self.config.port >= 0: reactor.callWhenRunning(self.launch)'serving') self.serve()'done serving') else: log.error('eXe appears to already be running') log.error('looks like the eXe server was not able to find a valid port; terminating...') shutil.rmtree(self.tempWebDir, True) def upgrade(self): """Execute all upgraToVersionX functions from stored version to actual version""" version_file = self.config.configDir / 'version' storedVersion = 0 if version_file.exists(): storedVersion = int(version_file.bytes()) for v in xrange(storedVersion + 1, self.version + 1): method = getattr(Application, 'upgradeToVersion%d' % v, None) if method: method(self) version_file.write_text(str(self.version)) def upgradeToVersion1(self): """Hide experimental idevices"""'Upgrading to version 1') for idevice in self.ideviceStore.getIdevices(): lower_title = idevice._title.lower() if self.config.idevicesCategories.get(lower_title, '') == ['Experimental']: self.config.hiddeniDevices.append(lower_title) self.config.configParser.set('idevices', lower_title, '0') def processArgs(self): """ Processes the command line arguments """ try: options, packages = getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hV", ["help", "version", "standalone","portable"]) except GetoptError: self.usage() sys.exit(2) log.debug('options: %s, packages: %s' % (options, packages)) if len(packages) == 1: self.packagePath = packages[0] elif len(packages) > 1: self.usage() sys.exit(2) for option in options: if option[0] in ("-V", "--version"): print "eXe", version.version sys.exit() elif option[0] in ("-h", "--help"): self.usage() sys.exit() elif option[0].lower() == '--standalone': self.standalone = True elif option[0].lower() == '--portable': self.standalone = True self.portable = True def loadConfiguration(self): """ Loads the config file and applies all the settings """ if self.standalone: from exe.engine.standaloneconfig import StandaloneConfig configKlass = StandaloneConfig elif sys.platform[:3] == "win": from exe.engine.winconfig import WinConfig configKlass = WinConfig elif sys.platform[:6] == "darwin": from exe.engine.macconfig import MacConfig configKlass = MacConfig else: from exe.engine.linuxconfig import LinuxConfig configKlass = LinuxConfig try: self.config = configKlass() except: configPath = configKlass.getConfigPath() backup = configPath + '.backup' configPath.move(backup) self.config = configKlass() self.loadErrors.append( _(u'An error has occurred when loading your config. A backup is saved at %s') % backup) log.debug("logging set up") G.application.exeAppUri = 'http://localhost:%d' % (self.config.port) def preLaunch(self): """ Sets ourself up for running Needed for unit tests """ log.debug("preLaunch") self.ideviceStore = IdeviceStore(self.config) try: self.ideviceStore.load() except: backup = self.config.configDir / 'idevices.backup' if backup.exists(): backup.rmtree() (self.config.configDir / 'idevices').move(backup) self.loadErrors.append( _(u'An error has occurred when loading your Idevice Store. A backup is saved at %s') % backup) self.ideviceStore.load() # Make it so jelly can load objects from ~/.exe/idevices sys.path.append(self.config.configDir/'idevices') self.webServer = WebServer(self, self.packagePath) # and determine the web server's port before launching the client, so it can use the same port#: self.webServer.find_port() def serve(self): """ Starts the web server, this func doesn't return until after the app has finished """ print "Welcome to eXe: the EXtremely Easy to use eLearning authoring tool""eXe running...") def launch(self): """ launches the webbrowser """ if self.packagePath: try: package = Package.load(self.packagePath) self.webServer.root.package = package launchBrowser(self.config, except: self.webServer.root.packagePath = None launchBrowser(self.config, "") else: launchBrowser(self.config, "") def usage(self): """ Print usage info """ self.loadConfiguration() print _("""eXeLearning, the EXtremely Easy to use eLearning authoring tool Usage: %s [OPTION] [PACKAGE] -V, --version print version information and exit -h, --help display this help and exit --standalone Run totally from current directory --portable Run in portable mode Settings are read from exe.conf in $HOME/.exe on Linux/Unix/Mac OS or in Documents and Settings/<user name>/Application Data/exe on Windows XP or Users/<user name>/AppData/Roaming/exe on Windows 7""") % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
class Application: """ Main application class, pulls together everything and runs it. """ def __init__(self): """ Initialize """ self.config = None self.ideviceStore = None self.packagePath = None self.webServer = None self.standalone = False # Used for the ready to run exe self.portable = False # FM: portable mode self.persistNonPersistants = False self.tempWebDir = mkdtemp(".eXe") self.resourceDir = None self.afterUpgradeHandlers = [] self.preferencesShowed = False self.loadErrors = [] assert globals.application is None, "You tried to instantiate two Application objects" globals.application = self def main(self): """ Main function, starts eXe """ self.processArgs() self.loadConfiguration() installSafeTranslate() self.preLaunch() # preLaunch() has called find_port() to set config.port (the IP port #) if self.config.port >= 0: reactor.callWhenRunning(self.launch)"serving") self.serve()"done serving") else: # self.xulMessage(_('eXe appears to already be running')) log.error("eXe appears to already be running") log.error("looks like the eXe server was not able to find a valid port; terminating...") shutil.rmtree(self.tempWebDir, True) def processArgs(self): """ Processes the command line arguments """ try: options, packages = getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hV", ["help", "version", "standalone", "portable"]) except GetoptError: self.usage() sys.exit(2) if len(packages) == 1: self.packagePath = packages[0] elif len(packages) > 1: self.usage() sys.exit(2) for option in options: if option[0] in ("-V", "--version"): print "eXe", version.version sys.exit() elif option[0] in ("-h", "--help"): self.usage() sys.exit() elif option[0].lower() == "--standalone": self.standalone = True elif option[0].lower() == "--portable": self.standalone = True self.portable = True def loadConfiguration(self): """ Loads the config file and applies all the settings """ if self.standalone: from exe.engine.standaloneconfig import StandaloneConfig configKlass = StandaloneConfig elif sys.platform[:3] == "win": from exe.engine.winconfig import WinConfig configKlass = WinConfig elif sys.platform[:6] == "darwin": from exe.engine.macconfig import MacConfig configKlass = MacConfig else: from exe.engine.linuxconfig import LinuxConfig configKlass = LinuxConfig try: self.config = configKlass() except: configPath = configKlass.getConfigPath() backup = configPath + ".backup" configPath.move(backup) self.config = configKlass() self.loadErrors.append( _(u"An error has occurred when loading your config. A backup is saved at %s") % backup ) log.debug("logging set up") def preLaunch(self): """ Sets ourself up for running Needed for unit tests """ log.debug("preLaunch") self.ideviceStore = IdeviceStore(self.config) try: self.ideviceStore.load() except: backup = self.config.configDir / "idevices.backup" if backup.exists(): backup.rmtree() (self.config.configDir / "idevices").move(backup) self.loadErrors.append( _(u"An error has occurred when loading your Idevice Store. A backup is saved at %s") % backup ) self.ideviceStore.load() # Make it so jelly can load objects from ~/.exe/idevices sys.path.append(self.config.configDir / "idevices") self.webServer = WebServer(self, self.packagePath) # and determine the web server's port before launching the client, so it can use the same port#: self.webServer.find_port() def serve(self): """ Starts the web server, this func doesn't return until after the app has finished """ print "Welcome to eXe: the eLearning XHTML editor""eXe running...") def launch(self): """ launches the webbrowser """ if self.packagePath: try: package = Package.load(self.packagePath) self.webServer.root.package = package launchBrowser(self.config, except: self.webServer.root.packagePath = None launchBrowser(self.config, "") else: launchBrowser(self.config, "") def usage(self): """ Print usage info """ self.loadConfiguration() print _( """Usage: %s [OPTION] [PACKAGE] -V, --version print version information and exit -h, --help display this help and exit --standalone Run totally from current directory --portable Run in portable mode Settings are read from exe.conf in $HOME/.exe on Linux/Unix/Mac OS or in Documents and Settings/<user name>/Application Data/exe on Windows XP or Users/<user name>/AppData/Roaming/exe on Windows 7""" ) % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
class Application: """ Main application class, pulls together everything and runs it. """ def __init__(self): """ Initialize """ self.config = None self.packageStore = None self.ideviceStore = None self.packagePath = None self.webServer = None self.standalone = False # Used for the ready to run exe assert globals.application is None, "You tried to instantiate two Application objects" globals.application = self def main(self): """ Main function, starts eXe """ self.processArgs() self.loadConfiguration() installSafeTranslate() self.preLaunch() self.launch()'serving') self.serve()'done serving') def processArgs(self): """ Processes the command line arguments """ try: options, packages = getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hV", ["help", "version", "standalone"]) except GetoptError: self.usage() sys.exit(2) if len(packages) == 1: self.packagePath = packages[0] elif len(packages) > 1: self.usage() sys.exit(2) for option in options: if option[0] in ("-V", "--version"): print "eXe", version.version sys.exit() elif option[0] in ("-h", "--help"): self.usage() sys.exit() elif option[0].lower() == '--standalone': self.standalone = True def loadConfiguration(self): """ Loads the config file and applies all the settings """ if self.standalone: from exe.engine.standaloneconfig import StandaloneConfig self.config = StandaloneConfig() elif sys.platform[:3] == "win": from exe.engine.winconfig import WinConfig self.config = WinConfig() elif sys.platform[:6] == "darwin": from exe.engine.macconfig import MacConfig self.config = MacConfig() else: from exe.engine.linuxconfig import LinuxConfig self.config = LinuxConfig() log.debug("logging set up") def preLaunch(self): """ Sets ourself up for running Needed for unit tests """ log.debug("preLaunch") self.packageStore = PackageStore() self.ideviceStore = IdeviceStore(self.config) self.ideviceStore.load() sys.path.append(self.config.configDir/'idevices') self.webServer = WebServer(self) def serve(self): """ Starts the web server, this func doesn't return until after the app has finished """ print "Welcome to eXe: the eLearning XHTML editor""eXe running...") def _loadPackage(self, packagePath): """ Convenience function for loading the first package that we'll browse to """ try: package = self.packageStore.loadPackage(packagePath) log.debug("loading package " self.webServer.root.bindNewPackage(package) launchBrowser(self.config, return package except Exception, e: log.error('Error loading first Package (%s): %s' % (packagePath, e)) return None
class Application: """ Main application class, pulls together everything and runs it. """ def __init__(self): """ Initialize """ self.config = None self.packageStore = None self.ideviceStore = None self.packagePath = None self.webServer = None self.standalone = False # Used for the ready to run exe self.persistNonPersistants = False self.tempWebDir = mkdtemp(".eXe") self.afterUpgradeHandlers = [] assert globals.application is None, "You tried to instantiate two Application objects" globals.application = self def main(self): """ Main function, starts eXe """ self.processArgs() self.loadConfiguration() eXeStart = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(globals.application.tempWebDir), "tmpExeStartupTime") if == "posix": eXeStart = eXeStart + "." + str(os.getuid()) log.debug(u"eXeStart: " + eXeStart) if os.path.exists(eXeStart): inStartFH = open(eXeStart, "r") lastRunTimeS = 0 for line in inStartFH: lastRunTimeS = int(line) inStartFH.close() log.debug("lastRunTimeS: " + ` lastRunTimeS `) currentTime = int(time.time()) currentTime2 = int(time.time())"currentTime: " + ` currentTime `) if currentTime <= lastRunTimeS + 3 and currentTime >= lastRunTimeS: return None if sys.platform[:3] == "win" and self.packagePath is not None: self.packagePath = self.config.getLongPathName(self.packagePath) installSafeTranslate() self.preLaunch() if self.config.port >= 0: self.launch()"serving") self.serve()"done serving") else: log.error("eXe appears to already be running") log.error("looks like the eXe server was not able to find a valid port; terminating...") shutil.rmtree(self.tempWebDir, True) try: os.remove(eXeStart) except IOError: pass def processArgs(self): """ Processes the command line arguments """ try: options, packages = getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hV", ["help", "version", "standalone"]) except GetoptError: self.usage() sys.exit(2) if len(packages) == 1: self.packagePath = packages[0] elif len(packages) > 1: self.usage() sys.exit(2) for option in options: if option[0] in ("-V", "--version"): print "eXe", version.version sys.exit() elif option[0] in ("-h", "--help"): self.usage() sys.exit() elif option[0].lower() == "--standalone": self.standalone = True def loadConfiguration(self): """ Loads the config file and applies all the settings """ if self.standalone: from exe.engine.standaloneconfig import StandaloneConfig self.config = StandaloneConfig() elif sys.platform[:3] == "win": from exe.engine.winconfig import WinConfig self.config = WinConfig() elif sys.platform[:6] == "darwin": from exe.engine.macconfig import MacConfig self.config = MacConfig() else: from exe.engine.linuxconfig import LinuxConfig self.config = LinuxConfig() log.debug("logging set up") def preLaunch(self): """ Sets ourself up for running Needed for unit tests """ log.debug("preLaunch") self.packageStore = PackageStore() self.ideviceStore = IdeviceStore(self.config) self.ideviceStore.load() sys.path.append(self.config.configDir / "idevices") self.webServer = WebServer(self) self.webServer.find_port() def serve(self): """ Starts the web server, this func doesn't return until after the app has finished """ print "Welcome to eXe: the eLearning XHTML editor""eXe running...") def _loadPackage(self, packagePath): try:"webDir: " + self.config.webDir)"tempWebDir: " + self.tempWebDir) inSplashFile = self.config.webDir + "/docs/splash.xulTemplate" outSplashFile = self.config.webDir + "/docs/splash.xul" outSplashData = self.config.webDir + "/docs/splash.dat" outSplashFile = self.tempWebDir + "/splash.xul" outSplashData = self.tempWebDir + "/splash.dat""inSplashFile: " + inSplashFile)"outSplashFile: " + outSplashFile)"outSplashData: " + outSplashData) outSplashFH = open(outSplashData, "w") outSplashFH.write("") outSplashFH.close() inSplashFH = open(inSplashFile, "r") outSplashFH = open(outSplashFile, "w") pleaseWaitLoad = _(u"Please wait until loading finishes") for line in inSplashFH: line = line.replace("LOADING_FILE_NAME", packagePath) line = line.replace("PLEASE_WAIT_LOAD", pleaseWaitLoad) outSplashFH.write(line) inSplashFH.close() outSplashFH.close()"packagePath: " + packagePath) launchBrowser(self.config, outSplashFile, "splash") shutil.copyfile(self.config.webDir + "/images/exe_logo.png", self.tempWebDir + "/exe_logo.png") package = self.packageStore.loadPackage(packagePath) port = self.config.port editorUrl = u"" % (port," " +"editorUrl: " + editorUrl)"TempDirPath: " + editorUrl) outSplashFH = open(outSplashData, "w") outSplashFH.write("1000;" + editorUrl) outSplashFH.close() self.webServer.root.bindNewPackage(package) return package except Exception, e: log.error("Error loading first Package (%s): %s" % (packagePath, e)) message = _(u"Sorry, wrong file format") outSplashFH = open(globals.application.tempWebDir + "/splash.dat", "w") message = re.sub(";", ":", message) port = self.config.port outSplashFH.write("1000;" + ` port ` + "/;" + message) outSplashFH.close() return None
class Application: """ Main application class, pulls together everything and runs it. """ def __init__(self): """ Initialize """ self.config = None self.packageStore = None self.ideviceStore = None self.packagePath = None self.webServer = None self.standalone = False # Used for the ready to run exe self.persistNonPersistants = False self.tempWebDir = mkdtemp('.eXe') self.afterUpgradeHandlers = [] assert globals.application is None, "You tried to instantiate two Application objects" globals.application = self def main(self): """ Main function, starts eXe """ self.processArgs() self.loadConfiguration() try: username = getpass.getuser() except ImportError: username = '' eXeStart = globals.application.tempWebDir eXeStart = re.sub("[\/|\\\\][^\/|\\\\]*$", "", eXeStart) eXeStart = eXeStart + '/tmpExeStartupTime.' + username if os.path.exists(eXeStart): inStartFH = open(eXeStart, "r") lastRunTimeS = 0 for line in inStartFH: try: lastRunTimeS = int(line) except ValueError: lastRunTimeS = 0 inStartFH.close() log.debug('lastRunTimeS: ' + ` lastRunTimeS `) currentTime = int(time.time()) currentTime2 = int(time.time())'currentTime: ' + ` currentTime `) if (currentTime <= lastRunTimeS + 3 and currentTime >= lastRunTimeS): #self.xulMessage(_('eXe appears to already be running'))'eXe appears to already be running: <html:br/>lastRunTimes: ' + `lastRunTimeS` + '<html:br/> currentTime: ' + `currentTime` + '<html:br/>currentTime2: ' + `currentTime2`) return None else:'eXeStart: ' + eXeStart)'tempWebDir: ' + globals.application.tempWebDir) # if a document was double clicked to launch on Win32, # make sure we have the long pathname if sys.platform[:3] == "win" and self.packagePath is not None: self.packagePath = self.config.getLongPathName(self.packagePath) installSafeTranslate() self.preLaunch() # preLaunch() has called find_port() to set config.port (the IP port #) if self.config.port >= 0: self.launch()'serving') self.serve()'done serving') else: #self.xulMessage(_('eXe appears to already be running')) log.error('eXe appears to already be running') log.error( 'looks like the eXe server was not able to find a valid port; terminating...' ) shutil.rmtree(self.tempWebDir, True) try: os.remove(eXeStart) except OSError: pass def processArgs(self): """ Processes the command line arguments """ try: options, packages = getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hV", ["help", "version", "standalone"]) except GetoptError: self.usage() sys.exit(2) if len(packages) == 1: self.packagePath = packages[0] elif len(packages) > 1: self.usage() sys.exit(2) for option in options: if option[0] in ("-V", "--version"): print "eXe", version.version sys.exit() elif option[0] in ("-h", "--help"): self.usage() sys.exit() elif option[0].lower() == '--standalone': self.standalone = True def loadConfiguration(self): """ Loads the config file and applies all the settings """ if self.standalone: from exe.engine.standaloneconfig import StandaloneConfig self.config = StandaloneConfig() elif sys.platform[:3] == "win": from exe.engine.winconfig import WinConfig self.config = WinConfig() elif sys.platform[:6] == "darwin": from exe.engine.macconfig import MacConfig self.config = MacConfig() else: from exe.engine.linuxconfig import LinuxConfig self.config = LinuxConfig() log.debug("logging set up") def preLaunch(self): """ Sets ourself up for running Needed for unit tests """ log.debug("preLaunch") self.packageStore = PackageStore() self.ideviceStore = IdeviceStore(self.config) self.ideviceStore.load() # Make it so jelly can load objects from ~/.exe/idevices sys.path.append(self.config.configDir / 'idevices') self.webServer = WebServer(self) # and determine the web server's port before launching the client, so it can use the same port#: self.webServer.find_port() def serve(self): """ Starts the web server, this func doesn't return until after the app has finished """ print "Welcome to eXe: the eLearning XHTML editor""eXe running...") def _loadPackage(self, packagePath): #""" #Convenience function for loading the first package that we'll browse to #""" try: #XXXX xxxx"webDir: " + self.config.webDir)"tempWebDir: " + self.tempWebDir) inSplashFile = self.config.webDir + "/docs/splash.xulTemplate" outSplashFile = self.config.webDir + "/docs/splash.xul" outSplashData = self.config.webDir + "/docs/splash.dat" outSplashFile = self.tempWebDir + "/splash.xul" outSplashData = self.tempWebDir + "/splash.dat""inSplashFile: " + inSplashFile)"outSplashFile: " + outSplashFile)"outSplashData: " + outSplashData) #resets any splash page data outSplashFH = open(outSplashData, "w") outSplashFH.write("") outSplashFH.close() inSplashFH = open(inSplashFile, "r") outSplashFH = open(outSplashFile, "w") pleaseWaitLoad = _(u'Please wait until loading finishes') for line in inSplashFH: line = line.replace("LOADING_FILE_NAME", packagePath) try: # this can fail in non UTF-8 uris line = line.replace("PLEASE_WAIT_LOAD", pleaseWaitLoad) except: pass outSplashFH.write(line) inSplashFH.close() outSplashFH.close()"packagePath: " + packagePath) launchBrowser(self.config, outSplashFile, "splash") shutil.copyfile(self.config.webDir + '/images/exe_logo.png', self.tempWebDir + '/exe_logo.png') package = self.packageStore.loadPackage(packagePath) port = self.config.port editorUrl = u'' % (port," " +"editorUrl: " + editorUrl)"TempDirPath: " + editorUrl) outSplashFH = open(outSplashData, "w") outSplashFH.write("1000;" + editorUrl) outSplashFH.close() self.webServer.root.bindNewPackage(package) return package except Exception, e: log.error('Error loading first Package (%s): %s' % (packagePath, e)) message = _(u'Sorry, wrong file format') outSplashFH=open(globals.application.tempWebDir + \ '/splash.dat',"w") message = re.sub(";", ":", message) port = self.config.port outSplashFH.write("1000;" + `port` + "/;" + \ message) outSplashFH.close() return None
class Application: """ Main application class, pulls together everything and runs it. """ def __init__(self): """ Initialize """ global application self.config = None self.packageStore = None self.ideviceStore = None self.packagePath = None self.webServer = None self.standalone = False # Used for the ready to run exe assert application is None, "You tried to instantiate two Application objects" application = self def main(self): """ Main function, starts eXe """ self.processArgs() self.loadConfiguration() self.preLaunch() self.launch()'serving') self.serve()'done serving') def processArgs(self): """ Processes the command line arguments """ try: options, packages = getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hV", ["help", "version", "standalone"]) except GetoptError: self.usage() sys.exit(2) if len(packages) == 1: self.packagePath = packages[0] elif len(packages) > 1: self.usage() sys.exit(2) for option in options: if option[0] in ("-V", "--version"): print "eXe", version.version sys.exit() elif option[0] in ("-h", "--help"): self.usage() sys.exit() elif option[0].lower() == '--standalone': self.standalone = True def loadConfiguration(self): """ Loads the config file and applies all the settings """ if self.standalone: from exe.engine.standaloneconfig import StandaloneConfig self.config = StandaloneConfig() elif sys.platform[:3] == "win": from exe.engine.winconfig import WinConfig self.config = WinConfig() elif sys.platform[:6] == "darwin": from exe.engine.macconfig import MacConfig self.config = MacConfig() else: from exe.engine.linuxconfig import LinuxConfig self.config = LinuxConfig() log.debug("logging set up") def preLaunch(self): """ Sets ourself up for running Needed for unit tests """ log.debug("preLaunch") self.packageStore = PackageStore() self.ideviceStore = IdeviceStore(self.config) self.ideviceStore.load() sys.path.append(self.config.configDir/'idevices') self.webServer = WebServer(self) def serve(self): """ Starts the web server, this func doesn't return until after the app has finished """ print "Welcome to eXe: the eLearning XHTML editor""eXe running...") def launch(self): """ launches the webbrowser """ if self.packagePath: package = self.packageStore.loadPackage(self.packagePath) log.debug("loading package " self.webServer.root.bindNewPackage(package) launchBrowser(self.config, else: launchBrowser(self.config, "") def usage(self): """ Print usage info """ print "Usage: "+os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])+" [OPTION] [PACKAGE]" print " -V, --version print version information and exit" print " -h, --help display this help and exit" print " --standalone Run totally from current directory" print "Settings are read from exe.conf " print "in $HOME/.exe on Linux/Unix or" print "in Documents and Settings/<user name>/Application Data/exe " print "on Windows"
class Application: """ Main application class, pulls together everything and runs it. """ def __init__(self): """ Initialize """ self.config = None self.packageStore = None self.ideviceStore = None self.packagePath = None self.webServer = None self.standalone = False # Used for the ready to run exe self.persistNonPersistants = False self.tempWebDir = mkdtemp('.eXe') self.afterUpgradeHandlers = [] assert globals.application is None, "You tried to instantiate two Application objects" globals.application = self def main(self): """ Main function, starts eXe """ self.processArgs() self.loadConfiguration() try: username = getpass.getuser() except ImportError: username = '' eXeStart = globals.application.tempWebDir eXeStart = re.sub("[\/|\\\\][^\/|\\\\]*$","",eXeStart) eXeStart = eXeStart + '/tmpExeStartupTime.' + username if os.path.exists(eXeStart): inStartFH=open(eXeStart, "r") lastRunTimeS = 0 for line in inStartFH: try: lastRunTimeS = int(line) except ValueError: lastRunTimeS = 0 inStartFH.close() log.debug('lastRunTimeS: ' + `lastRunTimeS`) currentTime = int (time.time()) currentTime2 = int (time.time())'currentTime: ' + `currentTime`) if(currentTime <= lastRunTimeS + 3 and currentTime >= lastRunTimeS): #self.xulMessage(_('eXe appears to already be running'))'eXe appears to already be running: <html:br/>lastRunTimes: ' + `lastRunTimeS` + '<html:br/> currentTime: ' + `currentTime` + '<html:br/>currentTime2: ' + `currentTime2`) return None else:'eXeStart: ' + eXeStart)'tempWebDir: ' + globals.application.tempWebDir) # if a document was double clicked to launch on Win32, # make sure we have the long pathname if sys.platform[:3] == "win" and self.packagePath is not None: self.packagePath = self.config.getLongPathName(self.packagePath) installSafeTranslate() self.preLaunch() # preLaunch() has called find_port() to set config.port (the IP port #) if self.config.port >= 0: self.launch()'serving') self.serve()'done serving') else: #self.xulMessage(_('eXe appears to already be running')) log.error('eXe appears to already be running') log.error('looks like the eXe server was not able to find a valid port; terminating...') shutil.rmtree(self.tempWebDir, True) try: os.remove(eXeStart) except OSError: pass def processArgs(self): """ Processes the command line arguments """ try: options, packages = getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hV", ["help", "version", "standalone"]) except GetoptError: self.usage() sys.exit(2) if len(packages) == 1: self.packagePath = packages[0] elif len(packages) > 1: self.usage() sys.exit(2) for option in options: if option[0] in ("-V", "--version"): print "eXe", version.version sys.exit() elif option[0] in ("-h", "--help"): self.usage() sys.exit() elif option[0].lower() == '--standalone': self.standalone = True def loadConfiguration(self): """ Loads the config file and applies all the settings """ if self.standalone: from exe.engine.standaloneconfig import StandaloneConfig self.config = StandaloneConfig() elif sys.platform[:3] == "win": from exe.engine.winconfig import WinConfig self.config = WinConfig() elif sys.platform[:6] == "darwin": from exe.engine.macconfig import MacConfig self.config = MacConfig() else: from exe.engine.linuxconfig import LinuxConfig self.config = LinuxConfig() log.debug("logging set up") def preLaunch(self): """ Sets ourself up for running Needed for unit tests """ log.debug("preLaunch") self.packageStore = PackageStore() self.ideviceStore = IdeviceStore(self.config) self.ideviceStore.load() # Make it so jelly can load objects from ~/.exe/idevices sys.path.append(self.config.configDir/'idevices') self.webServer = WebServer(self) # and determine the web server's port before launching the client, so it can use the same port#: self.webServer.find_port() def serve(self): """ Starts the web server, this func doesn't return until after the app has finished """ print "Welcome to eXe: the eLearning XHTML editor""eXe running...") def _loadPackage(self, packagePath): #""" #Convenience function for loading the first package that we'll browse to #""" try: #XXXX xxxx"webDir: " + self.config.webDir)"tempWebDir: " + self.tempWebDir) inSplashFile = self.config.webDir + "/docs/splash.xulTemplate" outSplashFile = self.config.webDir + "/docs/splash.xul" outSplashData = self.config.webDir + "/docs/splash.dat" outSplashFile = self.tempWebDir + "/splash.xul" outSplashData = self.tempWebDir + "/splash.dat""inSplashFile: " + inSplashFile)"outSplashFile: " + outSplashFile)"outSplashData: " + outSplashData) #resets any splash page data outSplashFH = open(outSplashData, "w") outSplashFH.write("") outSplashFH.close() inSplashFH = open(inSplashFile, "r") outSplashFH = open(outSplashFile, "w") pleaseWaitLoad = _(u'Please wait until loading finishes') for line in inSplashFH: line = line.replace("LOADING_FILE_NAME", packagePath) try: # this can fail in non UTF-8 uris line = line.replace("PLEASE_WAIT_LOAD", pleaseWaitLoad) except: pass outSplashFH.write(line) inSplashFH.close() outSplashFH.close()"packagePath: " + packagePath) launchBrowser(self.config, outSplashFile, "splash") shutil.copyfile(self.config.webDir + '/images/exe_logo.png', self.tempWebDir + '/exe_logo.png') package = self.packageStore.loadPackage(packagePath) port = self.config.port editorUrl = u'' % (port," ""editorUrl: " + editorUrl)"TempDirPath: " + editorUrl) outSplashFH = open(outSplashData, "w") outSplashFH.write("1000;" + editorUrl) outSplashFH.close() self.webServer.root.bindNewPackage(package) return package except Exception, e: log.error('Error loading first Package (%s): %s' % (packagePath, e)) message = _(u'Sorry, wrong file format') outSplashFH=open(globals.application.tempWebDir + \ '/splash.dat',"w") message = re.sub(";",":",message) port = self.config.port outSplashFH.write("1000;" + `port` + "/;" + \ message) outSplashFH.close() return None
class Application: """ Main application class, pulls together everything and runs it. """ def __init__(self): """ Initialize """ self.config = None self.ideviceStore = None self.packagePath = None self.webServer = None self.standalone = False # Used for the ready to run exe self.persistNonPersistants = False self.tempWebDir = mkdtemp('.eXe') self.afterUpgradeHandlers = [] assert globals.application is None, "You tried to instantiate two Application objects" globals.application = self def main(self): """ Main function, starts eXe """ self.processArgs() self.loadConfiguration() # if a document was double clicked to launch on Win32, # make sure we have the long pathname if sys.platform[:3] == "win" and self.packagePath is not None: self.packagePath = self.config.getLongPathName(self.packagePath) installSafeTranslate() self.preLaunch() # preLaunch() has called find_port() to set config.port (the IP port #) if self.config.port >= 0: reactor.callWhenRunning(self.launch)'serving') self.serve()'done serving') else: #self.xulMessage(_('eXe appears to already be running')) log.error('eXe appears to already be running') log.error('looks like the eXe server was not able to find a valid port; terminating...') shutil.rmtree(self.tempWebDir, True) def processArgs(self): """ Processes the command line arguments """ try: options, packages = getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hV", ["help", "version", "standalone"]) except GetoptError: self.usage() sys.exit(2) if len(packages) == 1: self.packagePath = packages[0] elif len(packages) > 1: self.usage() sys.exit(2) for option in options: if option[0] in ("-V", "--version"): print "eXe", version.version sys.exit() elif option[0] in ("-h", "--help"): self.usage() sys.exit() elif option[0].lower() == '--standalone': self.standalone = True def loadConfiguration(self): """ Loads the config file and applies all the settings """ if self.standalone: from exe.engine.standaloneconfig import StandaloneConfig self.config = StandaloneConfig() elif sys.platform[:3] == "win": from exe.engine.winconfig import WinConfig self.config = WinConfig() elif sys.platform[:6] == "darwin": from exe.engine.macconfig import MacConfig self.config = MacConfig() else: from exe.engine.linuxconfig import LinuxConfig self.config = LinuxConfig() log.debug("logging set up") def preLaunch(self): """ Sets ourself up for running Needed for unit tests """ log.debug("preLaunch") self.ideviceStore = IdeviceStore(self.config) self.ideviceStore.load() # Make it so jelly can load objects from ~/.exe/idevices sys.path.append(self.config.configDir/'idevices') self.webServer = WebServer(self, self.packagePath) # and determine the web server's port before launching the client, so it can use the same port#: self.webServer.find_port() def serve(self): """ Starts the web server, this func doesn't return until after the app has finished """ print "Welcome to eXe: the eLearning XHTML editor""eXe running...") def launch(self): """ launches the webbrowser """ if self.packagePath: try: package = Package.load(self.packagePath) self.webServer.root.package = package launchBrowser(self.config, except: self.webServer.root.packagePath = None launchBrowser(self.config, "") else: launchBrowser(self.config, "") def usage(self): """ Print usage info """ print "Usage: "+os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])+" [OPTION] [PACKAGE]" print " -V, --version print version information and exit" print " -h, --help display this help and exit" print " --standalone Run totally from current directory" print "Settings are read from exe.conf " print "in $HOME/.exe on Linux/Unix or" print "in Documents and Settings/<user name>/Application Data/exe " print "on Windows"
class Application: """ Main application class, pulls together everything and runs it. """ # Responsible for the execution of the functions upgrade_to_version_x # Upload version file to '2' # It is necessary to edit the value in each update if we want it to execute # the functions upgrade_to_version_x # They also run, obviously, if the 'configDir/version' file does not exist version = 2 def __init__(self): """ Initialize """ self.config = None self.ideviceStore = None self.packagePath = None self.webServer = None self.exeAppUri = None self.standalone = False # Used for the ready to run exe self.snap = False # Used for the Snap package self.portable = False # FM: portable mode self.persistNonPersistants = False self.tempWebDir = mkdtemp('.eXe') self.resourceDir = None self.afterUpgradeHandlers = [] self.preferencesShowed = False self.newVersionWarningShowed = False self.loadErrors = [] assert G.application is None, "You tried to instantiate two Application objects" G.application = self def main(self): """ Main function, starts eXe """ self.processArgs() self.loadConfiguration() installSafeTranslate() self.preLaunch() # preLaunch() has called find_port() to set config.port (the IP port #) self.exeAppUri = 'http://localhost:%d' % self.config.port self.upgrade() if self.config.port >= 0: reactor.callWhenRunning(self.launch)'serving') self.serve()'done serving') else: log.error('eXe appears to already be running') log.error( 'looks like the eXe server was not able to find a valid port; terminating...' ) shutil.rmtree(self.tempWebDir, True) def upgrade(self): """Execute all upgrade_to_version_X functions from stored version to actual version""" version_file = self.config.configDir / 'version' stored_version = 0 if version_file.exists(): # Try to read version from file, if that fails assume 0 try: stored_version = int(version_file.bytes()) except: stored_version = 0 # Execute upgrade_to_version_x (if they exist) until we reach current version for v in xrange(stored_version + 1, self.version + 1): method = getattr(Application, 'upgrade_to_version_%d' % v, None) if method: method(self) version_file.write_text(str(self.version)) def upgrade_to_version_1(self): """Hide experimental idevices"""'Upgrading to version 1') # Go through all iDevices and hide them if the category is Experimental or they are old iDevicesToHide = [ 'reflection', 'case study', 'image magnifier', 'wiki article', 'external web site', 'rss', 'java applet', 'reading activity', 'objectives', 'preknowledge', 'activity', 'free text' ] for idevice in self.ideviceStore.getIdevices(): lower_title = idevice._title.lower() if self.config.idevicesCategories.get(lower_title, '') == [ 'Experimental' ] or lower_title in iDevicesToHide: if lower_title not in self.config.hiddeniDevices: self.config.hiddeniDevices.append(lower_title) self.config.configParser.set('idevices', lower_title, '0') def upgrade_to_version_2(self): # In the update of version 2 we want to do the same as 'upgrade_to_version_1' # Old iDevices must be hidden again self.upgrade_to_version_1() def processArgs(self): """ Processes the command line arguments """ try: possibles_args = [ "help", "version", "standalone", "portable", "snap" ] options, packages = getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hV", possibles_args) except GetoptError: self.usage() sys.exit(2) log.debug('options: %s, packages: %s' % (options, packages)) if len(packages) == 1: self.packagePath = packages[0] elif len(packages) > 1: self.usage() sys.exit(2) for option in options: if option[0] in ("-V", "--version"): print "eXe", version.version sys.exit() elif option[0] in ("-h", "--help"): self.usage() sys.exit() elif option[0].lower() == '--standalone': self.standalone = True elif option[0].lower() == '--portable': self.standalone = True self.portable = True elif option[0].lower() == '--snap': self.snap = True def loadConfiguration(self): """ Loads the config file and applies all the settings """ if self.standalone: from exe.engine.standaloneconfig import StandaloneConfig configKlass = StandaloneConfig elif self.snap: from exe.engine.snapconfig import SnapConfig configKlass = SnapConfig elif sys.platform[:3] == "win": from exe.engine.winconfig import WinConfig configKlass = WinConfig elif sys.platform[:6] == "darwin": from exe.engine.macconfig import MacConfig configKlass = MacConfig else: from exe.engine.linuxconfig import LinuxConfig configKlass = LinuxConfig try: self.config = configKlass() except: configPath = configKlass.getConfigPath() backup = configPath + '.backup' configPath.move(backup) self.config = configKlass() self.loadErrors.append( _(u'An error has occurred when loading your config. A backup is saved at %s' ) % backup) log.debug("logging set up") def preLaunch(self): """ Sets ourself up for running Needed for unit tests """ log.debug("preLaunch") self.ideviceStore = IdeviceStore(self.config) try: self.ideviceStore.load() except: backup = self.config.configDir / 'idevices.backup' if backup.exists(): backup.rmtree() (self.config.configDir / 'idevices').move(backup) self.loadErrors.append( _(u'An error has occurred when loading your Idevice Store. A backup is saved at %s' ) % backup) self.ideviceStore.load() # Make it so jelly can load objects from ~/.exe/idevices sys.path.append(self.config.configDir / 'idevices') self.webServer = WebServer(self, self.packagePath) # and determine the web server's port before launching the client, so it can use the same port#: self.webServer.find_port() # Add missing mime types to Twisted for Windows File.contentTypes.update({ '.odt': 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text', '.odp': 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation', '.ods': 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet', '.docx': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document', '.pptx': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation', '.xlsx': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', '.elp': 'application/zip', '.webm': 'video/webm' }) def serve(self): """ Starts the web server, this func doesn't return until after the app has finished """ print "Welcome to eXe: the EXtremely Easy to use eLearning authoring tool""eXe running...") def launch(self): """ launches the webbrowser """ if self.packagePath: try: package = Package.load(self.packagePath) self.webServer.root.package = package launchBrowser(self.config, except: self.webServer.root.packagePath = None launchBrowser(self.config, "") else: launchBrowser(self.config, "") def usage(self): """ Print usage info """ self.loadConfiguration() print _( """eXeLearning, the EXtremely Easy to use eLearning authoring tool Usage: %s [OPTION] [PACKAGE] -V, --version print version information and exit -h, --help display this help and exit --standalone Run totally from current directory --portable Run in portable mode Settings are read from exe.conf in $HOME/.exe on Linux/Unix/Mac OS or in Documents and Settings/<user name>/Application Data/exe on Windows XP or Users/<user name>/AppData/Roaming/exe on Windows 7/8/10""") % os.path.basename( sys.argv[0])