コード例 #1
ファイル: deployment.py プロジェクト: sphilippot/vm5k
 def _set_vms_ip_mac(self):
     """Not finished """
     if isinstance(self.ip_mac, dict):
         i_vm = {site: 0 for site in self.sites}
         for vm in self.vms:
             vm_site = get_host_site(vm['host'])
             vm['ip'], vm['mac'] = self.ip_mac[vm_site][i_vm[vm_site]]
             i_vm[vm_site] += 1
         i_vm = 0
         for vm in self.vms:
             vm['ip'], vm['mac'] = self.ip_mac[i_vm]
             i_vm += 1
コード例 #2
ファイル: deployment.py プロジェクト: lpouillo/vm5k
 def _set_vms_ip_mac(self):
     """Not finished """
     if isinstance(self.ip_mac, dict):
         i_vm = {site: 0 for site in self.sites}
         for vm in self.vms:
             vm_site = get_host_site(vm['host'])
             vm['ip'], vm['mac'] = self.ip_mac[vm_site][i_vm[vm_site]]
             i_vm[vm_site] += 1
         i_vm = 0
         for vm in self.vms:
             vm['ip'], vm['mac'] = self.ip_mac[i_vm]
             i_vm += 1
コード例 #3
def get_hosts_jobs(hosts, walltime, out_of_chart=False):
    """Find the first slot when the hosts are available and return a
     list of jobs_specs

    :param hosts: list of hosts

    :param walltime: duration of reservation
    hosts = map(lambda x: x.address if isinstance(x, Host) else x, hosts)
    planning = get_planning(elements=hosts, out_of_chart=out_of_chart)
    limits = _slots_limits(planning)
    walltime = get_seconds(walltime)
    for limit in limits:
        all_host_free = True
        for site_planning in planning.itervalues():
            for cluster, cluster_planning in site_planning.iteritems():
                if cluster in get_g5k_clusters():
                    for host_planning in cluster_planning.itervalues():
                        host_free = False
                        for free_slot in host_planning['free']:
                            if free_slot[0] <= limit and free_slot[
                                    1] >= limit + walltime:
                                host_free = True
                        if not host_free:
                            all_host_free = False
        if all_host_free:
            startdate = limit
        logger.error('Unable to find a slot for %s', hosts)
        return None

    jobs_specs = []
    for site in planning.keys():
        site_hosts = map(get_host_longname,
                         filter(lambda h: get_host_site(h) == site, hosts))
        sub_res = "{host in ('" + "','".join(site_hosts) + "')}/nodes=" + str(
                                         reservation_date=startdate), site))

    return jobs_specs
コード例 #4
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: badock/vm5k
def get_hosts_jobs(hosts, walltime, out_of_chart=False):
    """Find the first slot when the hosts are available and return a
     list of jobs_specs

    :param hosts: list of hosts

    :param walltime: duration of reservation
    hosts = map(lambda x: x.address if isinstance(x, Host) else x, hosts)
    planning = get_planning(elements=hosts, out_of_chart=out_of_chart)
    limits = _slots_limits(planning)
    walltime = get_seconds(walltime)
    for limit in limits:
        all_host_free = True
        for site_planning in planning.itervalues():
            for cluster, cluster_planning in site_planning.iteritems():
                if cluster in get_g5k_clusters():
                    for host_planning in cluster_planning.itervalues():
                        host_free = False
                        for free_slot in host_planning['free']:
                            if free_slot[0] <= limit and free_slot[1] >= limit + walltime:
                                host_free = True
                        if not host_free:
                            all_host_free = False
        if all_host_free:
            startdate = limit
        logger.error('Unable to find a slot for %s', hosts)
        return None

    jobs_specs = []
    for site in planning.keys():
        site_hosts = map(get_host_longname,
                         filter(lambda h: get_host_site(h) == site,
        sub_res = "{host in ('" + "','".join(site_hosts) + "')}/nodes=" + str(len(site_hosts))
                                         reservation_date=startdate), site))

    return jobs_specs
コード例 #5
    def benchmark_metrics(self):
        nb_diet_success = 0
        nb_diet_error = 0
        nb_diet_nofound = 0
        bench_size = "regular"         
        log_repository = "/root/dietg/log/"
        servers = [host for host in self.servers]
        logger.info("Clear bench files")
        cmd = "rm "+log_repository+"/flops_watts.bench 2> /dev/null; "+"rm "+log_repository+"/conso.bench 2> /dev/null; "+"rm "+log_repository+"/flops.bench 2> /dev/null; "
        a = Remote(cmd, servers, connection_params = root_connection_params).run()
#         for s in a.processes:
#             pout = s.stdout
#         logger.debug(pout)
        # Initialise the clients
        clients = [self.clients]
        logger.info("Initialize client on node %s",clients)
        cmd = "cd "+sched_dir+"; make clean && make"
        a = Remote(cmd, clients, connection_params = root_connection_params).run()
        for s in a.processes:
            pout = s.stdout
        cmd = "cd /root/dietg/; ./set_client.sh"
        a = Remote(cmd, clients, connection_params = root_connection_params).run()
        for s in a.processes:
            pout = s.stdout
        logger.info("Another bench just started!")
        start = time.time()
        array_process = set()
        for x in range(len(self.servers)):
            cmd = "cd "+sched_dir+"; ./client_"+bench_size
            a = Remote(cmd, clients, connection_params = root_connection_params).start()
        for process in array_process:
            for s in process.processes:
                pout = s.stdout
                if "no server found" in pout:
                    nb_diet_nofound += 1
                elif "diet call error" in pout:
                    nb_diet_error += 1
                elif "diet call success" in pout:
                    nb_diet_success += 1
        logger.info("All the bench are terminated (success = %s) | (error =%s) | (no server found = %s)",str(nb_diet_success),str(nb_diet_error),str(nb_diet_nofound))
        end = time.time()
        makespan = end - start;
        if makespan < 5:
            logger.info("Benchmark has failed to execute! Another try will occur!")
            return False
        logger.info("Total makespan = %d",makespan)
        resolution = 15
        # Electric consumption_bench metrics / CONSO     
        logger.info("Retrieve consumption_bench per SeD")
        bench_file = "conso.bench"
        for sed in self.servers:
            self.consumption_bench[sed] = get_g5k_api_measures(sed, get_host_site(sed), "pdu", start, end, resolution)
            logger.debug("Electric Consumption of %s = %sW (%sJ)",sed,self.consumption_bench[sed],self.consumption_bench[sed]*makespan)
            with open(bench_file, "w") as file1:
            os.system("scp "+bench_file+" root@"+sed+":"+log_repository) #.g5k
        # Performance / FLOPS
        logger.info("Retrieve FLOPS per SeD")
        bench_file = "flops.bench"
        for sed in self.servers:
            self.flops_bench[sed] = get_host_attributes(sed)['performance']['node_flops'] 
            logger.debug("Flops Number of %s = %s",sed,self.flops_bench[sed])
            with open(bench_file, "w") as file1:
            os.system("scp "+bench_file+" root@"+sed+":"+log_repository+" > /dev/null")
        # Flops per Watts
        logger.info("Retrieve FLOPS/Watts per SeD")
        bench_file = "flops_watts.bench"
        for sed in self.servers:
            self.flops_watts_bench[sed] = self.flops_bench[sed] / self.consumption_bench[sed]
            logger.debug("flops_watt of %s = %s",sed,self.flops_watts_bench[sed])
            with open(bench_file, "w") as file1:
            os.system("scp "+bench_file+" root@"+sed+":"+log_repository+" > /dev/null")
        logger.info("Benchmark_metrics termine")
        return True
コード例 #6
 def retrieve_results(self,start,end):
     self.makespan = end - start;
     resolution = 15
     self.consumption["total"] = 0
     now = strftime("%d_%b_%H:%M", gmtime())
     folder_name = "results_"+self.oargrid_job_id+"_"+self.scheduler
     if not os.path.exists(folder_name):
     filename = "./"+folder_name+"/%s_%s.log" % (self.scheduler,self.oargrid_job_id)
     already_exists = True
     counter = 0
     while already_exists:
            with open(filename):
                already_exists = True
                counter += 1
                filename = "%s_%s_%s.log" % (self.scheduler,self.oargrid_job_id,str(counter))
         except IOError:
           already_exists = False
     # Increments counter to change file name
     file_results = filename
     with open(file_results, "a") as fichier_resultats:
         fichier_resultats.write("Use Rate = %s"%(str(self.useRate)))
         fichier_resultats.write("Exp Time = %s"%(str(self.exp_time)))
         logger.info("Retrieve consumption per SeD")
         for sed in self.servers:
             self.consumption[sed] = get_g5k_api_measures(sed, get_host_site(sed), "pdu", start, end, resolution)
             self.consumption["total"] += float(self.consumption[sed])
             logger.info("Electric Consumption of %s = %s",sed,self.consumption[sed])
             fichier_resultats.write("Electric Consumption of %s = %sW (%sJ)"%(sed,self.consumption[sed],self.consumption[sed]*self.makespan))
         logger.info("Retrieve consumption per MA")
         for MA in self.MA:
             self.consumption[MA] = get_g5k_api_measures(MA, get_host_site(MA), "pdu", start, end, resolution)
             self.consumption["total"] += float(self.consumption[MA])
             logger.info("Electric Consumption of %s = %s",MA,self.consumption[MA])
             fichier_resultats.write("Electric Consumption of %s = %sW (%sJ)"%(MA,self.consumption[MA],self.consumption[MA]*self.makespan))
         logger.info("Retrieve total consumption")
         logger.info("Electric Consumption of the architecture")
         print self.consumption["total"]
         fichier_resultats.write("Total consumption = %sW (%sJ)"%(self.consumption["total"],self.consumption["total"]*self.makespan))
         logger.info("Retrieve number of tasks per SeD")
         for host,task in self.nb_tasks.iteritems():
             logger.debug("%s : %d tasks",host,task)
             fichier_resultats.write("%s : %d tasks"%(host,task))
         logger.info("Retrieve SeD log files")
         nb_files = self.get_logs_from_server()
         logger.info("%s / %s files were retrieved",str(nb_files),str(len(self.servers)))
         logger.info("Retrieve total makespan")
         logger.info("Total makespan = %d",self.makespan)
         fichier_resultats.write("Total makespan = %s"%(self.makespan))
コード例 #7
ファイル: planning.py プロジェクト: msimonin/execo
def get_planning(elements=['grid5000'],
    """Retrieve the planning of the elements (site, cluster) and others resources.
    Element planning structure is ``{'busy': [(123456,123457), ... ], 'free': [(123457,123460), ... ]}.``

    :param elements: a list of Grid'5000 elements ('grid5000', <site>, <cluster>)

    :param vlan: a boolean to ask for KaVLAN computation

    :param subnet: a boolean to ask for subnets computation

    :param storage: a boolean to ask for sorage computation

    :param out_of_chart: if True, consider that days outside weekends are busy

    :param starttime: start of time period for which to compute the planning, defaults to now + 1 minute

    :param endtime: end of time period for which to compute the planning, defaults to 4 weeks from now

    :param ignore_besteffort: True by default, to consider the resources with besteffort jobs as available

    :param queues: list of oar queues for which to get the planning

    Return a dict whose keys are sites, whose values are dict whose keys
    are cluster, subnets, kavlan or storage,
    whose values are planning dicts, whose keys are hosts, subnet address range,
    vlan number or chunk id planning respectively.
    if not starttime:
        starttime = int(time() + timedelta_to_seconds(timedelta(minutes=1)))
    starttime = int(get_unixts(starttime))
    if not endtime:
        endtime = int(starttime +
                      timedelta_to_seconds(timedelta(weeks=4, minutes=1)))
    endtime = int(get_unixts(endtime))
    if 'grid5000' in elements:
        sites = elements = get_g5k_sites()
        sites = list(
            set([site for site in elements if site in get_g5k_sites()] + [
                get_cluster_site(cluster) for cluster in elements
                if cluster in get_g5k_clusters(queues=queues)
            ] + [
                for host in elements if host in get_g5k_hosts()
                or get_host_shortname(host) in get_g5k_hosts()
    if len(sites) == 0:
        logger.error('Wrong elements given: %s' % (elements, ))
        return None
    planning = {}
    for site in sites:
        planning[site] = {}
        for cluster in get_site_clusters(site, queues=queues):
            planning[site][cluster] = {}

    for site in sites:
        if vlan:
            planning[site].update({'vlans': {}})
        if subnet:
            planning[site].update({'subnets': {}})
        if storage:
            planning[site].update({'storage': {}})

    if _retrieve_method == 'API':
        _get_planning_API(planning, ignore_besteffort)
    elif _retrieve_method == 'PostgreSQL':
        _get_planning_PGSQL(planning, ignore_besteffort)

    if out_of_chart:
        _add_charter_to_planning(planning, starttime, endtime)

    for site_pl in planning.values():
        for res_pl in site_pl.values():
            for el_planning in res_pl.values():
                _trunc_el_planning(el_planning['busy'], starttime, endtime)
                _fill_el_planning_free(el_planning, starttime, endtime)

    # cleaning
    real_planning = deepcopy(planning)
    for site, site_pl in planning.items():
        for cl, cl_pl in site_pl.items():
            if cl in ['vlans']:
            keep_cluster = False
            for h in cl_pl:
                if not (get_host_site(h) in elements
                        or get_host_cluster(h) in elements
                        or get_host_shortname(h) in elements or h in elements):
                    del real_planning[site][cl][h]
                    keep_cluster = True
            if not keep_cluster:
                del real_planning[site][cl]

    return real_planning
コード例 #8
ファイル: planning.py プロジェクト: msimonin/execo
def get_jobs_specs(resources, excluded_elements=None, name=None):
    """ Generate the several job specifications from the dict of resources and
    the blacklisted elements

    :param resources: a dict, whose keys are Grid'5000 element and values the
      corresponding number of n_nodes

    :param excluded_elements: a list of elements that won't be used

    :param name: the name of the jobs that will be given
    jobs_specs = []
    if excluded_elements == None:
        excluded_elements = []

    # Creating the list of sites used
    sites = []
    real_resources = resources.copy()
    for resource in resources:
        if resource in get_g5k_sites() and resource not in sites:
        if resource in get_g5k_clusters(queues=None):
            if resource not in excluded_elements:
                site = get_cluster_site(resource)
                if site not in sites:
                if site not in real_resources:
                    real_resources[site] = 0

    # Checking if we need a Kavlan, a KaVLAN global or none
    get_kavlan = 'kavlan' in resources
    if get_kavlan:
        kavlan = 'kavlan'
        n_sites = 0
        for resource in real_resources:
            if resource in sites:
                n_sites += 1
            if n_sites > 1:
                kavlan += '-global'

    blacklisted_hosts = {}
    for element in excluded_elements:
        if element not in get_g5k_clusters(queues=None) + get_g5k_sites():
            site = get_host_site(element)
            if not 'site' in blacklisted_hosts:
                blacklisted_hosts[site] = [element]

    for site in sites:
        sub_resources = ''
        # Adding a KaVLAN if needed
        if get_kavlan:
            if not 'global' in kavlan:
                sub_resources = "{type='" + kavlan + "'}/vlan=1+"
                get_kavlan = False
            elif site in resources['kavlan']:
                sub_resources = "{type='" + kavlan + "'}/vlan=1+"
                get_kavlan = False

        base_sql = '{'
        end_sql = '}/'

        # Creating blacklist SQL string for hosts
        host_blacklist = False
        str_hosts = ''
        if site in blacklisted_hosts and len(blacklisted_hosts[site]) > 0:
            str_hosts = ''.join([
                "host not in ('" + get_host_longname(host) + "') and "
                for host in blacklisted_hosts[site]
            host_blacklist = True

        #Adding the clusters blacklist
        str_clusters = str_hosts if host_blacklist else ''
        cl_blacklist = False
        clusters_nodes = 0
        for cluster in get_site_clusters(site, queues=None):
            if cluster in resources and resources[cluster] > 0:
                if str_hosts == '':
                    sub_resources += "{cluster='" + cluster + "'}"
                    sub_resources += base_sql + str_hosts + "cluster='" + \
                        cluster + "'" + end_sql
                sub_resources += "/nodes=" + str(resources[cluster]) + '+'
                clusters_nodes += resources[cluster]
            if cluster in excluded_elements:
                str_clusters += "cluster not in ('" + cluster + "') and "
                cl_blacklist = True

        # Generating the site blacklist string from host and cluster blacklist
        str_site = ''
        if host_blacklist or cl_blacklist:
            str_site += base_sql
            if not cl_blacklist:
                str_site += str_hosts[:-4]
                str_site += str_clusters[:-4]
            str_site = str_site + end_sql

        if real_resources[site] > 0:
            sub_resources += str_site + "nodes=" + str(real_resources[site]) +\

        if sub_resources != '':
                                             name=name), site))

    return jobs_specs