def __init__(self, data_model): """ Iniital Setting :param data_model: Setting Slack Model. Slack Model has the a lot of paramater """ self.slack_channel = data_model.slack_channel = "" self.parameter = data_model.parameter_dict self.model_name = "../model_word_match/ChainerDialogue" self.generation_limit = 200 """ We confirm channel number """ self.chan = data_model.chan self.usr = data_model.user self.mecab_dict = data_model.mecab_dict self.Mecab = MeCab.Tagger("-Owakati -d %s" % self.mecab_dict) XP.set_library(False, 0) self.XP = XP wn_summary_list = APP_ROOT + '/../Data/wn_total_summary_51519_limit05_out_put_list.txt' self.input_module = InputFileCython(wn_summary_list) self.input_module.input_special_format_file() file_list = self.input_module.get_file_data() self.class_word_vector = self.__make_class_word_vector(file_list) self.sqlite_twitter_summary = SqliteTwitterSummary( self.class_word_vector) self.word_class_dict = self.sqlite_twitter_summary.make_class_word_dict( ) self.word_class = "" self.multi_train_execute = ExecuteAttentionDialogue() self.elastic_search = GetAnswer()
class SlackApp(): """ Slack Call app You preapre the chainer model, You execute the bellow command, you can play the dialogue app Example python """ def __init__(self, data_model): """ Iniital Setting :param data_model: Setting Slack Model. Slack Model has the a lot of paramater """ self.slack_channel = data_model.slack_channel = "" self.parameter = data_model.parameter_dict self.model_name = "../model_word_match/ChainerDialogue" self.generation_limit = 200 """ We confirm channel number """ self.chan = data_model.chan self.usr = data_model.user self.mecab_dict = data_model.mecab_dict self.Mecab = MeCab.Tagger("-Owakati -d %s" % self.mecab_dict) XP.set_library(False, 0) self.XP = XP wn_summary_list = APP_ROOT + '/../Data/wn_total_summary_51519_limit05_out_put_list.txt' self.input_module = InputFileCython(wn_summary_list) self.input_module.input_special_format_file() file_list = self.input_module.get_file_data() self.class_word_vector = self.__make_class_word_vector(file_list) self.sqlite_twitter_summary = SqliteTwitterSummary( self.class_word_vector) self.word_class_dict = self.sqlite_twitter_summary.make_class_word_dict( ) self.word_class = "" self.multi_train_execute = ExecuteAttentionDialogue() self.elastic_search = GetAnswer() def __make_class_word_vector(self, file_list): """ Make class word vector dict :param file_list: :return: """ class_word_vector = {} for file in file_list: self.input_module = InputFileCython( APP_ROOT + "/../Data/wn_total_summary_51519_limit05_out_put//" + file.strip()) self.input_module.input_special_format_file() if file.strip() not in class_word_vector: word_list = (list( map(lambda x: x.strip(), self.input_module.get_file_data()))) class_word_vector.update( {file.strip().replace("_summary.txt", ""): word_list}) return class_word_vector def call_method(self): """ Slack api call 1: read sentence 2: model return the sentence """ if self.slack_channel.rtm_connect(): while True: = self.slack_channel.rtm_read() self.__judge_print() time.sleep(1) else: print("connection Fail") def __judge_print(self): """ judge slack call for chainer Example: chainer:{your sentence} chainer return the sentence chainer_train:{your sentence} start train """ if len( >= 1 and "text" in[0]: input_text =[0]["text"] print(input_text) if "chainer:" in input_text: # predict if "?" in input_text or "?" in input_text: replace_input = re.sub("chainer:|\?", "", input_text.strip()) self.elastic_search.search_data(replace_input) if len(self.elastic_search.search_result) > 0: hyp_batch = self.elastic_search.search_result[0] print(hyp_batch) if hyp_batch["image"]: word = hyp_batch["image"] + "\n" + hyp_batch[ "title"] + "\n" + hyp_batch[ "abstract"] + "\n" + hyp_batch["url"] else: word = hyp_batch["title"] + "\n" + hyp_batch[ "abstract"] + "\n" + hyp_batch["url"] else: word = "No match" else: # input sentence src_batch = self.__input_sentence() hyp_batch = self.__predict_sentence(src_batch) word = ''.join(hyp_batch[0]).replace("</s>", "") # show predict word print( self.slack_channel.api_call("chat.postMessage", user=self.usr, channel=self.chan, text=word)) if "chainer_train" in[0]["text"]: self.__setting_parameter() self.__multi_train() def __multi_train(self): """ Call multi train """ self.multi_train_execute.train_mulit_model() def __input_sentence(self): """ return sentence for chainer predict """ text = self.__mecab_method([0]["text"].replace( "chainer:", "")) self.word_class = self.sqlite_twitter_summary.judge_class([0]["text"].replace("chainer:", "")) ## self.word_class = self.sqlite_twitter_summary.judge_class_wiki_vector([0]["text"].replace("chainer:", "")) data = [text] src_batch = [ x + ["</s>"] * (self.generation_limit - len(x) + 1) for x in data ] return src_batch def __predict_sentence(self, src_batch): """ predict sentence :param src_batch: get the source sentence :return: """ self.model_name = "../model_word_match/ChainerDialogue_" + self.word_class print(self.word_class) dialogue = EncoderDecoderModelAttention(self.parameter) src_vocab = Vocabulary.load(self.model_name + '.srcvocab') trg_vocab = Vocabulary.load(self.model_name + '.trgvocab') model = AttentionDialogue.load_spec(self.model_name + '.spec', self.XP) serializers.load_hdf5(self.model_name + '.weights', model) hyp_batch = dialogue.forward_implement(src_batch, None, src_vocab, trg_vocab, model, False, self.generation_limit) print(hyp_batch) return hyp_batch def __setting_parameter(self): """ setteing each patamater """ self.parameter["word2vec"] = self.model_name train_path = "../twitter/" self.parameter["source"] = train_path + "source_twitter_data.txt" self.parameter["target"] = train_path + "replay_twitter_data.txt" def __mecab_method(self, text): """ Call the mecab method :param text: user input text :return: """ mecab_text = self.Mecab.parse(text) return mecab_text.split(" ")